20 research outputs found

    S-DLCAM: A Self-Design and Learning Cooperative Agent Model for Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems

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    International audienceGiven the incomplete knowledge that an Adaptive Multi Agent System (AMAS) has on its dynamic environment, the detection and the correction of problems encountered called Non Cooperative Situations for the construction of the good behaviour of the AMAS agent can challenge even the most experienced designer. Our goal is to help the AMAS designer in his task by providing an agent behaviour able to self-design. In this paper, we propose a self-design and learning cooperative agent model

    Positionnement des systèmes multi-agents pour les systèmes de transport intelligents

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    National audienceThe use of new information and communication technologies has become a central solution to improve transport systems. What has led to which is called the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Societal challenges for ensuring their effective implementations are crucial both to respond to users needs, and to design sustainable transport systems. In this paper, we argue that multi-agent paradigm can address the needs of this domain. We introduce ITS, and we emphasize three main issues of ITS which are how to ensure its functionality, how to render it more "intelligent" despite constraints in scalability, and the ethical implications. Some selected research works are provided to illustrate these issuesL’utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication pour l’amélioration des systèmes de transport est une solution devenue centrale dans le domaine du transport. Le résultat est ce que l’on appelle les systèmes de transport intelligents (STI). Les enjeux sociétaux de leur mise en œuvre sont cruciaux en termes de réponse aux besoins des usagers mais également pour la conception de systèmes de transports durables. Dans ce papier, nous défendons l’idée que le paradigme multi-agent peut répondre aux besoins de ce domaine. Nous proposons ainsi de présenter le domaine des STI et de focaliser notre attention sur trois problématiques : la manière d’assurer sa fonctionnalité, la manière de le rendre plus « intelligent » malgré des contraintes de passage à l’échelle, et enfin ses conséquences éthiques. Quelques travaux de recherche illustrent notre propos

    The Complexity of Rational Synthesis

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    We study the computational complexity of the cooperative and non-cooperative rational synthesis problems, as introduced by Kupferman, Vardi and co-authors. We provide tight results for most of the classical omega-regular objectives, and show how to solve those problems optimally

    Control Architecture for Cooperative Mobile Robots using Multi-Agent based Coordination Approach

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    National audienceThis paper is about a Multi-Agent based solution to control and coordinate team-working mobile robots moving in unstructured environments. Two main contributions are considered in our approach. The rst contribution of this paper is about the Multi-Agents System to Control and Coordinate teAmworking Robots (MAS2CAR) architecture, a new architecture to control a group of coordinated autonomous robots in unstructured environments. MAS2CAR covers three main layers: (i) the Physical Layer (ii) the Control Layer and (iii) the Coordination Layer. The second contribution of this paper is about the multi-agent system (MAS) organisational models aiming to solve the key cooperation issues in the coordination layer, the software components designed based on Utopia a MAS framework which automatically build software agents, thanks to a multi-agent based organisational model called MoiseInst . We provide simulation results that exhibit robotics cooperative behavior related to our scenario, such as multi-robots navigation in presence of obstacles (including trajectory planning, and reactive aspects) via a hybrid control

    Using specialized agents in a distributed MAS to solve airline operations problems: a case study

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    An airline schedule very rarely operates as planned. Problems related with aircrafts, crew members and passengers are common and the actions towards the solution of these problems are usually known as operations recovery. The Airline Operations Control Center (AOCC) tries to solve these problems with the minimum cost and satisfying all the required rules. In this paper we present the implementation of a Distributed Multi-Agent System (MAS) representing the existing roles in an AOCC. This MAS has several specialized software agents that implement different algorithms, competing to find the best solution for each problem. We present a real case study where a crew recovery problem is solved We show that it is possible to find valid solutions, in less time and with a smaller cost

    Mechanism design for abstract argumentation

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    Schwerpunkt-Report über das Jahr ... / Wirtschaftsinformatik und Informationswirtschaft / Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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    Im Zentrum des Schwerpunktes stehen die Beschreibung, Erklärung und Gestaltung von Informationserstellungs- und -verarbeitungsprozessen, insbesondere soweit sie durch moderne Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken unterstützt werden. Diese Prozesse dienen zum einen der unmittelbaren Bedürfnisbefriedigung durch Information sowie zum anderen der Koordination physischer Wertschöpfung. Die schnelle Fortentwicklung der IuK-Systeme sowie die rasante Verbreitung ihrer Nutzung führen vielfach zu tief greifenden Veränderungen der Geschäftsabläufe und darüber hinaus des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Aufgabe des Schwerpunktes ist hierbei, die Nutzenpotenziale neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken sowie deren Anwendung insbesondere in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung zu analysieren und eigene Gestaltungsvorschläge zu unterbreiten. Dies gilt auch für die Gestaltung und Auswahl der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen von Informationserstellungs- und - verarbeitungsprozessen

    Approches environnement-centrées pour la simulation de systèmes multi-agents: Pour un déplacement de la complexité des agents vers l'environnement

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    This habilitation thesis synthesizes research works which are mainly related to the field of Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS). MABS is a general framework for modeling and experimenting with systems in which the dynamics emerges from local interactions among individuals (autonomous agents). Examples of use range from the study of natural systems (e.g. ant colonies, crowds or traffic jams) to the engineering of artificial ones (e.g., collective robotics, distributed artificial intelligence-based softwares). To this end, MABS modeling represents the behavior of individuals, their environment and interactions, so that global dynamics can be computed and studied from the bottom up. In this context, we have been investigating research on the theory and practice of MABS from two different perspectives : (1) the design of generic abstractions dedicated to the modeling of multi-agent dynamics (e.g., the IRM4S model) and (2) the engineering of MABS (MaDKit and TurtleKit platforms). Besides, we have been experimenting with MABS in different application domains such as image processing, video games, and collective robotics. Contrary to approaches that put the emphasis on the agent behaviors, all these works have been done by considering the environment of the agents as a first order abstraction. In this thesis, we first reflect upon the research we have conducted according to this perspective. Next, we show how we actually use this perspective to propose an original approach for using General-Purpose processing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) within MABS, and then present the research perspectives related to our positioning.Les travaux de recherche synthétisés dans ce mémoire s’inscrivent principalement dans le domaine de la modélisation et de la simulation de systèmes multi-agents (SMA). La simulation multi-agents met en œuvre des modèles où les individus, leur environnement et leurs interactions sont directement représentés. Dans ces modèles, chaque individu –agent autonome– possède son propre comportement et produit ses actions en fonction d’une perception locale de son environnement. Ainsi, la simulation multi-agents est utilisée pour étudier des systèmes naturels comme les colonies de fourmis, les dynamiques de foules ou le trafic urbain, mais aussi pour concevoir des systèmes artificiels, par exemple dans le cadre de la robotique collective ou le développement de logiciels basés sur de l’intelligence artificielle distribuée. Dans ce cadre, nos recherches ont porté sur des problématiques liées à la modélisation de simulations multi-agents, avec la proposition de modèles formels et conceptuels (e.g. le modèle IRM4S) et d’outils logiciels génériques (plates-formes MaDKit et TurtleKit), et sur leur utilisation dans divers domaines tels que le jeu vidéo, le traitement numérique de l’image ou la robotique collective. Contrairement aux approches centrées sur la conception des comportements individuels, dans ces travaux l’environnement des agents est considéré comme une abstraction de premier ordre. Dans ce mémoire, nous dressons tout d’abord un bilan de nos recherches en argumentant l’intérêt d’une telle démarche pour les modèles multi-agents. Nous montrons ensuite comment celle-ci nous a récemment permis de proposer une approche originale dans le cadre de l’utilisation du calcul haute performance sur carte graphique (GPGPU) pour la simulation de SMA, avant de présenter les perspectives de recherche associées à notre positionnement