22 research outputs found

    Modelling bio-compatible and bio-integrative medical devices

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    International audienceDeveloping and producing medical devices and healthcare systems is a crucial issue, both for the economy and for providing safe advances in healthcare delivery. We propose a taxonomy of medical human machine systems and we define classes of healthcare applications for identifying a number of approaches and to overcome difficulties of bio-compatibility and bio-integration. Our aim is to demonstrate how medical devices design, and more generally human-machine system concepts and epistemology, depend on our skills to think and conceptualize generally human system integration. We claim that it is necessary to reclaim these concepts for ensuring correct by construction medical devices bio-compatibility and biointegrative properties from the early stage of the design process

    Using the Semantic Grid to Build Bridges between Museums and Indigenous Communities

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    In this paper we describe a Semantic Grid application designed to enable museums and indigenous communities in distributed locations, to collaboratively discuss, describe, annotate and define the rights associated with objects in museums that originally belonged to or are of cultural or historical significance to indigenous groups. By extending and refining an existing application, Vannotea, we enable users on access grid nodes to collaboratively attach descriptive, rights and tribal care metadata and annotations to digital images, video or 3D representations. The aim is to deploy the software within museums to enable the traditional owners to describe and contextualize museum content in their own words and from their own perspectives. This sharing and exchange of knowledge will hopefully revitalize cultures eroded through colonization and globalization and repair and strengthen relationships between museums and indigenous communities

    A fast implementation of the Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm

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    Manuscript, http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/articles/cl2008.pd

    A hybrid approach

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    Costa-Mendes, R., Oliveira, T., Castelli, M., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2021). A machine learning approximation of the 2015 Portuguese high school student grades: A hybrid approach. Education and Information Technologies, 26(2), 1527-1547. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10316-yThis article uses an anonymous 2014–15 school year dataset from the Directorate-General for Statistics of Education and Science (DGEEC) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education as a means to carry out a predictive power comparison between the classic multilinear regression model and a chosen set of machine learning algorithms. A multilinear regression model is used in parallel with random forest, support vector machine, artificial neural network and extreme gradient boosting machine stacking ensemble implementations. Designing a hybrid analysis is intended where classical statistical analysis and artificial intelligence algorithms are blended to augment the ability to retain valuable conclusions and well-supported results. The machine learning algorithms attain a higher level of predictive ability. In addition, the stacking appropriateness increases as the base learner output correlation matrix determinant increases and the random forest feature importance empirical distributions are correlated with the structure of p-values and the statistical significance test ascertains of the multiple linear model. An information system that supports the nationwide education system should be designed and further structured to collect meaningful and precise data about the full range of academic achievement antecedents. The article concludes that no evidence is found in favour of smaller classes.publishersversionpublishe

    A semantic autonomous video surveillance system for dense camera networks in smart cities

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper presents a proposal of an intelligent video surveillance system able to detect and identify abnormal and alarming situations by analyzing object movement. The system is designed to minimize video processing and transmission, thus allowing a large number of cameras to be deployed on the system, and therefore making it suitable for its usage as an integrated safety and security solution in Smart Cities. Alarm detection is performed on the basis of parameters of the moving objects and their trajectories, and is performed using semantic reasoning and ontologies. This means that the system employs a high-level conceptual language easy to understand for human operators, capable of raising enriched alarms with descriptions of what is happening on the image, and to automate reactions to them such as alerting the appropriate emergency services using the Smart City safety network

    Termination of canonical context-sensitive rewriting and productivity of rewrite systems

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    [EN] Termination of programs, i.e., the absence of infinite computations, ensures the existence of normal forms for all initial expressions, thus providing an essential ingredient for the definition of a normalization semantics for functional programs. In lazy functional languages, though, infinite data structures are often delivered as the outcome of computations. For instance, the list of all prime numbers can be returned as a neverending stream of numerical expressions or data structures. If such streams are allowed, requiring termination is hopeless. In this setting, the notion of productivity can be used to provide an account of computations with infinite data structures, as it "captures the idea of computability, of progress of infinite-list programs" (B.A. Sijtsma, On the Productivity of Recursive List Definitions, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 11(4):633-649, 1989). However, in the realm of Term Rewriting Systems, which can be seen as (first-order, untyped, unconditional) functional programs, termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting (CSR) has been showed equivalent to productivity of rewrite systems through appropriate transformations. In this way, tools for proving termination of CSR can be used to prove productivity. In term rewriting, CSR is the restriction of rewriting that arises when reductions are allowed on selected arguments of function symbols only. In this paper we show that well-known results about the computational power of CSR are useful to better understand the existing connections between productivity of rewrite systems and termination of CSR, and also to obtain more powerful techniques to prove productivity of rewrite systems.Partially supported by the EU (FEDER), Spanish MINECO TIN 2013-45732-C4-1-P, and GV PROMETEOII/2015/013.Lucas Alba, S. (2015). Termination of canonical context-sensitive rewriting and productivity of rewrite systems. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 200:18-31. https://doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.200.2S183120

    Οπτική αναπαράσταση και αξιολόγηση ποιότητας αντικειμενοστρεφούς λογισμικού με χρήση διαδικτυακών εργαλείων

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    Πτυχιακή εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2018.Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές (σ. 48-49)ΠΤΥ ΕΠ 001/2018Η ραγδαία αύξηση τόσο της δημοφιλίας των αντικειμενοστρεφών έργων, της πολυπλοκότητας αυτών και των προγραμματιστών που εργάζονται ή συνεισφέρουν σε αυτά, μας τονίζει την σημαντικότητα εύρεσης λύσεων σε προβλήματα όπως είναι η κατανόηση μεγάλων ή παλιών συστημάτων λογισμικού αλλά και ο εύκολος έλεγχος της ποιότητας τους. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι όσο μεγαλώνει ένα έργο τόσο πιο δύσκολο είναι να διατηρηθεί ο έλεγχος και η κατανόηση πάνω σε αυτό από τους υπάρχοντες προγραμματιστές πόσο μάλλον από νέους προγραμματιστές που έρχονται σε επαφή μαζί του είτε για την ανάπτυξη του είτε για την συντήρηση του. Τα παραπάνω προβλήματα αποτελούν πήγες υψηλού κόστους είτε λόγο μειώσεις της παραγωγικότητας είτε λόγο τής δυσκολίας για συντήρηση συστημάτων με πολλά προβλήματα κακής σχεδίασης. Με γνώμονα τα παραπάνω η συγκεκριμένη εργασία προσφέρει την δυνατότητα για οπτική αναπαράσταση ενός οποιοδήποτε αντικειμενοστρεφούς έργου ανοιχτού λογισμικού σε μορφή γράφου ώστε να γίνονται ευκολά αντιληπτά τα διάφορα υποσυστήματα και οι σχέσεις μεταξύ τους. Ακόμη γίνεται συνδυαστική αναπαράσταση διαφόρων μετρικών ανάλυσης ποιότητας, κλιμακώνοντας το μέγεθός των κόμβων με βάση επιλεγμένων μετρικών, φιλτράροντας τούς με βάση συγκεκριμένες τιμές, είτε επιλέγοντας ποιοι κομβόι θα εμφανιστούν ανάλογα με το είδος της σχέσεις τους με τον επιλεγμένο κόμβο. Χρησιμοποιώντας τις παραπάνω δυνατότητες και με βάση τις αρχές της αντικειμενοστρεφούς σχεδίασης αναλύονται ακόμη στρατηγικές εντοπισμού προβλημάτων κακής σχεδίασης.Undoubtedly there is a rapid increase in the popularity of object-oriented projects along with their complexity, size and the programmers that work or contribute on them. This tendency emphasizes the importance of finding solutions in problems such as the understanding of large or legacy systems and the assurance of the project’s quality. This means that as the project grows, the more difficult it is for the developers to maintain the control and the understanding on it. The above problems result on high expenses either due to the lack of productivity or due to the increased effort that is expected for maintaining a system with many poor design problems. Driven by these problems and needs the main goal of this bachelor thesis is to offer a graph visualization of any object-oriented open source project in order for the various subsystems and the relations amongst them to be easily perceived. Furthermore, the representation includes various quality metrics for the project analysis, and you could scale the nodes according the selected metrics, filter the nodes based a specific value or even choose which nodes should appear based on their relation with a selected node. There are also detecting strategies that we could follow for bringing to the surface design problems, based on the above capabilities and the application of object-oriented principles