43 research outputs found

    Semi-Partitioned Scheduling of Dynamic Real-Time Workload: A Practical Approach Based on Analysis-Driven Load Balancing

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    Recent work showed that semi-partitioned scheduling can achieve near-optimal schedulability performance, is simpler to implement compared to global scheduling, and less heavier in terms of runtime overhead, thus resulting in an excellent choice for implementing real-world systems. However, semi-partitioned scheduling typically leverages an off-line design to allocate tasks across the available processors, which requires a-priori knowledge of the workload. Conversely, several simple global schedulers, as global earliest-deadline first (G-EDF), can transparently support dynamic workload without requiring a task-allocation phase. Nonetheless, such schedulers exhibit poor worst-case performance. This work proposes a semi-partitioned approach to efficiently schedule dynamic real-time workload on a multiprocessor system. A linear-time approximation for the C=D splitting scheme under partitioned EDF scheduling is first presented to reduce the complexity of online scheduling decisions. Then, a load-balancing algorithm is proposed for admitting new real-time workload in the system with limited workload re-allocation. A large-scale experimental study shows that the linear-time approximation has a very limited utilization loss compared to the exact technique and the proposed approach achieves very high schedulability performance, with a consistent improvement on G-EDF and pure partitioned EDF scheduling

    Semi-Partitioned Scheduling of Dynamic Real-Time Workload: A Practical Approach Based on Analysis-Driven Load Balancing

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    Recent work showed that semi-partitioned scheduling can achieve near-optimal schedulability performance, is simpler to implement compared to global scheduling, and less heavier in terms of runtime overhead, thus resulting in an excellent choice for implementing real-world systems. However, semi-partitioned scheduling typically leverages an off-line design to allocate tasks across the available processors, which requires a-priori knowledge of the workload. Conversely, several simple global schedulers, as global earliest-deadline first (G-EDF), can transparently support dynamic workload without requiring a task-allocation phase. Nonetheless, such schedulers exhibit poor worst-case performance. This work proposes a semi-partitioned approach to efficiently schedule dynamic real-time workload on a multiprocessor system. A linear-time approximation for the C=D splitting scheme under partitioned EDF scheduling is first presented to reduce the complexity of online scheduling decisions. Then, a load-balancing algorithm is proposed for admitting new real-time workload in the system with limited workload re-allocation. A large-scale experimental study shows that the linear-time approximation has a very limited utilization loss compared to the exact technique and the proposed approach achieves very high schedulability performance, with a consistent improvement on G-EDF and pure partitioned EDF scheduling

    Optimal Selection of Preemption Points to Minimize Preemption Overhead

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    A central issue for verifying the schedulability of hard real-time systems is the correct evaluation of task execution times. These values are significantly influenced by the preemption overhead, which mainly includes the cache related delays and the context switch times introduced by each preemption. Since such an overhead significantly depends on the particular point in the code where preemption takes place, this paper proposes a method for placing suitable preemption points in each task in order to maximize the chances of finding a schedulable solution. In a previous work, we presented a method for the optimal selection of preemption points under the restrictive assumption of a fixed preemption cost, identical for each preemption point. In this paper, we remove such an assumption, exploring a more realistic and complex scenario where the preemption cost varies throughout the task code. Instead of modeling the problem with an integer programming formulation, with exponential worst-case complexity, we derive an optimal algorithm that has a linear time and space complexity. This somewhat surprising result allows selecting the best preemption points even in complex scenarios with a large number of potential preemption locations. Experimental results are also presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in increasing the system schedulability

    A new approach for global synchronization in hierarchical scheduled real-time systems

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    We present our ongoing work to improve an existing synchronization protocol SIRAP for hierarchically scheduled real-time systems. A less pessimistic schedulability analysis is presented which can make the SIRAP protocol more efficient in terms of calculated CPU resource needs. In addition and for the same reason, an extended version of SIRAP is proposed, which decreases the interference from lower priority tasks. The new version of SIRAP has the potential to make the protocol more resource efficient than the original one

    A generic framework to integrate data caches in the WCET analysis of real-time systems

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    Worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis of systems with data caches is one of the key challenges in real-time systems. Caches exploit the inherent reuse properties of programs by temporarily storing certain memory contents near the processor, in order that further accesses to such contents do not require costly memory transfers. Current worst-case data cache analysis methods focus on specific cache organizations (set-associative LRU, locked, ACDC, etc.), most of the times adapting techniques designed to analyze instruction caches. On the other hand, there are methodologies to analyze the data reuse of a program, independently of the data cache. In this paper we propose a generic WCET analysis framework to analyze data caches taking profit of such reuse information. It includes the categorization of data references and their integration in an IPET model. We apply it to a conventional LRU cache, an ACDC, and other baseline systems, and compare them using the TACLeBench benchmark suite. Our results show that persistence-based LRU analyses dismiss essential information on data, and a reuse-based analysis improves the WCET bound around 17% in average. In general, the best WCET estimations are obtained with optimization level 2, where the ACDC cache performs 39% better than a set-associative LRU

    Optimal Selection of Preemption Points to Minimize Preemption Overhead

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    Abstract—A central issue for verifying the schedulability of hard real-time systems is the correct evaluation of task execution times. These values are significantly influenced by the preemption overhead, which mainly includes the cache related delays and the context switch times introduced by each preemption. Since such an overhead significantly depends on the particular point in the code where preemption takes place, this paper proposes a method for placing suitable preemption points in each task in order to maximize the chances of finding a schedulable solution. In a previous work, we presented a method for the optimal selection of preemption points under the restrictive assumption of a fixed preemption cost, identical for each preemption point. In this paper, we remove such an assumption, exploring a more realistic and complex scenario where the preemption cost varies throughout the task code. Instead of modeling the problem with an integer programming formulation, with exponential worst-case complexity, we derive an optimal algorithm that has a linear time and space complexity. This somewhat surprising result allows selecting the best preemption points even in complex scenarios with a large number of potential preemption locations. Experimental results are also presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in increasing the system schedulability.

    Analysis and implementation of the multiprocessor bandwidth inheritance protocol

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    The Multiprocessor Bandwidth Inheritance (M-BWI) protocol is an extension of the Bandwidth Inheritance (BWI) protocol for symmetric multiprocessor systems. Similar to Priority Inheritance, M-BWI lets a task that has locked a resource execute in the resource reservations of the blocked tasks, thus reducing their blocking time. The protocol is particularly suitable for open systems where different kinds of tasks dynamically arrive and leave, because it guarantees temporal isolation among independent subsets of tasks without requiring any information on their temporal parameters. Additionally, if the temporal parameters of the interacting tasks are known, it is possible to compute an upper bound to the interference suffered by a task due to other interacting tasks. Thus, it is possible to provide timing guarantees for a subset of interacting hard real-time tasks. Finally, the M-BWI protocol is neutral to the underlying scheduling policy: it can be implemented in global, clustered and semi-partitioned scheduling. After introducing the M-BWI protocol, in this paper we formally prove its isolation properties, and propose an algorithm to compute an upper bound to the interference suffered by a task. Then, we describe our implementation of the protocol for the LITMUS RT real-time testbed, and measure its overhead. Finally, we compare M-BWI against FMLP and OMLP, two other protocols for resource sharing in multiprocessor systems

    Design and analysis of target-sensitive real-time systems

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    A significant number of real-time control applications include computational activities where the results have to be delivered at precise instants, rather than within a deadline. The performance of such systems significantly degrades if outputs are generated before or after the desired target time. This work presents a general methodology that can be used to design and analyze target-sensitive applications in which the timing parameters of the computational activities are tightly coupled with the physical characteristics of the system to be controlled. For the sake of clarity, the proposed methodology is illustrated through a sample case study used to show how to derive and verify real-time constraints from the mission requirements. Software implementation issues necessary to map the computational activities into tasks running on a real-time kernel are also discussed to identify the kernel mechanisms necessary to enforce timing constraints and analyze the feasibility of the application. A set of experiments are finally presented with the purpose of validating the proposed methodology

    Cache Related Pre-emption Delays in Embedded Real-Time Systems

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    Real-time systems are subject to stringent deadlines which make their temporal behaviour just as important as their functional behaviour. In multi-tasking real-time systems, the execution time of each task must be determined, and then combined together with information about the scheduling policy to ensure that there are enough resources to schedule all of the tasks. This is usually achieved by performing timing analysis on the individual tasks, and then schedulability analysis on the system as a whole. In systems with cache, multiple tasks can share this common resource which can lead to cache-related pre-emption delays (CRPD) being introduced. CRPD is the additional cost incurred from resuming a pre-empted task that no longer has the instructions or data it was using in cache, because the pre-empting task(s) evicted them from cache. It is therefore important to be able to account for CRPD when performing schedulability analysis. This thesis focuses on the effects of CRPD on a single processor system, further expanding our understanding of CRPD and ability to analyse and optimise for it. We present new CRPD analysis for Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling that significantly outperforms existing analysis, and then perform the first comparison between Fixed Priority (FP) and EDF accounting for CRPD. In this comparison, we explore the effects of CRPD across a wide range of system and taskset parameters. We introduce a new task layout optimisation technique that maximises system schedulability via reduced CRPD. Finally, we extend CRPD analysis to hierarchical systems, allowing the effects of cache when scheduling multiple independent applications on a single processor to be analysed