17 research outputs found

    Efficient data intensive secure computation : fictional or real

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    Secure computation has the potential to completely reshape the cybersecruity landscape, but this will happen only if we can make it practical. Despite significant improvements recently, secure computation is still orders of magnitude slower than computation in the clear. Even with the latest technology, running the killer apps, which are often data intensive, in secure computation is still a mission impossible. In this paper, I present two approaches that could lead to practical data intensive secure computation. The first approach is by designing data structures. Traditionally, data structures have been widely used in computer science to improve performance of computation. However, in secure computation they have been largely overlooked in the past. I will show that data structures could be effective performance boosters in secure computation. Another approach is by using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). A common belief is that FHE is too inefficient to have any practical applications for the time being. Contrary to this common belief, I will show that in some cases FHE can actually lead to very efficient secure computation protocols. This is due to the high degree of internal parallelism in recent FHE schemes. The two approaches are explained with Private Set Intersection (PSI) as an example. I will also show the performance figures measured from prototype implementations

    Definitions for Plaintext-Existence Hiding in Cloud Storage

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    Cloud storage services use deduplication for saving bandwidth and storage. An adversary can exploit side-channel information in several attack scenarios when deduplication takes place at the client side, leaking information on whether a specific plaintext exists in the cloud storage. Generalising existing security definitions, we introduce formal security games for a number of possible adversaries in this domain, and show that games representing all natural adversarial behaviors are in fact equivalent. These results allow users and practitioners alike to accurately assess the vulnerability of deployed systems to this real-world concern

    P2KMV: A Privacy-preserving Counting Sketch for Efficient and Accurate Set Intersection Cardinality Estimations

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    In this paper, we propose P2KMV, a novel privacy-preserving counting sketch, based on the k minimum values algorithm. With P2KMV, we offer a versatile privacy-enhanced technology for obtaining statistics, following the principle of data minimization, and aiming for the sweet spot between privacy, accuracy, and computational efficiency. As our main contribution, we develop methods to perform set operations, which facilitate cardinality estimates under strong privacy requirements. Most notably, we propose an efficient, privacy-preserving algorithm to estimate the set intersection cardinality. P2KMV provides plausible deniability for all data items contained in the sketch. We discuss the algorithm's privacy guarantees as well as the accuracy of the obtained estimates. An experimental evaluation confirms our analytical expectations and provides insights regarding parameter choices

    Privacy-Preserving Search of Similar Patients in Genomic Data

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    The growing availability of genomic data holds great promise for advancing medicine and research, but unlocking its full potential requires adequate methods for protecting the privacy of individuals whose genome data we use. One example of this tension is running Similar Patient Query on remote genomic data: In this setting a doctor that holds the genome of his/her patient may try to find other individuals with ``close genomic data, and use the data of these individuals to help diagnose and find effective treatment for that patient\u27s conditions. This is clearly a desirable mode of operation. However, the privacy exposure implications are considerable, and so we would like to carry out the above ``closeness\u27\u27 computation in a privacy preserving manner. In this work we put forward a new approach for highly efficient secure computation for computing an approximation of the Similar Patient Query problem. We present contributions on two fronts. First, an approximation method that is designed with the goal of achieving efficient private computation. Second, further optimizations of the two-party protocol. Our tests indicate that the approximation method works well, it returns the exact closest records in 98% of the queries and very good approximation otherwise. As for speed, our protocol implementation takes just a few seconds to run on databases with thousands of records, each of length thousands of alleles, and it scales almost linearly with both the database size and the length of the sequences in it. As an example, in the datasets of the recent iDASH competition, after a one-time preprocessing of around 12 seconds, it takes around a second to find the nearest five records to a query, in a size-500 dataset of length-3500 sequences. This is 2-3 orders of magnitude faster than using state-of-the-art secure protocols with existing edit distance algorithms

    Decision procedures for path feasibility of string-manipulating programs with complex operations

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    The design and implementation of decision procedures for checking path feasibility in string-manipulating programs is an important problem, with such applications as symbolic execution of programs with strings and automated detection of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in web applications. A (symbolic) path is given as a finite sequence of assignments and assertions (i.e. without loops), and checking its feasibility amounts to determining the existence of inputs that yield a successful execution. Modern programming languages (e.g. JavaScript, PHP, and Python) support many complex string operations, and strings are also often implicitly modified during a computation in some intricate fashion (e.g. by some autoescaping mechanisms). In this paper we provide two general semantic conditions which together ensure the decidability of path feasibility: (1) each assertion admits regular monadic decomposition (i.e. is an effectively recognisable relation), and (2) each assignment uses a (possibly nondeterministic) function whose inverse relation preserves regularity. We show that the semantic conditions are expressive since they are satisfied by a multitude of string operations including concatenation, one-way and two-way finite-state transducers, replaceall functions (where the replacement string could contain variables), string-reverse functions, regular-expression matching, and some (restricted) forms of letter-counting/length functions. The semantic conditions also strictly subsume existing decidable string theories (e.g. straight-line fragments, and acyclic logics), and most existing benchmarks (e.g. most of Kaluza’s, and all of SLOG’s, Stranger’s, and SLOTH’s benchmarks). Our semantic conditions also yield a conceptually simple decision procedure, as well as an extensible architecture of a string solver in that a user may easily incorporate his/her own string functions into the solver by simply providing code for the pre-image computation without worrying about other parts of the solver. Despite these, the semantic conditions are unfortunately too general to provide a fast and complete decision procedure. We provide strong theoretical evidence for this in the form of complexity results. To rectify this problem, we propose two solutions. Our main solution is to allow only partial string functions (i.e., prohibit nondeterminism) in condition (2). This restriction is satisfied in many cases in practice, and yields decision procedures that are effective in both theory and practice. Whenever nondeterministic functions are still needed (e.g. the string function split), our second solution is to provide a syntactic fragment that provides a support of nondeterministic functions, and operations like one-way transducers, replaceall (with constant replacement string), the string-reverse function, concatenation, and regular-expression matching. We show that this fragment can be reduced to an existing solver SLOTH that exploits fast model checking algorithms like IC3. We provide an efficient implementation of our decision procedure (assuming our first solution above, i.e., deterministic partial string functions) in a new string solver OSTRICH. Our implementation provides built-in support for concatenation, reverse, functional transducers (FFT), and replaceall and provides a framework for extensibility to support further string functions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our new solver against other competitive solvers

    Analyzing Dynamic Code: A Sound Abstract Interpreter for evil eval

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    Dynamic languages, such as JavaScript, employ string-to-code primitives to turn dynamically generated text into executable code at run-time. These features make standard static analysis extremely hard if not impossible because its essential data structures, i.e., the control-flow graph and the system of recursive equations associated with the program to analyze, are themselves dynamically mutating objects. Nevertheless, assembling code at run-time by manipulating strings, such as by eval in JavaScript, has been always strongly discouraged since it is often recognized that \u201ceval is evil", leading static analyzers to not consider such statements or ignoring their effects. Unfortunately, the lack of formal approaches to analyze string-to-code statements pose a perfect habitat for malicious code, that is surely evil and do not respect good practice rules, allowing them to hide malicious intents as strings to be converted to code and making static analyses blind to the real malicious aim of the code. Hence, the need to handle string-to-code statements approximating what they can execute, and therefore allowing the analysis to continue (even in presence of dynamically generated program statements) with an acceptable degree of precision, should be clear. In order to reach this goal, we propose a static analysis allowing us to collect string values and to soundly over-approximate and analyze the code potentially executed by a string-to-code statement

    Lessons Learnt on Reproducibility in Machine Learning Based Android Malware Detection

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    A well-known curse of computer security research is that it often produces systems that, while technically sound, fail operationally. To overcome this curse, the community generally seeks to assess proposed systems under a variety of settings in order to make explicit every potential bias. In this respect, recently, research achievements on machine learning based malware detection are being considered for thorough evaluation by the community. Such an effort of comprehensive evaluation supposes first and foremost the possibility to perform an independent reproduction study in order to sharpen evaluations presented by approaches’ authors. The question Can published approaches actually be reproduced? thus becomes paramount despite the little interest such mundane and practical aspects seem to attract in the malware detection field. In this paper, we attempt a complete reproduction of five Android Malware Detectors from the literature and discuss to what extent they are “reproducible”. Notably, we provide insights on the implications around the guesswork that may be required to finalise a working implementation. Finally, we discuss how barriers to reproduction could be lifted, and how the malware detection field would benefit from stronger reproducibility standards—like many various fields already have

    Software Engineering 2021 : Fachtagung vom 22.-26. Februar 2021 Braunschweig/virtuell

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