15 research outputs found

    Boilerplates for reconfigurable systems: a language and its semantics

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    Boilerplates are simplified, normative English texts,intended to capture software requirements in a controlled way. This paper proposes a pallet of boilerplates as a requirements modelling language for reconfigurable systems, i.e., systems structured in different modes of execution among which they can dynamically commute. The language semantics is given as an hybrid logic, in an institutional setting. The mild use made of the theory of institutions, which, to a large extent, may be hidden from the working software engineer, not only provides a rigorous and generic semantics, but also paves the way to tool-supported validation.FC

    Behavioral institutions and refinements in generalized hidden logics

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    We investigate behavioral institutions and refinements in the context of the object oriented paradigm. The novelty of our approach is the application of generalized abstract algebraic logic theory of hidden heterogeneous deductive systems (called hidden k-logics) to the algebraic specification of object oriented programs. This is achieved through the Leibniz congruence relation and its combinatorial properties. We reformulate the notion of hidden k-logic as well as the behavioral logic of a hidden k-logic as institutions. We define refinements as hidden signature morphisms having the extra property of preserving logical consequence. A stricter class of refinements, the ones that preserve behavioral consequence, is studied. We establish sufficient conditions for an ordinary signature morphism to be a behavioral refinement. © J.UCS.FCT via UIM

    Behavioral equivalence of hidden k-logics: an abstract algebraic approach

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    This work advances a research agenda which has as its main aim the application of Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL) methods and tools to the specification and verification of software systems. It uses a generalization of the notion of an abstract deductive system to handle multi-sorted deductive systems which differentiate visible and hidden sorts. Two main results of the paper are obtained by generalizing properties of the Leibniz congruence — the central notion in AAL. In this paper we discuss a question we posed in [1] about the relationship between the behavioral equivalences of equivalent hidden logics. We also present a necessary and sufficient intrinsic condition for two hidden logics to be equivalent

    Architectural Refinement in HETS

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    The main objective of this work is to bring a number of improvements to the Heterogeneous Tool Set HETS, both from a theoretical and an implementation point of view. In the first part of the thesis we present a number of recent extensions of the tool, among which declarative specifications of logics, generalized theoroidal comorphisms, heterogeneous colimits and integration of the logic of the term rewriting system Maude. In the second part we concentrate on the CASL architectural refinement language, that we equip with a notion of refinement tree and with calculi for checking correctness and consistency of refinements. Soundness and completeness of these calculi is also investigated. Finally, we present the integration of the VSE refinement method in HETS as an institution comorphism. Thus, the proof manangement component of HETS remains unmodified

    Enterprise Modelling using Algebraic Graph Transformation - Extended Version

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    An analysis of today's situation at Credit Suisse has shown severe problems, because it is based on current best practices and ad-hoc modelling techniques to handle important aspects of security, risk and compliance. Based on this analysis we propose in this paper a new enterprise model which allows the construction, integration, transformation and evaluation of different organizational models in a big decentralized organization like Credit Suisse. The main idea of the new model framework is to provide small decentralized models and intra-model evaluation techniques to handle services, processes and rules separately for the business and IT universe on one hand and for human-centric and machine-centric concepts on the other hand. Furthermore, the new framework provides inter-modelling techniques based on algebraic graph transformation to establish the connection between different kinds of models and to allow integration of the decentralized models. In order to check for security, risk and compliance in a suitable way, our models and techniques are based on different kinds of formal methods. In this paper, we show that algebraic graph transformation techniques are useful not only for intra-modelling - using graph grammars for visual languages and graph constraints for requirements - but also for inter-modelling - using triple graph grammars for model transformation and integration. Altogether, we present the overall idea of our new model framework and show how to solve specific problems concerning intra- and inter-modelling as first steps. This should give evidence that our framework can also handle important other requirements for enterprise modelling in a big decentralized organization like Credit Suisse

    Behavioural reasoning for conditional equations

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    Object-oriented (OO) programming techniques can be applied to equational specification logics by distinguishing visible data from hidden data (that is, by distinguishing the output of methods from the objects to which the methods apply), and then focusing on the behavioural equivalence of hidden data in the sense introduced by H. Reichel in 1984. Equational specification logics structured in this way are called hidden equational logics, HELs. The central problem is how to extend the specification of a given HEL to a specification of behavioural equivalence in a computationally effective way. S. Buss and G. Roşu showed in 2000 that this is not possible in general, but much work has been done on the partial specification of behavioural equivalence for a wide class of HELs. The OO connection suggests the use of coalgebraic methods, and J. Goguen and his collaborators have developed coinductive processes that depend on an appropriate choice of a cobasis, which is a special set of contexts that generates a subset of the behavioural equivalence relation. In this paper the theoretical aspects of coinduction are investigated, specifically its role as a supplement to standard equational logic for determining behavioural equivalence. Various forms of coinduction are explored. A simple characterisation is given of those HELs that are behaviourally specifiable. Those sets of conditional equations that constitute a complete, finite cobasis for a HEL are characterised in terms of the HEL's specification. Behavioural equivalence, in the form of logical equivalence, is also an important concept for single-sorted logics, for example, sentential logics such as the classical propositional logic. The paper is an application of the methods developed through the extensive work that has been done in this area on HELs, and to a broader class of logics that encompasses both sentential logics and HELs. © 2007 Cambridge University Press.FCT via UIM

    Elements of Petri nets and processes

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    We present a formalism for Petri nets based on polynomial-style finite-set configurations and etale maps. The formalism supports both a geometric semantics in the style of Goltz and Reisig (processes are etale maps from graphs) and an algebraic semantics in terms of free coloured props: the Segal space of P-processes is shown to be the free coloured prop-in-groupoids on P. There is also an unfolding semantics \`a la Winskel, which bypasses the classical symmetry problems. Since everything is encoded with explicit sets, Petri nets and their processes have elements. In particular, individual-token semantics is native, and the benefits of pre-nets in this respect can be obtained without the need of numberings. (Collective-token semantics emerges from rather drastic quotient constructions \`a la Best--Devillers, involving taking π0\pi_0 of the groupoids of states.)Comment: 44 pages. The math is intended to be in reasonably final form, but the paper may well contain some misconceptions regarding the place of this material in the theory of Petri nets. All feedback and help will be greatly appreciated. v2: fixed a mistake in Section

    From symbolic constraint automata to Promela

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    In this paper, we study a subclass of constraint automata with local variables. The fragment denotes an executable subset of constraint automata for which synchronization and data constraints are expressed in an imperative guarded command style, instead of a denotational style as in the coordination language Reo. To demonstrate the executability property, we provide a translation scheme from symbolic constraint automata to Promela, the language of the model checker Spin. As a proof of concept, we model in Reo a software defined network circuit, and use the Spin model checker to verify that our model satisfies some temporal properties. (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Closure properties for the class of behavioral models

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    Hidden k-logics can be considered as the underlying logics of program specification. They constitute natural generalizations of k-deductive systems and encompass deductive systems as well as hidden equational logics and inequational logics. In our abstract algebraic approach, the data structures are sorted algebras endowed with a designated subset of their visible parts, called filter, which represents a set of truth values. We present a hierarchy of classes of hidden k-logics. The hidden k-logics in each class are characterized by three different kinds of conditions, namely, properties of their Leibniz operators, closure properties of the class of their behavioral models, and properties of their equivalence systems. Using equivalence systems, we obtain a new and more complete analysis of the axiomatization of the behavioral models. This is achieved by means of the Leibniz operator and its combinatorial properties. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.FCT via UIM

    UML consistency rules: a systematic mapping study

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    Context: The Unified Modeling Language (UML), with its 14 different diagram types, is the de-facto standard tool for objectoriented modeling and documentation. Since the various UML diagrams describe different aspects of one, and only one, software under development, they are not independent but strongly depend on each other in many ways. In other words, the UML diagrams describing a software must be consistent. Inconsistencies between these diagrams may be a source of the considerable increase of faults in software systems. It is therefore paramount that these inconsistencies be detected, ana