13 research outputs found

    WCET of OCaml Bytecode on Microcontrollers: An Automated Method and Its Formalisation

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    Considering the bytecode representation of a program written in a high-level programming language enables portability of its execution as well as a factorisation of various possible analyses of this program. In this article, we present a method for computing the worst-case execution time (WCET) of an embedded bytecode program fit to run on a microcontroller. Due to the simple memory model of such a device, this automated WCET computation relies only on a control-flow analysis of the program, and can be adapted to multiple models of microcontrollers. This method evaluates the bytecode program using concrete as well as partially unknown values, in order to estimate its longest execution time. We present a software tool, based on this method, that computes the WCET of a synchronous embedded OCaml program. One key contribution of this article is a mechanically checked formalisation of the aforementioned method over an idealised bytecode language, as well as its proof of correctness

    Best practice for caching of single-path code

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    Single-path code has some unique properties that make it interesting to explore different caching and prefetching alternatives for the stream of instructions. In this paper, we explore different cache organizations and how they perform with single-path code

    Design and Implementation of a Time Predictable Processor: Evaluation With a Space Case Study

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    Embedded real-time systems like those found in automotive, rail and aerospace, steadily require higher levels of guaranteed computing performance (and hence time predictability) motivated by the increasing number of functionalities provided by software. However, high-performance processor design is driven by the average-performance needs of mainstream market. To make things worse, changing those designs is hard since the embedded real-time market is comparatively a small market. A path to address this mismatch is designing low-complexity hardware features that favor time predictability and can be enabled/disabled not to affect average performance when performance guarantees are not required. In this line, we present the lessons learned designing and implementing LEOPARD, a four-core processor facilitating measurement-based timing analysis (widely used in most domains). LEOPARD has been designed adding low-overhead hardware mechanisms to a LEON3 processor baseline that allow capturing the impact of jittery resources (i.e. with variable latency) in the measurements performed at analysis time. In particular, at core level we handle the jitter of caches, TLBs and variable-latency floating point units; and at the chip level, we deal with contention so that time-composable timing guarantees can be obtained. The result of our applied study with a Space application shows how per-resource jitter is controlled facilitating the computation of high-quality WCET estimates

    Interference-Aware Schedulability Analysis and Task Allocation for Multicore Hard Real-Time Systems

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    [EN] There has been a trend towards using multicore platforms for real-time embedded systems due to their high computing performance. In the scheduling of a multicore hard real-time system, there are interference delays due to contention of shared hardware resources. The main sources of interference are memory, cache memory, and the shared memory bus. These interferences are a great source of unpredictability and they are not always taken into account. Recent papers have proposed task models and schedulability algorithms to account for this interference delay. The aim of this paper is to provide a schedulability analysis for a task model that incorporates interference delay, for both fixed and dynamic priorities. We assume an implicit deadline task model. We rely on a task model where this interference is integrated in a general way, without depending on a specific type of hardware resource. There are similar approaches, but they consider fixed priorities. An allocation algorithm to minimise this interference (Imin) is also proposed and compared with existing allocators. The results show how Imin has the best rates in terms of percentages of schedulability and increased utilisation. In addition, Imin presents good results in terms of solution times.This work was supported under Grant PLEC2021-007609 funded by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033 and by the "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR".Aceituno-Peinado, JM.; Guasque Ortega, A.; Balbastre, P.; Simó Ten, JE.; Crespo, A. (2022). Interference-Aware Schedulability Analysis and Task Allocation for Multicore Hard Real-Time Systems. Electronics. 11(9):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics1109131312111

    Optimal Dataflow Scheduling on a Heterogeneous Multiprocessor With Reduced Response Time Bounds

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    Heterogeneous computing platforms with multiple types of computing resources have been widely used in many industrial systems to process dataflow tasks with pre-defined affinity of tasks to subgroups of resources. For many dataflow workloads with soft real-time requirements, guaranteeing fast and bounded response times is often the objective. This paper presents a new set of analysis techniques showing that a classical real-time scheduler, namely earliest-deadline first (EDF), is able to support dataflow tasks scheduled on such heterogeneous platforms with provably bounded response times while incurring no resource capacity loss, thus proving EDF to be an optimal solution for this scheduling problem. Experiments using synthetic workloads with widely varied parameters also demonstrate that the magnitude of the response time bounds yielded under the proposed analysis is reasonably small under all scenarios. Compared to the state-of-the-art soft real-time analysis techniques, our test yields a 68% reduction on response time bounds on average. This work demonstrates the potential of applying EDF into practical industrial systems containing dataflow-based workloads that desire guaranteed bounded response times

    Détermination de propriétés de flot de données pour améliorer les estimations de temps d'exécution pire-cas

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    La recherche d'une borne supérieure au temps d'exécution d'un programme est une partie essentielle du processus de vérification de systèmes temps-réel critiques. Les programmes de tels systèmes ont généralement des temps d'exécution variables et il est difficile, voire impossible, de prédire l'ensemble de ces temps possibles. Au lieu de cela, il est préférable de rechercher une approximation du temps d'exécution pire-cas ou Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). Une propriété cruciale de cette approximation est qu'elle doit être sûre, c'est-à-dire qu'elle doit être garantie de majorer le WCET. Parce que nous cherchons à prouver que le système en question se termine en un temps raisonnable, une surapproximation est le seul type d'approximation acceptable. La garantie de cette propriété de sûreté ne saurait raisonnablement se faire sans analyse statique, un résultat se basant sur une série de tests ne pouvant être sûr sans un traitement exhaustif des cas d'exécution. De plus, en l'absence de certification du processus de compilation (et de transfert des propriétés vers le binaire), l'extraction de propriétés doit se faire directement sur le code binaire pour garantir leur fiabilité. Toutefois, cette approximation a un coût : un pessimisme - écart entre le WCET estimé et le WCET réel - important entraîne des surcoûts superflus de matériel pour que le système respecte les contraintes temporelles qui lui sont imposées. Il s'agit donc ensuite, tout en maintenant la garantie de sécurité de l'estimation du WCET, d'améliorer sa précision en réduisant cet écart de telle sorte qu'il soit suffisamment faible pour ne pas entraîner des coûts supplémentaires démesurés. Un des principaux facteurs de surestimation est la prise en compte de chemins d'exécution sémantiquement impossibles, dits infaisables, dans le calcul du WCET. Ceci est dû à l'analyse par énumération implicite des chemins ou Implicit Path Enumeration Technique (IPET) qui raisonne sur un surensemble des chemins d'exécution. Lorsque le chemin d'exécution pire-cas ou Worst-Case Execution Path (WCEP), correspondant au WCET estimé, porte sur un chemin infaisable, la précision de cette estimation est négativement affectée. Afin de parer à cette perte de précision, cette thèse propose une technique de détection de chemins infaisables, permettant l'amélioration de la précision des analyses statiques (dont celles pour le WCET) en les informant de l'infaisabilité de certains chemins du programme. Cette information est passée sous la forme de propriétés de flot de données formatées dans un langage d'annotation portable, FFX, permettant la communication des résultats de notre analyse de chemins infaisables vers d'autres analyses. Les méthodes présentées dans cette thèse sont inclues dans le framework OTAWA, développé au sein de l'équipe TRACES à l'IRIT. Elles usent elles-mêmes d'approximations pour représenter les états possibles de la machine en différents points du programme. Ce sont des abstractions maintenues au fil de l'analyse, et dont la validité est assurée par des outils de la théorie de l'interprétation abstraite. Ces abstractions permettent de représenter de manière efficace - mais sûre - les ensembles d'états pour une classe de chemins d'exécution jusqu'à un point du programme, et de détecter d'éventuels points du programme associés à un ensemble d'états possibles vide, traduisant un (ou plusieurs) chemin(s) infaisable(s). L'objectif de l'analyse développée, la détection de tels cas, est rendue possible par l'usage de solveurs SMT (Satisfiabilité Modulo des Théories). Ces solveurs permettent essentiellement de déterminer la satisfiabilité d'un ensemble de contraintes, déduites à partir des états abstraits construits. Lorsqu'un ensemble de contraintes, formé à partir d'une conjonction de prédicats, s'avère insatisfiable, aucune valuation des variables de la machine ne correspond à un cas d'exécution possible, et la famille de chemins associée est donc infaisable. L'efficacité de cette technique est soutenue par une série d'expérimentations sur divers suites de benchmarks, reconnues dans le domaine du WCET statique et/ou issues de cas réels de l'industrie. Des heuristiques sont configurées afin d'adoucir la complexité de l'analyse, en particulier pour les applications de plus grande taille. Les chemins infaisables détectés sont injectés sous la forme de contraintes de flot linéaires dans le système de Programmation Linéaire en Nombres Entiers ou Integer Linear Programming (ILP) pilotant le calcul final de l'analyse WCET d'OTAWA. Selon le programme analysé, cela peut résulter en une réduction du WCET estimé, et donc une amélioration de sa précision.The search for an upper bound of the execution time of a program is an essential part of the verification of real-time critical systems. The execution times of the programs of such systems generally vary a lot, and it is difficult, or impossible, to predict the range of the possible times. Instead, it is better to look for an approximation of the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). A crucial requirement of this estimate is that it must be safe, that is, it must be guaranteed above the real WCET. Because we are looking to prove that the system in question terminates reasonably quickly, an overapproximation is the only acceptable form of approximation. The guarantee of such a safety property could not sensibly be done without static analysis, as a result based on a battery of tests could not be safe without an exhaustive handling of test cases. Furthermore, in the absence of a certified compiler (and tech- nique for the safe transfer of properties to the binaries), the extraction of properties must be done directly on binary code to warrant their soundness. However, this approximation comes with a cost : an important pessimism, the gap between the estimated WCET and the real WCET, would lead to superfluous extra costs in hardware in order for the system to respect the imposed timing requirements. It is therefore important to improve the precision of the WCET by reducing this gap, while maintaining the safety property, as such that it is low enough to not lead to immoderate costs. A major cause of overestimation is the inclusion of semantically impossible paths, said infeasible paths, in the WCET computation. This is due to the use of the Implicit Path Enumeration Technique (IPET), which works on an superset of the possible execution paths. When the Worst-Case Execution Path (WCEP), corresponding to the estimated WCET, is infeasible, the precision of that estimation is negatively affected. In order to deal with this loss of precision, this thesis proposes an infeasible paths detection technique, enabling the improvement of the precision of static analyses (namely for WCET estimation) by notifying them of the infeasibility of some paths of the program. This information is then passed as data flow properties, formatted in the FFX portable annotation language, and allowing the communication of the results of our infeasible path analysis to other analyses. The methods hereafter presented are included in the OTAWA framework, developed in TRACES team at the IRIT lab. They themselves make use of approximations in order to represent the possible states of the machine in various program points. These approximations are abstractions maintained throughout the analysis, and which validity is ensured by abstract interpretation tools. They enable us to represent the set of states for a family of execution paths up to a given program point in an efficient - yet safe - way, and to detect the potential program points associated to an empty set of possible states, signalling one (or several) infeasible path(s). As the end goal of the developed analysis, the detection of such cases is made possible by the use of Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers. Those solvers are notably able to determine the satisfiability of a set of contraints, which we deduct from the abstract states. If a set of constraints, derived from a conjonction of predicates, is unsatisfiable, then there exists no valuation of the machine variables that match a possible execution case, and thus the associated infeasible paths are infeasible. The efficiency of this technique is asserted by a series of experiments on various benchmarks suites, some of which widely recognized in the domain of static WCET, some others derived from actual industrial applications. Heuristics are set up in order to soften the complexity of the analysis, especially for the larger applications. The detected infeasible paths are injected as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) linear data flow constraints in the final computation for the WCET estimation in OTAWA. Depending on the analysed program, this can result in a reduction of the estimated WCET, thereby improving its precision

    Enabling caches in probabilistic timing analysis

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    Hardware and software complexity of future critical real-time systems challenges the scalability of traditional timing analysis methods. Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) has recently emerged as an industrially-viable alternative technique to deal with complex hardware/software. Yet, MBPTA requires certain timing properties in the system under analysis that are not satisfied in conventional systems. In this thesis, we introduce, for the first time, hardware and software solutions to satisfy those requirements as well as to improve MBPTA applicability. We focus on one of the hardware resources with highest impact on both average performance and Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) in current real-time platforms, the cache. In this line, the contributions of this thesis follow three different axes: hardware solutions and software solutions to enable MBPTA, and MBPTA analysis enhancements in systems featuring caches. At hardware level, we set the foundations of MBPTA-compliant processor designs, and define efficient time-randomised cache designs for single- and multi-level hierarchies of arbitrary complexity, including unified caches, which can be time-analysed for the first time. We propose three new software randomisation approaches (one dynamic and two static variants) to control, in an MBPTA-compliant manner, the cache jitter in Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) processors in real-time systems. To that end, all variants randomly vary the location of programs' code and data in memory across runs, to achieve probabilistic timing properties similar to those achieved with customised hardware cache designs. We propose a novel method to estimate the WCET of a program using MBPTA, without requiring the end-user to identify worst-case paths and inputs, improving its applicability in industry. We also introduce Probabilistic Timing Composability, which allows Integrated Systems to reduce their WCET in the presence of time-randomised caches. With the above contributions, this thesis pushes the limits in the use of complex real-time embedded processor designs equipped with caches and paves the way towards the industrialisation of MBPTA technology.La complejidad de hardware y software de los sistemas críticos del futuro desafía la escalabilidad de los métodos tradicionales de análisis temporal. El análisis temporal probabilístico basado en medidas (MBPTA) ha aparecido últimamente como una solución viable alternativa para la industria, para manejar hardware/software complejo. Sin embargo, MBPTA requiere ciertas propiedades de tiempo en el sistema bajo análisis que no satisfacen los sistemas convencionales. En esta tesis introducimos, por primera vez, soluciones hardware y software para satisfacer estos requisitos como también mejorar la aplicabilidad de MBPTA. Nos centramos en uno de los recursos hardware con el máximo impacto en el rendimiento medio y el peor caso del tiempo de ejecución (WCET) en plataformas actuales de tiempo real, la cache. En esta línea, las contribuciones de esta tesis siguen 3 ejes distintos: soluciones hardware y soluciones software para habilitar MBPTA, y mejoras de el análisis MBPTA en sistemas usado caches. A nivel de hardware, creamos las bases del diseño de un procesador compatible con MBPTA, y definimos diseños de cache con tiempo aleatorio para jerarquías de memoria con uno y múltiples niveles de cualquier complejidad, incluso caches unificadas, las cuales pueden ser analizadas temporalmente por primera vez. Proponemos tres nuevos enfoques de aleatorización de software (uno dinámico y dos variedades estáticas) para manejar, en una manera compatible con MBPTA, la variabilidad del tiempo (jitter) de la cache en procesadores comerciales comunes en el mercado (COTS) en sistemas de tiempo real. Por eso, todas nuestras propuestas varían aleatoriamente la posición del código y de los datos del programa en la memoria entre ejecuciones del mismo, para conseguir propiedades de tiempo aleatorias, similares a las logradas con diseños hardware personalizados. Proponemos un nuevo método para estimar el WCET de un programa usando MBPTA, sin requerir que el usuario dentifique los caminos y las entradas de programa del peor caso, mejorando así la aplicabilidad de MBPTA en la industria. Además, introducimos la composabilidad de tiempo probabilística, que permite a los sistemas integrados reducir su WCET cuando usan caches de tiempo aleatorio. Con estas contribuciones, esta tesis empuja los limites en el uso de diseños complejos de procesadores empotrados en sistemas de tiempo real equipados con caches y prepara el terreno para la industrialización de la tecnología MBPTA

    Design and implementation of WCET analyses : including a case study on multi-core processors with shared buses

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    For safety-critical real-time embedded systems, the worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis — determining an upper bound on the possible execution times of a program — is an important part of the system verification. Multi-core processors share resources (e.g. buses and caches) between multiple processor cores and, thus, complicate the WCET analysis as the execution times of a program executed on one processor core significantly depend on the programs executed in parallel on the concurrent cores. We refer to this phenomenon as shared-resource interference. This thesis proposes a novel way of modeling shared-resource interference during WCET analysis. It enables an efficient analysis — as it only considers one processor core at a time — and it is sound for hardware platforms exhibiting timing anomalies. Moreover, this thesis demonstrates how to realize a timing-compositional verification on top of the proposed modeling scheme. In this way, this thesis closes the gap between modern hardware platforms, which exhibit timing anomalies, and existing schedulability analyses, which rely on timing compositionality. In addition, this thesis proposes a novel method for calculating an upper bound on the amount of interference that a given processor core can generate in any time interval of at most a given length. Our experiments demonstrate that the novel method is more precise than existing methods.Die Analyse der maximalen Ausführungszeit (Worst-Case-Execution-Time-Analyse, WCET-Analyse) ist für eingebettete Echtzeit-Computer-Systeme in sicherheitskritischen Anwendungsbereichen unerlässlich. Mehrkernprozessoren erschweren die WCET-Analyse, da einige ihrer Hardware-Komponenten von mehreren Prozessorkernen gemeinsam genutzt werden und die Ausführungszeit eines Programmes somit vom Verhalten mehrerer Kerne abhängt. Wir bezeichnen dies als Interferenz durch gemeinsam genutzte Komponenten. Die vorliegende Arbeit schlägt eine neuartige Modellierung dieser Interferenz während der WCET-Analyse vor. Der vorgestellte Ansatz ist effizient und führt auch für Computer-Systeme mit Zeitanomalien zu korrekten Ergebnissen. Darüber hinaus zeigt diese Arbeit, wie ein zeitkompositionales Verfahren auf Basis der vorgestellten Modellierung umgesetzt werden kann. Auf diese Weise schließt diese Arbeit die Lücke zwischen modernen Mikroarchitekturen, die Zeitanomalien aufweisen, und den existierenden Planbarkeitsanalysen, die sich alle auf die Kompositionalität des Zeitverhaltens verlassen. Außerdem stellt die vorliegende Arbeit ein neues Verfahren zur Berechnung einer oberen Schranke der Menge an Interferenz vor, die ein bestimmter Prozessorkern in einem beliebigen Zeitintervall einer gegebenen Länge höchstens erzeugen kann. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass das vorgestellte Berechnungsverfahren präziser ist als die existierenden Verfahren.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TR 14 (AVACS

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends

    Modular Avionics Software Integration on Multi-Core COTS : certification-Compliant Methodology and Timing Analysis Metrics for Legacy Software Reuse in Modern Aerospace Systems

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    Interference in multicores is undesirable for hard real-time systems and especially in the aerospace industry, for which it is mandatory to ensure beforehand timing predictability and deadlines enforcement in a system runtime behavior, in order to be granted acceptance by certification authorities. The goal of this thesis is to propose an approach for multi-core integration of legacy IMA software, without any hardware nor software modification, and which complies as much as possible to current, incremental certification and IMA key concepts such as robust time and space partitioning. The motivations of this thesis are to stick as much as possible to the current IMA software integration process in order to maximize the chances of acceptation by avionics industries of the contributions of this thesis, but also because the current process has long been proven efficient on aerospace systems currently in usage. Another motivation is to minimize the extra effort needed to provide certification authorities with timing-related verification information required when seeking approval. As a secondary goal depending on the possibilities, the contributions should offer design optimization features, and help reduce the time-to-market by automating some steps of the design and verification process. This thesis proposes two complete methodologies for IMA integration on multi-core COTS. Each of them offers different advantages and has different drawbacks, and therefore each of them may correspond to its own, complementary situations. One fits all avionics and certification requirements of incremental verification and robust partitioning and therefore fits up to DAL A applications, while the other offers maximum Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) optimization and fits either up to DAL C applications, multipartition applications or non-IMA applications. The methodologies are said to be "complete" because this thesis provides all necessary metrics to go through all steps of the software integration process. More specifically, this includes, for each strategy: - a static timing analysis for safely upper-bounding inter-core interference, and deriving the corresponding WCET upper-bounds for each task. - a Constraint Programming (CP) formulation for automated software/hardware allocation; the resulting allocation is correct by construction since the CP process embraces the proposed timing analysis mentioned earlier. - a CP formulation for automated schedule generation; the resulting schedule is correct by construction since the CP process embraces the proposed timing analysis mentioned earlier