167 research outputs found

    Regional Supply Chain Structure and Centralization of the Economy of Russia

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    This paper deals with the influence of the regional supply chain structure of the Russian economy on its evolution towards a market or plan. This influence is analyzed with the help of a two-sector model of the economic system. The logic of the two-sector model presupposes dividing the economy into resource-abundant and resource-insufficient sectors. The movement of the economy towards the market or towards the plan is determined by the proportion between these sectors. If we take the resource-abundant sector as a given, then the growth of the resource-insufficient causes the downturn of market institutions and the actualization of the plan institutions. Using the empirical material, the paper explores such elements of the resource-insufficient sector of Russia's regions as the presence of unprofitable enterprises, the production of social benefits, innovations, armament and investments. It is revealed that the actual distribution of these elements of the resource-insufficient sector by regions of Russia provides structural conditions for the functioning of the Russian economy in the market mode. However, if we consider the selected elements of the resource-insufficient sector not in fact, but in relation to a certain social norm, Russia, in the regional context, features a sharp gap and dispersion in innovation and production of social benefits. If these elements of the regional supply chain structure are brought into line with the norm, then taking into account the specific Russian infrastructure and the capital intensity factor, this will lead to a sharp increase in investments, and consequently a resource-insufficient sector. The growth of the resource-insufficient sector will, in accordance with the theoretical logic of the two-sector model, activate the plan institutes. Given that the Russian economy is the largest in the EEU, this will entail either the drift of the economy of the EEU towards the plan, or activate the processes of disintegration

    The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia – circuses instead of bread? OSW Commentary NUMBER 286 | 17.09.2018

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    The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia has become the most expensive World Cup in history, with its cost standing at more than US$ 13 billion. Russia gained new sports, transport and tourist infrastructure, and nearly 3 million foreign tourists came to the country to attend the matches. However, the investments and revenues connected with the tournament will have a minor impact on Russia’s GDP growth rate; at best they may contribute to an acceleration in the development of those regions (particularly the less affluent ones) that hosted the World Cup events. Predictably, the main beneficiary from the tournament’s organisation was President Putin’s business environment : companies controlled by Putin’s cronies won the main tenders for the construction of sports and transportation facilities

    Debt Policy for the Sustainable Development of Russian Regions and Megacities

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    Relevance. In recent years, the role of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) bonds has been rapidly growing in the world. ESGs are used to raise funds for programs for sustainable development of territories.Research objective. The paper studies the cases of Russian regions using green bonds and considers the prospects of this tool in the Russian context.Data and Methods. The analysis focuses on the debt indicators of Russian regions and related budgetary indicators based on open source data from the Ministry of Finance, the Treasury, and independent rating agencies. The methods of comparative and retrospective analysis are used to identify the state and features of regional debt policy.Results. Our analysis of the debt policy of Russian regions and megacities shows a low level of their activity in the stock market as issuers of bonds. This can be explained by the complexity of the system of subnational finances and the role of the Federation in preventing default situations, and therefore the priority use of budget loans. The city of Moscow was a pioneer in this matter in Russia. This determines the uniqueness of Moscow's experience in implementing debt policy.Conclusions. The expansion of the green bond practice will allow Russia to move forward in achieving the goals of ESG agenda, which, despite the large-scale sanctions imposed on Russia at the moment, still remains relevant

    Festival and Competition Movement as A Form of Development of Teacher’s and Student’s Dialogical Thinking

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    The relevance of the problem examined in the study is determined by the insufficient knowledge from the point of modern pedagogics of art about the widely spread and publicly recognized festival and competition movement which is aimed at identifying gifted children and promoting the aesthetic development of all children participating in festivals and competitions in various types of art. Following the priorities of modern education aimed at the formation of students’ independent thinking, creativity, tolerance, initiative, and communicability, the authors view the festival and competition movement as a form of development of dialogical thinking in teachers and students able to understand each other in the process of communicating on the topics of art, creativity, and social phenomena. The basis of the study is formed by the results of four children’s drawing competitions held by the Federal State Research Institution of the Russian Academy of Education “Institute of Art Education” in 2019-2020 which involved 30 educational institutions and over 3,000 drawings, as well as teachers’ reports and video and photographic recordings of the educational process and programs combining all types of participants’ artistic activity (musical, theatrical, literary, fine art, decorative, constructive, design) at the final stages of festivals and competitions. The dialogue of arts practiced in the process of children’s and teachers’ participation in the festival and competition movement is disclosed in the present article as a method of dialogical thinking development manifesting in creative activity that has a motive, a goal, a system of actions and operations, a result and control. The goal of the study is to identify the aesthetic and personal priorities of children and adolescents in various types of art that allow determining the optimal system of motives, goals, actions, and operation in the course of the dialogue between a teacher and a student on the topics of art, creativity, and social and cultural events. It is concluded that the festival and competition movement presents an effective form of development of teacher’s and student’s dialogical thinking under certain conditions, namely the reliance on the age-specific and individual characteristics of a child’s development, the formation of “I am the author” position in a child, and a teacher’s understanding of a student’s aesthetic and personal priorities

    Cluster policies of large cities in Russia and Kazakhstan

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    Relevance. Faced with globalization challenges, large modern cities need to develop their competitive advantages. One source of such advantages is clustering of urban economy. Questions dealing with cluster-based policies and classification of clusters operating on the regional and national levels have attracted much scholarly attention while there is still a research gap regarding urban cluster policies and comparison of city-based clusters.Research objective. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal framework of cluster policies in Russia and Kazakhstan and to describe the criteria for classification and comparison of city-based clusters.Data and methods. The study used methods of systemic and comparative analysis, formalized methods of analysis of regulatory acts. The selected criteria are universal and can be used for cluster analysis in different countries. We considered strategies for socio-economic development of large cities in Russia and Kazakhstan from the official websites of city administrations as well as the regulatory acts of specific cities.  Results.  In both countries, clusters play a significant role in the development strategies of territories. The Russian and Kazakh governments take similar measures to support cluster initiatives. The regulatory legal acts of both countries emphasize the allocation of subsidies and co-financing of regional programs and RD in clusters. The process of cluster creation in Russia started later than in Kazakhstan but was also more intensive. A popular specialization for clusters in both countries is information technologies and communications, which corresponds to the goals set by the national governments.Conclusions. In both countries, the number of clusters in large cities is increasing annually. Typically, clusters have 11-50 participants. In both countries, there are clusters of different specialization. Strategies for socio-economic development serve as the main documents for devising cluster policies of cities.The practical significance of the study is that it proposes an approach to classification and comparison of clusters that can be used in further analysis and for identification of cluster policy priorities

    Кластерная политика крупнейших городов (опыт России и Казахстана)

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    Received December 12, 2019; accepted February 5, 2020.Дата поступления 12 декабря 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 5 февраля 2020 г.Relevance. Faced with globalization challenges, large modern cities need to develop their competitive advantages. One source of such advantages is clustering of urban economy. Questions dealing with cluster-based policies and classification of clusters operating on the regional and national levels have attracted much scholarly attention while there is still a research gap regarding urban cluster policies and comparison of city-based clusters. Research objective. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal framework of cluster policies in Russia and Kazakhstan and to describe the criteria for classification and comparison of city-based clusters. Data and methods. The study used methods of systemic and comparative analysis, formalized methods of analysis of regulatory acts. The selected criteria are universal and can be used for cluster analysis in different countries. We considered strategies for socio-economic development of large cities in Russia and Kazakhstan from the official websites of city administrations as well as the regulatory acts of specific cities. Results. In both countries, clusters play a significant role in the development strategies of territories. The Russian and Kazakh governments take similar measures to support cluster initiatives. The regulatory legal acts of both countries emphasize the allocation of subsidies and co-financing of regional programs and R&D in clusters. The process of cluster creation in Russia started later than in Kazakhstan but was also more intensive. A popular specialization for clusters in both countries is information technologies and communications, which corresponds to the goals set by the national governments. Conclusions. In both countries, the number of clusters in large cities is increasing annually. Typically, clusters have 11-50 participants. In both countries, there are clusters of different specialization. Strategies for socio-economic development serve as the main documents for devising cluster policies of cities. The practical significance of the study is that it proposes an approach to classification and comparison of clusters that can be used in further analysis and for identification of cluster policy priorities.Актуальность. В современном мире, подверженном активным процессам глобализации, возрастает необходимость выявления конкурентных преимуществ городов. Одним из источников таких преимуществ является кластеризация городской экономики. При этом остается открытым вопрос классификации и сравнений кластеров, локализованных в разных городах и разных странах. Исходя из вышесказанного, актуальность исследования обуславливается необходимостью разработки системы критериев для классификации кластеров, позволяющей осуществлять межгородские и кросс-национальные сравнения. Цель исследования. Анализ нормативно-правового регулирования кластерной политики в крупнейших городах РФ и Республики Казахстан, предложение и апробация критериев для классификации кластеров, созданных в городах данного типа. Данные и методы. В исследовании использованы методы системного и сравнительного анализа, формализованные методы анализа нормативно-правовых актов. Предложен и обоснован выбор перечня критериев для классификации кластеров. Новизна авторского подхода состоит в универсальности отобранных критериев, возможности их использования для анализа кластеров в различных странах. Информационную базу исследования составили стратегии социально-экономического развития крупнейших городов России и Казахстана, представленные на официальных сайтах городских администраций. Эмпирической основой анализа послужили результаты исследований, проведенных в рамках НИР «Совершенствование политики государственного регулирования ускоренной кластеризации индустриальных регионов», выполняемой по грантовому финансированию Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан. Результаты. В ходе исследования был проведен анализ нормативно-правовых актов, составляющих основу кластерной политики в РФ и Республике Казахстан; изучен спектр услуг, оказываемых региональными центрами кластерного развития; установлены критерии для классификации кластеров в крупнейших городах, проведена классификация кластеров крупнейших городов РФ и Казахстана по заданным критериям. Выводы. На примере России и Казахстана были апробированы критерии для классификации кластеров, созданных в крупнейших городах. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в разработке подхода, позволяющего провести анализ и сравнение кластеров, созданных в крупнейших городах разных стран. Полученные в ходе классификации результаты могут быть использованы для выявления приоритетов кластерной политики на территории города

    Festival and Competition Movement as A Form of Development of Teacher’s and Student’s Dialogical Thinking

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    The relevance of the problem examined in the study is determined by the insufficient knowledge from the point of modern pedagogics of art about the widely spread and publicly recognized festival and competition movement which is aimed at identifying gifted children and promoting the aesthetic development of all children participating in festivals and competitions in various types of art. Following the priorities of modern education aimed at the formation of students’ independent thinking, creativity, tolerance, initiative, and communicability, the authors view the festival and competition movement as a form of development of dialogical thinking in teachers and students able to understand each other in the process of communicating on the topics of art, creativity, and social phenomena. The basis of the study is formed by the results of four children’s drawing competitions held by the Federal State Research Institution of the Russian Academy of Education “Institute of Art Education” in 2019-2020 which involved 30 educational institutions and over 3,000 drawings, as well as teachers’ reports and video and photographic recordings of the educational process and programs combining all types of participants’ artistic activity (musical, theatrical, literary, fine art, decorative, constructive, design) at the final stages of festivals and competitions. The dialogue of arts practiced in the process of children’s and teachers’ participation in the festival and competition movement is disclosed in the present article as a method of dialogical thinking development manifesting in creative activity that has a motive, a goal, a system of actions and operations, a result and control. The goal of the study is to identify the aesthetic and personal priorities of children and adolescents in various types of art that allow determining the optimal system of motives, goals, actions, and operation in the course of the dialogue between a teacher and a student on the topics of art, creativity, and social and cultural events. It is concluded that the festival and competition movement presents an effective form of development of teacher’s and student’s dialogical thinking under certain conditions, namely the reliance on the age-specific and individual characteristics of a child’s development, the formation of “I am the author” position in a child, and a teacher’s understanding of a student’s aesthetic and personal priorities

    Festival and Competition Movement as A Form of Development of Teacher’s and Student’s Dialogical Thinking

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    The relevance of the problem examined in the study is determined by the insufficient knowledge from the point of modern pedagogics of art about the widely spread and publicly recognized festival and competition movement which is aimed at identifying gifted children and promoting the aesthetic development of all children participating in festivals and competitions in various types of art. Following the priorities of modern education aimed at the formation of students’ independent thinking, creativity, tolerance, initiative, and communicability, the authors view the festival and competition movement as a form of development of dialogical thinking in teachers and students able to understand each other in the process of communicating on the topics of art, creativity, and social phenomena. The basis of the study is formed by the results of four children’s drawing competitions held by the Federal State Research Institution of the Russian Academy of Education “Institute of Art Education” in 2019-2020 which involved 30 educational institutions and over 3,000 drawings, as well as teachers’ reports and video and photographic recordings of the educational process and programs combining all types of participants’ artistic activity (musical, theatrical, literary, fine art, decorative, constructive, design) at the final stages of festivals and competitions. The dialogue of arts practiced in the process of children’s and teachers’ participation in the festival and competition movement is disclosed in the present article as a method of dialogical thinking development manifesting in creative activity that has a motive, a goal, a system of actions and operations, a result and control. The goal of the study is to identify the aesthetic and personal priorities of children and adolescents in various types of art that allow determining the optimal system of motives, goals, actions, and operation in the course of the dialogue between a teacher and a student on the topics of art, creativity, and social and cultural events. It is concluded that the festival and competition movement presents an effective form of development of teacher’s and student’s dialogical thinking under certain conditions, namely the reliance on the age-specific and individual characteristics of a child’s development, the formation of “I am the author” position in a child, and a teacher’s understanding of a student’s aesthetic and personal priorities

    Субъектность в решении проблем социально-экономического развития регионов РФ (по материалам дистанционного анализа открытых источников сети интернет)

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    Разработана систему показателей субъектности региона РФ относительно проблемы социально-экономического развития, позволяющаю делать замеры дистанционно на основе информации из открытых источников в сети интерне

    Imagens nacionais do mundo: componentes verbais e visuais da consciência linguística dos chineses e russos (no exemplo do conceito “feriado”)

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the verbal and visual components of the linguistic consciousness of the Chinese and Russians as components of the national image of the world. The study discusses various points of view on the concept “national image of the world”, and points to certain criteria for defining it. Various interpretations of the concept of human linguistic consciousness in modern linguistics are considered. The method of a drawing experiment was used. At the first stage of the experiment, students were asked to draw the first things that come to mind as a reaction to words and phrases that were obtained as reactions to a HOLIDAY stimulus at the stage of a previously conducted associative experiment. At the second stage, these drawings were shown to new respondents collected. They received the following task: to name the first five words that arise in the mind when looking at this picture. The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis that representatives of different nationalities have similarities in the main thematic groups of associates, but the ratio of these groups is different, which leads to a difference in conceptual fields.El propósito del estudio es analizar los componentes verbales y visuales de la conciencia lingüística de los chinos y rusos como componentes de la imagen nacional del mundo. El estudio discute varios puntos de vista sobre el concepto de “imagen nacional del mundo” y apunta a ciertos criterios para definirlo. Se consideran varias interpretaciones del concepto de conciencia lingüística humana en la lingüística moderna. Se utilizó el método de un experimento de dibujo. En la primera etapa del experimento, se pidió a los estudiantes que dibujaran las primeras cosas que les vienen a la mente como reacción a palabras y frases que se obtuvieron como reacciones a un estímulo HOLIDAY en la etapa de un experimento asociativo realizado previamente. En la segunda etapa, estos dibujos se mostraron a los nuevos encuestados recopilados. Recibieron la siguiente tarea: nombrar las primeras cinco palabras que surgen en la mente al mirar esta imagen. Los resultados del estudio confirmaron la hipótesis de que representantes de diferentes nacionalidades tienen similitudes en los principales grupos temáticos de asociados, pero la proporción de estos grupos es diferente, lo que conduce a una diferencia en los campos conceptuales.O objetivo do estudo é analisar os componentes verbais e visuais da consciência linguística de chineses e russos como componentes da imagem nacional do mundo. O estudo discute vários pontos de vista sobre o conceito “imagem nacional do mundo” e aponta alguns critérios para defini-lo. Várias interpretações do conceito de consciência linguística humana na linguística moderna são consideradas. O método de um experimento de desenho foi usado. No primeiro estágio do experimento, os alunos foram solicitados a desenhar as primeiras coisas que vêm à mente como uma reação a palavras e frases que foram obtidas como reações a um estímulo HOLIDAY no estágio de um experimento associativo conduzido anteriormente. Na segunda etapa, esses desenhos foram mostrados aos novos respondentes coletados. Eles receberam a seguinte tarefa: nomear as cinco primeiras palavras que surgem na mente ao olhar para esta imagem. Os resultados do estudo confirmaram a hipótese de que representantes de diferentes nacionalidades apresentam semelhanças nos principais grupos temáticos de associados, mas a proporção desses grupos é diferente, o que leva a uma diferença nos campos conceituais