1,174,739 research outputs found

    Herpesentsefaliit Eesti lastel aastatel 1993–2003

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    Herpesentsefaliit (HE) on harva esinev suure letaalsusega ja sageli invaliidistumist põhjustav haigus. HE haigestumus on 2–4 juhtu 1 000 000 inimese kohta aastas, sellest 30% diagnoositakse lastel. Töö eesmärgiks oli uurida Eesti laste HE haigestumust, võrrelda haiguse kliinilist pilti ja kulgu vastsündinutel ning vanematel lastel. Uurimuse tulemusena oli 1993.–2003. aastal lastel diagnoositud HE juhtude järgi HE haigestumus vastsündinutel 1 juht 15 000 elussünni kohta ja kuni 15aastastel lastel 1 juht 300 000 lapse kohta aastas. Haiguse kliinilises pildis esinesid erinevused vanuserühmade vahel. Vastsündinutel olid peamisteks haigussümptomiteks krambid, teadvushäire ja hingamishäired; vanematel lastel palavik, teadvushäire ja tasakaaluhäire. Eesti Arst 2004; 83(5): 286-29

    Cactus ecosystem goods and services

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    The Cactaceae family includes about 1 600 species native to America but disseminated worldwide. Opuntia is the most widely known genus in this family and O. ficus-indica (L.) Mill. is cultivated in more than 20 countries (Nefzaoui et al., 2014). Cacti are cultivated on 2.6 million ha across the world, and mostly used for forage or fodder: in Tunisia (600 000 ha), Mexico (230 000 ha) and Algeria (150 000 ha) (Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, 2006); in South Africa (525 000 ha) and Ethiopia (355 000 ha) (Reveles Hernández et al., 2010); in Brazil (> 600 000 ha) (Torres Sales, 2010); and in southern Morocco (90 000 ha) (Anegay and Boutoba, 2010). In Argentina, the cultivated area of cactus is estimated at 10 000 ha for forage and fruit production, with syrup as a secondary product (Dubeux et al., 2013); the area cultivated with Opuntia solely for fruit production was 2 000 ha in 2003 (Ochoa, 2006).Fil: Louhaichi, Mounir. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas; JordaniaFil: Nefzaoui, Ali. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas; TúnezFil: Guevara, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; Argentin

    Water vapour line assignments in the 9250-26 000 cm (-1) frequency range

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    Line parameters for water vapour in natural abundance have recently been determined for the 9250-13 000 cm(-1) region [M.-F. Wrienne, A. Jenouvrier, C. Hermans, A.C. Vandaele, M. Carleer, C. Clerbaux, P.-F. Coheur, R. Colin, S. Fally, M. Bach, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 82 (2003) 99] and the 13 000-26 000 cm(-1) region [P.-F. Coheur, S. Fally, M. Carleer, C. Clerbaux, R. Colin, A. Jenouvrier, M.-F. Wrienne, C. Hermans, A.C. Vandaele, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radial. Transfer 74 (2002) 493] using a high-resolution Fourier-transform spectrometer with a long-path absorption cell. These spectra are analysed using several techniques including variational line lists and assignments made. In total, over 15 000 lines were assigned to transitions involving more than 150 exited vibrational states of (H2O)-O-16. Twelve new vibrational band origins are determined and estimates for a further 16 are presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Recent occurrence of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, in Waikato lakes of New Zealand.

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    Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a toxin-producing species of cyanobacteria that in autumn 2003 was recorded for the first time in three shallow (max. depth ≤5 m) Waikato lakes and a hydro-electric dam on the Waikato River, New Zealand. It formed water blooms at densities >100 000 cells/ml in Lakes Waahi and Whangape. Net rates of population growth >0.2 day-1 were recorded for C. raciborskii in Lakes Ngaroto, Waahi, and Karapiro, based on comparisons of low numbers (detection of cells/ml) from initial samples and its presence at bloom densities (>15 000 cells/ml) in the subsequent sample "x"-"y" days later. C. raciborskii may be well adapted to rapid proliferation in the Waikato lakes, which are eutrophic to hypertrophic, with high light attenuation, and where nitrogen (N) fixation may provide it with a competitive advantage over non-nitrogen fixing algae under N-limited conditions

    The burden of diarrhoea, shigellosis, and cholera in North Jakarta, Indonesia: findings from 24 months surveillance

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    BACKGROUND: In preparation of vaccines trials to estimate protection against shigellosis and cholera we conducted a two-year community-based surveillance study in an impoverished area of North Jakarta which provided updated information on the disease burden in the area. METHODS: We conducted a two-year community-based surveillance study from August 2001 to July 2003 in an impoverished area of North Jakarta to assess the burden of diarrhoea, shigellosis, and cholera. At participating health care providers, a case report form was completed and stool sample collected from cases presenting with diarrhoea. RESULTS: Infants had the highest incidences of diarrhoea (759/1 000/year) and cholera (4/1 000/year). Diarrhea incidence was significantly higher in boys under 5 years (387/1 000/year) than girls under 5 years (309/1 000/year; p < 0.001). Children aged 1 to 2 years had the highest incidence of shigellosis (32/1 000/year). Shigella flexneri was the most common Shigella species isolated and 73% to 95% of these isolates were resistant to ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol and tetracycline but remain susceptible to nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, and ceftriaxone. We found an overall incidence of cholera of 0.5/1 000/year. Cholera was most common in children, with the highest incidence at 4/1 000/year in those less than 1 year of age. Of the 154 V. cholerae O1 isolates, 89 (58%) were of the El Tor Ogawa serotype and 65 (42%) were El Tor Inaba. Thirty-four percent of patients with cholera were intravenously rehydrated and 22% required hospitalization. V. parahaemolyticus infections were detected sporadically but increased from July 2002 onwards. CONCLUSION: Diarrhoea causes a heavy public health burden in Jakarta particularly in young children. The impact of shigellosis is exacerbated by the threat of antimicrobial resistance, whereas that of cholera is aggravated by its severe manifestations


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    poster abstractPrevious work has shown that both positive (PUR) and negative urgency (NUR) (tendency to act rashly in the face of extreme emotions), predict problematic alcohol consumption (Cyders et al., 2009), and that this relationship is mediated through enhancement and coping motives (Settles et al., 2010). Moreover, research shows that there is a negative relationship between risk and involvement, and that there is a positive relationship between benefit and involvement (Siegel et al., 1994). However, there has not been a lot of research done that looks at the moderational role of risk and perception benefit on the relationship between personality and alcohol, as well as motives and alcohol consumption. Thus, we hypothesize that (1) the relationship between PUR and NUR will be mediated by enhancement and coping motives (respectively); (2) the relationship between coping and enhancement motives and alcohol consumption will be moderated by perception of risk and benefit. 447 first year students participated in the study (75.3% female; mean age=21.02, SD=4.96), and the majority of the sample was Caucasian. We conducted a series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses (according to Cohen et al., 2003), as well as the moderated-mediation analyses (Preacher et al., 2007). Both NUR and PUR significantly predicted alcohol consumption (NUR: β=.330, p<.000; PUR: β=.317, p<.000), and this relationships were mediated by coping (β=.415, p<.000) and enhancement motives (β=.507, p<.000) respectively. The indirect relationship between PUR and alcohol, mediated through enhancement motives, was moderated through perception of benefit (t=2.03, p=.044) and risk (t= -2.67, p=.01) (benefit: from z=4.73, p=.000 when PUR is 1 SD below the mean to z=5.64, p=.000 when PUR is 1 SD above the mean; risk: from z= -1.04, p=.30 when PUR is 1 SD below the mean to z= -3.63, p=.000 when PUR is 1 SD above the mean), whereas only perception of benefit significantly moderated the indirect relationship between NUR and alcohol use (t=1.68, p=.09) mediated through coping motives (from z=3.96, p=.000 when PUR is 1 SD below the mean to z=5.62, p=.000 when PUR is 1 SD above the mean). Therefore, the mediational relationship between urgency and alcohol use through motives seem to be moderated by one’s perception of benefit and risk

    Aortic dissection in pregnancy in England : an incidence study using linked national databases

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    OBJECTIVES: To conduct the first population-level incidence study of aortic dissection in pregnancy using linked hospital-based data in England. SETTING: Hospital-based data (Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) linked with mortality data from the Office of National Statistics), national enquiries (Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Mortality) and surveys (UK Obstetric Surveillance System; UKOSS) of aortic dissection in pregnancy from 2003 to 2011 in England. PARTICIPANTS: Between 2003 and 2011, all female patients admitted with diagnoses of aortic dissection (not necessarily as the primary cause of admission) and of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium, were included. OUTCOME MEASURES: Diagnosis of aortic dissection during pregnancy, operated or not operated, with outcome of death or live patient from 2003 to 2011 in England. RESULTS: There were significant differences in characteristics of databases with respect to study population, time of study, recorded event and follow-up of outcomes. On the basis of HES, annual incidence of aortic dissection was 1.23 (95% CI 1.22 to 1.24) per 100 000 maternities. Incidence of aortic dissection with death within 1 year was 0.30 (0.29 to 0.31) per 100 000 maternities. Incidence of aortic dissection increased from 0.74 (0.73 to 0.75) per 100 000 maternities in 2003–2005 to 1.52 (1.51 to 1.53) per 100 000 maternities in 2009–2011. In the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths, incidence of deaths was highest for 2003–2005 (0.43/100 000 maternities) and lowest for 1997–1999 (0.21/100 000 maternities). In the UK Obstetric Surveillance System, national incidence of aortic dissection was 0.80 (0.50 to 1.50) per 100 000 maternities between 2009 and 2011. CONCLUSIONS: The case of aortic dissection in pregnancy illustrates data limitations regarding complications in pregnancy from different sources in the UK, even for a diagnosis with seemingly few alternative coding and diagnostic possibilities. These limitations should be acknowledged when estimating incidence and outcome

    An Empirical Decomposition of Near-IR Emission into Galactic and Extragalactic Components

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    We decompose the COBE/DIRBE observations of the near-IR sky brightness (minus zodiacal light) into Galactic stellar and interstellar medium (ISM) components and an extragalactic background. This empirical procedure allows us to estimate the 4.9 micron cosmic infrared background (CIB) as a function of the CIB intensity at shorter wavelengths. A weak indication of a rising CIB intensity at wavelengths > 3.5 micron hints at interesting astrophysics in the CIB spectrum, or warns that the foreground zodiacal emission may be incompletely subtracted. Subtraction of only the stellar component from the zodiacal-light-subtracted all-sky map reveals the clearest 3.5 micron ISM emission map, which is found to be tightly correlated with the ISM emission at far-IR wavelengths.Comment: 10 pages. 10 JPEG and PNG figures. Uses emulateapj5.sty. To appear in 2003, ApJ, 585, 000 (March 1, 2003

    Perencanaan Ulang Jalan Tol Mojokerto -Kertosono (Moker) Sesi II Pada STA 8+000 – 11+000 Menggunakan Perkerasan Kaku Metode AASHTO 1993 Dan Pd-T-14-2003

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    mempunyai peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia baik dalam ekonimi maupun sosial. Disisi lain pertumbuhan penduduk setiap tahunnya semakin meningkat, maka jalan mempunyai peranan penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan masyarakat baik sebagai akses perekonomian maupun sosial. Dalam perencanaan jalan kenyamanan dan keamanan jalan merupakan hal terpenting. Seperti pada perencanaan jalan Tol Mojokerto-Kertosono. Rencana pembangunan Jalan Tol Kertosono-Mojokerto (MOKER) merupakan program pemerintah untuk mengatasi pertumbuhan lalu lintas di kabupaten Mojokerto dan kabupaten Jombang yang mana Jalan Tol ini akan terhubung dengan Jalan Tol Surabaya- Mojokerto. Pada tugas akhir ini, perencanaan jalan tol MOKER dibatasi pada Sesi II STA 8+000-11+000. Perencanaan jalan tol memiliki beberapa tahapan yaitu pengumpulan data-data yang dibutuhkan, mengolah data lalu lintas, analisa geometrik, perencanaan tebal pekerasan jalan menggunakan metode AASTHO 1993 dan Pd-T-14-2003, perencanaan sambungan, perencanaan drainase dan gambar rencana. Hasil penghitungan perencanaan jalan Tol MOKER Sesi II STA 8+000 – 11+000 untuk analisa kapasitas jalan memenuhi persyaratan yaitu pada awal tahun rencana DS = 0,15 dan akhir umur rencana DS= 0,84 dengan syarat DS Rmin = 365 m dan Lc < 2 Tc. Sedangkan alinyemen vertikal memiliki kelandaian maksimal 3% (datar) maka untuk kelandaian <5% diasumsikan tidak terjadi lengkung cembung maupun lengkung cekung. Hasil perencanaan tebal perkerasaan untuk metode AASTHO 1993 sebesar 300 mm dan metode Pd-T-14-2003 sebesar 260 mm. Perbedaan perencanaan metode AASTHO 1993 dan Pd-T-14-2003 yaitu pada hitungan lalu lintas rencana, spesifikasi Jenis Kendaraan, parameter desain tebal perkerasan, tingkat perencanaan, analisa penerimaan desain, dan kondisi drainase. Tebal perkerasaan metode Pd-T-14-2003 sebagai acuan perencanaan sambungan. Dimensi perencanaan drainase tepi menggunakan tipe persegi dengan dimensi b= 1 m; h= 1 m, drainase tengah menggunakan tipe persegi dengan b= 0,5; h= 0,6. Total biaya yang dibutuhkan pada jalan Tol MOKER Sesi II STA 8+000 – 11+000 dengan acuan HSPK Mojokerto 2016 dan tebal perkerasan terpilih yaitu metode Pd-T-14-2003 dengan tebal perkerasan 290 mm sebesar Rp.,76. ======================================================================================================================== Road is one of the land connetor facility that has an important role in human’s life, for economy’s life as good as for social’s life. On the other hand, population growth for every year is increased, so the road has an important role for fulfilling the need of people, for economy’s access as well as social. On the planning of road, comfort and safety are very important. Just like the planning of Mojokerto-Kertosono Highway road. The plan of building the Mojokerto-Kertosono (MOKER) Highway is the government’s program to resolve the traffic growth’s of the kabupaten Mojokerto and kabupaten Jombang which is this highway will connected to Surabaya-Mojokerto Highway. In this final project, the planning of MOKER highway is limited between Section II STA. 8+000 - 11+000. The planning of highway has some stages that is collecting data that needed, processing the traffic data, geometric analysis, planning the thickness of the pavement using AASTHO 1993 and Pd-T-14-2003 methods, connector planning, drainage planning and the picture plan. The result of the calculation of the MOKER section II STA. 8+000 - 11+000 highway planning for road capacity analisis meet the requirement, which is the first year of planning DS = 0,15 and the end of life plan DS = 0,84 with the provision of DS Rmin = 365 m dan Lc < 2 Tc. While the vertical alignment has slopiness maximum 3% (flat) then for slopiness <5% asumed to not convex arcing occurs and convace either. The result of the planning thickness for AASTHO 1993 method is 300 mm and for Pd-T-14-2003 method is 260 mm. The difference calculation method between AASTHO 1993 and Pd-T-14-2003 is calculation traffic plan, vehicle specification, design pavement thickness parameter, planning level, design acceptment analysis and drainage condition. The thickness pavement of Pd-T-14-2003 method as reference to planning th connector. The planning dimention of the side drainage is using square type with b = 1 m; h = 1 m dimention, as well as the middle drainage using the square type with b = 0,5; h = 0,6 dimention. The total cost that needed on MOKER highway section II STA. 8+000 - 11+000 road with HSPK Mojokerto 2016 as reference and the selected thickness pavement method which is Pd-T-14-2003 with 290 mm thick is Rp.,76

    Prevalence of microcephaly in Europe:population based study

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    OBJECTIVESTo provide contemporary estimates of the prevalence of microcephaly in Europe, determine if the diagnosis of microcephaly is consistent across Europe, and evaluate whether changes in prevalence would be detected using the current European surveillance performed by EUROCAT (the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies).DESIGNQuestionnaire and population based observational study.SETTING24 EUROCAT registries covering 570 000 births annually in 15 countries.PARTICIPANTSCases of microcephaly not associated with a genetic condition among live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks' gestation, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly at any gestation.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURESPrevalence of microcephaly (1 Jan 2003-31 Dec 2012) analysed with random effects Poisson regression models to account for heterogeneity across registries.RESULTS16 registries responded to the questionnaire, of which 44% (7/16) used the EUROCAT definition of microcephaly (a reduction in the size of the brain with a skull circumference more than 3 SD below the mean for sex, age, and ethnic origin), 19% (3/16) used a 2 SD cut off, 31% (5/16) were reliant on the criteria used by individual clinicians, and one changed criteria between 2003 and 2012. Prevalence of microcephaly in Europe was 1.53 (95% confidence interval 1.16 to 1.96) per 10 000 births, with registries varying from 0.4 (0.2 to 0.7) to 4.3 (3.6 to 5.0) per 10 000 (X-2= 338, df= 23, I-2=93%). Registries with a 3 SD cut off reported a prevalence of 1.74 per 10 000 (0.86 to 2.93) compared with those with the less stringent 2 SD cut off of 1.21 per 10 000 (0.21 to 2.93). The prevalence of microcephaly would need to increase in one year by over 35% in Europe or by over 300% in a single registry to reach statistical significance (PCONCLUSIONSEUROCAT could detect increases in the prevalence of microcephaly from the Zika virus of a similar magnitude to those observed in Brazil. Because of the rarity of microcephaly and discrepant diagnostic criteria, however, the smaller increases expected in Europe would probably not be detected. Clear diagnostic criteria for microcephaly must be adopted across Europe.</p