388 research outputs found

    American strategic policy and Iranian political development 1943-1979

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    Annual report the South Carolina State Library July 1, 1978-June 30, 1979

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    The South Carolina State Library reports to the governor and the General Assembly and annual report that includes an organization chart, comparative summary of statistics, 1943-1979, report of programs of the State Library, directory of public libraries, colleges and institution, and institutional libraries, and library statistics 1973-1979

    Guide to the Linfield College Photograph Collection

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    This collection contains photographs, glass lantern and plastic slides, and film negatives depicting the many-layered facets of life at Linfield College on its McMinnville and Portland campuses. The photography features (without limit to): students, faculty and staff, commencements, guest speakers and performers, buildings, activities and clubs, athletics, the arts (studio and performance), residence life, social, and study scenes

    Guide to the Linfield College Photograph Collection

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    This collection contains photographs, glass lantern and plastic slides, and film negatives depicting the many-layered facets of life at Linfield College on its McMinnville and Portland campuses. The photography features (without limit to): students, faculty and staff, commencements, guest speakers and performers, buildings, activities and clubs, athletics, the arts (studio and performance), residence life, social, and study scenes


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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar trajetória dos jornais impressos de Roraima no recorte que vai da fundação do primeiro jornal local até a transformação de Roraima em Estado, a partir da seguinte periodização: jornalismo impresso durante o pertencimento de Roraima ao Estado do Amazonas (1914-1942), durante o período em que Roraima se transformou em território federal (1943-1979) e fase de consolidação da atividade impressa (1981-1989). Ele fará isso através da recuperação de acervos documentais e identificação de jornais e atores importantes na construção de uma cultura letrada regional em paralelo com a transformação política do Estado. Ao fazer semelhante levantamento, será possível reforçar hipóteses sobre porque são tão conflituosas as relações entre o estamento político regional e os canais impressos.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: História da imprensa; Roraima; História política; Mídia impressa; Boa Vista.     ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to analyze the trajectory of Roraima's printed newspapers in the cut that goes from the foundation of the first local newspaper to the transformation of Roraima into a state, from the following periodization: printed journalism during the Roraima's belonging to the State of Amazonas ( 1914-1942), during the period in which Roraima became federal territory (1943-1979) and the consolidation phase of printed activity (1981-1989). It will do this by recovering documentary collections and identifying newspapers and key players in building a regional literate culture in parallel with the political transformation of the state. By making such a survey, it will be possible to reinforce hypotheses as to why the relations between the regional political settlement and the print channels are so conflicting.   KEYWORDS: History of the press; Roraima; Political history; Print; Boa Vista.     RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la trayectoria de los periódicos impresos de Roraima en el corte que va desde la fundación del primer periódico local hasta la transformación de Roraima en un estado, desde la siguiente periodización: periodismo impreso durante la pertenencia de Roraima al Estado de Amazonas ( 1914-1942), durante el período en que Roraima se convirtió en territorio federal (1943-1979) y la fase de consolidación de la actividad impresa (1981-1989). Lo hará recuperando colecciones documentales e identificando periódicos y actores clave en la construcción de una cultura regional alfabetizada en paralelo con la transformación política del estado. Al realizar una encuesta de este tipo, será posible reforzar las hipótesis de por qué las relaciones entre el acuerdo político regional y los canales impresos son tan conflictivas.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Historia de la prensa; Roraima Historia política; Medios impresos; Boa Vista. &nbsp

    S.-h. odoljen Valeriana celtica (etimološka beleška)

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    The paper deals with the S.-Cr. phytonym odoljen being one of numerous botanical names that belong to the pre-Slavic phytonymic corpus, still without final etymological solution. The main research goals of this study are: a. “stocktaking” and identifi cation of the plants named odoljen, b. analyzing the phytonym odoljen (by which we mean the morphonological analysis and the analysis of semantic features of the name including also its morphonological and semantic variants), c. identifying its cognates in other Slavic languages, d. reconstructing the onomasiological procedure of the name-giver, i.e. a denominative motive which the name was constructed out of, and, fi nally, e. establishing principles and ways of nominations within previously determined group of realia by comparison the structures of their names with those of equivalent designators we meet in other languages, primarily in Greek and Latin. Such directed phytonomastical research implies an interdisciplinary approach to the defi ned goals (the knowledge about botanical taxonomy, history of medicine, herbal tradition, etc.).S.-h. fi tonim odoljen pripada opšteslovenskom fondu fi tonima i praslovenske je starine. Uopšteno je mišljenje da je ovo ime izvedeno od glagola odoleti bilo da se radi o kalku sa lat. valere koje je u lat. Valeriana ili je u pitanju nezavisno slovensko obrazovanje. Međutim, ikonimska struktura lat. ekvivalenta saliunca – ukoliko odbacimo nedovoljno potvrđenu Andreovu hipotezu o „travi Numinih igrača“ i pođemo od pretpostavke da se radi o složenici u čijem se prvom delu nalazi najverovatnije apelativ salum n. „široko, debelo more; morska pučina; more uopšte“ (up. lat. Salipotens), a u drugom reč koja ide u red zajedno sa lat. uncus m./adj., ungula „nokat; pandža; kopito“ i gr. ὄγκος „pregibak; kuka; parožak“, upućuje na mogućnost da se i u s.-h. odoljen može kriti ista ili slična konceptualizacija i organizacija sadržaja, naročito ako se imaju na umu ruska potvrda ovog imena sa inicijalnim v- сухой водолень Asarum europaeum, (pra) slovenski sinonimi izvedeni od osnove kozьl- (> *kozьlikъ ), te stvnem. nazivi hirsezgewege , hertes svrich „saliunca“. Razmišljanje u ovom pravcu opravdava i činjenica da se brojne slovenske ne samo morfonološke varijante ovog fi tonima nego i njihove semantičke realizacije ne mogu svesti na jednostavno izvođenje od glagola odoleti. Ovo kao i moguća druga tumačenja postanka srpsko-hrvatskog i latinskog fi tonima, tj. pokušaj detaljne rekonstrukcije nominacijskog procesa koji je doveo do formiranja s.-h. imena odoljen kao i lat. imena saliunca glavna je tema ovog rada

    Evidence for global runoff increase related to climate warming

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    Ongoing global climatic change initiated by the anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide is a matter of intense debate. We focus both on the impact of these climatic changes on the global hydrological cycle and on the amplitude of the increase of global and continental runoff over the last century, in relation to measured temperature increases. In this contribution, we propose an original statistical wavelet-based method for the reconstruction of the monthly discharges of worldwide largest rivers. This method provides a data-based approximation of the evolution of the annual continental and global runoffs over the last century. A consistent correlation is highlighted between global annual temperature and runoff, suggesting a 4% global runoff increase by 1 C global temperature rise. However, this global trend should be qualified at the regional scale where both increasing and decreasing trends are identified. North America runoffs appear to be the most sensitive to the recent climatic changes. Finally, this contribution provides the first experimental data-based evidence demonstrating the link between the global warming and the intensification of the global hydrological cycle. This corresponds to more intense evaporation over oceans coupled to continental precipitation increase or continental evaporation decrease. This process finally leads to an increase of the global continental runoff

    An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science

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    Prize Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 9, 1988.Theory of Markets;

    Top Incomes in Indonesia, 1920-2004

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    Using taxation and household survey data, this paper estimates top income shares for Indonesia during 1920-2004. Our results suggest that top income shares grew during the 1920s and 1930s, but fell in the post-war era. In more recent decades, we observe a sharp rise in top income shares during the late-1990s, coincident with the economic downturn, and some evidence that top income shares fell in the early-2000s. For pre-war Indonesia, we decompose top income shares by income source, and find that for groups below the top 0.5 percent, a majority of income was derived from wages. Throughout the twentieth century, top income shares in Indonesia have been higher than in India, broadly comparable to Japan, and somewhat lower than levels prevailing in the United States.inequality, top incomes, personal income taxation, Indonesia

    Design Exchanges in Mid-Twentieth Century Buenos Aires: The Programme Parque Almirante Brown and its Process of Creative Appropriation

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This article offers a critical analysis of planning and housing design in mid-twentieth century Buenos Aires, Argentina, within the wider global context of modern design and architecture. In particular, the article focuses on an urban development programme, Parque Almirante Brown (PAB), and on its design plans for slums, shantytowns and social housing. The PAB creatively intertwined elements from different design and planning traditions, including urban design approaches fostered by the Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM). This article argues that the way in which the PAB incorporated these approaches implies the selection of concepts that responded to the government’s political agenda. In other words, it was only through their intersection with local political anxieties that international ideas were included in the actual design of the programme. Specifically, with regard to informal settlements, the PAB followed modern architectural practices based on slum clearance. Simultaneously, it filtered out those ideas which celebrated the vernacular, registered positive aspects in slum life, or granted agency to grassroots groups. Thus, despite contemporaneous discussions which engaged with bottom-up participation, such as those of Team 10, the PAB ultimately proposed the eradication of the shantytowns and the forced displacement of their inhabitants