
Evidence for global runoff increase related to climate warming


Ongoing global climatic change initiated by the anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide is a matter of intense debate. We focus both on the impact of these climatic changes on the global hydrological cycle and on the amplitude of the increase of global and continental runoff over the last century, in relation to measured temperature increases. In this contribution, we propose an original statistical wavelet-based method for the reconstruction of the monthly discharges of worldwide largest rivers. This method provides a data-based approximation of the evolution of the annual continental and global runoffs over the last century. A consistent correlation is highlighted between global annual temperature and runoff, suggesting a 4% global runoff increase by 1 C global temperature rise. However, this global trend should be qualified at the regional scale where both increasing and decreasing trends are identified. North America runoffs appear to be the most sensitive to the recent climatic changes. Finally, this contribution provides the first experimental data-based evidence demonstrating the link between the global warming and the intensification of the global hydrological cycle. This corresponds to more intense evaporation over oceans coupled to continental precipitation increase or continental evaporation decrease. This process finally leads to an increase of the global continental runoff

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