555 research outputs found

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    Текст опубликован: Отечественные записки: литературный, политический и научный журнал. СПб., 1882. Т. 262, № 6, Отд. II. С. 300-320Без тит. л. и обложкиАвтор установлен по указателю В. Бограда "Отеч. Зап. 1868-1884". C. 325. № 321

    Thomas M. Cooley, Liberal Jurisprudence, and the Law of Libel, 1868-1884

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    During the past two decades, and especially since 1970, there has been a steadily growing interest in American legal history, including the work of nineteenth-century legal figures, including Thomas M.Cooley. Most scholars once dismissed Cooley as a simplistic apologist for laissez faire economics and late nineteenth-century capitalism. Recently, however, legal and constitutional historians have realized that his legal thought was much more complex. In part, this article seeks to extend recent work on Cooley and to examine his ideas and judicial opinions on freedom of expression and the law of libel. Cooley\u27s views about free expression, defamation law, and American journalism are excellent examples of the development and transformation of liberal ideas in the mid-to-late-nineteenth-century legal community. In addition, Cooley\u27s attempts to resolve the problems raised by some of the earliest mass media libel cases offer some historical perspective on recent efforts to sort out the conflicting issues and interests in political and public libel cases

    Thomas M. Cooley, Liberal Jurisprudence, and the Law of Libel, 1868-1884

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    During the past two decades, and especially since 1970, there has been a steadily growing interest in American legal history, including the work of nineteenth-century legal figures, including Thomas M.Cooley. Most scholars once dismissed Cooley as a simplistic apologist for laissez faire economics and late nineteenth-century capitalism. Recently, however, legal and constitutional historians have realized that his legal thought was much more complex. In part, this article seeks to extend recent work on Cooley and to examine his ideas and judicial opinions on freedom of expression and the law of libel. Cooley\u27s views about free expression, defamation law, and American journalism are excellent examples of the development and transformation of liberal ideas in the mid-to-late-nineteenth-century legal community. In addition, Cooley\u27s attempts to resolve the problems raised by some of the earliest mass media libel cases offer some historical perspective on recent efforts to sort out the conflicting issues and interests in political and public libel cases

    Local administration funding and regional disparities in Italy before WW1

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    Numerous studies have been made of regional differences in income and level of development in Italy, and these studies basically differ in the responses they give to the question of whether the said differences were already of a substantial nature prior to Unification, or whether in fact they have widened since then. The present essay is going to examine this problem by focusing on the local administrative system adopted after Italian Unification, in order to ascertain the existence of a different approach to public intervention at the local level, and thus to the existence of disparities in local public spending. The paper offers an analysis of the actual working of the post-Unification administrative system in Italy, in terms both of the powers attributed to Italy’s municipalities and provinces, and of the degree of autonomy they had in deciding on funding methods. This analysis aims to ascertain whether the chosen strategy could have been maintained in a state characterised by strong regional differences, and to establish the kind of impact such a strategy had on the regional differences themselves. The main conclusion is that in absence of any sort of automatic transfer from the more industrialized regions to the poor ones, the adoption of a decentralized tax system for the financing of local public expenditure contributed to the deepening of regional divide. As a consequence at the beginning of the 19th century the central government started to subsidize the poorest regions and little by little move towards a more centralized fiscal system.

    Elevation, pitch and travel axis stabilization of 3DOF helicopter with hybrid control system by GA-LQR based PID controller

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    This research work presents an efficient hybrid control methodology through combining the traditional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimal controlher. The proposed hybrid control approach is adopted to design three degree of freedom (3DOF) stabilizing system for helicopter. The gain parameters of the classic PID controller are determined using the elements of the LQR feedback gain matrix. The dynamic behaviour of the LQR based PID controller, is modeled and the formulated in state space form to enable utlizing state feedback controller technique. The performance of the proposed LQR based LQR controller is improved by using Genetic Algorithm optimization method which are adopted to obtain optimum values for LQR controller gain parameters. The LQR-PID hybrid controller is simulated using Matlab environment and its performance is evaluated based on rise time, settling time, overshoot and steady state error parameters to validate the proposed 3DOF helicopter balancing system. Based on GA tuning approach, the simulation results suggest that the hybrid LQR-PID controller can be effectively adopted to stabilize the 3DOF helicopter system

    Transición nutricional, bienestar y salud : el caso de una ciudad industrial, Alcoy (1852-1928)

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    El término transición nutricional describe el paso de una alimentación vegetariana, monótona, local e insuficiente a una dieta también vegetal basada en el consumo de cereales, legumbres y patatas, pero con mayor presencia de alimentos de origen animal, fruta, azúcar ygrasas vegetales. El objetivo del presente trabajo, que se enmarca dentro de la primera etapa de la transición nutricional, es el de analizar la composición de la dieta media de la ciudad de Alcoy, compararla con los requerimientos mínimos necesarios para cubrir las necesidades nutricionales básicas y profundizar en la relación que existe entre la evolución de la dieta y otros indicadores del bienestar como la estatura y la mortalidad durante la Revolución Industrial. Para ello se han reconstruido seis dietas para el periodo 1852-1928. Los resultados indican que el consumo de calorías, proteínas e hidratos de carbono aumentó de forma sostenida en Alcoy durante el periodo comprendido entre 1852 y 1928, iniciándose así la transición nutricional a mitad del siglo XIX. Tras comparar los indicadores sobre nutrición con dos indicadores del bienestar, como son la estatura y la mortalidad, se observa como el aumento del input nutricional bruto no siempre fue acompañado de un mayor aumento de talla y de un descenso en la mortalidad, al no lograrse aumentar el input nutricional neto a causa de las duras condiciones del trabajo infantil y adolescente y al aumento de la morbilidad ligado a la urban penalty causada por el hacinamiento, la falta de alcantarillado y el consumo de agua y alimentos en mal estado. No fue hasta finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, cuando se produjo el descenso de la mortalidad y el aumento de la estatura. Esto fue debido a unamejora cuantitativa de los salarios, al incremento de la oferta de alimentos y a la transición nutricional que la acompañó, al desarrollo de la ciencia de la nutrición y a la puesta en marcha de la reforma sanitaria, factores que permitieron mejorar los niveles de vida de la población y los indicadores del bienestar

    Low-dimensional hybrid perovskites containing an organic cation with an extended conjugated system : tuning the excitonic absorption features

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    Low-dimensional hybrid perovskites are receiving increased attention. One of the advantages of the low-dimensional hybrids over their 3D counterparts is their greater structural flexibility towards the incorporation of bigger, more complex, organic cations. In this communication, we introduce a pyrene derivative as an organic cation containing an extended pi-system for use in a variety of low-dimensional hybrids. We show that materials with different excitonic absorption features can be obtained by tuning the iodide/lead ratio in the precursor solutions, using the same pyrene cation. In this way, hybrids with optical characteristics corresponding to 2D, 1D and 0D hybrid perovskites are obtained. The formation and thermal stability of the different hybrids is analysed and compared


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    When reporting on extreme weather conditions in the city of Rijeka (former Fiume), it is often specified „ ... since the beginning of measurements in 1948“. In reality the modern meteorological measurements in Fiume had started already in 1868, when the Austrian Imperial Academy of Science established the meteorological station. The station was operating at the Naval Academy, under the supervision of prof. dr. Emil Stahlberger, the first university professor of physics in Fiume (Rijeka). The following year the station was equipped with mareograph (marigraph/tide gauge). Based on three years measurements, prof. Stahlberger published the first book on tides in the Rijeka bay (Ueber die Ebbe und Flut in der Rhede von Fiume). After his sudden death, Prof. Peter Salcher, his succesor at the Physics chair at the Naval academy, took charge of the Meteorological station. In 1884. He published the book entitled Climate in Rijeka and Opatija (Das Klima von Fiume und Abbazia). The meteorological data in the book are presented in the very same way as it is done today, and therefore these data can be used for comparative purposes regarding climate variations/ changes.U medijima se često može čuti o ekstremnim vremenskim uvjetima u Rijeci od početka mjerenja 1948. godine. No meteorološka mjerenja u Rijeci imaju puno dužu povijest, barem do 1868. godine kada je Bečka akademija znanosti u ovom gradu osnovala meteorološku stanicu. Meteorološka je stanica djelovala u sklopu Mornaričke akademije, a njezin prvi voditelj bio je prof. Emil Stahlberger, ujedno prvi akademski profesor fizike u Rijeci. U sklopu meteorološke stanice instaliran je 1869. i mareograf te je prof. Stahlberger 1874., na osnovi trogodišnjih rezultata mjerenja, objavio knjigu o plimi i oseki u Riječkom zaljevu (Ueber die Ebbe und Flut in der Rhede von Fiume). Nakon njegove smrti, voditelj meteorološke stanice postao je već dobro znani prof. Peter Salcher koji 1884. objavljuje knjigu o klimi u Rijeci i Opatiji (Das Klima von Fiume und Abbazia). U toj je knjizi, i na danas važeći način, obradio i interpretirao meteorološke podatke koji mogu poslužiti za usporedbu današnjih vrijednosti u svrhu praćenja promjene/varijacije klime


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    When reporting on extreme weather conditions in the city of Rijeka (former Fiume), it is often specified „ ... since the beginning of measurements in 1948“. In reality the modern meteorological measurements in Fiume had started already in 1868, when the Austrian Imperial Academy of Science established the meteorological station. The station was operating at the Naval Academy, under the supervision of prof. dr. Emil Stahlberger, the first university professor of physics in Fiume (Rijeka). The following year the station was equipped with mareograph (marigraph/tide gauge). Based on three years measurements, prof. Stahlberger published the first book on tides in the Rijeka bay (Ueber die Ebbe und Flut in der Rhede von Fiume). After his sudden death, Prof. Peter Salcher, his succesor at the Physics chair at the Naval academy, took charge of the Meteorological station. In 1884. He published the book entitled Climate in Rijeka and Opatija (Das Klima von Fiume und Abbazia). The meteorological data in the book are presented in the very same way as it is done today, and therefore these data can be used for comparative purposes regarding climate variations/ changes.U medijima se često može čuti o ekstremnim vremenskim uvjetima u Rijeci od početka mjerenja 1948. godine. No meteorološka mjerenja u Rijeci imaju puno dužu povijest, barem do 1868. godine kada je Bečka akademija znanosti u ovom gradu osnovala meteorološku stanicu. Meteorološka je stanica djelovala u sklopu Mornaričke akademije, a njezin prvi voditelj bio je prof. Emil Stahlberger, ujedno prvi akademski profesor fizike u Rijeci. U sklopu meteorološke stanice instaliran je 1869. i mareograf te je prof. Stahlberger 1874., na osnovi trogodišnjih rezultata mjerenja, objavio knjigu o plimi i oseki u Riječkom zaljevu (Ueber die Ebbe und Flut in der Rhede von Fiume). Nakon njegove smrti, voditelj meteorološke stanice postao je već dobro znani prof. Peter Salcher koji 1884. objavljuje knjigu o klimi u Rijeci i Opatiji (Das Klima von Fiume und Abbazia). U toj je knjizi, i na danas važeći način, obradio i interpretirao meteorološke podatke koji mogu poslužiti za usporedbu današnjih vrijednosti u svrhu praćenja promjene/varijacije klime