1,790 research outputs found

    Edward H. Leib

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    Report : Claim of E. Leib. [2603] Service against hostile Indians; 1868-1877; in Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Arizona

    Edward H. Leib

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    2520 S.rp.35750-1Military AffairsReport : Claim of of E. Leib. [2603] Service against hostile Indians; 1868-1877; in Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Arizona.1888-8

    Carriage Rides and Excursions: 1868-1877

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    Letters describing carriage rides and train excursions ca1870 in western NY.https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/local_books/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Reconstruction of the Part Vegetation on the Headwaters of the Piney Creek Watershed in Houston and Trinity Counties, Texas

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    The National Forests and Grasslands of Texas began a project in 1994 for ecosystem management involving multiple disciplines in an holistic approach to resource inventories. We first began with an intensive archival study of the forest acquisition files and the General Land Office (GLO) files in an effort to identify the western limits of the longleaf pine at the time of initial Anglo-American settlement ca. 1850. Vegetation information was gleaned from this work along with an understanding of the historical occupation of the area, aided by plotting this information onto USGS 7.5\u27 maps overlain by the historic Tobin landownership maps. We have since narrowed our focus from the mosaic of a broad area, to the headwaters of the Piney Creek watershed, an area rich in prehistory and history. Archeological survey has provided data for prehistoric occupations dating to the Early Ceramic period (ca. A.D. 500). More recent deed records, and subsequent landline surveys, have data on witness trees in the 1830s, 1860s, and 1890s, and then again after the Forest Service acquired the land in the 1930s, offering an opportunity to study specie composition over a 100 year period. This study on specie composition, tree density, and basal area, provides preliminary indications that fire suppression in the historic period significantly altered the forest composition

    Augustana Seniors Fall 1885: Andrew Forsberg

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    Andrew Forsberg was a senior at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, in the fall of 1885. His name appears in the college catalog of 1885-1886, along with his birthplace, the year of his birth, and a few other facts. From this start, we researched the genealogy and family history of Andrew Forsberg. This paper contains a short biography of Andrew Forsberg, a report on his ancestors, a report on his descendants, and some open questions for further research

    On Jordan's measurements

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    The Jordan measure, the Jordan curve theorem, as well as the other generic references to Camille Jordan's (1838-1922) achievements highlight that the latter can hardly be reduced to the "great algebraist" whose masterpiece, the Trait\'e des substitutions et des equations alg\'ebriques, unfolded the group-theoretical content of \'Evariste Galois's work. The present paper appeals to the database of the reviews of the Jahrbuch \"uber die Fortschritte der Mathematik (1868-1942) for providing an overview of Jordan's works. On the one hand, we shall especially investigate the collective dimensions in which Jordan himself inscribed his works (1860-1922). On the other hand, we shall address the issue of the collectives in which Jordan's works have circulated (1860-1940). Moreover, the time-period during which Jordan has been publishing his works, i.e., 1860-1922, provides an opportunity to investigate some collective organizations of knowledge that pre-existed the development of object-oriented disciplines such as group theory (Jordan-H\"older theorem), linear algebra (Jordan's canonical form), topology (Jordan's curve), integral theory (Jordan's measure), etc. At the time when Jordan was defending his thesis in 1860, it was common to appeal to transversal organizations of knowledge, such as what the latter designated as the "theory of order." When Jordan died in 1922, it was however more and more common to point to object-oriented disciplines as identifying both a corpus of specialized knowledge and the institutionalized practices of transmissions of a group of professional specialists

    A Solar Photovoltaic Performance Monitoring and Statistical Forecasting Model Using a Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence

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    إن الطبيعة الطبوغرافية لسلطنة عمان تجعل نظام الطاقة الشمسية خيارًا قابلاً للتطبيق وموثوقًا لإنتاج الطاقة بكميات كبيرة في سوق الطاقة المتجددة. تشهد العديد من المناطق الصحراوية في عمان مستويات عالية من الإشعاع الشمسي. وهذا مناسب للأنظمة الكهروضوئية لأن كفاءتها تعتمد بشكل أساسي على الإشعاع الشمسي. ومع ذلك، في التطبيقات في الوقت الفعلي، تؤثر العديد من العوامل البيئية على كفاءة الألواح الشمسية وبالتالي على أدائها. في هذه المقالة، تم اقتراح الشبكة الطبيعية (العصبية) الأمامية متعددة الطبقات (MFFN) لتتبع أداء نظام الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية من أجل استبدال أو تحسين أداء نظام الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية بناءً على حالته الحالية. يتم استخدام خوارزمية الانتشار العكسي (BPA) لتدريب MFFN.The topographical nature of the Sultanate of Oman makes the solar power system a viable and reliable option for bulk power production in the renewable energy market. Many desert areas of Oman experience high levels of solar radiation. This is suitable for photovoltaic (PV) systems as their efficiency mainly depends on solar radiation. However, in real-time applications, many environmental factors affect the efficiency of the solar panel and therefore its performance. In this article, the Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network (MFFN) is proposed to track the solar PV system performance in order to replace or improve the performance of the solar PV system based on its current state. A backpropagation algorithm (BPA) is used to train the MFFN

    Soil aggregation under different management systems

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    Considering that the soil aggregation reflects the interaction of chemical, physical and biological soil factors, the aim of this study was evaluate alterations in aggregation, in an Oxisol under no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), since over 20 years, using as reference a native forest soil in natural state. After analysis of the soil profile (cultural profile) in areas under forest management, samples were collected from the layers 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm, with six repetitions. These samples were analyzed for the aggregate stability index (ASI), mean weighted diameter (MWD), mean geometric diameter (MGD) in the classes > 8, 8-4, 4-2, 2-1, 1-0.5, 0.5-0.25, and < 0.25 mm, and for physical properties (soil texture, water dispersible clay (WDC), flocculation index (FI) and bulk density (Bd)) and chemical properties (total organic carbon - COT, total nitrogen - N, exchangeable calcium - Ca2+, and pH). The results indicated that more intense soil preparation (M < NT < PC) resulted in a decrease in soil stability, confirmed by all stability indicators analyzed: MWD, MGD, ASI, aggregate class distribution, WDC and FI, indicating the validity of these indicators in aggregation analyses of the studied soil

    Irrigation application efficiency and uniformity of water distribution using multi-outlet pipe and resource conservation technologies

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    Irrigation experiments were conducted during November to April under wheat crop in the winter season of 2012-13 and 2013-14 in the farmer’s field at Galibkhedi village located in Karnal District, Haryana State, India. In the study, collapsible multi-outlet pipe (MOP) along with single outlets pipe (SOP) was tested in farmer’s field under wheat cultivation. Irrigation was carried out in five treatments including tillage (T) with SOP and MOP; zero-tillage (ZT) with SOP and MOP, and furrow irrigation with raised bed (FIRB). Iso-time profile of waterfront spreading and advance indicated that irrigation water distribution was uniform under the plot irrigated using MOP as compared to plot irrigated using SOP. In addition, water distribution was uniform under zero tilled plots as compared to tilled plot. Results implied that MOP has several advantages over SOP in terms of application efficiency (AE) and uniformity of water distribution. Average application efficiency for the first study year was found to be in the order of ZT-MOP (82.41%) &gt; FIRB (76.79%) &gt; ZT-SOP (75.25%) &gt; T-MOP (74.85%) &gt; T-SOP (69.79%). Average application efficiency for the second study year was found to be in the same order as first year with some deviation in values. In the second year values of mean application efficiencies were ZT-MOP (82.58%) &gt; FIRB (77.13%) &gt; ZT-SOP (73.04%) &gt; T-MOP (69.65%) &gt; T-SOP (66.13%). Overall, this study concludes that irrigation under wheat crop using collapsible multi-outlet pipe (MOP) with zero tillage practices is a suitable option for surface irrigation that accomplishes uniform distribution of water with higher application efficiency


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    Abstrak: Kelurahan Aur merupakan pemukiman warga di daerah bantaran Sungai Deli, yang kerap mengalami banjir ketika musim penghujan. Setelah banjir surut biasanya memberikan dampak lingkungan berupa endapan lumpur yang tertinggal dan jika endapan lumpur ini dibuang kembali ke sungai akan menjadi salah satu penyebab pendangkalan sungai. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu warga mengatasi dampak lingkungan tersebut dengan memanfaatkannya sebagai media bertanam sayuran secara vertikultur, di samping itu juga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sayur dan peningkatan ekonomi bagi masyarakat mitra. Mitra PKM ini adalah ibu-ibu Ranting A’isyiyah Aur sejumlah 15 orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi, penyuluhan dan pelatihan pemanfaatan endapan lumpur sebagai media tanam sayuran. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman peserta tentang pemanfaatan endapan lumpur sungai, budidaya tanaman sayuran dan budidaya tanaman sayuran secara vertikultur masing-masing 53,33%, 40% dan 60%. Cara pembuatan rak vertikultur meningkat 40%.Abstract: Kelurahan Aur is a residential area on the banks of the Deli River, which often experiences flooding during the rainy season. After the flood recedes, it usually has an impact in the form of soil sedimentary left behind and if it is dumped back into the river, it will be the cause of river silt. The purpose of this activity is to help residents overcome these environmental impacts by utilizing it as a medium for verticulture meeting vegetable needs and increasing the economy for partner communities. The partners of this activity are the women of Branch A'isyiyah, a total of 15 persons. The method used is socialization, counseling and training on soil sedimentary as the medium for verticulture. The results achieved from this activity are increased knowledge and understanding of the use of soil sedimentary, cultivation of vegetables and cultivation of vertikulture, each 53.33%, 40% and 60%. Vertical racks making increased by 40%