301,615 research outputs found

    French leaders look at The United Nations

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    Cover title"1085"--handwritten on coverIncludes bibliographical reference

    Magazine “Zona”: exposure of national memory about repressions and GULAG

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    У статті йдеться про часопис «Зона», видаваний Всеукраїнським товариством політичних в’язнів і репресованих з 1992 р. в Києві. Здебільшого він публікує спогади, мемуарні свідчення, вірші, а також документи, нариси, публіцистичні й наукові (історичні / літературознавчі тощо) статті, котрі розповідають про життєвий досвід колишніх в’язнів радянського ГУЛАГу, про долі українців – колишніх радянських громадян, репресованих тоталітарним режимом у різні часи радянської історії – від 1917 до 1980-х рр. This article is about magazine “Zona”. This magazine was issued by All-Ukrainian League of political prisoners and persons subjected to repressions from 1992 in Kyiv. In this magazine are published mainly remembrances, memoir evidences, poems, and also documents, assays, publicistic and scientific (historical / literary) articles. They are about knowledge of life, of previons Soviet GULAG’s prisoners, fates of Ukrainions, who were Soviet citizens, repressed by totalitarian regime in different times of Soviet history – from 1917 to 1980


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    George R. Catlett, the senior technical partner of Arthur Andersen & Co. from 1962 to 1980, died on October 10, 2013 in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. He was born on August 14, 1917 in Fairmount, Illinois, where he grew up

    PAYNE, Ethel

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    The papers of Ethel Payne (1911 – 1998), journalist, columnist , civil rights activist, reflect her personal life, global travels, and various positions she held as a journalist during her 30+ year career. These papers date from 1917 to 1980 when Ms. Payne was growing up in Chicago and covering the American military presence in Vietnam

    Hugo Lindo

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    Hugo Lindo nació en La Unión (El Salvador) en 1917 y murió en San Salvador (El Salvador) en 1980. Poeta y novelista que por mucho tiempo fue literato por autonomasia de El Salvador. Se distinguió como el poeta católico, figurando el amor y la muerte como ejes principales en su poesía.La presente biografía es parte del libro inédito "Datos biográficos de autores salvadoreños" del escritor Manlio Argueta, producto de su beca en la Fundación Yaddo, Nueva York, 1989

    An academic book on history as a bestseller– an analysis of selected examples

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    The paper presents the phenomenon of academic books on history that mass readers have deemed to be worth reading, thus making them a kind of history bestsellers, when it is rare for academic books written by historians to enjoy mass acclaim. In her analysis, the author emphasizes those features of bestsellers that follow from their publishers’ commercial expectations. The analysis concerns the following books, among others: Europa (Europe) and Bo¿e Igrzysko (God’s Playground) by Norman Davies, Historia OEwiata od 1917 roku (A History of the Modern World from 1917 to the 1980s) by Paul Johnson and Historia Polski 1918–1980 (History of Poland from 1918 to 1980) by Andrzej Alber.The paper presents the phenomenon of academic books on history that mass readers have deemed to be worth reading, thus making them a kind of history bestsellers, when it is rare for academic books written by historians to enjoy mass acclaim. In her analysis, the author emphasizes those features of bestsellers that follow from their publishers’ commercial expectations. The analysis concerns the following books, among others: Europa (Europe) and Bo¿e Igrzysko (God’s Playground) by Norman Davies, Historia OEwiata od 1917 roku (A History of the Modern World from 1917 to the 1980s) by Paul Johnson and Historia Polski 1918–1980 (History of Poland from 1918 to 1980) by Andrzej Alber

    John Y. Templeton III: Pioneer of modern cardiothoracic surgery.

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    John Young Templeton III was born in 1917 in Portsmouth, Virginia, and graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1941. He completed his residency training under Dr. John H. Gibbon, Jr., and was the first resident who worked on Gibbon\u27s heart-lung machine. After his training, he remained at Jefferson as an American Cancer Society fellow and Damon Runyon fellow and went on to become the fourth Samuel D. Gross Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery in 1967. Dr. Templeton was the recipient of numerous grants and published over 80 papers in the field of cardiothoracic surgery. As a teacher and mentor, he was a beloved figure who placed great faith in his residents. He participated in over 60 professional societies, serving as president to many such as the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery and the Pennsylvania Association of Thoracic Surgery. He was also recognized through his many awards, in particular the John Y. Templeton III lectureship established in 1980 at Jefferson of whom Denton Cooley was the first lecturer. Dr. Templeton retired from practice in 1987. He is forever remembered as an important model of a modern surgeon evident in numerous academic achievements, the admiration and affection of his trainees, and the lives of patients that he had touched

    Från industriell demokrati till medbestämmande - fackliga utvecklingslinjer 1917-1980

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    Historical roots of hospital centrism in Catalonia (1917-1980)

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the roots of the Catalonia health reform, whose first projects on reform have been documented since 1917. This historical process set-up, in Catalonia, a hospital-centric model involving three sets of regenerating and mutually reinforcing institutions: financial resources were being disproportionally distributed to hospitals, high-quality medical professionals were largely concentrated in hospitals and large outpatient departments were incorporated in hospitals, which functioned as a first point of care for many patients. Based on these premises, the intention is to contribute to the understanding of the initiatives that, during much of the 20th century, took place in Catalonia with the aim of bringing access to hospital services to the population. These same organising principles also had decisive influence on hospital planning in the rest of Spain. As such, we develop an historical approach to public policies that have been shaping the current imbalance between hospitals and primary care providers in Catalonia by combining two methodologies. On the one hand, an overview of the existing literature on this topic. On the other, an accumulation of case studies –which does not claim to be exhaustive– the result of this very research and that of other specialists in the object of study.As Catalonia still has a hospital-centric health system seeded throughout the 20th century, these findings can inform the framing of contemporary options for primary care strengthening. Without addressing these deep regenerating causes using a whole-system approach, Catalonia is unlikely to achieve a primary care orientation for health system development

    Mother's difficulties in breastfeeding premature babies in the neonatal ICU

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    La finalidad del estudio fue describir la asistencia y las dificultades maternas en el proceso de amamantamiento de prematuros. Para tal, recorrimos al abordaje cualitativo, realizada a través de la entrevista estructurada, grabada con cinco madres de ninõs prematuros con peso inferior a 2000 granos acompanãdos en la UTIN en Cuiabá-MT, Brasil. Como resultados verificamos cinco subtemas: mantener la producción de leche materna mediante ordeña, enfrentarse con desconforto durante la estadía en la UTIN, vivir con procedimientos médicos de alimentación para prematuros, enfrentarse con la fragilidad del prematuro y la UTIN y necesitar apoyo logístico para el amamantamiento. Fue observada una falta de intervenciones sistemáticas para estimular el amamantamiento durante la estadía de las madres y sus niños en el hospital. Es necesario capacitar los profesionales hospitalarios y implantar protocolos de intervención, con vistas a las experiencias y necesidades maternas y la articulación entre las acciones intrahospitalarias y interinstitucionales.This study aimed to describe the care and difficulties mothers face when breastfeeding their premature babies at a neonatal intensive care unit (ICU). Therefore, a qualitative approach was adopted. Data were obtained through structured interviews, which were recorded with five mothers of premature babies under 2,000g who were assisted at the neonatal ICU in Cuiabá-MT, Brazil. The results revealed five subthemes: maintaining milk production by milking, facing discomfort during the stay at the neonatal ICU, living with medical food procedures for premature babies, facing the fragility of the premature baby and the neonatal ICU environment and needing logistic support for breastfeeding. A lack of systematic interventions was observed to stimulate breastfeeding while mothers and their premature babies are in hospital. Hospital professionals need to be trained and intervention protocols have to be implanted, in view of the maternal experiences and needs and the articulation between intrahospital and interinstitutional actions.O estudo objetivou descrever a assistência e as dificuldades maternas no processo do aleitamento materno de prematuros assistidos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (UTIN). Para tal, recorreu-se à abordagem qualitativa, obtendo-se os dados através da entrevista estruturada, gravada com cinco mães de bebês prematuros, com peso inferior a 2000g, assistidos no hospital universitário de Cuiabá-MT. Como resultados encontrou-se cinco subtemas: mantendo a produção láctea materna através da ordenha, enfrentando desconforto durante permanência na UTIN, convivendo com as condutas médicas alimentares para prematuros, enfrentando a fragilidade do prematuro e o ambiente da UTIN e precisando de apoio logístico para amamentar. Constatou-se a escassez de intervenções sistematizadas dirigidas ao incentivo do aleitamento materno, durante a hospitalização materna e do prematuro, sendo necessária a capacitação dos profissionais do hospital e a implantação de protocolo de intervenção, contemplando as necessidades e vivências maternas e a articulação das ações intra-hospitalares e interinstitucionais