44 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Aplikasi @Webplan untuk Perhitungan Waktu Standar pada Proses Perakitan Manual

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    Karya tulis ini berkenaan dengan pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasiskan Web untuk perhitungan waktu kerja standar yang merupakan sebuah modul tambahan pada aplikasi perangkat lunak untuk perancangan sistem kerja berbasiskan Web atau yang diberi nama @WebPlan® yang sudah dikembangkan oleh penulis. @WebPlan ini merupakan integrasi dari beberapa modul untuk perancangan tataletak dan disain stasiun kerja secara virtual 3D. Beberapa modul sudah dirancang sebelumnya yaitu modul untuk visualisasi produk dan strukturnya sehingga dimungkinkan visualisasi yang interaktif untuk proses perakitannya. Sedangkan modul utama dalam @WebPlan ini adalah 3D Facilities Layout dan disain/layout stasiun kerja. Untuk tujuan ini juga sudah dibuat beberapa alat bantu yaitu model manusia 3D untuk beberapa persentil dan beberapa analisa dan checklist ergonomi. Pengembangan aplikasi @WebPlan ini untuk perhitungan waktu standar pada produksi serial merupakan suatu yang sangat diperlukan untuk menentukan waktu total yang diperlukan dalam memproduksi/merakit sebuah produk. Waktu total ini merupakan data penting dalam membuat konfigurasi stasiun kerja untuk pembuatan produk. Metoda Pengukuran waktu perakitan yang dipakai dalam hal ini adalah MTM-UAS (Universal Analysing System) yang sangat cocok untuk perakitan manual. Hasil perhitungan waktu proses perakitan ini divalidasi dengan proses perakitan yang sebenarnya dan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan harga yang cukup signifikan. Beberapa kemudahan yang didapat pada metoda ini adalah MTM-UAS menggabungkan beberapa gerakan dan tidak terlalu detail dibandingkan metoda pengukuran waktu lainnya. Akan tetapi memiliki hasil yang cukup mendekati hasil yang sebenarnya. Modul aplikasi perhitungan waktu standar ini merupakan bagian yang diintergrasikan nantinya dalam perancangan tataletak dan stasiun kerja secara virtual 3

    Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri - Vol 9, No 1 (2010)

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    Exploring the Factors Associated with Online Financial and Performance Disclosure in Nonprofits

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    Informed by theories of technological innovation, this paper develops and empirically tests a web disclosure adoption model. In order to test the model, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 775 organizations in an eight-county regional area in the Northeastern United States. Results reveal that Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and organizational characteristics are related to web disclosure adoption. Specifically, there is more disclosure of performance information online when the CEO believes that the web is useful for promoting transparency and accountability when the organization views the web as a communication or strategic tool, when more employees have technical expertise, and when the board of directors is more supportive of web technology. We found more web disclosure of financial information when the organization possesses the technological readiness for web disclosure. This paper contributes to research by identifying the main factors that facilitate web disclosure adoption in nonprofit contexts

    Dispensasjoner i LNFR-områder En empirisk analyse av forholdet mellom regler og praksis

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    Avhandlingen omhandler forholdet mellom kommuneplanens arealdel og dispensasjoner. Det foretas en juridisk analyse av rammeverket for dispensasjoner, og deretter en empirisk analyse av dispensasjonspraksisen til tre kommuner i Norge. Herunder Askøy, Mandal (nå Lindesnes) og Tinn. Det er gjennomgått 681 dispensasjonsvedtak, og avhandlingen forsøker belyse sentrale trekk ved dispensasjonspraksisen til kommunene

    Multi-agent plan based information gathering

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    The evolution of the Web has encouraged the development of new Information Gathering techniques. Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as Planning, have also been used for Information Gathering in order to go beyond merely retrieving Web data. Planning has been used traditionally to generate a sequence of actions that specify how information sources should be accessed. In this paper, planning is used mainly for integrating information found in heterogeneous sources. For instance, two different Web sources about flight and train travels, can be represented by two different planning operators, which will be subsequently combined and integrated by a single plan. We have found that a Multi-Agent framework is very appropriate to implement our technique. In order to evaluate our approach empirically, it has been applied to a tourism domain (MAPWEB-ETOURISM), whose purpose is to help a customer to plan his/her trips. In this domain, several specialized Web agents have been used to query travel Web sources, whose results are subsequently integrated by a planning agent to build complete travel solutions. Experimental results show that, by means of integration, more solutions can be found than by using single information sources or even travel meta-searchers. Also, (MAPWEB-ETOURISM) can find new types of solutions by integrating information gathered from heterogeneous Web sources (i.e. flights and trains.Publicad

    Multi-agent architecture for intelligent gathering systems

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    This paper presents a model to define heterogeneous agents that solve problems by sharing the knowledge retrieved from the WEB, and cooperating among them. The control structure of those agents is based on a general purpose Multi-Agent architecture (SKELETONAGENT) based on a deliberative approach. Any agent in the architecture is built by means of several interrelated modules: control module, language and communication module, skills modules, knowledge base, yellow pages, etc. The control module uses an agenda to activate and coordinate the agent skills. This agenda handles actions from both the internal goals of the agent and from other agents in the environment. In the paper, we show a high level agent model, which is later instantiated to build a set of heterogeneous specialized agents. The paper describes how SKELETONAGENT has been used to implement different kinds of agents and a specialized Multi-Agent System (MAS). The implemented MAS, MAPWEB-ETOURISM, is the specific implementation of a general WEB gathering architecture, named MAPWEB, which extends SKELETONAGENT. MAPWEB has been designed to solve problems in WEB domain through the integration of information gathering and planning techniques. The MAPWEB-ETOURISM system has been applied to a specific WEB domain (e-tourism) which uses information gathered directly from several WEB sources (plane, train, and hotel companies) to solve travel problems. This paper shows how the proposed architecture allows to integrate the different agents tasks with AI techniques like planning to build a MAS which is able to gather and integrate information retrieved from the WEB to solve problems.Publicad

    Total supply chain cost model

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at MIT, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-73).Sourcing and outsourcing decisions have taken on increased importance within Teradyne to improve efficiency and competitiveness. This project delivered a conceptual framework and a software tool to analyze supply chain costs associated with a specified supply chain design. Determining total supply chain cost is a complex challenge. This work developed the concept of a hierarchical, inter-related, multi-level supply chain cost architecture. Within this architecture, supply chain costs can be expressed as a sum of only 5 supply chain cost factors (material, labor, logistics, inventory holding, and overhead costs). The reduction of a large number of potential cost factors eases communication about total supply chain costs within an organization. An interactive Excel VBA software was developed which allows the user to experimentally model changes to a specific supply chain design. The VBA program automatically recalculates the supply chain costs based on the changes made. The output of the program is a comparison of costs associated with different supply chain designs. In a case study, the total supply chain cost model was applied to evaluate different supply chain node locations in Southeast Asia for one of Teradyne's testers.by Claudia Wu.S.M.M.B.A

    Implementing novel inventory controls and weighing the costs and benefits of supplier managed inventory (SMI) in a consolidated manufacturing center

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering; and, (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at MIT, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 122-127).The Largo manufacturing site of the Raytheon Company is a pure production facility with limited collocated design capabilities. All of the initial design and development engineering is done in four external sites - Marlborough, MA; St. Petersburg, FL; Towson, MD; and Ft. Wayne, IN - before final specifications are "thrown over the wall" to Largo for production. Because manufacturing is geographically sequestered there are numerous organizational and informational disconnects. Accountability is not easy with four distinct program management offices; each has equally distinct incentives and needs, and expects stellar results from the Largo production staff. Materials normally account for approximately 75% of the total costs for a standard manufacturing operation. Largo is no different; however its material costs are often even higher than this benchmark for unique reasons. Difficulties arise for Largo in structuring its supply chain agreements because the four design sites have disparate material requirements and harbor unique supplier preferences. A salient symbol of the challenges faced by the site's supply chain management group is the millions of dollars worth of inventory that sits in the vast factory storeroom. Current inventory floor accuracy is at an unacceptable level of 85.3%.(cont.) Getting rid of the inventory monster and its attendant problems is no trivial task, and certainly not one that could be accomplished in a six month LFM internship. But steps were taken to help get the ball rolling in the right direction and to generate some quick wins in the near term. The first phase of the project involved the creation of a novel sourcing agreement with a key CCA supplier. The second phase involved optimizing the replenishment system to minimize material flow, implement pull, and increase material accountability. The final phase involved creation of a financial cost v. benefit model to standardize the site's methodology for making sourcing and partnering decisions in the future. All of these topics are discussed in this thesis as shown in the table of contents. Overview of main internship project tasks: The internship project was scoped to fit within the six and one half month allotted time period and was structured around the main problem points I have just briefly touched upon: 1. Identify optimal candidate supplier and part with potential for significant SMI cost savings. 2. Structure SMI supplier partnership agreement. 3. Implement and automate calculation of kanban system to control inventory 4. Create SMI cost v. benefit tool to prioritize future projects according to expected returns on investment.by Colin Ducharme.M.B.A.S.M

    ¿Son las vías de asfalto modificado con GCR la solución para el problema de la malla vial en Bogotá (Colombia)?

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    In synthesis, this article consists of a brief investigation about the mixture of GCR (Recycled Rubber Granule) with asphalt as a new alternative for the solution of the problem of the road mesh in Colombia, especially in the capital of the country. The research emphasizes the origin of its components, the processes that must be carried out to obtain such mixture, among other important aspects of it.En síntesis, este artículo consiste de una breve investigación acerca de la mezcla de GCR (Granulo de Caucho Reciclado) con asfalto como una nueva alternativa para la solución al problema de la malla vial en Colombia, especialmente en la capital del país. La investigación hace énfasis en el origen de sus componentes, los procesos que se deben llevar a cargo para conseguir dicha mezcla, entre otros aspectos importantes del mismo

    Cloud Manufacturing: Tinjauan Literatur dan Pengembangan Layanannya untuk Perencanaan Fasilitas Produksi

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    Cloud Manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing model which provides services by utilizing a shared resource pool such as computers, servers, networking, Internet and application softwares. The term Cloud Manufacturing in the engineering literature is still fairly new. it comes from the term Cloud Computing which is earlier known as Internet services on demand. Here includes Software as a Service (SaaS) along with infrastructure, platform and other delieveries as a service. First introduced by F. Tao in 2011, Cloud Manufacturing combines the latest technologies such as cloud computing, internet of thing, manufacturing object virtualizations and service-oriented computing services. The advanced manufacturing service models related to this terminology will be described as literatur reviews in this paper. At the end of this paper was given a case study of the application of the Cloud Manufacturing for designing a web-based production facilities layout as a cloud software as a service for the users.Keywords: Cloud Manufacturing, layout, production facilities, web-basedAbstrakCloud Manufacturing dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah model manufaktur yang berorientasikan pada penyediaan jasa dengan memanfaatkan sebuah resource pool yang dipakai secara bersama seperti komputer, server, jejaringan, internet dan perangkat lunak aplikasi. Istilah Cloud Manufacturing berasal dari istilah Cloud Computing yang lebih dahulu terkenal, sebagai suatu layanan perangkat lunak bagi pengguna (Software as a Service/ SaaS) dan perangkat keras yang memungkinkan penyediaan layanan tersebut. Istilah Cloud Manufacturing dalam berbagai literatur keteknikan terbilang masih baru. Pertama dicetuskan oleh F. Tao di tahun 2011, cloud manufacturing mengkombinasikan berbagai teknologi terkini seperti cloud computing, internet of thing, virtualisasi obyek manufaktur dan teknologi komputasi berorientasi pada pelayanan jasa. Perjalanan model manufaktur ini hingga literatur terakhir yang terkait akan dijelaskan pada tulisan ini. Pada bagian akhir dari tulisan ini diberikan sebuah gambaran studi kasus penerapan Cloud Manufacturing pada layanan untuk perencanaan fasilitas produksi berbasis Web, terutama untuk rancangan tataletak produksi, sebagai suatu layanan cloud perangkat lunak bagi pengguna.Kata kunci: Cloud Manufacturing, tataletak, fasilitas produksi, berbasis We