1,254 research outputs found

    О спорт, ты – мир? (К вопросу о разновидностях спортивного медиа-дискурса)

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    The ways of description and interpretation of such socially meaningful event as the World Football Championship 2014 are considered in this article. The author justifies the importance of choosing a sports topic and in particular football in the modern world, showing that first of all the sports discourse is a journalistic discourse. That is why the ways of the representation and description of sports events are the basic means for creating its concept. The author has chosen one day of the World Football Championship 2014 for theanalysis to show that not the sports events, but the acts of violence accompanying them are becoming the basic subject matter of the description. In relation to this, the author suggests to speak about a special type of sports discourse: a discourse of sports aggression. Its main features are: special lexical stock phrases, inaccuracy in the supply of information, lack of logic in the description of events, and expressiveness of the means used to describe the acts of violence. The author comes to the conclusion that it is difficult to make the precise cognitive diagram of the sport event reading due to the additional information, as the reader’s attention in such messages is focused only on the description of the details, which are connected with the facts of aggression that occurred in the sport action. The modern sports appear as the catalyst of aggressive actions instead of initiating the peace. В статье рассматриваются способы освещения такого общественно значимого события, как Чемпионат мира по футболу 2014. Автор обосновывает выбор темы актуальностью спорта и особенно футбола в современном мире, показывая, что спортивный дискурс есть прежде всего дискурс журналистский. Отсюда способы изображения спортивных событий являются основным средством формирования представления о них. Автор избирает для анализа один день ЧМ 2014, демонстрируя, как основным предметом изображения становятся не сами спортивные события, а сопровождающие их акты насилия. В связи с этим автор предлагает говорить об особом типе спортивного дискурса – дискурсе спортивной агрессии. Для него характерны особые лексические штампы, неточность в подаче информации, алогизм в освещении событий, экспрессивность средств, описывающих акты насилия. В силу этого современный спорт предстает, скорее, катализатором агрессивных действий, а не носителем миротворческого начала


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the gender and age features of the representations about bullying among school students. Bullying is seen as a serious socio-psychological problem. Presented the program and methods of the empirical study of bullying in the educational environment. The results of this study are analized

    The center-periphery dynamics in Juri Lotman’s later works: A way forward for new epistemological dialogues

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    Nesta contribuição, exploro um aspecto do método culturológico de Lotman que consiste em seu foco inabalável na dimensão conflituosa-energética da vida semiótica dos seres humanos: uma dimensão que ele identificou, desde as obras dos anos de 1970, em uma espécie de “ tensão original”, ou seja, a dinâmica centro-periferia. Adotando extensivamente essa ideia em seus últimos escritos e enfatizando o conceito de “conflito” (конфликт) com todas as suas variantes sinônimicas (бинарность - binaridade, противоречие - contradição, столкновение - choque, борьба - luta, драка - briga etc.), o semioticista russo-estoniano parece sugerir que a tensão oposicional (diferença) é uma energia primária, talvez ancestral, que impulsiona a semiosfera. Nessa perspectiva, a visão do conflito em Lótman, além de encontrar sua expressão máxima na conceituação/conceitualização da “explosão”, pode ser um caminho a seguir para novos diálogos epistemológicos.In this contribution I will explore an aspect of Lotman’s culturological method, which consists of his unwavering focus on the conflictual-energetic dimension of the semiotic life of human beings: a dimension he identified, since the 1970s works, in a kind of “original” tension, that is, the center-periphery dynamics. Taking up this idea extensively in his latest writings and emphasizing the concept of “conflict” (конфликт) with all its synonymic variants (бинарность, противоречие, столкновение, борьба, драка, etc.), the Russian-Estonian semiotician seems to suggest that oppositional tension (difference) is a primary, maybe ancestral, energy that drives the semiosphere. In this contribution I will explore an aspect of Lotman’s culturological method, which consists of his unwavering focus on the conflictual-energetic dimension of the semiotic life of human beings: a dimension he identified, since the 1970s works, in a kind of “original” tension, that is, the center-periphery dynamics. Taking up this idea extensively in his later writings and emphasizing the concept of “conflict” (конфликт) with all its synonymic variants (бинарность - binarity, противоречие - contradiction, столкновение - collision, борьба - struggle, драка – fight etc.), the Russian-Estonian semiotician seems to suggest that oppositional tension (difference) is a primary, maybe ancestral, energy that drives the semiosphere. In this perspective, the vision of conflict in Lotman, in addition to finding its highest expression in the conceptualization of the “explosion”, can be a way forward for new epistemological dialogues

    Dangerous situations: emotional attitude and methods of response of children with intact and impaired intelligence

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    The article considers the problem of studying safety and safe behavior in psychological science. The authors make a brief review of the studies of psychological safety and safe behavior of children with intellectual disabilities and of the approaches and methods used in such studies.В статье рассматривается психологическая безопасность и безопасное поведение детей младшего школьного возраста с нарушением интеллекта