1,088 research outputs found

    К вопросу о новейшей историографии дореволюционной истории Киевского политехнического института

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    В статті зроблено спробу визначити основні тенденції в становленні й розвитку новітньої історіографії історії Київського політехнічного інституту в дореволюційний період (1898–1917 рр.).In this paper the problem of coverage of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in prerevolutionary period in the recent period historiography. The problem of the origin and highlight the main achievements of the technical staff of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in pre-revolutionary period shown on the basis of documentary and sources, works of a general nature. It is noted that in the recent period, new topics related to the initial period of the university. In these publications indicate that the learning process was the proper scientific and educational levels have developed and implemented technical professions to implement the latest developments unknown at the time fields of science. 1991–2015 is a significant revival of interest in the history Kyiv Politechnical Institute in 1898–1917. This is reflected in the increasing number of scientific papers, including master’s and doctoral dissertations on subjects of this kind, so devoted to the problems of conducting scientific conferences, publication of special scientific collections. This is largely explained by the change in historical research priorities when much more attention than in the previous period were paid ideological processes, the study of cultural background, man. The elimination of ideological and political constraints contributed to a wide range of views on issues of university history, contributed to «nationalization of history» — the fragmentation ever joint historical — cultural space. Among the signs of the times — the revival of journalism familiar to us from the late nineteenth — early twentieth century the conservative image of the university KPI. Some publicistic, which now can be found in the writings in general does not define the characteristics of the period. Innovations time also cause problems setting features a «national model» university that requires a deeper study of the relationship between the university and society. Accordingly, researchers have begun more attention to internal factors of the КPI, although today it is not enough.В статье предпринята попытка определить основные тенденции становления и развития новейшей историографии истории Киевского политехнического института в дореволюционный период (1898–1917 гг.)

    Байкал на почтовых открытках. 1898–1917: Историко-библиографический альбом-каталог

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    The article presents a new album-catalogue “Baikal on postcards. 1898-1917”. This historico- bibliographical publication includes reproductions of illustrated postcards with views of Baikal, as well as a catalogue of all postcard publications. It is the first book to describe postcards with views of Baikal and the first track of the Circum-Baikal Railway in the period of its construction and the first years of operation. Most of the abstracts given in the book are research ones.Представлен новый альбом-каталог «Байкал на почтовых открытках. 1898–1917». В историко-библиографическое издание вошли репродукции иллюстрированных почтовых открыток с видами Байкала, а также каталог всех выпусков открыток. Впервые дано описание видовых почтовых открыток Байкала и первого пути Кругобайкальской железной дороги в период его строительства и первых лет эксплуатации. Большая часть аннотаций в книге исследовательские

    Espectroscopia Vibracional Como Una Alternativa Para La Discriminación De Drogas Ilícitas Incautadas En La Ciudad De Cúcuta

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    The infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform coupled to attenuated total reflectance (ATR-FTIR), is being used for the identification of illicit drugs, being an alternative to the method of Gas Chromatography with flame detector or selective mass detector. Additionally, the technique standardized by forensic laboratories for the analysis of seized drugs does not allow differentiation between the two forms of cocaine (base and hydrochloride) marketed. In this investigation, four hundred (400) samples seized in the city of Cúcuta during the period July 2017 to June 2018 were analyzed by the ATR-FTIR technique, performing SNV (Standard Normal Variate) and second spectrum-derived treatment for the discrimination between cocaine base and cocaine hydrochloride forms, in mixtures with phenacetin, caffeine, lidocaine, levamisole adulteration, as well as the presence of lactose and sodium bicarbonate as diluents. A linear discriminant analysis (LDA) model was implemented in order to differentiate the types of cocaine in more complex matrices or adulterants different from those included in the study. 100% of the samples were correctly discriminated and the methodology was validated in two spectrophotometers that were in different environmental conditions of different references.La espectroscopia infrarroja con transformada de Fourier acoplada a reflectancia total atenuada (ATR-FTIR), está siendo utilizada para la identificación de drogas ilícitas, siendo una alternativa al método de Cromatografía de Gases con detector de llama o de detector selectivo de masas. Adicionalmente, la técnica estandarizada por los laboratorios forenses para el análisis de drogas incautada, no permite diferenciar entre las dos formas de cocaína (base y clorhidrato) comercializadas. En esta investigación se analizaron cuatrocientas (400) muestras incautadas en la ciudad de Cúcuta durante el periodo julio de 2017 a junio de 2018 por la técnica de ATR-FTIR, realizando tratamiento de normalización SNV (Standard Normal Variate) y segunda derivada de los espectros para la discriminación entre las formas de cocaína base y cocaína clorhidrato, en mezclas con adulteración de fenacetina, cafeína, lidocaína, levamisol, al igual que presencia de lactosa y bicarbonato de sodio como diluyentes. Se implementó un modelo de análisis discriminante lineal (LDA) con el fin de diferenciar los tipos de cocaína en matrices más complejas o adulterantes diferentes a los incluidos en el estudio. El 100% de las muestras se discriminaron correctamente y la metodología fue validada en dos espectrofotómetros que se encontraban en condiciones ambientales diferentes de referencias distintas

    ЮРИДИЧЕСКАЯ ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКАЯ ПЕЧАТЬ В ДОРЕВОЛЮЦИОННОЙ РОССИИ (вторая половина XIX - начало XX вв.) // Ученые записки КФУ. Гуманитарные науки 2009 N5

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    В статье рассмотрены истории трех юридических изданий: газеты «Право» (Санкт-Петербург, 1898-1917), журналов «Юридический вестник» (Москва, 1867-1892) и «Хокук ва хаят» («Право и жизнь», Казань, 1913-1914), анализ которых позволил проследить основные тенденции развития специализированной правовой прессы в России во второй половине XIX - начале XX вв

    American Foreign Policy toward International Law and Organizations: 1898-1917

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    Winners of the Governor’s Prize 2021 Album-catalogue about Baikal

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    The article presents an illustrated research album-catalogue “Baikal on postcards. 1898-1917. Historical and bibliographical album-catalogue” which received the Governor’s Prize 2021. The sites included in the catalog are briefly characterized. The innovative character and importance of the project is emphasized. The book review was published in Project Baikal journal (Medvedev, 2020)

    Bienestar biológico y crecimiento agrario en la Cataluña rural, 1840-1936

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    Este artículo analiza la relación entre bienestar biológico y crecimiento agrario en la Cataluña occidental entre mediados del siglo XIX y comienzos de la Guerra Civil. A partir de los promedios de estatura de las generaciones de hombres nacidas entre 1840 y 1936, se muestra que durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX la talla de la población rural permaneció estancada. Ello se produjo en un contexto de notables transformaciones agrarias pero de modestos avances en productividad de la tierra. Por el contrario, durante el primer tercio del siglo XX la estatura de la población rural masculina de la Cataluña occidental creció notablemente, coincidiendo con mayores incrementos de la productividad agrícola. Estos resultados pueden contribuir a una mejor comprensión de la relación entre bienestar humano, nivel de vida y desarrollo económico en las sociedades rurales.This article explores the relationship between biological welfare and agrarian growth in western Catalonia between mid-nineteenth century and the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Using average height data for the male cohorts born between 1840 and 1936, it shows that heights remained stagnant during the second half of the 19th century. This stagnation took place in a context of important agrarian changes but modest land productivity improvements. On the contrary, male heights substantially grew in Western Catalonia over the first third of the 20th century, coinciding with the rise of agrarian productivity. These findings may help to a better understanding on the links between human welfare, standard of living, and economic growth in rural societies

    Consanguinity in the Maltese Islands

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    Consanguineous marriages may increase the risk of some medical conditions and may be useful to examine social and other aspects. There were few such marriages in the Maltese islands until late in the 19th C when they increased until they began to decline in the new century. These marriages were twice as common in Gozo as in Malta, but the proportion varied in parishes. In some parishes, such marriages were mainly among a few related families; some families had many consanguinities over several generations. These marriages probably reflected the social standing of the families and the lack of mixing of young people with others of lower status. Families of polio cases showed many consanguineous marriages.peer-reviewe

    Macht und Ohnmacht der Worte: William Randolph Hearst und der Weg der USA zur Weltmacht, 1898-1917

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    Auf der Grundlage umfangreichen Quellenmaterials werden in dieser Studie erstmalig die Rolle und der Einfluß von William Randolph Hearst auf die Geschichte der USA von 1898-1917 dargestellt; aufgezeigt werden dabei einerseits die Interdependenzen von Medien und Politik sowie andererseits die zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch undefinierte Rolle des Massenmediums Zeitung als Ausdrucksmittel der öffentlichen Meinung. Die Schnittstelle dieser Aspekte bedingt dabei gleichsam auch die eingenommene Perspektive der vorliegenden Arbeit und räumt der Person Hearsts eine zentrale historische Position ein