52,300 research outputs found

    State of Texas: Ten Largest Billboard Company Sign Locations

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    Spatial analysis of the ten largest billboard company sign locations in Texas. The analysis was undertaken in conjunction with SFA\u27s billboard campaign to increase enrollment. Results indicate visually that the majority of billboards in Texas are within close proximity to major metropolitan areas

    Public billboard service announcement (Соціальна білбордова реклама та її особливості)

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    This article defines the concept of advertising, public service announcement (PSA). The purpose, characteristics and objectives of PSAs are described. It is about the main components and characteristics of billboard advertising as well as the social and psychological impacts of background billboard nonprofit advertising (У статті визначається поняття реклама, соціальна реклама. Описано суть, особливості та завдання соціальної реклами. Йдеться про основні складові та характеристики білбордової реклами, а також соціально-психологічне підґрунтя впливу білбордової некомерційної реклами


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    Keyakinan dan ide-ide sering diiklankan di billboard melalui bahasa dan simbol. Oleh karena itu, keyakinan dan ide-ide pada billboard dapat diteliti dengan menggunakan analisis tekstual. Billboard dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu kekayaan budaya dan oleh karena itu tidak dapat dipisahkan dari aspek identitas, yang dibentuk melalui ideologi dan dapat dibangun melalui kesadaran perilaku individu. Teks billboard tampak sederhana tetapi dapat ditafsirkan ke dalam berbagai tingkatan dan makna. Selama proses membaca billboard, peran "mengundang" dan "mengundang" bisa menjadi "memerintah" dan "yang diperintah". Bahasa billboard mungkin membuat orang tidak ekspresif dan non-eksperimental tetapi dapat menghasilkan bahasa ekspresif yang dapat membawa pencerahan dan kecerdasan. Bahasa "žterlihat"Ÿ dan "žtak terlihat"Ÿ tidak bisa menghindari penafsiran sederhana atau terkendali dan bahkan makna ganda karena bahasa pada billboard menggunakan gaya bahasa hiperbola atau melebih-lebihkan gaya. Teks-teks billboard juga dikemas dalam simbol dan tanda yang tidak berubah-ubah. Melalui semiotika, aspek tanda dan simbol yang tersembunyi dalam bahasa billboard dapat direpresentasikan dan di analisis secara rinci. Pendekatan semiotika menjelaskan hubungan antara satu tanda dengan tanda lain yang mewakilinya. Selain itu, ada posisi yang sama antara representasi dari apa yang tersedia dan representasi apa yang tidak tersedia, antara "mewakili apa yang ada" dengan "apa yang tidak ada", yang diwakili". Kata kunci: bahasa billboard, identitas, perilaku, semiotik, tanda dan simbol Beliefs and ideas are often advertised on billboards, delivered through languages and symbols. Therefore, beliefs and ideas on billboards could be examined by using a textual analysis. Billboards could be considered as one of cultural properties hence it cannot be separated from the identity aspects, which are shaped through ideology and can be built through the awareness of individual behaviors. Billboard texts seem simple but they can be interpreted into many levels and meanings. During the billboard reading process, the roles of "inviting" and "invited" can become "to rule" and "being ruled". The billboard language might make people unexpressive and non-experimental, but it can also produce expressive language that can bring enlightenment and intelligence. The visible and invisible language cannot avoid a simple or restrained interpretation and even numerous meanings because a billboard uses a hyperbole or exaggerating style. The billboard texts are also wrapped up in symbols and signs that are not changeable. Through semiotics, sign aspects and symbols hidden in billboard language are represented and can come into another detailed analysis. Semiotic approach applies its righteousness and then explains the relationship between a sign and another sign that represents it. In addition, there is a similar position between the representation of what is available and the representation of what is not available, between "represent what exists" with" what non-existing" what is "being represented". Keywords: billboard language, identity, behavior, communication, semiotic, signs and symbols

    Conceptual Issues in Outdoor Advertising Billboard Valuation – Lessons for Nigeria

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    This paper examined, by literature, four principal conceptual issues that are germane to outdoor advertising billboard valuation namely; the concept of outdoor advertising billboard itself, the tripartite components of the billboard property, billboard legal status controversy and the money trail concept. A review of these conceptual issues was critically carried out, pinpointing their implications to valuation of billboards for many purposes such as compensation so as to enhance understanding of estate surveyors and valuers, especially in Nigeria. Findings from the literature are that; modern billboards are diverse in nature (material, displays and technology), there is no consensus yet about whether billboard is real or personal property and that the task of allocating income to the different assets that contribute to the total business value of an outdoor advertising business is herculean. While valuers should improve their understanding of the criteria that qualify an asset as real or personal property and treat each billboard to be valued on its own merit, educational and training institution in Nigeria should encourage capacity building in outdoor advertising billboard valuation

    Alzheimer’s: A Quiet Story. A photographic series and solo exhibition.

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    This series of 20 artworks was developed by Plouviez looking at the experience of memory loss, photography and how the everyday routine can become unfamiliar. Work from the series was shown as a billboard in CIVIC, the first international festival of billboard art, Sunderland UK (November 2011), and as part of the Action Field Kodra photography festival in Thessaloniki, Greece (October 2012). The full series of work is exhibited in Thessaloniki, Greece (22 November 2013-17 January 2014) as part of PhotoBiennale, an international photography festival organized by the Museum of Photography, and at Panna Foto Studio, Jakarta, Indonesia (23 November-14 December 2013)

    Semiotics Analysis Of Cigarette Bilboard Advertisements On Jalan S. Parman Malang

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    Keywords: Semiotics, Advertisement, Billboard, Signs, Icon, Index, Symbol, Codes.Advertisement is one of the most important ways to deliver messages to people by using both visual and written text as public media. The cigarette billboard advertisement does not show their product. The advertisements contain language and image. Cigarette billboard advertisements use signs, icon, symbol and index to deliver the messages to the reader. This study uses theory of signs by Peirce and theory of codes by Chandler to analyze semiotics signs used in some cigarette billboard advertisement on Jalan S. Parman Malang. There are two research problems of study to be solved, (1) what semiotics signs are used in some cigarette billboard advertisements on Jalan S. Parman Malang and (2) What are the meanings of semiotics signs used in some cigarette billboard advertisement on Jalan S. Parman Malang.This study uses qualitative approach. The researcher took document analysis because the purpose of document analysis is identifying specific characteristics of the materials which in this research are semiotics within cigarette billboard advertisement on Jalan S. Parman Malang. As the data, the writer uses the signs found from some cigarette billboard advertisement on Jalan S. Parman Malang. Then, the data sources of this study are some cigarette billboard advertisementon Jalan S. Parman Malang was taken from May 2013.The writer found that there were 29 signs in total consisting of 14 (fourteen) icons, 3 (three) indexes and 12 (twelve) symbols in all three advertisements. By using semiotics, the cigarette advertisement can deliver the message of the product in an effective way without losing the essence of the product itself. Then, to make the readers become more understand about the meaning of the signs in the cigarette billboard advertisements, the writer usescode which is usedto assist in the interpretation of the sign. The code is important to help readers when they analyze the sign employed in the cigarette billboard advertisements.As a conclusion, the writer realizes that the part of semiotic signs is really important to support the advertisement. Each semiotic signs can give the power to guide the viewers to get information. Semiotic sign can persuade or influence the viewers to use the products. Therefore, the writer suggests the next researchers to use other method of collecting the data, like giving interview or questionnaire to the audiences or the viewers. It is hoped that the method cancomplete their research


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    Billboard diartikan sebagai sebuah ajang promosi berupa papan iklan yang menyampaikan suatu pesan yang dapat menjangkau konsumen dimanapun. Billboard biasanya diletakan di jalanan, dan di tempat-tempt umum. Papan yang  berisi pesan atau visualisasi iklan biasanya di letakkan di pusat kermaian, pinggir jalan atau tempat strategis yang banyak di kunjungi orang yang pada  umumnya di tempat terbuka Selama ini dalam pemasangan Billboard  sering terjadi di tempat yang sembarangan yang berdampak menggangu area pandang masyarakat di tempat publik dan juga keindahan kota, akibatnya pesan yang akan diberikan oleh Billboard justru membuat masyarakat tidak ingin melihat dikarenakan akan nya permasalahan tersebut dan berdampak pada terganggunya psikologis masyarakat tujuan dari dilakukan nya penelitian ini yaitu merancangan dan membangun aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan lokasi strategis dalam menentukan pemasangan iklan Billboard dan penelitian ini menghasilkan  strategis pada pemasangan billboard menggunakan metode promethee berdasarkan kriteria yang sudah di tetapkan


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    The research is entitled “Policy Implementation of Billboard Organization at Sukabumi Municipality”. This implementation is based on local regulation No. 17, 2012 about billboard organization. In billboard organization at Sukabumi Munacipality is found some problems that are many billboard installation that is not suitable with regulation, lack of human resource and staff, and lack of optimality in tax potency for local revenue. The theory applied public policy implementation according to Van Metter and Van Horn. The research aims to know policy implementation, supporting and abstacle implementation factors. Research applied descriptive qualitative method. Data collection technique applied observation, interview, documentation, and literature study. Data validation test producedure applied triangulation souce. The total informant is six persons. Research result revals that implementation of local regulation No. 17, 2012 is quite good because of being observed from good disposition, good communication which is done by three parties, there is comprehension in billboard organization regulation, and supporting economicatmosphere factor. But staff and benefit in politic and social atmosphere must be more optimal. The sugestion is need new staff additional through civil servant test so that there is special staff to hadle billboard permission

    Advertisement billboard detection and geotagging system with inductive transfer learning in deep convolutional neural network

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    In this paper, we propose an approach to detect and geotag advertisement billboard in real-time condition. Our approach is using AlexNet’s Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) as a pre-trained neural network with 1000 categories for image classification. To improve the performance of the pre-trained neural network, we retrain the network by adding more advertisement billboard images using inductive transfer learning approach. Then, we fine-tuned the output layer into advertisement billboard related categories. Furthermore, the detected advertisement billboard images will be geotagged by inserting Exif metadata into the image file. Experimental results show that the approach achieves 92.7% training accuracy for advertisement billboard detection, while for overall testing results it will give 71,86% testing accuracy