96 research outputs found

    Is students' qualitative feedback changing, now it is online?

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    The current state of ecological safety evaluation problem in design stage is analysed. Procedure of ecological safety estimation on the basis of index of objects danger and ecological risk is offered.Проанализирован современное состояние проблемы оценки экологической безопасности на этапе проектирования. Предлагаемая процедура оценки экологической безопасности на основе индекса опасности объектов и экологического риска.Проаналізований сучасний стан проблеми оцінки екологічної безпеки на етапі проектування. Запропонована процедура оцінки екологічної безпеки на основі індексу небезпечності об’єктів та екологічного ризику

    Pre-Service Teacher Social Networking Decisions and Training Needs: A Mixed Methods Study

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    The use of social networks in America has risen nearly tenfold in a decade, rising from 7% in 2005 to 65% in 2015. This rise in the use of social networks has presented new ethical, legal, and professional challenges for educators. Teachers are held to higher standards of moral behavior than the general population. This mixed-methods study examined the types of social networks used by pre-service teachers and if they are making good decisions when using social networks. The findings show that the pre-service teachers were unsure what to post. Based on this finding, the researchers provide training suggestions to help pre-service teachers avoid common errors and misconceptions

    Active children through individual vouchers – evaluation (ACTIVE): protocol for a mixed method randomised control trial to increase physical activity levels in teenagers

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    BackgroundMany teenagers are insufficiently active despite the health benefits of physical activity (PA). There is strong evidence to show that inactivity and low fitness levels increase the risk of non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD), type 2 diabetes and breast and colon cancers (Lee et al. Lancet 380:219–29, 2012). A major barrier facing adolescents is accessibility (e.g. cost and lack of local facilities). The ACTIVE project aims to tackle this barrier through a multi-faceted intervention, giving teenagers vouchers to spend on activities of their choice and empowering young people to improve their fitness and PA levels.DesignACTIVE is a mixed methods randomised control trial in 7 secondary schools in Swansea, South Wales. Quantitative and qualitative measures including PA (cooper run test (CRT), accelerometery over 7 days), cardiovascular (CV) measures (blood pressure, pulse wave analysis) and focus groups will be undertaken at 4 separate time points (baseline, 6 months,12 months and follow-up at 18 months). Intervention schools will receive a multi-component intervention involving 12 months of £20 vouchers to spend on physical activities of their choice, a peer mentor scheme and opportunities to attend advocacy meetings. Control schools are encouraged to continue usual practice. The primary aim is to examine the effect of the intervention in improving cardiovascular fitness.DiscussionThis paper describes the protocol for the ACTIVE randomised control trial, which aims to increase fitness, physical activity and socialisation of teenagers in Swansea, UK via a voucher scheme combined with peer mentoring. Results can contribute to the evidence base on teenage physical activity and, if effective, the intervention has the potential to inform future physical activity interventions and policy

    The Digital Architectures of Social Media: Comparing Political Campaigning on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat in the 2016 U.S. Election

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    The present study argues that political communication on social media is mediated by a platform's digital architecture, defined as the technical protocols that enable, constrain, and shape user behavior in a virtual space. A framework for understanding digital architectures is introduced, and four platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat) are compared along the typology. Using the 2016 US election as a case, interviews with three Republican digital strategists are combined with social media data to qualify the studyies theoretical claim that a platform's network structure, functionality, algorithmic filtering, and datafication model affect political campaign strategy on social media

    Peran Mediasi Network Heterogeneity pada Hubungan Online Subjective Well-Being dan Social Media Fatigue pada Pengguna Media Sosial

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    The use of social media has many implications for individuals. One of the impacts that arises is users’ Online Subjective Well-Being (OSWB). This study aims to explore the relationship between OSWB and Social Media Fatigue (SMF) mediated by network heterogeneity; privacy concern, social comparison and selfdisclosure. This correlational research design used early adult respondents of a range of ages 20 - 30 years (N = 337) which was taken using non-probability quota sampling. Data was analyzed using SPSS Process (Model 4) by Hayes. The results showed that OSWB was able to predict SMF directly. The factors which succeed in mediating OSWB and SMF were self-disclosure, while privacy concerns and social comparison were unable to act as mediator. However, all three mediating variables have a positive correlation with SMF. Individuals with high OSWB are predicted to have lower SMF. In addition, the role of self-disclosure greatly determines the occurrence of SMF. Penggunaan media sosial membawa banyak implikasi bagi individu. Salah satu dampak yang muncul adalah Online Subjective Well-Being (OSWB) pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara OSWB dan Social Media Fatigue (SMF) yang dimediasi oleh network heterogeneity; privacy concren, social comparison dan self-disclosure. Penelitian koreasional ini melibatkan responden dewasa awal dengan rentang usia 20 - 30 tahun (N = 337) dengan pengambilan sampling menggunakan non probability quota sampling. Analisis data melalui SPSS Process (Model 4) oleh Hayes. Hasil penelitian menujukkan OSWB mampu memprediksi SMF secara langsung. Adapun faktor yang berhasil menjadi mediasi adalah self-disclosure sedangkan privacy concerns dan social comparison tidak mampu menjadi mediator. Namun demikian, ketiga variabel mediasi berkorelasi positif dengan SMF. Individu dengan OSWB yang tinggi diprediksi memiliki SMF yang lebih rendah. Selain itu, peran self-disclosure dalam diri sangat menentukan proses terjadinya SMF

    Assessing Drinking Norms from Attending Drinking Events and Social Network Site Use

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    This study compares how exposure to drinking information on social network sites (SNSs) and attending drinking events are related to college students’ perceived drinking norms. A two-wave online survey using a national sample (N = 151) was conducted. While exposure to drinking information on SNSs was positively related to perceived injunctive drinking norms, attending drinking events was positively associated with perceived descriptive drinking norms. In addition, attention to social comparison information was positively related to both drinking norms and moderated the relationship between attending drinking events and both norms. This study extends the research on social norms and new technology, and suggests implications about how to incorporate new media into drinking campaigns

    Seven steps to mapping health service provision: Lessons learned from mapping services for adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the UK

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from BMC via the DOI in this recordAvailability of data and materials: The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available because they are part of ongoing research that is not yet published, but they are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.Background: ADHD affects some individuals throughout their lifespan, yet service provision for adults in the United Kingdom (UK) is patchy. Current methods for mapping health service provision are resource intensive, do not map specialist ADHD teams separately from generic mental health services, and often fail to triangulate government data with accounts from service users and clinicians. Without a national audit that maps adult ADHD provision, it is difficult to quantify current gaps in provision and make the case for change. This paper describes the development of a seven step approach to map adult ADHD service provision in the UK. Methods: A mapping method was piloted in 2016 and run definitively in 2018. A seven step method was developed: 1. Defining the target service 2. Identifying key informants 3. Designing the survey 4. Data collection 5. Data analysis 6. Communicating findings 7. Hosting/updating the service map. Patients and members of the public (including clinicians and commissioners) were involved with design, data collection and dissemination of findings. Results: Using a broad definition of adult ADHD services resulted in an inclusive list of identified services, and allowed the definition to be narrowed to National Health Service (NHS) funded specialist ADHD services at data analysis, with confidence that few relevant services would be missed. Key informants included patients, carers, a range of health workers, and commissioners. A brief online survey, written using lay terms, appeared acceptable to informants. Emails sent using national organisations' mailing lists were the most effective way to access informants on a large scale. Adaptations to the methodology in 2018 were associated with 64% more responses (2371 vs 1446) collected in 83% less time (5 vs 30 weeks) than the pilot. The 2016 map of adult ADHD services was viewed 13,688 times in 17 weeks, indicating effective communication of findings. Conclusion: This seven step pragmatic method was effective for collating and communicating national service data about UK adult ADHD service provision. Patient and public involvement and engagement from partner organisations was crucial throughout. Lessons learned may be transferable to mapping service provision for other health conditions and in other locations.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR