4,323 research outputs found

    Promoting Social Media Engagement Via Branded Content Communication: A Fashion Brands Study on Instagram

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    Social networks have become crucial communication channels for brands through awareness, engagement, and word of mouth. Instagram is firmly positioned as a direct gateway between brands and consumers, as it became the fifth most‐used social network globally in 2021. As such, branded content is expected to increase the brand's likability, by capturing the interest and attention of the consumer, which could differ depending on what social media platform is used. This study aims to analyze whether there is a relationship between the branded content published on the Instagram profile of luxury brands (Manolo Blahnik and Loewe) and the interactions of and with its followers, focusing on branded content commu‐ nication associated to industrial, social responsibility, and commercial issues. A correlational study is presented using a quantitative methodology to test the hypotheses through an ANOVA analysis. The results show which type of content is more productive on Instagram's social network profile, helping diffusion of the firm, as it provokes more reactions from followers when using branded content related to social responsibility. It is also worth noting the extent of the interactions that branded content shows within the brand, whose influence is detected not in averages but in reach. The study's con‐ clusions allow us to affirm that branded content directly impacts brand reputation, generating positive engagement in all the cases analyzed. The study contributes to a better understanding of the branded content effect on consumer

    How FMCG brands or marketers Engage their target audience through Branded Content

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    Branded Content is a practice that is being defined in recent years as brands and marketers are trying to define a concept that can no longer be associated with the advertisement for many reasons. Branded Content can be defined from a holistic and all-encompassing perspective as “any manifestation associated with a particular brand in the eye of the beholder”. From a managerial perspective, Branded Content is any output fully/partly funded or at least endorsed by the legal owner of the brand which promotes the owner’s brand values, and makes audiences choose to engage with the brand based on a pull logic due to its entertainment, informative and/or education value” [1,2]. This study aims to explain how Branded Content is positioned in the broader scenario of Content Marketing and describe its peculiarities that distinguish it from advertisement. In particular, one of the most important features that characterise Branded Content will be analysed. This facet is called “Engagement“. This exploratory study is developed through the support of many professionals and practitioners all over the UK. These experts are willing to share their expertise and knowledge acquired over the years to conceptualise a new practice that is rapidly growing within brands of a great number of sectors [1,2]

    Branded content integration, consumer attitudes and purchase intent in South Africa

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Strategic Marketing 2016The purpose of this research was to identify the effectiveness of branded content integration as a marketing and communication strategy. The main objective was to find out whether the branded content integration in soap operas had an effect on consumer attitudes and purchase intent. A quantitative experiment was designed for the study using customers that watch TV soap operas and those who do not watch soap operas. A total of 150 respondents were used for the experiment. The data was analysed using a Chi Squared test to accept or reject the hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed that branded content integration has a positive influence when characters of a soap opera use a brand familiar to the viewers. The implications of the results of the study are that marketers are able to use branded content to create a positive change in consumer attitudes and to drive purchase intent. Using branded content integration as a marketing communication tool in soap operas can have a positive impact on how messaging is displayed.GR201

    Branded content: rupture, rapture and reflections.

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    This is primarily a discussion about change, a topic relevant to many industries and, particularly, to students as they prepare for exciting but potentially uncertain futures. It is an occasion to think about the implications and emergence of some new promotional idioms such as branded content, sub genres such as ‘native advertising’, and to consider some new generation, high profile, promotional media forms, notably vlogging

    Branded Content antes del Branded Content: la modelación cultural propagandística como forma de propaganda encubierta

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    En este artículo se propone el concepto de "modelación cultural propagandística", como una forma particular de propaganda encubierta en la cual la instancia de poder propagada y su ideología no son identificables explícitamente. Se trata de una comunicación indirecta que utiliza discursos, formatos y contenidos comunicativos que a priori no se considerarían propagandísticos. La modelación cultural propagandística implica una voluntad deliberada de incidir en y dar forma a la cultura, modelarla, de manera que aporte beneficios para el poder

    Branded content: la nueva estrategia publicitaria

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    El mundo de la publicidad evoluciona vertiginosamente a la par que la sociedad en los últimos años. Estamos en la era determinada 2.0, donde cualquier persona puede acceder al mundo vitual de forma sencilla y en el momento que quiera. Por esto mismo, las marcas se encuentran en constante cambio, utilizando nuevas técnicas de comunicación para conseguir más atención y acercamiento al público. Todo este cambio constante es gracias a internet y sus herramientas cómo las redes sociales, las páginas web, los blogs, entre otors con el fin de mantener una relación más directa con el consumidor. Los smartphones también han supuesto un gran cambio a la hora de conecarse a la red, ya que nos permite aceder a la red en el momento que queramos. Por consiguiente, van apareciendo nuevas estrategias de publicidad adaptándose a los nuevos cambios. Una de ellas es el branded content, que cada vez se encuentra más presente en las estrategias publicitarias de las marcas. Consiste en crear contenidos de entretenimiento, en los cuales encontramos los valores de la marca. En definitiva, la comunicación publicitaria es el reflejo de los cambios que existen en la sociedad actual. Donde los profesionales del sector están creando nuevos modelos comunicativos para relacionarse de manera más eficaz con los consumidores.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Semiotic analysis of brand values represented in branded content format in Spanish advertising festivals

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    La publicidad actual se enfrenta al desafío de conectar con un público que, gracias a los avances tecnológicos, consigue omitir los espacios publicitarios. El auge de fórmulas publicitarias como el branded content demuestra la capacidad de esta herramienta para superar dichas barreras y comunicar los valores de las marcas publicitadas. El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar este formato desde una perspectiva semiótica utilizando el mapping semiótico de los valores del consumo de Semprini (1995). A través de una muestra de piezas publicitarias premiadas en la categoría branded content de festivales publicitarios españoles se aprecia que el modelo propuesto es de gran utilidad. Los resultados también sugieren importantes implicaciones para el desarrollo conceptual del branded content.Nowadays, advertising faces the challenge of connecting with an audience that, due to technological advances, manages to omit advertising space. The rise of advertising formulas such as branded content demonstrates the ability of this tool to overcome these barriers and communicate the values of the brands advertised. The main objective of this article is to study this format from a semiotic perspective using the semiotic mapping of the Semprini consumption values (1995). Through a sample of 13 advertising pieces awarded in the branded content category of Spanish advertising festivals, it is revealed that the proposed model is very useful to analyze this tool. The results also suggest important implications for the conceptual development of the branded content tool related to the description of its defining features

    Analysis of branded content on television: Spanish case studies

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    El branded content se ha popularizado como formato de comunicación corporativa y publicitaria alternativa a las acciones comunicacionales tradicionales. El presente trabajo analiza el uso del branded content por parte de los anunciantes españoles en el medio televisión, con el fin de identificar las características de la aplicación de esta técnica al principal medio en inversión publicitaria en España. La metodología empleada se basa en el estudio de casos, analizando para cada uno de ellos una serie de variables previamente definidas. Los resultados muestran el carácter de utilidad y servicio que, en su mayoría, tienen las acciones de branded content difundidas en el medio televisión, ya que ofrecen información de interés para el ciudadano, como consejos y tutoriales, con un mensaje centrado en el destinatario, y transmitiendo a través de los contenidos los valores de la marca. Como conclusión, podemos destacar la transmedialidad que caracteriza a las acciones de branded content televisivas, puesto que la conversación entre marca y usuario sobre la temática tratada en estos espacios continúa en los medios sociales, a través de la presencia de los programas en plataformas como Twitter.Branded content has become popular as an alternative corporate and advertising communication format with respect to traditional communication actions. This study analyzes the use of branded content by Spanish advertisers on television, in order to identify the characteristics of the application of this communicative technique to the main medium in advertising investment in Spain. The methodology used is based on the case study, analyzing a number of predefined variables for each of the selected sample. The results show the character of utility and service which most of branded content actions broadcast on television have, since they offer information of interest to the citizen, such as tips and tutorials, with a message focused on the audience and conveying the brand values through the contents. As a conclusion, we can highlight the transmediality that characterizes the actions of branded content on television, given that the conversation between brand and user about the programmes subjects continues in social media, thanks to presence of these programmes on platforms such as Twitter

    Experiencias en creatividad publicitaria para creación de contenidos desde los públicos

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    La premisa de la exposición es que el branded content es algo que se ha hecho desde los albores de la publicidad. El mercado publicitario intenta buscar nuevos conceptos a explicar que en muchos casos son tan antiguos como la profesión misma. Si partimos de una definición con la que todos nos sintamos cómodos podríamos decir que el branded content es el contenido que hace una marca para ser consumido por su publico objetivo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Branded content filmer

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    I denne oppgaven har vi skrevet om branded content filmer, som er forankret under paraplybegrepet Content Marketing. Dette er ikke et nytt begrep, men viser sin aktualitet gjennom økende fremtreden av virksomheter som benytter seg av markedsføringsformen og gjennom mediene det er tema for omfattende diskusjon. Vår problemstilling har som mål å se på forskjeller i holdningsekstremitet og holdningsstyrke til to forskjellige filmer, der den ene filmen er en branded content film og den andre en reklamefilm med et mer tradisjonelt format. Vi ønsket også se på hvordan modellen Persuasion Knowledge spiller inn. I oppgavens teoretiske del har vi startet med å ta for oss de forskjellige begrepene innen Content Marketing. Videre har vi gått gjennom holdningsteori og redegjort for modellene ”The Elaboration Likelihood Model” og ”The Persuasion Knowledge Model”. ELM benyttet vi oss av for å se på grad av refleksjon til respondentene, mens PKM ble benyttet for å se om respondentene hadde kunnskaper om at det foregikk et overtalelsesforsøk. For å svare på problemstilling lagde vi tre hypoteser: H1) Eksponering av branded content filmer vil føre til en mer positiv holdning til reklamen og til merket enn ved eksponering av tradisjonell TV-reklame, H2) Eksponering av branded content filmer vil føre til en sterkere holdning til reklamen og merket enn ved eksponering av tradisjonell reklame og H3) Eksponering av tradisjonell TV-reklame vil i større grad aktivere Persuasion Knowledge enn ved eksponering av branded content filmer. Videre valgte vi metode. På bakgrunn av problemstillingen, som er testende problemstilling, ønsket vi å gå i bredden og teste mange, vi brukte derfor et ekstensivt opplegg. Vi skulle se på forskjeller og i den forbindelse teste hypoteser, derfor var kvantitativ metode å foretrekke, og vi valgte å utføre et eksperiment, for å finne forskjellen på de to gruppene. Resultatene fra eksperimentet var at vi fikk støtte for hypotese 1 og hypotese 2. Men analysen visste ingen signifikant forskjell mellom de ulike variablene når sjekket grad av Persuasion Knowledge