51,068 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Haikou Migratory Birds Talents Information Management System

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    摘要 海南省较之沿海经济发达省份,经济基础相对薄弱,人才紧缺情况更为严重。目前,海南省海口市经济发展处于比较快的关键时期,大力引进人才尤其是海内外高层次人才成为决定海南未来的战略抉择。为进一步完善海口市柔性引才机制,从而加快实施人才强省战略,吸引海内外人才参与国际旅游岛建设,海南省人民政府和海南省委办公厅下发了《海南省柔性引进人才暂行办法》。 为进一步加强候鸟人才的信息化管理,促进形成海南地区候鸟人才信息共享机制,提高人才的利用效率,降低寻找人才的难度,对候鸟型人才进行统筹管理,本文对如何设计和实现海口市候鸟型人才信息管理系统进行研究和讨论。 本系统采用基于B/S的SOA架构,在Java...Abstract Hainan than the coastal economically developed provinces, relatively weak economic foundation, talent shortage situation is more serious. Currently, Hainan's economic development is at a crucial stage of transformation and upgrading, the introduction of talent, especially high-level personnel at home and abroad to become the strategic choice to decide the future of Hainan. To speed up th...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323190


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    GoGlobal Rural-Urban

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    This is a book of edited articles and design projects from five years of collaborative international design projects in developed and developing economies, including China, Thailand, Ghana and Japan. Part One contains articles on initiatives including e-commerce models for developing economies, massclusivity and craft design. Part Two is dedicated to design solutions for China’s rural-urban migration issues, which affect 55 million people a year. The project enhances knowledge about the application of design thinking to national-level issues connecting policy to implementation, extending design activity into large-scale social and economic areas. The book follows an exhibition of design outcomes in London and Beijing (2010). Hall developed his chapter (‘Go Global: Ghana’) from a conference paper given at the ‘International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference’, South Korea (2009) and further expanded as a book chapter (with Barker) entitled ‘e-Artisans: Contemporary design for the global market’ in Global Design History (2011). ‘eArtisans’ researched a proposed e-commerce model linking designer-craftsmen with a global Internet sale and distribution model for African countries. The originality lay in proposing and testing knowledge, through design collaborations, in a combination of e-commerce enterprise models; it was significant in deploying the proposed model in an experimental educational initiative. The research was based on previous experience of design, craft and enterprise projects in Thailand and China, and aligned with a creative economies report by UNESCO (2008). The context was a collaboration at the KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, where action-based research methods resulted in a case study illustrating cultural transfer. Support and partnership were also provided by Aid To Artisans, the British Council and Africa 53. A vital aspect was the discovery of how an e-commerce model changed design concepts and creative proposals. The GoGlobal project has continued with an edited publication, Designing Social City Experiences (Jin Nam and Hall 2013)


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    The Design and Implementation Research about Strategic Talent Development System of AB Group

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    摘要 随着中国加入WTO,对一些行业首先放开,由于面向完全的自由市场竞争,获得了充分地发展,也率先建立起了该领域的竞争力。其中,消费电子行业是较早面对完全自由竞争而建立起全球竞争优势的行业之一。任何一个行业的发展都离不开人才,而相当一段时期凭借劳动力成本的相对优势和充分竞争而建立起来的家电行业,随着时代的发展,毛利率越来越薄,要想继续保持竞争优势,在人才供给方面必须要靠自己培养。所以如何探索出系统的人才发展体系,以支撑企业发展战略,将是人力资源管理者不断探索和研究的课题。 珠江三角洲地区是中国电子产业的主要集中地之一,伴随着改革开放而涌现出了格力、美的、创维、康佳、格兰士等一批优秀的消费电...Abstract With China's accession to WTO, some industries firstly opened, faced with the completely free market competition , obtained full development, and firstly established competitiveness in their field as well. Among of them, Consumer electronics industry is one of the industry earlier faced with a completely free competition and therefore built the global competitive advantage. Any industry...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X200815601

    Research on the High-level Talent Instruction from the Perspective of Resource-oriented Government:A Case Study of Xiamen

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    高层次人才引进在我国的实践取得了显著的效果,在部分地区初步建立人才集聚效应,同时也面临转折阶段,需要总结近年来人才引进的经验,思考人才资源管理的本质,遵循人才流动规律,才能切实推动构建政府、市场、社会力量多方参与的人才工作新格局。 本文旨在运用公共管理的理论知识指导高层次人才引进实践,基于资源型政府的新视角,结合人才资源理论,分析公共治理框架下的政府、市场、社会人才资源管理困境的原因。一方面运用资源型政府理论,架构高层次人才引进的公共治理框架;另一方面运用人才资源理论,分析公共治理框架下的政府、市场、社会人才资源管理困境的原因。本文运用归纳分析法、案例分析法、调查研究法、文献法等研究方法,首...High-level talent introduction in our country has achieved remarkable results, in some areas of talent accumulation effect has appear, but also it becomes to the turning stage, we need to sum up the experience of talent introduction in recent years, think about the nature of human resources management, follow the talent’s flow rule, then effectively promote the construction of government, market, ...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115029