17 research outputs found

    Etude de l’activité antifalcémiante d’extraits de racines de Leptadenia hastata Decne. (Asclepiadacae)

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    L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’activité antifalcémiante d’extraits de racines de Leptadenia hastata sur des hémoglobines falciformes et d’identifier les principes actifs à l’origine de cette activité. La méthode employée étudie la réversibilité des drépanocytes, en fonction du temps d’incubation des extraits par rapport aux témoins (eau physiologique, phénylalanine et arginine) sur des échantillons de sang de patients drépanocytaires homozygotes. Des concentrations de 0,05; 0,5; 5 et 10 mg/ml de quatre extraits (méthanol, hexane, acétate d’éthyle et méthanol résiduel) ont été mises en contact avec des drépanocytes de type SS après avoir provoqué leur falciformation avec une solution à 2% de métabisulfite de sodium. L’évaluation a été effectuée toutes les 30 minutes pendant 120 minutes. Les différents extraits ont montré une activité dosedépendante sur la réversibilité de la falciformation des globules rouges avec plus de 80% d’inversion en 120 minutes pour l’extrait méthanolique, le plus actif. Un screening phytochimique a permis de faire une corrélation entre les flavonoïdes et l’activité antifalcémiante des extraits de Leptadenia hastata.Mots clés : Drépanocytose, hémoglobine, activité antifalcémiante, Leptadenia hastata, flavonoïdes

    Ethnobotanical Study of Some Medicinal Species Used in Kimvula City (Kongo Central/ RDC)

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    This study has been conducted at Kimvula city. The goal was to investigate the medicinal plants used in that city. Thus, any ethnobotanical survey has been realized on the use of the plants in six towns by direct interviews among 180 peoples with an average of age comprise between 17- 70 years old with high representatives of women. This study has allowed us to establish a floristic list of 188 medicinal species belonging in 158 genera and 69 families where Fabaceae dominant group. Anemia was indications mostly cited as a sickness threated by using plants. Concerning the characteristics of the treatment preparation, leaves are the plant’s organs mostly used; decoction is the preparation way cited and the oral admistration is the administration way for those medicinal drugs. Morinda morindoides, Ocimum gratissimum, Disphania ambrosioïdes and Moringa oleifera have the VAUs superior or eaual to 1.10. There is not a link concerning the use of plants between the inhabitant of group 1 and the inhabitant of group 2. By the wah, that there is a link concerning the use of plants between the Lona, Winda, Pado, Revolution and Kinata neighborhoods (Group 2). Three sspcies characterized the group 1 like: Clematis hirsuta, Saccharum officinarum and Voacanga africana, and four especies Ceiba pentandra, Indigofera paracapitata, Maprounea africana and Ochna afzelii characterized the group 2


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    The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of the seeds of Citrullus colocynthis,Coccinia grandis, Cucumis metuliferus and Cucumis prophetarum belonging to the family of Cucurbitaceae. For each variety, the ash, protein, fat, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and zinc were determined. The oils were characterized by the determination of the acid (IA), iodine (II), saponification (IS), refraction (IR) numbers as well as the fatty acids and anti-oxidants composition and the non-saponification percentage. Our results showed: 13.19-26.86 % protein content, 14.48-24.62 % fat content, and 2.00-4.46 % ash content. Respectively the mineral matter was as follow: calcium (246.90-569.47 mg/100 g); copper (5.10-5.79 mg/100 g); iron (10.95-15.57 mg/100 g); magnesium (209.83-289.07 mg/100 g); potassium (465.27-1205.12 mg/100 g); phosphorus (30.03-49.13 mg/100 g); sodium (11.89-16.67 mg/100 g) and zinc (1.05-2.92 mg/100 g). The physicochemical characterization of the oil revealed that: IA was within 2.90-6.31 mg of KOH/g, IS within 171.67-208.90 mg of KOH/g, II within 138.10-146.74 g of iodine for 100 g of oils and IR within 1.4607-1.4620. The non-saponification percentage was within 1.07-3.39 % and the predominant fatty acids were palmitic acid (15.12-17.29 %), stearic acid (7.65-9.04 %), oleic acid (10.77 %-18.57 %) and linoleic acid (56.21-64.188 %). The study of the anti-oxidants fraction showed: 8.04-80 mg/kg α-tocopherol content, 83.14-619.37 mg/kg γ-tocopherol content and 0.05-0.23 mg/kg β-carotene content. KEY WORDS: Citrullus colocynthis, Coccinia grandis, Cucumis metuliferus, Cucumis prophetarum, Protein, Oil, Fatty acids, Antioxidants, Minerals Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2007, 21(3), 323-330

    Alimentation végétale et systèmes de production en Limousin, du Néolithique à la Renaissance

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 2754 Date de l'opération : 2007 (PC) Inventeur(s) : Bouchette Anne (BEN) Initié en 2006, le PCR sur « L’Alimentation végétale et les systèmes de production en Limousin du Néolithique à la Renaissance » a pour objectif de développer les études archéobotaniques et de proposer, à terme, une synthèse régionale. En effet, l’exploitation et la gestion des ressources naturelles est une préoccupation primordiale des sociétés rurales, les plantes occupant une..

    Ethnopharmacological survey, antioxidant and antifungal activity of medicinal plants traditionally used in Baham locality (Cameroon) to treat fungal infections

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    Invasive fungal infections are important causes of mortality despite advances in antifungal therapy. The aim of this study was collect information on plants used by traditional healers for the treatment of fungal infections in the Baham subdivision (Western region of Cameroon) and to assess the in vitro antifungal and antioxidant potentials of the extracts from the medicinal plants surveyed. The antifungal activity was assessed by the broth micro-dilution method and the antioxidant activity was determined using the free-radical scavenging assays. The extracts for the plants Kotschya strigosa and Eryngium foetidum had potent antifungal activity with minimum inhibitory concentration value of 32 μg/mL against Cryptococcus neoformans. Eugenia gilgii extract had the highest free radical scavenging capacity in 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay (IC50 of 4.54μg/mL). There is a rich wealth of knowledge and usage of plants by traditional healers for the treatment of fungal infections and further studies should consider isolation of active compounds from the extracts in order to assess the potential for developing new, effective, safe and affordable phytomedicine for the treatment of fungal infections and other pharmacological applications.Keywords: Ethnomedicine; Fungal infections; Antifungal; Antioxidant; Extrac

    Étude ethnobotanique et floristique de quelques plantes médicinales commercialisées à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

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    According to the WHO, more than 80% of the population in Africa resort to traditional medicine to solve primary health problem. In the present study, an ethnobotanical survey was carried out according to a stratified probabilistic sampling plan in five markets of the district of Mont-Amba, in Kinshasa city. The ethnobotanical data collected were then supplemented by information concerning plant ecological types. 47 species belonging 44 genera and 29 families were inventoried in the medicinal flora of the District of Mont-Amba. These plant species are used in treating 41 diseases but only the treatment of poison (toxicological hepatitis), sexual weakness, malaria and tooth decay received an informant consensus factor ? 50%. According to the value of agreement use, only the following eight plant species are of interest: Aframomum melegueta, Garcinia kola, Gladiolus gregarius, Gongronema latifolium, Heinsia crinita, Morinda morindoides, Quassia africana and Sarcocephalus latifolius. It is thus desirable that studies should be carried out on these eight plant species in order to collect scientific data for guiding future research on the phytochemistry and the bioactivity which will lead to the domestication of raw materials for the development of improved plant-based medicines. Also, the creation of a botanical garden of medicinal plants will be able to contribute to the safeguard of the medically active plants, the diffusion of knowledge, medical and pharmaceutical experiences and sociocultural exchanges. Keywords: Ethno-botanical survey, medicinal plant species, sustainable management, conservation, Democratic Republic of the CongoSelon l’OMS, plus de 80% de la population africaine recourt à la médecine traditionnelle pour résoudre le problème de santé primaire. Dans la présente étude, une enquête ethnobotanique a été menée selon un plan d’échantillonnage stratifié probabiliste dans cinq marchés du district de Mont-Amba. Les données ethnobotaniques recueillies ont ensuite été complétées par des informations concernant les types écologiques. 47 espèces appartenant 44 genres et 29 familles ont été inventoriées dans la flore médicinale du District de Mont-Amba à Kinshasa. Ces plantes traitent 41 maladies, cependant seuls les traitements du poison (hépatite toxicologique), de la faiblesse sexuelle, du paludisme et de la carie dentaire ont un facteur de consensus informateur ? 50 %. En recourant à la valeur d’accord d’utilisation, seules huit plantes se dégagent du lot, notamment Aframomum melegueta, Garcinia kola, Gladiolus gregarius, Gongronema latifolium, Heinsia crinita, Morinda morindoides, Quassia africana et Sarcocephalus latifolius. Il est donc souhaitable que des études soient réalisées sur ces huit plantes en vue de recueillir les données scientifiques pouvant orienter les recherches pharmaco-biologiques et phytochimiques futures et susceptibles de conduire à la domestication des matières premières pour la fabrication de médicaments traditionnels améliorés. Aussi, la création d’un jardin botanique de plantes médicinales pourra contribuer à la sauvegarde des espèces bioactives, à la diffusion et à l’échange des connaissances et des expériences médico-pharmaceutiques et socio-culturelles. Mots-cléfs: Enquête ethnobotanique, Plantes médicinales, Gestion durable, Conservation, République démocratique du Cong

    Ethnobotanical and floristic study of some medicinal plant species sold in Kinshasa city, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    According to the WHO, more than 80% of the population in Africa resort to traditional medicine to solve primary health problem. In the present study, an ethnobotanical survey was carried out according to a stratified probabilistic sampling plan in five markets of the district of Mont-Amba, in Kinshasa city. The ethnobotanical data collected were then supplemented by information concerning plant ecological types. 47 species belonging 44 genera and 29 families were inventoried in the medicinal flora of the District of Mont-Amba. These plant species are used in treating 41 diseases but only the treatment of poison (toxicological hepatitis), sexual weakness, malaria and tooth decay received an informant consensus factor ? 50%. According to the value of agreement use, only the following eight plant species are of interest: Aframomum melegueta, Garcinia kola, Gladiolus gregarius, Gongronema latifolium, Heinsia crinita, Morinda morindoides, Quassia africana and Sarcocephalus latifolius. It is thus desirable that studies should be carried out on these eight plant species in order to collect scientific data for guiding future research on the phytochemistry and the bioactivity which will lead to the domestication of raw materials for the development of improved plant-based medicines. Also, the creation of a botanical garden of medicinal plants will be able to contribute to the safeguard of the medically active plants, the diffusion of knowledge, medical and pharmaceutical experiences and sociocultural exchanges

    Effet Antimycobactérien Des Plantes Marocaines: Revue Générale

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    Tuberculosis is a major public health problem in the world. It is the leading cause of death from infectious diseases. The upsurge of this disease is mainly due to the emergence of multi-resistant and ultra-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Hence, efforts to find out new antimycobacterial substances are needed. In this context, plants constitute an immense reservoir of original active molecules with interesting biological effects. Hence, they represent a promising way to discover substances that can possibly better control mycobacterial infections and reduce the emergence of bacterial resistance to anti-tubercular drugs. Consequently, our herein work focuses on the presentation of the antimycobacterial activity of the extracts and / or essential oils of 21 Moroccan plants, through the results analysis of scientific investigations carried out between 2007 and 2017 retained via an electronic navigation by using different databases (ScienceDirect, Pubmed, Scopus, Google Scholars and Google), thus revealing the efforts made by Morocco to fight against tuberculosis

    Medicinal plants used by ‘root doctors’, local traditional healers in Bié province, Angola

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    This study is one of the first post-civil war efforts to document traditional botanical knowledge in Bié province, central Angola, in a first step to bring more studies on the use of medicinal plant resources in this area so as to bring new insights into Angolan bio-cultural diversity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio