887 research outputs found

    Encouraging the demand of a child with a disorder of social communication in a regular kindergarten

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u usvajanje vjeÅ”tine zahtijevanja kod djeteta s poremećajem socijalne komunikacije uključenog u redovnu skupinu vrtića, evaluirati uspjeÅ”nost programa i njego utjecaj na dijete s teÅ”koćama i ostale sudionike istraživanja. U programu je sudjelovao dječak kronoloÅ”ke dobi 4,1 godinne, četvero vrÅ”njaka i dvije odgajateljice.Učinak programa pratio se mjerenjem učestalosti zavisnih varijabli: zahtijevanje pojedinačnim znakovima, verbalno zahtijevanje, zahtijevanje od asistentice, zahtijevanje od odgajateljica, zahtijevanje od vrÅ”njaka i nepoželjno ponaÅ”anje. Prije provedbe programa učinjena je procjena komunikacijskih sredstava i funkcija, a isto je učinjeno i nakon provedbe programa. Program je proveden tijekom 8 tjedana u 15 vremenskih točaka. Rezultati su pokazali kako uslijed pada učestalosti zahtijevanja pojedinačnim znakovima raste učestalost verbalnog zahtijevanja. Na kraju programa smanjila se učestalost zahtijevanja od asistenta, a značajno povećala učestalost zahtijevanja od odgajateljica i vrÅ”njaka. Uslijed usvajanja vjeÅ”tine zahtijevanja dječaku je bio potreban sve niži stupanj podrÅ”ke. U finalnoj procjeni također je vidljiva smanjena učestalost pojavljivanja nepoželjnog ponaÅ”anja. Na kraju provedbe programa provedeni su intervjui s dječakovim odgajateljicama koje su dale uvid u proces uključivanja djece s teÅ”koćama iz svoje perspektive, evaluirale provedeni program i istakle važne preporuke za daljnje kvalitetnije uključivanje djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju u redovne vrtiće. Ističe se potreba za daljnjim sličnim istraživanjima usmjerenim na vrÅ”njake i odgajatelje.The aim of this study was to gain insights into the acquisition of demanding skill in a child with social communication disorder included in a regular kindergarten group, to evaluate the success of the program and it's impact on a child with disabilities and other research participants. The program participants were: a 4.1 year old boy, four peers and two educators. The impact of the program is monitored by measuring the frequency of the dependent variables: demanding using individual signs, verbal demanding, demanding from an assistent, demanding from an educator, demanding from peers and undesired behavior. Prior to the implementation of the program, evaluation of communication resources and functions was carried out, and the same was done after the implementation of the program. The program was conducted over 8 weeks at 15 time points. The results have shown that the frequency of verbal demanding increases as a result of the fall in the frequency of demanding using individual signs. At the end of the program, the frequency of demanding from the assistant decreased and the frequency of demanding from educators and peers increased considerably. By adopting the skill of demanding, the boy needed a lower level of support. In the final assessment, there is also a noticeable reduction in the frequency of undesired behavior. At the end of the program implementation, interviews with child's educators were conducted, which provided insight into the process of inclusion of children with disabilities from their perspective, evaluated the implemented program and highlighted important recommendations for further better inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular kindergartens. The need for further similar research aimed at peers and educators is emphasized

    Spontaneous gesture production in preschool children

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    Geste su važan aspekt svakodnevne komunikacije i koriste ih govornici svih uzrasta. Cilj rada je bio ispitati uporabu gesta kod predÅ”kolske djece (4-7 godina) tipičnog razvoja. Podaci su se prikupljali analizom spontanog ponaÅ”anja u vrtićkoj skupini prema protokolu promatranja osmiÅ”ljenom za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Promatranje je obuhvatilo 30-ero djece, 16 dječaka i 14 djevojčica. Rezultati su pokazali da djeca prosječno tijekom promatranog perioda od sat vremena 15,6 puta koriste geste u komunikacijske svrhe. Iako su dječaci proizveli veći broj gesta, analiza podataka pokazala je da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u uporabi gesta između dječaka i djevojčica. Od tri dobne skupine (četverogodiÅ”njaci, petogodiÅ”njaci i Å”estogodiÅ”njaci) najviÅ”e gesta proizvela je najstarija dobna skupina. NajčeŔće geste su bile deiktičke i to gesta pokazivanja. Slijede ih, u znatno manjem postotku, konvencionalne geste. U većini slučajeva geste su se koristile s komunikacijskim partnerom istog spola. Također, najčeŔće su koriÅ”tene u svrhu komentiranja te je u većini slučajeva uz geste bio udružen govor. Ovi podaci pružaju uvid u uporabu gesta te nude jasnije kriterije pri procjeni komunikacijskih obilježja ove dobne skupine.Gestures are an important aspect of everyday communication and are used by speakers of all ages. The aim of the study was to examine the use of gestures in typically developing children preschool children (4-7 years). Data were collected by analyzing the spontaneous behavior in kindergarten groups according to the protocol of observation designed for this survey. The observation included 30 children, 16 boys and 14 girls. The results showed that the children used gestures in communication purposes on average 15.6 times during the observed period of one hour. Although the boys produced a greater number of gestures, data analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the use of gestures between boys and girls. Of the three age groups (four, five and six year old children) most gestures were produced by the oldest age group. The most common gestures were deictic, particularly the pointing gesture. Conventional gestures are followed in a much smaller percentage. In most cases, the gestures were used with the communication partner of the same gender. Also, they were most frequently used for the purpose of commenting and in most cases speech was associated with gestures. These data provide insight into the use of gesture and offer clearer criteria in the communication assessment of this age group

    Imperativnost između gramatičke zadanosti i komunikacijske uljudnosti

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    The paper focuses on the relation between imperatives and imperativeness, that is, between the imperative as a grammatical mood with a defined form and its assigned function, on the one hand, and imperativeness as a communicative value that can manifest itself through different morphosyntactic forms, on the other. In this sense, the function of imperatives is analysed in the context of the theory of speech acts. The analysis reveals that different imperative forms can be classified as different types of speech acts based on their various communicative roles. The theory of politeness dictates that directness, which is a basic feature of imperatives, should be avoided in polite communication. This is why we also focus on other morphosyntactic forms whose form indicates a reduced level of directness, but whose content still has the characteristics of imperatives.The paper focuses on the relation between imperatives and imperativeness, that is, between the imperative as a grammatical mood with a defined form and its assigned function, on the one hand, and imperativeness as a communicative value that can manifest itself through different morphosyntactic forms, on the other. In this sense, the function of imperatives is analysed in the context of the theory of speech acts. The analysis reveals that different imperative forms can be classified as different types of speech acts based on their various communicative roles. The theory of politeness dictates that directness, which is a basic feature of imperatives, should be avoided in polite communication. This is why we also focus on other morphosyntactic forms whose form indicates a reduced level of directness, but whose content still has the characteristics of imperatives

    Verbal behavior ā€“ behavioral approach to teaching language

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    Jedan od pristupa razumijevanju i podučavanju jezika djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma i s ostalim razvojnim teÅ”koćama je i verbalno ponaÅ”anje (verbal behavior). Verbalno ponaÅ”anje znanstveno je utemeljen pristup podučavanju jezika, temeljen na funkciji jezičnih jedinica te interakciji između govornika i sluÅ”atelja. Taj pristup proiziÅ”ao je iz područja primijenjene analize ponaÅ”anja - PAP (ABA ā€“ Applied Behaviour Analysis). Analiza verbalnog ponaÅ”anja prikazuje primjenu bihevioralne analize na razumijevanje i podučavanje jezičnih vjeÅ”tina. U ovom radu opisane su teorijske postavke i metode podučavanja proiziÅ”le iz verbalnog ponaÅ”anja, na osnovi pregleda istraživanja koje se odnose na podučavanje zahtijevanja (mand), imenovanja i komentiranja (tact), dijaloga (intraverbal) i imitacije (echoic).One of the approaches to understanding and teaching language to children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities is verbal behavior. It is an evidence-based approach to teaching language based on the function of language units and interaction between speaker and listener. It is an approach based on Applied Behavior Analysis and represents the application of behavioral analysis in teaching language skills. In this paper, theoretical perspective and methods developed from verbal behavior will be presented through the review of literature on teaching ā€œmandā€, ā€œtactā€, ā€œintraverbalā€ and ā€œechoicā€ verbal operants

    Visual support for preschool children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Autizam, odnosno poremećaji iz spektra autizma se odnose na grupu stanja karakteriziranih poteÅ”koćama u socijalnim vjeÅ”tinama, ponavljajućim radnjama, govoru i neverbalnoj komunikaciji. Iako se ne zna točan uzrok, smatra se kako je povezan s viÅ”e različitih čimbenika. No poznato je kako je često praćen senzornom osjetljivoŔću i problemima zdravstvenog karaktera, poput poremećaja u gastrointestinalnom traktu, napadajima i poremećajima sna, kao i problemima sa mentalnim zdravljem gdje osnovu problema čine anksioznost, depresija i poremećaj pažnje. U odnosu na sveobuhvatnu podrÅ”ku koja djeca s poremećajima iz spektra autizma trebaju, iznimno je važno da odgojitelji poznaju primjerene strategije rada s djecom te da znaju poticati djecu na suradnju s vrÅ”njacima u redovnom vrtićkom okruženju.Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a group of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. Although, there is not the exact cause of autism, it is considered to be related with different factors. Autism is often accompanied by sensory sensitivities and medical issues such as gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, seizures or sleep disorders, as well as mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression and attention issues.In relation to the comprehensive support that children with autism spectrum disorders need, it is extremely important that educators know the appropriate strategy for working with children and know how to encourage children to work with peers in a regular kindergarten environment

    Early intervention program for a child with suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder : case study

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je evaluirati utjecaj provedbe individualiziranog programa na razvoj vjeÅ”tina djeteta s PSA. Sudionik je bio dječak G. R. sa sumnjom na PSA, u dobi od 31 mjesec. Za procjenu dječakovih sposobnosti koriÅ”teni su Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2 Lord, Rutter i sur., 2012) te Verbal Behavior Milestones Assesment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP, Sundberg, 2014). Na temelju rezultata dobivenih procjenom izradila sam strukturirani individualizirani program za dječaka kako bi se poticao razvoj vjeÅ”tina. Program se provodio u Kabinetu za poremećaje iz spektra autizma u Centru za rehabilitaciju ERF-a, te u domu dječaka. Program je proveden u periodu od pet mjeseci. Od ožujka do srpnja 2019. godine. Analizirajući rezultate VB-MAPP-a primjećuju se promijene u dva područja, a to su zahtijevanje i sluÅ”no odgovaranje. Sva ostala područja ostala su nepromijenjena nakon provedbe programa. Uspoređujući rezultate inicijalne i finalne procjene ADOS mjernim instrumentom mogu se primijetiti razlike u dobivenim rezultatima. Razlike su vidljive u svim područjima (komunikacijske vjeÅ”tine, socijalna interakcija, igra, adaptivno ponaÅ”anje). Iz rezultata je vidljivo da je dječak usvojio vjeÅ”tine na svim područjima. . Najznačajnije promjene, vidljive na oba mjerna instrumenta su na području zahtijevanja. A ako uzmemo u obzir da je zahtijevanje (mand) jedna je od temeljnih jedinica verbalnog ponaÅ”anja (Brady, Saunders i Spradlin, 1994 prema Vukasn, StoÅ”ić, 2018), onda možemo reći da je ovaj program bio učinkovit.The goal of this paper (work) was to evaluate the effect of the implementation of individualized programs on the development of children with ASD. The participant was a boy G. R. with ASD in obs, at the age of 31 months. To evaluate the boys abilities the 2nd edition Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule was used as well as the Behavior Milestones Assesment and Placement Program. On the basis of the aquired results I have developed a structured individualized program for the boy in order to help further his abilities. The program was implemented within the Cabinet for ASD inside the Center for Rehabilitation at the faculty for Education and Rehabilitation as well as the boys home. It spanned for a duration of 5 months; from the months of March through July 2019. Analyzing the results of VB-MAPP a change can be detected in two categories, those being the field of mand and listener responding. All other categories remained unchanged after the implementation of the program. Comparing the results of the initial and final analysis using the ADOS measuring instrument a trend of change can be noticed in the results. Differences are visible in all areas (communication abilities, social interaction, play, and adaptive behavior). From the results it can be seen that the boy has adopted abilities in all areas. The biggest changes, visible on both measuring instruments, are in the areas of mand. If we take into account that (mand) is one of the basic elements of verbal behaviors we can say the program was effective

    Autism spectrum disorders in preschool children

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    Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća bilježi se znatan porast prevalencije poremećaja iz autističnog spektra (PAS) u cijelom svijetu, Å”to je rezultiralo i pojačanim interesom stručnjaka, znanstvenika i Å”ire javnosti za ovaj poremećaj. Od pojavljivanja u dijagnostičkim priručnicima do danas, dijagnostičke kategorije i kriteriji za pojedine kategorije su u relativno kratkom razdoblju doživjele velik broj izmjena, kao Å”to su promjene u nazivima i broju dijagnostičkih kategorija, promjene u samim dijagnostičkim kriterijima, promjene u broju kriterija koje dijete ili osoba mora ispunjavati, te oznakama i/ili stanjima koji dodatno opisuju ili pak isključuju ovu dijagnostičku kategoriju. U ovom radu prikazani su dijagnostički kriteriji, njihove povijesne promjene, obilježja djece s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra po područjima razvoja, terapijski postupci te uključivanje djece s poremećajima u redovite predÅ”kolske programe.For the last couple of decades, a significant increase of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prevalence has been noted worldwide, which resulted in experts, public and scientists showing more interest in that area. Since being mentioned in diagnostic manuals, diagnostic categories and the criteria for some of them have been altered in a very short period of time. For example, changes made in titles and the numbers of diagnostic categories, changes in diagnostic criterias, changes in the number of criterias that a child or an adult have to fullfill and marks which additionally describe or exclude any of the diagnostic categories. Diagnostic criterias, changes made throught the history and child characteristics from the autistic spectrum, these are all the facts shown in this paper. Furthermore, therapeutic treatments and inclusion of children with disabilities in regular preschool programs are also explained

    Using method of multi - sensory storytelling program with child diagnosed autism spectrum disorder - case study

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    ViÅ”eosjetilno pričanje priča je metoda u kojoj priča nije jednostavno predstavljena koriÅ”tenjem govora i slika već cjelovitim iskustvom na razini svih naÅ”ih osjetila (Grove, 2013). U istraživanju je sudjelovao dječak (5,0 godina) s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, Å”esnaestero vrÅ”njaka te dvije odgajateljice iz dječakove vrtićke skupine. Kako bi se ostvario cilj rada provedeno je istraživanje u obliku studije slučaja, a sastojalo se od kvantitativne i kvalitativne obrade prikupljenih podataka. Kvantitativnim dijelom ispitan je utjecaj programa viÅ”eosjetilnog pričanja priča na frekvenciju (učestalost) koriÅ”tenja zamjenice ā€žjaā€œ umjesto imena u trećem licu jednine kod spomenutog dječaka. Frekvencija koriÅ”tenja zamjenice ā€žjaā€œ promatrala se u odnosu na različite komunikacijske svrhe: zahtijevanje hrane, igračke, pažnje ili aktivnosti; odbijanje hrane, igračke, pažnje ili aktivnosti; odgovaranje na pitanje s ponuĎene dvije opcije ili pitanje otvorenog tipa; pričanje o sebi te prilikom socijalnih izmjena. Potom, promatrana je frekvencija koriÅ”tenja zamjenice ā€žjaā€œ u odnosu na različite osobe uobičajeno prisutne u dječakovoj vrtićkoj skupini (vrÅ”njaci, odgajateljice, asistentica) te konačno u odnosu na različite razine podrÅ”ke s ciljem postizanja spontanog koriÅ”tenja. Kvalitativnim dijelom istraživanja želio se dobiti uvid u perspektive odgajateljica ciljane vrtićke skupine o viÅ”eosjetilnom te općenito novim oblicima pričanja priča. Provedeno kvalitativno istraživanje koristi se i kao nadopuna evaluaciji programa viÅ”eosjetilnog pričanja priča. Rezultati kvantitativne analize podataka ukazuju na povećanje frekvencije koriÅ”tenja zamjenice ā€žjaā€œ u svrhu zahtijevanja, odbijanja, odgovaranja na pitanje te pričanje o sebi. TakoĎer povećalo se spontano koriÅ”tenje zamjenice ā€žjaā€œ. Rezultati kvalitativne analize podataka govore o doprinosima programa viÅ”eosjetilnog pričanja priča kroz učenje,interakciju s vrÅ”njacima, ravnopravno sudjelovanje sve djece, razvoj empatije kod vrÅ”njaka te prihvaćanje djeteta s teÅ”koćama od strane vrÅ”njaka tipičnog razvoja.Multi-sensory storytelling is an approach to storytelling in which stories are not simply told but can be experienced with all our senses (Grove, 2013). In my research took a part a five-years old boy with an autism spectrum disorder, sixteen the same old kids and two educators from boy`s kindergarten group. To reach the goal of this study I implemented the research as case study which included quantitative and qualitative processing of collected data. The quantitative part of the research included research of influence of multi-sensory storytelling program by frequently using pronoun ā€œIā€ instead of name in third part of singular at boy with autism spectrum disorder. The goal was to find out the frequency of using pronoun ā€œIā€ in different communicationsā€™ purposes as: asking for a food, for a toy, for attention or activity; refusing food, toy, attention or activity; answering on question with offered two options or open type; telling about himself and during social exchanges. Furthermore I researched the frequency of using pronoun ā€œIā€ regarding to different persons who are normally part of boyĀ“s kindergarten group (other children, educators, assistant) and finally, in relation to different levels of support with end aim to spontaneous using pronoun ā€œIā€. The qualitative part of research aimed to make a picture of perspective of kindergarten group educators regarding to multi-sensory storytelling and others new methods of telling stories. Because of this, it is supplement to the evaluation of multi-sensory storytelling program. Results of the quantitative results processing show increasing frequency of use pronoun ā€œIā€ in purpose of demand, rejection, answering on questions and telling stories about himself. Increasing of using pronoun ā€œIā€ is established at spontaneous using.Results of the qualitative data analyses show contribution of multi-sensory storytelling program through learning process, equally participation of all children, development of empathy at other kindergarten group children and accepting child with disabilities from the other children

    Application of non verbal communication for children with multiple disability and visual impariment

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati različite neverbalne sustave komunikacije koji se koriste u svrhu olakÅ”avanja svakodnevnog komuniciranja i funkcioniranja djece s oÅ”tećenjem vida i dodatnim utjecajnim teÅ”koćama. Usporedbom djeteta tipičnog razvoja i djeteta s viÅ”estrukim teÅ”koćama vidljive su značajne razlike. Zbog komunikacijskih specifičnosti koje često ostaju nezamijećene javljaju se nepoželjni i neprimjereni oblici ponaÅ”anja. Uvođenjem neverbalnih sustava komunikacije koji sve čeŔće uključuje suvremenu tehnologiju te pronalaženjem alternativnih obrazaca ponaÅ”anja dolazi do smanjenja nepoželjnih oblika ponaÅ”anja. Heterogenost djece s oÅ”tećenjem vida i dodatnim utjecajnim teÅ”koćama pridonosi deficitu istraživanja na ovu temu. Ovaj rad pridonosi razumijevanju različitih oblika neverbalne komunikacije kod djece s oÅ”tećenjem vida i dodatnim utjecajnim teÅ”koćama te metode koje se koriste u svrhu maksimalnog uključivanja djeteta u svakodnevni život.The aim of this study was to show various nonverbal communication sistems which are used for the purpose of easier way of daily communicating and functioning of children with vision impairment and additional disabilities. There are significant differences between typically developing child and child with multiple disabilities. Because of the unnoticed specifics of the communication, undesirable and innapropriate behaviors seems to appear. Implementing nonverbal sistems of communications with modern technology support and finding alternative patterns of behavior helps to decrease undesirable forms of behavior. Heterogenity of children with visual impairment and additional disabilities has a great impact on lack of studies to this subject
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