Encouraging the demand of a child with a disorder of social communication in a regular kindergarten


Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u usvajanje vještine zahtijevanja kod djeteta s poremećajem socijalne komunikacije uključenog u redovnu skupinu vrtića, evaluirati uspješnost programa i njego utjecaj na dijete s teškoćama i ostale sudionike istraživanja. U programu je sudjelovao dječak kronološke dobi 4,1 godinne, četvero vršnjaka i dvije odgajateljice.Učinak programa pratio se mjerenjem učestalosti zavisnih varijabli: zahtijevanje pojedinačnim znakovima, verbalno zahtijevanje, zahtijevanje od asistentice, zahtijevanje od odgajateljica, zahtijevanje od vršnjaka i nepoželjno ponašanje. Prije provedbe programa učinjena je procjena komunikacijskih sredstava i funkcija, a isto je učinjeno i nakon provedbe programa. Program je proveden tijekom 8 tjedana u 15 vremenskih točaka. Rezultati su pokazali kako uslijed pada učestalosti zahtijevanja pojedinačnim znakovima raste učestalost verbalnog zahtijevanja. Na kraju programa smanjila se učestalost zahtijevanja od asistenta, a značajno povećala učestalost zahtijevanja od odgajateljica i vršnjaka. Uslijed usvajanja vještine zahtijevanja dječaku je bio potreban sve niži stupanj podrške. U finalnoj procjeni također je vidljiva smanjena učestalost pojavljivanja nepoželjnog ponašanja. Na kraju provedbe programa provedeni su intervjui s dječakovim odgajateljicama koje su dale uvid u proces uključivanja djece s teškoćama iz svoje perspektive, evaluirale provedeni program i istakle važne preporuke za daljnje kvalitetnije uključivanje djece s teškoćama u razvoju u redovne vrtiće. Ističe se potreba za daljnjim sličnim istraživanjima usmjerenim na vršnjake i odgajatelje.The aim of this study was to gain insights into the acquisition of demanding skill in a child with social communication disorder included in a regular kindergarten group, to evaluate the success of the program and it's impact on a child with disabilities and other research participants. The program participants were: a 4.1 year old boy, four peers and two educators. The impact of the program is monitored by measuring the frequency of the dependent variables: demanding using individual signs, verbal demanding, demanding from an assistent, demanding from an educator, demanding from peers and undesired behavior. Prior to the implementation of the program, evaluation of communication resources and functions was carried out, and the same was done after the implementation of the program. The program was conducted over 8 weeks at 15 time points. The results have shown that the frequency of verbal demanding increases as a result of the fall in the frequency of demanding using individual signs. At the end of the program, the frequency of demanding from the assistant decreased and the frequency of demanding from educators and peers increased considerably. By adopting the skill of demanding, the boy needed a lower level of support. In the final assessment, there is also a noticeable reduction in the frequency of undesired behavior. At the end of the program implementation, interviews with child's educators were conducted, which provided insight into the process of inclusion of children with disabilities from their perspective, evaluated the implemented program and highlighted important recommendations for further better inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular kindergartens. The need for further similar research aimed at peers and educators is emphasized

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