1,054 research outputs found

    Single-subject research design for school counselors: Becoming an applied researcher

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    During the past decade, there has been discussion over the need for outcome research documenting the work of school counselors and the lack of research delineating the work of school counselors (Baker, 2000; Fairchild, 1993; Green & Keys, 2001; Myrick, 1990; Paisley & McMahon, 2001; Rhyne-Winkler & Wooten, 1996; Vacc & Rhyne-Winkler, 1993; Whiston & Sexton, 1998). Outcome research supporting the work of school counselors is increasingly being demanded as the public desires to know how public education funds are spent on school counseling services and whether those services are effective (Burnham & Jackson, 2000; Looney, 1998; Lusky & Hayes, 2001; Rhyne-Winkler & Wooten). The addition of new school counseling positions and continuation of school counseling programs in public and private education has prompted efforts to justify funding and retention of school counselors as necessary components of the educational system (Whiston & Sexton). Funding of school counseling programs is of great concern as public education frequently must deal with decreased federal, state, and local funding sources which translates into reductions in programs, services, and personnel (Lenhardt & Young, 2001; Otwell & Mullis, 1997). Not only can empirical research be helpful to justify funding, but also it can be a useful tool for program evaluation to establish and maintain an effective school counseling program. Enhancement of the professional viability of school counselors can also be a benefit of empirical research (Borders & Drury, 1992; Fairchild; Lenhardt & Young; Paisley & McMahon). A clear need exists for research on school counselors and their interventions, but it is unclear who is responsible for conducting this research. It has been suggested that school counselors should accept the challenge to provide the needed accountability data (Johnson, 2000; Paisley & McMahon; Otwell & Mullis). Moreover, Lenhardt and Young proposed that through advocacy, public relations, and marketing, the profession could be strengthened; however, this is dependent on accountability efforts including measuring student outcomes and conducting action research

    The use of single-subject research design for assessment, evaluation, and research in higher education

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    While enrolling in a college for a degree is still considered to be more of the expectation than the rule in households across the United States it is facing public criticism regarding its overall cost versus long-term benefits. This has prompted researchers to reevaluate practices in higher education to determine ways in which post-secondary institutions can improve their overall outcomes. In part, research indicates that this should include revisions to assessment, evaluation, and research (AER) practices. Currently, higher education faces many challenges associated with rigorous AER practices, which include an institutional focus on accountability measures, organizational challenges, and difficulties in operationally defining and measuring constantly changing definition for students, faculty, and higher education. These challenges have forced higher education to move away from rigorous quantitative designs that show causality. Additionally, higher education’s focus on large N research struggles to capture the unique identities and experiences of today’s college campus, which also poses challenges for the use of AER by practitioners across academic and student affairs. At present, new approaches to AER must be considered. The purpose of the current study was to propose and investigate one potential way to supplement large N AER with the use of single-subject research design (SSRD). Using visual analysis and the calculation of effect sizes with nonoverlap of all pairs (NAP), archival data from a unique behavioral program in a post-secondary transition program located at a land-grant institution in the southeastern United States was evaluated to determine if its implementation reduced student referrals at the program (N =25) and cohort level between Fall 2019 to Spring 2020. Results indicated that the behavioral program was most effective at the program level but had variable results at the cohort level. These results indicate that SSRD can be an effective approach to AER practices in higher education and would adequately supplement and potentially inform further large N research with its ability address to assess smaller populations

    Self-Determination Theory and Fragile X Syndrome

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    This study provides insight into the Self-Determination Theory with a participant with Fragile X syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. This study utilized a single-subject research design which measured the exercised performance by looking at walking distance, push-ups, and curl-ups over five weeks

    \u27Pick it Up, It\u27s Good\u27 Utilizing Solution-Focused Guided Imagery with Golfers Experiencing the Yips: A Single-Subject Research Design

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    A multiple-baseline across-subjects design was used to test the efficacy of solution-focused guided imagery (SFGI) with four yip-affected golfers (X = 51 years of age) and an average of 33 years playing experience. Yips are defined as jerks, tremors, or a freezing of the putting stroke and in the least can add several strokes per round of golf (Smith et al., 2003). Existing research suggests that the yips are a task-specific dystonia that is prompted and/or exacerbated by psychological factors (e.g., anxiety). Each golfer in this study participated in at least five SFGI sessions, designed to guide the individual to create vivid images of themselves thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways devoid of their problem. Visual analysis of the data revealed an immediate and sustained decrease for all participants in reducing the number of yips and the percentage of yips within 5 feet between baseline and intervention phases. Maintenance data also revealed no instances of the yips

    Implementation of Solutions-Focused Counseling (SFC) to Improve Student Motivation: A Single Subject Research

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    This research aims to examine the effectiveness of solution-focused counseling to improve student learning motivation. The research is conducted using Single Subject Research design. The research subjects were five eight-grade students who have very low learning motivation. The instruments for data collection are learning motivation scale, interview, and observation. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The findings indicated that the counseling effectively improves student learning motivation. Based on the research findings, it is suggested that counselors apply SFC in counseling both in individuals and in groups

    Dampak Strategi Problem Posing terhadap Critical Literacy Siswa SLB

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dampak strategi problem posing terhadapcritical literacysiswa sekolah luar biasa (SLB). Subjek Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan Single Subject Research Design yaitu satu siswa SLBtipe D(Tunadaksa) kelas VII SLB Purwosari, Kudus. Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua fase yaitu: (1) Fase Baseline “A”, observasi atau melakukan pengukuran no intervation pada Prosen belajar mengajar (PBM) oleh guru kelas di dalam kelas integrasi untuk melihat keadaan/perilaku awal; (2) Fase Intervention “B”, eksperimen atau pemberian perlakuan hanya terhadap subjek penelitian untuk melihat perubahan yang terjadi. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis visual dan diskriptif

    Dampak Strategi Problem Posing terhadap Critical Literacy Siswa SLB

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dampak strategi problem posing terhadapcritical literacysiswa sekolah luar biasa (SLB). Subjek Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan Single Subject Research Design yaitu satu siswa SLBtipe D(Tunadaksa) kelas VII SLB Purwosari, Kudus. Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua fase yaitu: (1) Fase Baseline “A”, observasi atau melakukan pengukuran no intervation pada Prosen belajar mengajar (PBM) oleh guru kelas di dalam kelas integrasi untuk melihat keadaan/perilaku awal; (2) Fase Intervention “B”, eksperimen atau pemberian perlakuan hanya terhadap subjek penelitian untuk melihat perubahan yang terjadi. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis visual dan diskriptif

    A proposal to act on Theory of Mind by applying robotics and virtual worlds with children with ASD

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    The article proposes an intervention framed under a single-subject research design where robotics and a 3D virtual environment are used jointly to improve the development of Theory of Mind in children with ASD. The project aims at verifying if the use of a humanoid robot, with high interactive abilities and responses, along with a virtual robot in a social virtual world can enable an improved comprehension of emotions and perspective taking. Specifically the planned activities are designed to gradually support the subjects with ASD in interactional settings in order to make them acquire the needed self-confidence to finally interact with a classmate in the virtual environment

    The Effects of a Metacognitive Strategy on the Reading Comprehension of High School History Students

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    The purpose of the current study is to add to existing research on the effectiveness of the SRSD RAP strategy on reading comprehension. This study describes a single-subject research design involving professional development in the RAP metacognitive strategy and a teacher’s implementation in her high-school history courses. The study aims to assess the strategy’s effectiveness in the high school general education setting with inclusive instruction and without pull out sessions to learn that strategy. The current study explores RAP strategy research and uses a week-long unit of instruction for teaching the RAP strategy. The results of the RAP strategy on the reading comprehension of high school students were found by using the scores of the reading comprehension probes
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