14 research outputs found

    Participation of Students with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Classes

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    One indicator of the success of the learning process is the active role of all students. The aim of this study was to find out how the participation of students with hearing impairment during learning process in inclusive classes. This research use descriptive method. Three students with hearing impairment have been selected according to predefined criteria. The data was collected by observation, interview and documentation. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display and conclusion or verification. The results show that participation of students with hearing impairment during the learning process in inclusive classes is not very active. The way teachers teach, the lack of their understanding on learning materials and the presence of other special needs students in same classes influences their active participation during the learning process in the inclusive classes

    Maine Campus May 02 1968 (2)

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    The Montclarion, November 16, 1964

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    Student Newspaper of Montclair State Collegehttps://digitalcommons.montclair.edu/montclarion/2410/thumbnail.jp

    Accessing a 'very, very secret garden' : exploring children's and young people's literacy practices using participatory research methods

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    Despite the wealth of publications on children’s and young people’s participation in research, the connections between participatory research methods (PRM) and literacy studies remain unclear. The aim of this paper is to understand why it is particularly pertinent to use PRM in literacy studies (particularly New Literacy Studies). In order to capture the complexity and plurality of these methods, we discuss two studies, one conducted with children in Chile and the other with young people in Québec (Canada). We argue that by using PRM, researchers can support participants in the appropriation of an alternative and potentially empowering view of literacy

    Los medios de comunicación, la democracia representativa y el espacio público

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    En el Estado de Derecho la titularidad del derecho a la participación política corresponde a los propios ciudadanos resultando consustancial al mismo la existencia de mecanismos de fiscalización a quien ejerce potestades y es titular de funciones ejecutivas. Además el reconocimiento que el derecho reconoce de derechos como la participación y la información, se enmarca en un mundo globalizado con nuevos medios de comunicación, que planeta el debate del respeto entre ambos derechos en un marco representativo, lo que nos habilita a reconocer la intercambiabilidad de las cláusulas constitucionales. En esta realidad jugarán parte directa los movimientos sociales como actores políticos colectivos, para cuyas pretensiones utilizarán también los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales en la nueva era tecnológica. Realidad que nos adelanta problema de la Democracia por el uso y abuso que algunos medios de comunicación hacen de la ciudadanía creándose una Democracia de audiencia, contrario a la función básica del ejercicio de la Política, crear una realidad ética a favor de la ciudadanía y con ello dar significado al derecho de los ciudadanos a una buena administración y a la vez satisfacer los intereses generales. ABSTRACT: In the rule of law the ownership of the right to political participation is for the citizens themselves the same resulting inherent existence of control mechanisms to who exercises powers and holds executive functions. Besides the recognition that the law recognizes rights such as participation and information, is part of a globalized world with new media that respect the planet debate between rights in a representative framework, which enables us to recognize the interchangeability constitutional clauses. This fact will play a direct part of social movements as collective political actors, whose claims to also use the media and social networking in the new technological era. Reality forward problem we Democracy through use and abuse that some media make creating a Democracy citizenship hearing, contrary to the basic function of the exercise of policy, create an ethical reality in favor of citizenship and give meaning to this right of citizens to good administration and also meet the general interest. PALABRAS CLAVE: representación, medios de comunicación, audiencia, participación, cultura política. KEY WORDS: representation, media, audience, participation, political cultur

    Rockefeller Foundation - 2002 Annual Report

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    Contains mission statement, president's message, program information, grants list, financial statements, list of board members and staff, and highlights of the foundation's new international partnership in research for controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS

    The BG News February 26, 1991

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper February 26, 1991. Volume 73 - Issue 92https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6185/thumbnail.jp

    Essays On The Impact Of Farm Input Subsidies On Farm Households In Malawi

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    Farm input subsidies are assumed to improve agricultural production and productivity for small resource poor farmers in developing countries by promoting the use of improved farm inputs, mainly inorganic fertilizers and hybrid seeds. This is expected to contribute to increased income from produce sales, improved food security at household and national levels, and consequently, contributing to poverty alleviation. Limited existing empirical evidence on the impact of farm input subsidies on food marketing, household welfare and migration suggests marginal effects. This thesis contributes to the existing literature by analysing the impact of farm input subsidies on farm households' maize market participation, welfare and migration by using the most recent nationally representative integrated household panel survey data for Malawi of 2010 and 2013. This thesis uses the quantity of subsidised fertilizer the household redeemed to measure the impact of farm input subsidies. Different indicators and empirical models from the ones used in the existing literature on food marketing, household welfare and migration effects of farm input subsidies are used to explore more empirical evidence. The main findings are that farm input subsidies increase farm households' market participation and food security; and reduces household members' migration. The results on market participation indicate that subsidised fertilizer increases both farmers' maize market participation as sellers and quantities they sell. On migration, subsidised fertilizer reduces rural to urban and rural to rural migration of household members. While on household welfare, the results suggest that subsidised fertilizer increases available per capita calories per day, household's months of food secure, and probability of being food secure from own production of cereals and legumes, but has statistically insignificant effects on household annual consumption expenditure

    An algorithm for image clusters detection and identification based on color for an autonomous mobile robot

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