18,018 research outputs found

    Prediction of sarcomere mutations in subclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

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    BACKGROUND: Sarcomere protein mutations in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy induce subtle cardiac structural changes before the development of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). We have proposed that myocardial crypts are part of this phenotype and independently associated with the presence of sarcomere gene mutations. We tested this hypothesis in genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy pre-LVH (genotype positive, LVH negative [G+LVH-]). METHODS AND RESULTS: A multicenter case-control study investigated crypts and 22 other cardiovascular magnetic resonance parameters in subclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy to determine their strength of association with sarcomere gene mutation carriage. The G+LVH- sample (n=73) was 29 ± 13 years old and 51% were men. Crypts were related to the presence of sarcomere mutations (for ≥1 crypt, β=2.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.5-4.4; P=0.014 and for ≥2 crypts, β=3.0; 95% CI, 0.8-7.9; P=0.004). In combination with 3 other parameters: anterior mitral valve leaflet elongation (β=2.1; 95% CI, 1.7-3.1; P<0.001), abnormal LV apical trabeculae (β=1.6; 95% CI, 0.8-2.5; P<0.001), and smaller LV end-systolic volumes (β=1.4; 95% CI, 0.5-2.3; P=0.001), multiple crypts indicated the presence of sarcomere gene mutations with 80% accuracy and an area under the curve of 0.85 (95% CI, 0.8-0.9). In this G+LVH- population, cardiac myosin-binding protein C mutation carriers had twice the prevalence of crypts when compared with the other combined mutations (47 versus 23%; odds ratio, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.1-7.9; P=0.045). CONCLUSIONS: The subclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype measured by cardiovascular magnetic resonance in a multicenter environment and consisting of crypts (particularly multiple), anterior mitral valve leaflet elongation, abnormal trabeculae, and smaller LV systolic cavity is indicative of the presence of sarcomere gene mutations and highlights the need for further study

    Foci of segmentally contracted sarcomeres in trapezius muscle biopsy specimens in myalgic and nonmyalgic human subjects : preliminary results

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    Objective The myofascial trigger point hypothesis postulates that there are small foci of contracted sarcomeres in resting skeletal muscle. Only one example, in canine muscle, has been published previously. This study evaluated human muscle biopsies for foci of contracted sarcomeres. Setting The Departments of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. Subjects Biopsies from 28 women with or without trapezius myalgia were evaluated, 14 in each group. Methods Muscle biopsies were obtained from regions of taut bands in the trapezius muscle and processed for light and electron microscopy and for histochemical analysis. Examination of the biopsies was blinded as to group. Results A small number of foci of segmentally contracted sarcomeres were identified. One fusiform segmental locus involved the entire muscle fiber in tissue from a myalgic subject. Several transition zones from normal to contracted sarcomeres were found in both myalgic and nonmyalgic subjects. The distance between Z-lines in contracted sarcomeres was about 25–45% of the same distance in normal sarcomeres. Z-lines were disrupted and smeared in the contracted sarcomeres. Conclusions A small number of foci of segmentally contracted sarcomeres were found in relaxed trapezius muscle in human subjects, a confirmation of the only other example of spontaneous segmental contraction of sarcomeres (in a canine muscle specimen), consistent with the hypothesis of trigger point formation and with the presence of trigger point end plate noise

    Parameter interdependence and success of skeletal muscle modelling

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    In muscle and movement modelling it is almost invariably assumed that force actually exerted is determined by several independent factors. This review considers the fact that length force characteristics are not a relatively fixed property of muscle but should be considered the product of a substantial number of interacting factors. Level of activation and recruitment are influential factors in relation to aspects of muscle architecture. For the level of activation effects of its short term history (potentiation, fatigue in sustained contractions) have to be taken into account and are reviewed on the basis of recent experimental results as well as available literature. History is also an important determinant for the effect of length changes. This concept is introduced on the basis of recent experimental evidence as well as available literature. Regarding effects of muscle architecture, the concepts of primary and secondary distribution of fibre mean sarcomere length are introduced as well as effects of muscle geometry for mono- and bi-articular muscles on those distributions. Implications for motor control are discussed and the need for intramuscular coordination indicated

    The Energetic Cost of Activation of White Muscle Fibres from the Dogfish Scyliophinus Canicula

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    Link to the publisher's site: http://jeb.biologists.org/The energetic cost of activation was measured during an isometric tetanus of white muscle fibres from the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. The total heat production by the fibres was taken as a measure of the total energetic cost. This energy consists of two parts. One is due to crossbridge interaction which produces isometric force, and this part varies linearly with the degree of filament overlap in the fibres. The other part of the energy is that associated with activation of the crossbridges by Ca2+, mainly with uptake of Ca2+ into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by the ATP-driven Ca2+ pump. Total heat production was measured at various degrees of filament overlap beyond the optimum for force development. Extrapolation of heat versus force production data to evaluate the heat remaining at zero force gave a value of 34±5 % (mean ± S.E.M., N=24) for activation heat as a percentage of total heat production in a 2.0 s isometric tetanus. Values for 0.4 and 1.0 s of stimulation were similar. Comparison with values in the literature shows that the energetic cost of activation in dogfish muscle is very similar to that of frog skeletal muscle and it cannot explain the lower maximum efficiency of dogfish muscle compared with frog muscle. The proportion of energy for activation (Ca2+ turnover) is similar to that expected from a simple model in which Ca2+ turnover was varied to minimize the total energy cost for a contraction plus relaxation cycle.Peer reviewe

    Revisiting Frank–Starling: regulatory light chain phosphorylation alters the rate of force redevelopment (ktr) in a length-dependent fashion

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    Force and power in cardiac muscle have a known dependence on phosphorylation of the myosin-associated regulatory light chain (RLC). We explore the effect of RLC phosphorylation on the ability of cardiac preparations to redevelop force (ktr ) in maximally activating [Ca2+ ]. Activation was achieved by rapidly increasing the temperature (temperature-jump of 0.5-20ºC) of permeabilized trabeculae over a physiological range of sarcomere lengths (1.85-1.94 μm). The trabeculae were subjected to shortening ramps over a range of velocities and the extent of RLC phosphorylation was varied. The latter was achieved using an RLC-exchange technique, which avoids changes in the phosphorylation level of other proteins. The results show that increasing RLC phosphorylation by 50% accelerates ktr by ∼50%, irrespective of the sarcomere length, whereas decreasing phosphorylation by 30% slows ktr by ∼50%, relative to the ktr obtained for in vivo phosphorylation. Clearly, phosphorylation affects the magnitude of ktr following step shortening or ramp shortening. Using a two-state model, we explore the effect of RLC phosphorylation on the kinetics of force development, which proposes that phosphorylation affects the kinetics of both attachment and detachment of cross-bridges. In summary, RLC phosphorylation affects the rate and extent of force redevelopment. These findings were obtained in maximally activated muscle at saturating [Ca2+ ] and are not explained by changes in the Ca2+ -sensitivity of acto-myosin interactions. The length-dependence of the rate of force redevelopment, together with the modulation by the state of RLC phosphorylation, suggests that these effects play a role in the Frank-Starling law of the heart.Published versio

    Fluorescent probes of the orientation of myosin regulatory light chains in relaxed, rigor, and contracting muscle.

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    The orientation of the light-chain region of myosin heads in relaxed, rigor, and isometrically contracting fibers from rabbit psoas muscle was studied by fluorescence polarization. Cysteine 108 of chicken gizzard myosin regulatory light chain (cgRLC) was covalently modified with iodoacetamidotetramethylrhodamine (iodo-ATR). Native RLC of single glycerinated muscle fibers was exchanged for labeled cgRLC in a low [Mg2+] rigor solution at 30 degrees C. Troponin and troponin C removed in this procedure were replaced. RLC exchange had little effect on active force production. X-ray diffraction showed normal structure in rigor after RLC exchange, but loss of axial and helical order in relaxation. In isolated myofibrils labeled cgRLC was confined to the regions of the sarcomere containing myosin heads. The ATR dipoles showed a preference for orientations perpendicular to the fiber axis, combined with limited nanosecond rotational motion, in all conditions studied. The perpendicular orientation preference was more marked in rigor than in either relaxation or active contraction. Stretching relaxed fibers to sarcomere length 4 microns to eliminate overlap between actin- and myosin-containing filaments had little effect on the orientation preference. There was no change in orientation preference when fibers were put into rigor at sarcomere length 4.0 microns. Qualitatively similar results were obtained with ATR-labeled rabbit skeletal RLC

    Modular proteins from the Drosophila sallimus (sls) gene and their expression in muscles with different extensibility

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    The passive elasticity of the sarcomere in striated muscle is determined by large modular proteins, such as titin in vertebrates. In insects, the function of titin is divided between two shorter proteins, projectin and sallimus (Sls), which are the products of different genes. The Drosophila sallimus (sls) gene codes for a protein of 2 MDa. The N-terminal half of the protein is largely made up of immunoglobulin domains and unique sequence; the C-terminal half has two stretches of sequence similar to the elastic PEVK region of titin, and at the end of the molecule there is a region of tandem Ig and fibronectin domains. We have investigated splicing pathways of the sls gene and identified isoforms expressed in different muscle types, and at different stages of Drosophila development. The 5’ half of sls codes for zormin and kettin; both proteins contain Ig domains and can be expressed as separate isoforms, or as larger proteins linked to sequence downstream. There are multiple splicing pathways between the kettin region of sls and sequence coding for the two PEVK regions. All the resulting protein isoforms have sequence derived from the 3’ end of the sls gene. Splicing of exons varies at different stages of development. Kettin RNA is predominant in the embryo, and longer transcripts are expressed in larva, pupa and adult. Sls isoforms in the indirect flight muscle (IFM) are zormin, kettin and Sls(700), in which sequence derived from the end of the gene is spliced to kettin RNA. Zormin is in both M-line and Z-disc. Kettin and Sls(700) extend from the Z-disc to the ends of the thick filaments, though, Sls(700) is only in the myofibril core. These shorter isoforms would contribute to the high stiffness of IFM. Other muscles in the thorax and legs have longer Sls isoforms with varying amounts of PEVK sequence; all span the I-band to the ends of the thick filaments. In muscles with longer Ibands, the proportion of PEVK sequence would determine the extensibility of the sarcomere. Alternative Sls isoforms could regulate the stiffness of the many fibre types in Droso phila muscles