2,893 research outputs found

    Watykański rękopis Etyki Spinozy

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    THE VATICAN MANUSCRIPT OF SPINOZA’S ETHICA S u m m a r y The article focuses on Spinoza’s manuscript found in The Vatican Apostolic Library and published by L. Spruit and P. Totaro in the book The Vatican Manuscript of Spinoza’s Ethica (2011). The identification of the text became possible as the result of their arduous research in which the name of a Danish scientist N. Stensen, the author of several letters usually published in the collections of Spinoza’s letters, played a crucial part. The manuscript Vat. Lat. 12 838 is the only known editorial copy of Spinoza’s manuscripts and its origins are dated as early as 1675, i.e. before the publication of Opera posthuma. The comparison of its contents with the Ethics, published in 1677, points to many differences, most of which are typical mistakes, occurring probably either in Spinoza’s manuscript, or in the editorial copy, or else made by the typesetter and not expunged during the editorial proofreading. However, the editors emphasize the importance of some substantive differences of the text for the interpretation of Spinoza’s Ethics. The history of the manuscript and the circumstance it found its way to the library of The Holy Office and thence to the Vatican Apostolic Library enabled the editors to put forward some hypotheses concerning the circulation of Spinoza’s manuscripts in the period when the censure was issued against him after the publication of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus

    Информационно-источниковый потенциал архивных собраний Национального учреждения имени Оссолинских во Вроцлаве по истории УНР (коллекция 22/53)

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    У статті розкрито інформаційно-джерельний потенціал архівних збірок Національної установи імені Оссолінських у Вроцлаві з історії Української Народної Республіки (на прикладі фонду 22/53), в якому скупчено значний масив україномовних матеріалів, що ілюструють різні аспекти діяльності міністра преси і пропаганди Уряду УНР в екзилі Олександра Ковалевського, а також структур Партизансько-Повстанського Штабу при Головній Команді Військ УНР.The article discloses the information and source potential of archival collections of the Ossolinsky State Institution in the history of Ukraine (for example, fund 22/53), in which a significant array of Ukrainian-language materials has been accumulated, illustrating various aspects of the activity of the Minister of the Press and the propaganda of the Government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in the exile of Alexander Kovalevsky, as well as structures of the Partisan-Insurgent Staff with the Main Command of the Armed Forces of the UPR.В статье раскрыт информационно-источниковый потенциал архивных собраний Государственного учреждения имени Оссолинских во Вроцлаве по истории Украины (на примере фонда 22/53), в котором собран значительный массив украиноязычных материалов, иллюстрирующих различные аспекты деятельности министра прессы и пропаганды Правительства УНР на эмиграции Александра Ковалевского, а также структур Партизанско-Повстанческого Штаба при Главном Командовании Войск УНР

    Historia kolekcji rękopisów romańskich z byłej Pruskiej Biblioteki Państwowej w Berlinie, przechowywanych w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie : studium ogólne = The history of the collection of Romance manuscripts from the former Preussische Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków : the overall study

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    In the city of Cusco, the urban road is framed in a serious problem of total absence of periodic actions directed to the maintenance of paved roads, resulting in the accelerated deterioration of the pavements until almost their destruction, so, urban paved roads of the city of Cusco demand a new way of dealing with road management. Firstly, a situational analysis and diagnosis of the road maintenance processes used by the responsible entity was carried out. And then as a result of the investigation, a proposal for the implementation of the road maintenance management system for the urban roads of the city of Cusco is presented. Also as a case study is presented the management of the pavement of a road of the first order of the city of Cusco, the Av. de la Cultura, whose pavement was built in 1972, in its life cycle maintenance activities were carried out from from the year 1984, the year 1,999, the first functional and structural evaluation was carried out, the results of which required periodic maintenance. In 2012-2013, a new functional and structural assessment of the pavement was carried out to predict its behavior model, the results of which indicate that a second periodic maintenance should be carried out in the year 2020. With the results obtained, the analysis of the deterioration state of the life cycle of the pavement and the analysis of the life cycle cost for a period of 50 years was carried out in two scenarios: scenario 1 considering routine and periodic maintenance activities; Scenario 2 without considering maintenance. In the analysis of the state of deterioration, deterministic analysis and graph we find in scenario 2 a VPN of S/. 1, 003,829 more than scenario 1. This shows that the application of routine maintenance activities and especially newspaper in the Av. de la Cultura (scenario 1), has had results from the economic point of view much more advantageous than not having applied periodic maintenance activities and this increases more if we add the improvement of service quality and safety to users.Trabajo de investigaciónEn la ciudad del Cusco, la vialidad urbana está enmarcada en una grave problemática de ausencia total de acciones periódicas dirigidas al mantenimiento de vías pavimentadas, produciendo como resultado el deterioro acelerado de los pavimentos hasta casi su destrucción, por lo que, las vías urbanas pavimentadas de la ciudad del Cusco exigen una nueva manera de enfrentar la gestión vial. Para ello primeramente se realizó un análisis y diagnóstico situacional de los procesos de mantenimiento vial utilizados por la entidad responsable. Y luego como resultado de la investigación se presenta una propuesta de implementación del sistema de gestión de mantenimiento vial para las vías urbanas de la ciudad del Cusco. Asimismo como caso de estudió se presenta la gestión del pavimento de una vía de primer orden de la ciudad del Cusco, la Av. de la Cultura, cuyo pavimento fue construido el año 1972, en su ciclo de vida se realizaron actividades de mantenimiento a partir del año 1984, el año 1,999 se realizó la primera evaluación funcional y estructural, cuyos resultados exigieron que se realice un mantenimiento periódico. El año 2012-2013 se realizó una nueva evaluación funcional y estructural del pavimento, para predecir su modelo de comportamiento cuyos resultados indican que máximo el año 2020 debe realizarse un segundo mantenimiento periódico. Con los resultados obtenidos se realizó el análisis del estado de deterioro del ciclo de vida del pavimento y el análisis del costo del ciclo de vida para un periodo de 50 años en dos escenarios: escenario 1 considerando las actividades de mantenimiento rutinario y periódicos; escenario 2 sin considerar mantenimiento. En el análisis del estado de deterioro, análisis determinístico y grafico encontramos en el escenario 2 un VPN de S/.1, 003,829 más que el escenario 1. Lo que demuestra que la aplicación de actividades de mantenimiento rutinario y sobre todo periódico en la Av. De La Cultura (escenario 1), ha tenido resultados desde el punto de vista económico mucho más ventajosos que el no haber aplicado actividades de mantenimiento periódico y esto aumenta más si sumamos la mejora de la calidad de servicio y seguridad a los usuarios

    “I myself am the author”: Gve Flaubert, or writer-manuscript

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    The article attempts to present and discuss the juvenile works of Gustave Flaubert. Though the writer never allowed these juvenile works to be published, being extremely critical of their aesthetic value, the works such as November, Memoirs of a Madman or the diary-form Cahier intime de 1840–1841 still make important texts that provide a sizeable amount of information on the writer’s literary workshop. Interestingly enough, these early works show the writer’s attachment to the manuscript (tantamount to the dislike to the written word) and the author’s tools (pen, ink and paper). These juvenile attempts, in the main autobiographical in nature, are thus penetrated by the metatext element that is a key input in providing an opportunity for a reflection on the way the text itself does exist: this element also informs us on Flaubert’s growing maturity that ultimately defined his role of a fully-fledged author. The paratext elements (epigraphs, dedications, inscriptions, dates and signatures) in his juvenile works seem to be just as important as they allow us to follow, step by step, the way to the birth of a writer-manuscript and thus a writer who gets his fulfillment and the very existence exclusively in a text of a manuscript character

    Karaim manuscripts and old prints in Polish private collections : new perspectives in Karaim studies

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    This article presents the results of academic research conducted by a group of scholars in the years 2012–2016 on Karaim manuscripts owned by Polish individuals. The research was financed by the National Science Centre (Poland) (research project nr.: 2011/03/D/HS2/00618). The article provides a concise yet exhaustive description of the privately owned printed and handwritten materials and presents a great deal of hitherto unknown scientific data. The materials stored in private archives open up new perspectives on Karaim studies. They will undoubtedly serve as an important starting point for future research – primarily for historians and linguists, but also for those conducting literary, cultural, and religious studies

    Schwarzes Buch von Wiśnicz

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    An unknown poem by Adam Mickiewicz? A manuscript of poetic pieces from the first half of the nineteenth century at the Library of the Poznań Society of Friends of Arts and Sciences. A communiqué.

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    The Library of the Poznań Society of Friends of Arts and Sciences has been recently enriched by the accession of the manuscript “Poetical texts from the first half of the nineteenth century”. The manuscript includes a number of patriotic poems put down in the manuscript between 1848-1849. The article provides information on the physical description of the manuscript item (its present shelf number being: rkp. 2112) and a detailed list of its contents. Individual works have been listed in alphabetical order according to the names of the authors, with annotations concerning first editions. The bulk of the poems included in the manuscript were published prior to their inclusion in the manuscript, some of them after the year 1849. At the present stage of the investigation, some of the poems have not been confirmed to have been published earlier. An anonumous 12-verse poem without a title, attached to the communique at full length, has been identified by the author of the article as a poem whose last four verses were published in 1881 in the book Kraków — Zagrzebiowi under the title W albumie księcia Golicyna by Adam Mickiewicz. The article is intended to stimulate those engaged in research of the history of literature in further investigations concerning the said collection of poems, in particular the last mentioned text

    Rękopis „Kartoteki”

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    At the beginning of the 70s Tadeusz Różewicz presented the manuscript of Card Index to Professor Józef Kelera. It might have stayed a secret of friendship of the dramatist and the critic, however, Różewicz revealed the initials of his friend when in a commenatry to the play, he posed a question, whether there was a full stop after the last word in the manuscript or not? Posing this question, the author claimed the integrality of his masterpiece which was threatened by the widespread interpretations of Card Index as a play of a loose and dispersed structure. Appreciating the value of this question, I turned to Professor Kelera. This way I have had an access to the autograph of the play. In this manuscript has been preserved the play from before its final editing, which its author must surely have made during typing the text. Handwritten notes contain two unknown versions of the play with fragments which would not have been passed by the censors in the then Polish People’s Republic. In the reading of the manuscript the functions of the word and its graphic shape appeared of equal importance, so this version of Card Index can be recognised as a masterpiece of literature.At the beginning of the 70s Tadeusz Różewicz presented the manuscript of Card Index to Professor Józef Kelera. It might have stayed a secret of friendship of the dramatist and the critic, however, Różewicz revealed the initials of his friend when in a commenatry to the play, he posed a question, whether there was a full stop after the last word in the manuscript or not? Posing this question, the author claimed the integrality of his masterpiece which was threatened by the widespread interpretations of Card Index as a play of a loose and dispersed structure. Appreciating the value of this question, I turned to Professor Kelera. This way I have had an access to the autograph of the play. In this manuscript has been preserved the play from before its final editing, which its author must surely have made during typing the text. Handwritten notes contain two unknown versions of the play with fragments which would not have been passed by the censors in the then Polish People’s Republic. In the reading of the manuscript the functions of the word and its graphic shape appeared of equal importance, so this version of Card Index can be recognised as a masterpiece of literature