14,295 research outputs found

    Pikselizirana revolucija

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    The text foregrounds the relationship between three main elements: gaze, image and violence. Framed by the theoretical propositions in the selected texts by Marie-José Mondzain and Jean-Luc Nancy, this relationship is considered in the context of the current socio-political realities in the Middle East (Syria) but also in the broader, global sense. I take contemporary visual practice as my starting point and consider “The Pixelated Revolution” (the project by the Lebanese artist Rabih Mroué) as exemplary in this context in order to engage with the following phenomenon - recording one’s own death in the revolutionary and wartime conditions, at a level that connects several key elements of the debate: the visual character of mobile (phone) technology, image-producing operations, the concept of self-sacrifice, and the mobilization of communities towards radical transformations. The purpose of this text is to encourage future reflections about the role images perform nowadays (in particular those created under the conditions of lethal threat and violence) and about the implications of an external observer in this process, when looking at such images in the exhibition context from a ‘lateral’ (i.e., supposedly safe and neutral) perspective


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    Socijalna revolucija

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    Unutrašnja revolucija

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    Kdaj je »kopernikanska« revolucija postala znanstvena revolucija?

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    We have to distinguish between the scientific revolution which was bound to the work of Copernicus and the cultural-ideological changes that accompanied and framed this revolution. The »Copernican« revolution was in the beginning a constituent part of the cultural and ideological changes at the end of the Renaissance but it became a scientific revolution only with Galilei and Kepler. This was the first scientific revolution which inaugurated the internal dynamics of scientific development. A necessary condition of that revolution was the incorporation of consistent physical dynamics into astronomy. This happened with the formulation of Kepler’s laws and Galilei’s postulates on relative movements, and the law of inertia and free fall, which are valid for the entire physical universe.Moramo razlikovati med znanstveno revolucijo, ki se je navezovala na Kopernikovo delo in na kulturno-ideološke spremembe, ki so spremljale in uokvirjale to revolucijo. »Kopernikanska« revolucija je bila spočetka sestavni del kulturno-ideoloških sprememb ob koncu renesanse, toda šele s Galilejem in Keplerjem je postala znanstvena revolucija. Bila je prva znanstvena revolucija, ki je inavgurirala internalno dinamiko razvoja znanosti. Nujni pogoj zanjo je bila vključitev konsistentne fizikalne dinamike v astronomijo. To se je zgodilo šele s formuliranjem Keplerjevih zakonov in Galilejevih postulatov relativnih gibanj, zakona vztrajnosti in prostega pada, ki veljajo za vse fizično vesolje

    Mađarska revolucija 1848. godine

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    Mađarska revolucija jedna je od liberalnonacionalnih revolucija koje su izbile širom Europe u proljeće 1848. godine. Događaji koji su se odvijali desetljećima ranije u Mađarskoj bili su razlog revolucije, koja je trebala izbiti 19. ožujka 1848. godine, ali zbog revolucije u Beču 13. ožujka, vođe revolucije odlučili su da se revolucija dogodi prije nego što je planirano. Mađarski zahtjevi bili su napisani u dvanaest točaka, među kojima je bio i zahtjev za nezavisnošću od Habsburške Monarhije. Mađarska revolucija imala je utjecaj i na ostale narode u Monarhiji i upravo kao posljedica tog utjecaja izbio je građanski rat 11. srpnja 1848. godine kada je ugarski sabor odlučio ugušiti ustanak u Vojvodini

    The Meaning of the Orange Revolution for democratization in Ukraine

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    Narančasta revolucija u Ukrajini 2004. godine za prozapadno i prodemokratski orijentirane građane i Zapad tada je tumačena kao pobjeda demokracije u toj zemlji. Proruski orijentirano stanovništvo i Rusija predstavljali su je kao državni udar. Ovaj se rad bavi značenjem Narančaste revolucije za demokratizaciju Ukrajine. O stupnju realizacije njenih ciljeva govori se kroz prikaz izbornih događaja iz 2004,. naknadnih promjena vlasti i Druge revolucije. Posebna se pozornost poklanja političkom djelovanju Viktora Juščenka, Julije Timošenko i Viktora Janukoviča kao vođa političkih stranaka koje su najzaslužnije za provođenje ili odmak od ideja o demokratizaciji Ukrajine kojima je vođena Narančasta revolucija.Ukraine's "Orange Revolution" in 2004 was interpreted differently by the country's Western- and Eastern-oriented populations and by their international counterparts. The West saw it as a win for democracy, whereas the pro-Russian population and Russia presented it as a coup d'état. The present paper addresses the significance of the Orange Revolution in the democratization of Ukraine. The degree to which its goals have been realized is considered in the aftermath of the elections in 2004, the subsequent multiple changes in the government, and the Second Revolution. Special attention is paid to the political actions of Viktor Yushchenko, Yulia Tymoshenko, and Viktor Yanukovych, the leaders of the most prominent parties at the time. They were most responsible for realisation or the departure from the goals of democratization of Ukraine that motivated the Orange Revolution