2,977 research outputs found

    It\u27s Time for Revenge Porn to Get a Taste of Its Own Medicine: An Argument for the Federal Criminalization of Revenge Porn

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    This comment analyzes the various potential legal approaches to dealing with revenge porn and posits that a federal law criminalizing the dissemination of revenge porn is necessary to combat this growing trend. Part II provides background information on revenge porn and further analyzes how the successful relationship between technology and pornography led to the rise of revenge porn. Part III analyzes the different civil remedies currently available to revenge porn victims and argues these are not practicable solutions. Part IV discusses the current state laws criminalizing revenge porn and the legal challenges faced by those affected by revenge porn and legislators seeking to tackle this problem. Finally, Part V proposes that a federal law criminalizing revenge porn is the best solution to this unsettling new movement

    The Malevolent Side of Revenge Porn Proclivity: Dark Personality Traits and Sexist Ideology

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    This paper presents a novel study, exploring a form of technology facilitated sexual violence (TFSV) known as revenge porn. Despite its emerging prevalence, little is known about the characteristics of revenge porn perpetrators. In the current study, a revenge porn proclivity scale was devised to examine participants' behavioural propensity to engage in revenge porn. One hundred adults, aged 18-54, were recruited online from a community sample. The correlational relationship between revenge porn proclivity and the self-reported endorsement of the Dark Triad, sadism, and ambivalent sexism was examined. Additional proclivity subscales of revenge porn enjoyment and revenge porn approval were also created. The study's main findings revealed a positive correlation between a greater behavioural propensity to engage in revenge porn and higher levels of the Dark Triad and ambivalent sexism. Moreover, endorsement of psychopathy was found to be the only Dark Triad trait that independently predicted revenge porn proclivity. The results suggest that perpetrators of revenge porn may have distinct personality profiles. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed

    Revenge Porn

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    The Criminalization of Revenge Porn in Japan

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    Revenge porn is the practice of posting and distributing sexually explicit images of an ex-partner on the Internet to seek revenge after a breakup. Because it brings serious damages to the victims, it has become a significant social issue in Japan, the United States, and around the world. An increasing number of U.S. states and other countries are now enacting statutes criminalizing revenge porn. Recently, Japan joined these jurisdictions in criminalizing revenge porn when the Diet, the Japanese national legislature, passed the Revenge Porn Victimization Prevention Act. This article compares the Act with legislation in the United States and critically examines its constitutionality in light of protections for freedom of expression. This article argues that the Japanese anti-revenge porn legislation, being too ambiguous and overbroad, raises very serious questions as to its constitutionality due to its infringement upon freedom of expression. This examination will prove to be very meaningful for other states and countries that are facing the same revenge porn issue

    Public Shaming In The Digital Age: Are Criminal Laws The Most Effective Means To Regulate Revenge Porn?

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    This Note attempts to develop an initial framework for best regulating the growing trend of online harassment known as “revenge porn.” Revenge porn is the act of widely disseminating via the Internet nude or otherwise explicit photos or videos that were produced and exchanged while two individuals shared an intimate encounter or relationship. Oftentimes revenge porn “attacks” occur out of spite or scorn felt by one of the individuals as a way to publically humiliate the other individual. This Note argues for copyright law as the ideal area of the law from which revenge porn can and should be regulated. In short, while other regulatory areas discussed work to discourage the creation of revenge porn, copyright law allows society to achieve the ideal balance between creation and protection. Creators of revenge porn should be encouraged to continue producing this content within their personal relationships. Creators should also have strong and targeted remedies, though, in case they fall victim to a revenge porn attack. This Note attempts to highlight the ways in which copyright law can be altered, slightly, to achieve this balance

    The Naked Truth: Insufficient Coverage for Revenge Porn Victims at State Law and the Proposed Federal Legislation to Adequately Redress Them

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    The distribution of revenge porn is a cyber-bullying phenomenon that has proliferated on the Internet. The nonconsensual sharing of sexually explicit photographs and videos causes irreparable harm to revenge porn victims. The current state of the law, however, does little to redress the damage. Tort claims are often unsuccessful because many victims do not have the resources necessary to initiate a lawsuit. Furthermore, federal law grants operators of revenge porn websites immunity from state tort claims. In an effort to fill this gap in the law, many states have made changes or additions to their criminal statutes. To date, thirty-eight states have legislation prohibiting the distribution of nonconsensual pornography. Some states, including New Jersey and California, successfully passed anti-revenge porn legislation, while others, such as Arizona and Vermont, faced constitutional challenges. In July 2016, Congresswoman Jackie Speier introduced the Intimate Privacy Protection Act of 2016 (“IPPA”), a proposed federal law criminalizing revenge porn. This Note argues that the IPPA effectively balances the competing interests of revenge porn victims and Internet service providers and thus should be adopted by Congress

    Revege Porn sebagai Kejahatan Kesusilaan Khusus: Perspektif Sobural

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    Revenge porn, characterized as indecent behavior (morally wrong behavior), is a new phenomenon in Indonesia. The author argues that it would be wrong to perceive this particular act simply as the crime of distributing pornographic material. Moreover, a formal-juridical understanding fails to provide protection and deliver justice to the victim of this particular act (revenge porn). As an alternative and to provide substantial justice, the author suggests to view revenge porn from a criminological outlook and social-cultural-structural approach


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    ABSTRACTIntroduction The spread of non-comercial pornography, whether it’s intentionalor not, spread by known relatives or strangers, wit or without consent, and committed out of revenge can cause someone faces hardships that can put a person in a delicate and depressed condition. The delicate and depressed condition. The impacts also vary, namely psychological, physical, social, and economic impacts. These conditions require individuals to have resilience. This research aimed to discover the conception and resilience’s factors in survivor of revenge porn. Methods The method used is qualitative phenomenology. Determination of research informants was done by using purposive sampling technique. The characteristics of the informants in this research were domiciled in Jambi Province, female, aged 18-32 years, had been a victim of revenge porn, the time interval of the incident and the interview was a maximum of 1 year, and filed a report to the police. Data collection methods used are interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data analysis used is Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results The picture of resilience in revenge porn survivors includes emotion regulation, impulse control, cause analysis, empathy, self-efficacy, optimism, reaching out, and avoidance. While the influencing factors include i have, i am, i can, and spirituality. Conclusions All informants in this research showed the characteristics of resilience in revenge porn survivor with various factors. Keywords: Resilience, Revenge Porn, Revenge Porn Survivors ABSTRAKPendahuluan Penyebaran konten pornografi non-komersial dengan sengaja maupun tidak, disebarluaskan oleh orang yang dikenal maupun tidak, dilakukan tanpa persetujuan pemilik atau orang yang berada di dalam konten, serta dengan tujuan membalas dendam dapat menyebabkan seseorang berada dalam kondisi sulit dan tertekan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan pun beragam, yakni dampak secara psikologis, fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi. Kondisi tersebut mengharuskan individu memiliki resiliensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan faktor-faktor resiliensi pada penyintas revenge porn. Metode Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif fenomenologi. Peneliti menggunakan purposive sampling dengan karakteristik berdomisili di Provinsi Jambi, berjenis kelamin perempuan, berusia 18-32 tahun, penyintas revenge porn, kejadian maksimal 1 tahun lalu, serta melapor ke pihak kepolisian. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Hasil Gambaran resiliensi penyintas revenge porn meliputi regulasi emosi, kontrol impuls, analisis penyebab, empati, efikasi diri, optimis, reaching out, dan penghindaran. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya meliputi i have, i am, i can, dan spiritual. Kesimpulan Seluruh informan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan karakteristik resiliensi dan faktor-faktornya. Kata kunci: Resiliensi, Penyintas Revenge Porn, Revenge Por

    Revenge Porn: Sexual Abuse in Cyberspace

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    Wednesday, April 18: Revenge Porn: Sexual Abuse in Cyberspace Join the American Democracy Project and Professor Kweillin Lucas, department of criminal justice, for a discussion regarding revenge porn


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apakah yang menjadi penyebab meningkatnya kasus-kasus revenge porn atau pornografi balas dendam dan bagaimana upaya hukum dalam memberikan perlindungan bagi perempuan korban revenge porn serta upaya pencegahan terjadinya revenge porn, yang dengan metode penelitiann hukum normartif disimpulkan: 1. Revenge porn adalah balas dendam porno yang dilakukan oleh seseorang terhadap orang lain dengan cara menyebarluaskan konten porno milik seseorang tersebut melalui media sosial yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan citra korban. Revenge porn merupakan suatu tindakan melanggar HAM dan  umumnya yang jadi korban adalah perempuan. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang  menyebabkan meningkatnya pornografi balas dendam (revenge porn) ini. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain; belum efektifnya payung hukum yang ada serta undang-undang yang berlaku dalam menangani tindakan     pornografi balas dendam atau fenomena revenge porn ini, Kurangnya     pemahaman gender dari Penegak Hukum, Budaya      patriarki  yang masih melekat kuat bagi asyarakat Indonesia, Penanganan yang sering     mengakibatkan boomerang bagi sang korban, serta rendahnya  pemahaman masyarakat akan hukum. 2. Upaya untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap perempuan korban pornografi     balas dendam (revenge porn) saat ini terdapat dalam Undang-undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pornografi, namun bentuk perlindungan ini     belum efektif dan tidak memberikan perlindungan sepenuhnya atas kerugian     yang di alami sang korban. Beberapa bentuk Perlindungan  dapat diberikan     kepada korban, yakni secara teoritis berupa Restitusi, Ganti Rugi, Kompensasi,     Bantuan Medis dan Bantuan  Hukum atau memberikan perlindungan secara     Represif yakni salah satunya dengan  mengesahkan RUU  PKS, serta      pencegahan secara Preventif yakni memberikan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi     tentang cara menggunakan internet yang baik dan    benar serta mencegah untuk     tidak memberikan konten berbentuk pornografi kepada orang  lain.Kata kunci: pornografi balas dendam
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