10,244,517 research outputs found

    Cylindrically shaped rope ladder

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    Cylindrical shaped ladder is rope net held in cylindrical configuration by supporting metal hoops which are spaced at vertical intervals along ladder. Rope ladder is easily handled and transported

    A Pointwise a-priori Estimate for the d-bar Neumann Problem on Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains

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    We introduce a new integral representation formula in the d-bar Neumann Theory on weakly pseudoconvex domains which satisfies certain estimates analogous to the basic L^2 estimate. It is expected that more complete estimates can be obtained in case the boundary is of finite type

    Connecting Response to Intervention and Grade Retention: Implications for School Leaders

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    Within all classrooms of public schools, teachers greet general education students acknowledging broad differences in their learning readiness and social skills (Fuchs, Fuchs, & Compton, 2010; Martin, 2010). The needs of some students may be so diverse that educators find implementing differentiated instructional strategies with integrity extremely difficult. Many individually research-based strategies have been implemented to provide helpful instruction to all learners. This paper presents the concept of a merger between two of these strategies: Response to Intervention (RTI) and grade retention. As a result, the conceptual framework for this manuscript is anchored within the RTI and grade retention literatures, highlighting their reported effectiveness on student outcomes

    School Counselors\u27 Perceptions about lnterventions for At-Risk Students Including Grade Retention: Implications for School Leaders

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    The term at-risk is used by educators and policymakers to describe a wide variety of students who struggle in schools (Kronholz, 2011). Factors associated with labeling students at-risk include minority status, poverty, language difficulties, low school attendance, and poor family support (Re~ Akpo-Sanni, Losike-Sedimo, 2012; Stockard, 2010). For many at-risk students, reading at a proficient level is a primary concern for school leaders and teachers (Allington, 2011; McAlenney & Coyne, 2011), especially with increased accountability including school sanctions for not closing reading achievement gaps (Chappell, Nunnery, Pribesh, & Hager, 2011). Although a plethora of interventions have been proposed to assist at-risk students, requiring students to repeat a grade continues to be used as a threat for students who are not proficient, despite evidence that suggests grade retention is detrimental to students on various outcomes (Battistin & Schizzerotto, 2012; Webley, 2012)

    Families of strictly pseudoconvex domains and peak functions

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    We prove that given a family (Gt)(G_t) of strictly pseudoconvex domains varying in C2\mathcal{C}^2 topology on domains, there exists a continuously varying family of peak functions ht,ζh_{t,\zeta} for all GtG_t at every $\zeta\in\partial G_t.

    Work-based training and job prospects for the unemployed: an evaluation of Training for Work (research report RR96)

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    "Training for Work (TfW) was a major DfEE programme aimed at helping people who had been claimant unemployed for over six months to find jobs and improve their skills, by providing appropriate training and work experience. After initial assessment and guidance, entrants took one of three main routes: employer placements (with either trainee or employed status), full-time off-the-job training, or project placements... A nationally representative sample of TfW participants in England and Wales who left TfW during the autumn of 1995 was interviewed in spring 1996 and a second time in summer 1997. The present analysis excluded those who had been unemployed for less than six months at the point of entry to the programme (the 'special needs' group)." - Page 1

    Range-resolved interferometric signal processing using sinusoidal optical frequency modulation

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    A novel signal processing technique using sinusoidal optical frequency modulation of an inexpensive continuous-wave laser diode source is proposed that allows highly linear interferometric phase measurements in a simple, self-referencing setup. Here, the use of a smooth window function is key to suppress unwanted signal components in the demodulation process. Signals from several interferometers with unequal optical path differences can be multiplexed, and, in contrast to prior work, the optical path differences are continuously variable, greatly increasing the practicality of the scheme. In this paper, the theory of the technique is presented, an experimental implementation using three multiplexed interferometers is demonstrated, and detailed investigations quantifying issues such as linearity and robustness against instrument drift are performed