30,295 research outputs found

    Dominion, Dressing, Keeping

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    In this essay, David Sumner uses his experiences rafting on the Colorado River to juxtapose the Biblical notions of dressing and keeping with ethical environmentalism

    Perancangan Media Promosi Wisata Alam Arung Jeram Bosamba Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    Nature Bosamba Rafting is one of the sights that have the potential to become one of the sights of the city Bondowoso . Bosamba a nature rafting ( rafting ) as well as to enjoy the natural beauty along the river that served New Sampean . Nature tourism rafting Bosamba has a lot of potential to be developed and promoted . But the promotion is done today is considered less and yet effective. If done promotional strategy to highlight the uniqueness of nature Bosamba rafting , then the public will be more aware and want to come visit Bosamba . The uniqueness which differentiates it from similar tourist rafting tours are relaxed and enjoy the natural beauty in the form of cliffs and waterfalls which are located around the rafting . By uniqueness can be a characteristic that is difficult to imitate by competitors alike. Of the existing problems , then this design is to design a media campaign directed nature rafting Bosamba an effort to increase brand awareness

    Pelaksanaan Olahraga Arung Jeram di Sungai Batang Sangir Kabupaten Solok Selatan

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    The purposes of this study are to know how the implementation of rafting and the condition of rafting natural resources  in south solok regency. This is descriptive research. This research was conducted in rafting area in batang sangir river south solok regency on may until june 2018. The population were administrators, societies and visitors. The sampling technique was done by interviewing 20 people as samples. Data collection included interview, observation and documentation. Qualitative method was used in data analysis. The results of the research as follows: 1) batang sangir south solok has length of rafting track around  25km in grade II, III and even grade IV in high rainfall weather. 2) human resources or rafting management in south solok regency  is not good. 3) the facilities  and infrastucture of rafting in south solok are inadaquate with only 1 inflatable boat available and 2 inflatable boats as loan. The transportation and road are  good for motorcycles and cars. Keyword. Rafting, Sungai Batang Har

    Predicting the onset of rafting of c 0 precipitates by channel deformation in a Ni superalloy

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    The growth or shrinkage, normal to 001, of the interfaces between the γ matrix and cuboidal γ' precipitates is examined for a Ni-base superalloy, by considering the force acting on the interfaces. The force is produced by the precipitate coherency misfit and the stress produced by plastic deformation in channels of the γ matrix. A simple expression, which directly addresses the origin of the surface force, is given. The plastic deformation within the initially active γ matrix channels exerts the force to cause rafting. The subsequent activation of other types of channels also promotes the rafting in the same direction as the first active channels, when the plastic strain of the former channels increases. These issues are also discussed in terms of analysis based on those dislocations caused by the precipitate misfit and those produced by the plastic deformation

    Dampak Pengembangan Objek Wisata Ndayung Rafting Terhadap Sosial Budaya Dan Ekonomi Masyarakat (Studi Pada Masyarakat Desa Gubugklakah Kec. Poncokusumo Kab. Malang)

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    Ndayung Rafting tourism objectis located in Gubugklakah village, since opening in 2012 it has progressed quite well, supported their role and participation of communities around the tourism object. The existence of this rafting tourism can provide positive and negative effects for the socio-cultural and economic life of the surrounding community of tourism object.The research location is in the Ndayung Rafting tourism object at Gubugklakah Village area, Poncokusumo District, Malang. The results of this research showed that management of Ndayung Rafting developing the tourism object includes: the development of tourist attractions, tourism facilities, marketing and tourism promotion and development of human resources. Social and cultural impacts that occur after the development of Ndayung Rafting is the skills of the community is increasing, the structure of community's livelihood , and the transformation of values espoused Gubugklakah Village community. While the economic impact that occurred after the development of Ndayung Rafting is increasing employment opportunities, create business opportunities, and increase the income of the villagers Gubugklakah, besides the positif impact there is also negative impact toward economy of the villager because the characteristic of tourism that seasonal

    White-water Rafting Tourism Potential at Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park Based on The Tourism Suitability Index

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    Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park (BBBRNP) is a national park that functions as a conservation area for flora and fauna of mountainous tropical rain forests as well as a water catchment area for two large rivers, namely the Melawi River (West Kalimantan) and the Katingan River (Central Kalimantan). This natural condition produces potential for BBBRNP as a tourism area, especially for white water rafting. One of the BBBRNP resorts that have the potential to become a tourism area is Belaban Resort, a white-water rafting spot. However, the existing possibility of white-water rafting has not been analyzed measurably. This research aims to determine the Tourism Sustainability Index (TSI) of white-water Rafting at Belaban Resort, BBBRNP. The study was conducted in March 2022. The method for determining the observation location used a purposive sampling technique. Data was analyzed using the Tourism Suitability Index (TSI) analysis. This research consists of ten observation points. The research results show that the suitability index for rafting tourism is included in the v(S1) with a suitability index value of 88.56%


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    Pariwisata menjadi salah satu sektor yang terus dikembangkan di Indonesia.  Tanpa terkecuali pengembangan pariwisata berbasis potensi daerah. Salah satu daerah yang masih terus dikembangkan potensi wisatanya yaitu Desa Selorejo yang terletak di Dau Kabupaten Malang. Pada Desa Selorejo terdapat kawasan wisata yaitu Bedengan. Sejak awal pembukaan kawasan Bedengan belum banyak adanya pengembangan dalam sektor sarana dan prasarana penunjang. Padahal jika dikembangkan dan dikelola dengan baik, maka sangat dimungkinkan dapat menarik minat wisatawan dari berbagai penjuru negeri. Adapun potensi yang bisa dikembangkan di kawasan Bedengan salah satunya yaitu dengan pembangunan short distance rafting. Berdasarkan hasil pengembangan potensi kawasan wisata Bedengan dengan pembangunan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana berupa short distance rafting diketahui bahwa terdapat peningkatan jumlah pengunjung pasca pembangunan. Salah satu faktor yang menjadi pemicu peningkatan pengunjung, terutama pengunjung keluarga yang membawa serta anak-anak yaitu tersedianya fasilitas bermain air pada aliran sungai di Bedengan. Salah satu fasilitas yang dibangun di Bedengan yaitu berupa short distance rafting. Jika sebelumnya mayoritas pengunjung adalah orang dewasa dengan tujuan camping, dengan adanya fasilitas bermain air berupa short distance rafting, jenis pengunjung menjadi semakin beragam. Adapun rentang usia pengunjung Bedengan pasca pembangunan short distance rafting yaitu 4 hingga 60 tahun. Pasalnya, aliran sungai di Bedengan yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal, dapat lebih menarik minat pengunjung dengan adanya short distance rafting. Berdasarkan informasi dari pengelola diketahui bahwa tingkat jumlah pengunjung meningkat hingga 35% pasca pembangunan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana berupa short distance rafting. Pasalnya peningkatan jumlah pengunjung ini akan jauh lebih besar jika tidak ada pandemi Covid-19. Kondisi selama pandemi menyebabkan banyak pengunjung dari luar kota tidak dapat berlibur dan berkunjung ke kawasan wisata Bedengan untuk menikmati fasilitas short distance rafting

    Rafting microstructure during creep of the MC2 nickel-based superalloy at very high temperature

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    Directional coarsening of the single-crystalline nickel-based superalloy MC2 has been investigated by means of tensile creep tests at 1100 â—¦C. Two specific specimen geometries were designed in order to generate a variety of stress and strain states. Different coarsening microstructures are observed: N- and P-type classical rafting but also coarsening oriented 45â—¦ away from the load axis. The comparison of microstructure maps with the local mechanical state evaluated by finite element calculations shows that the 45â—¦ directional coarsening appears in case of very high cumulated strain values (above 10%), independent of the stress sign. Transmission electron microscopy investigations showthat the dislocation microstructure is similar in both N-type and 45â—¦ coarsened areas

    The first comprehensive description of the biodiversity and biogeography of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic intertidal communities

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    Aim To describe the distribution of biodiversity and biogeographical patterns of intertidal organisms in southern temperate and polar waters. We hypothesized that there would be differences in community structure between the Antarctic, which is most affected by ice, and the sub-Antarctic and other neighbouring regions. We also hypothesized that rafting and West Wind Drift will be the significant drivers of biogeographical patterns. Additionally, the size, age, isolation, volcanic or glacial history of a region and the presence of large, beach dwelling, mammals and birds would all play a role in determining the level of biodiversity observed. Location South Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans and the Southern Ocean. Methods We examined all available intertidal records from the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic with additional data from neighbouring regions for comparison and context. We compiled 3902 occurrences of 1416 species of high southern latitude intertidal organisms from 229 locations and used PRIMER 6 to perform multivariate statistical analyses. Results The Antarctic and sub-Antarctic are shown to be distinct biogeographical regions, with patterns driven by a small number of widely distributed species. These wide-ranging molluscs and macroalgae dominate the biogeographical structure of the Southern Ocean intertidal, most likely as a result of rafting in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. East Antarctic intertidal habitats are potentially isolated by the Ross and Weddell Sea ice shelves but represent a great unknown in this biogeographical scheme. Main Conclusions The view that the Antarctic intertidal is a lifeless desert does not hold true, with Antarctic Peninsula intertidal communities being richer and more diverse than those in southern South America and the sub-Antarctic islands. Changing conditions in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic intertidal mean that a representative baseline is needed (acquired through standardized and quantitative sampling) to assess future changes and to detect any invasive species
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