656,403 research outputs found

    Generalized Qualification and Qualification Levels for Spectral Regularization Methods

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    The concept of qualification for spectral regularization methods for inverse ill-posed problems is strongly associated to the optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. In this article, the definition of qualification is extended and three different levels are introduced: weak, strong and optimal. It is shown that the weak qualification extends the definition introduced by Mathe and Pereverzev in 2003, mainly in the sense that the functions associated to orders of convergence and source sets need not be the same. It is shown that certain methods possessing infinite classical qualification, e.g. truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD), Landweber's method and Showalter's method, also have generalized qualification leading to an optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. Sufficient conditions for a SRM to have weak qualification are provided and necessary and sufficient conditions for a given order of convergence to be strong or optimal qualification are found. Examples of all three qualification levels are provided and the relationships between them as well as with the classical concept of qualification and the qualification introduced by Mathe and Perevezev are shown. In particular, spectral regularization methods having extended qualification in each one of the three levels and having zero or infinite classical qualification are presented. Finally several implications of this theory in the context of orders of convergence, converse results and maximal source sets for inverse ill-posed problems, are shown.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Pilot qualification evaluation protocol

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    Rates of qualification from postgraduate research degrees : projected study outcomes of full-time students starting postgraduate research degrees in 2008-09 and 2009-10

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    "This report introduces a new approach to measuring rates of qualification from research degree study. It provides qualification rates of students on postgraduate research degree programmes at higher education institutions in England" - front cover

    Helicopter simulator qualification

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    CAE has extensive experience in building helicopter simulators and has participated in group working sessions for fixed-wing advisory circulars. Against this background, issues that should be addressed in establishing helicopter approval criteria were highlighted. Some of these issues are not immediately obvious and may, indeed, be more important than the criteria a themselves

    What a difference a term makes:the effect of educational attainment on marital outcomes in the UK

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    Abstract In the past, students in England and Wales born within the first 5 monthsof the academic year could leave school one term earlier than those born later inthe year. Focusing on women, those who were required to stay on an extra termmore frequently hold some academic qualification. Using having been required tostay on as an exogenous factor affecting academic attainment, we find that holding alow-level academic qualification has no effect on the probability of being currentlymarried for women aged 25 or above, but increases the probability of the husbandholding some academic qualification and being economically active.33 Halama

    Agri-food qualification and certification process as an interface between exchange marketing and reciprocity

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    Ce texte mobilise la théorie de la réciprocité en anthropologie économique pour analyser les processus de qualification des produits de l'agriculture familiale au Brésil. Tout processus de qualification qui garantit l'origine, la spécificité, la qualité d'un produit peut réduire les effets de concurrence et de spéculation spécifiques à l'échange capitaliste. Je fais l'hypothèse que les processus de qualification peuvent contribuer à établir une relation de réciprocité symétrique entre producteur et consommateur. Ils peuvent également concourir à engendrer une structure de partage (de la qualité) au sein d'un groupe de producteurs. Mais, les mécanismes de qualification et certification peuvent également introduire l'exclusion, car en dehors du groupe et des produits certifiés ce sont les lois de l'échange qui régulent le marché. C'est pourquoi on a besoin d'une forme d'interface ou d'articulation entre production et marché. L'interface offerte par les mécanismes de certification de la qualification permet de réintroduire la dimension de la réciprocité économique dans le système du marché d'échange capitaliste. Ce texte repose sur la comparaison de trois systèmes de certification de produits agro-écologiques au Brésil : la certification externe de groupes, la certification participative et la cocertification. (Résumé d'auteur

    A method of hardware qualification for flight by analyses, similarity and integrated testing

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    The results are described of a study on four pieces of flight hardware from the Saturn 1U and S-4B stages to determine whether the objectives of the formal qualification tests on that hardware could have been obtained within that program by methods other than performing the qualification tests. These methods include qualification by analyses, similarity and integrated testing, i.e., distribution of the objectives among the other tests in the program. It was found that it is feasible to delete the requirements for formal qualification testing provided that it is accomplished early in the program to allow adequate planning for accomplishing the qualification objectives by other means. Additionally, a scorekeeping system was defined that is simple, straightforward, easy to implement. This scorekeeping system provides complete visibility of equivalent qualification status at any point during the program. A set of groundrules for implementing this study was established as a result of findings on the specific items of hardware studied

    Seismic qualification of directional valve

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    Seismic qualification tests on pneumatically operated directional valve were carried out in the shake table facility in Structural Integrity Division. Determination of the fundamental frequency for directional valve was carried out through exploratory vibration test as per ANSI B 16.41 Annexure E (Para E-3) to ascertain extent of flexibility as defined in the standard. Seismic (static) load test on same directional valve was also carried out to ascertain its capabilities to withstand the expected dynamic, seismic stresses and to ensure that the valves will not be subjected to performance degradation or malfunction under seismic conditions. This report describes the final seismic qualification documentation for directional valve manufactured by M/s Vijay Fire Protection Systems Ltd, Mumbai

    Implementation of Indonesia National Qualification Framework to Improve Higher Education Students: Technology Acceptance Model Approach

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    In order to face the global competition, graduates’ competence is nowadays problem faced by many higher learning institutions. This study is aimed to test students’ competence using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework. It tests the effect of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEU) on behavior intention to use (BIU) and student’ competence. The data used is a primary data that was collected by distributing questionnaire to 128 students who use e-learning. The samples were selected using the convenience sampling method. The data obtained was evaluate both by reliability and validity tests, while the hypothesis was tested using multiple regression. The result shows that PU and PEU have significant effect on BIU, and furthermore BIU has significant effect on student’ competence (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor). It provides theoretical contribution that technology utilization can improve student’ competence