23 research outputs found

    A Study of the Effect of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms on Self-disclosure in Social Networking Sites from the View of Protection Motivation Theory

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    Along with recent advancement of web technologies, social networking sites (SNSs) affect people’s life styles by enabling them to perform different activities which are not easy to do before. Predominant uses of SNSs allow users to quickly access and easily share personal information. In turn, users’ information privacy issues become important challenge. Drawing upon Protection Motivation Theory, this research investigates the effect of privacy assurance mechanisms (i.e., privacy assurance statements and privacy customization) on privacy concern and disclosure behavior. The results show that privacy assurance statements significantly influence SNS users’ privacy concern by affecting users’ assessment of threat susceptibility and effectiveness of assurance mechanisms; privacy customization features significantly influence users’ self-efficacy and perceived effectiveness of assurance mechanisms; SNS users’ privacy concern results form a risk calculus process in which users assess the threat and available coping mechanisms; and the effect of privacy concern on self-disclosure mediates by users’ protection motivation

    A Study of the Effect of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms on Self-disclosure in Social Networking Sites from the View of Protection Motivation Theory

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    Because of the predominant and rampant of social networking sites (SNSs), users’ information privacy issue becomes an important challenge not only for SNS users but also for the SNS service providers and governing organizations. This study’s objectives are: (1) to study how assurance mechanisms affect SNS users’ self-disclosure intention by applying protection motivation theory (PMT), and (2) to empirically test the perceived privacy concern as part of the PMT in order to predict self-disclosure on SNS. There are a number of expected contributions for this study. First, this study applies PMT in order to understand how assurance mechanisms applied by SNSs affect users to disclose their personal information. Second, we introduce the customizing privacy as an assurance mechanism which has not been studied in previous literature. Finally, we consider fear component of PMT which has not been studied by previous researchers who applied PMT in this context

    A Taxonomy of Challenges for Cloud ERP Systems Implementation

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    Though success stories of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning systems (Cloud ERP) are frequently published, the failure rate of Cloud ERP is relatively less reported and discussed. Implementing Cloud ERP systems is not always easy, and at times very challenging. Hence, client organizations and vendors should be aware of challenges to help ensure successful implementation of Cloud ERP systems. The aim of this study is to develop a taxonomy of Cloud ERP implementation challenges. A set of thirty-one challenges was identified from a systematic literature review, and were then categorized by following the taxonomy development process proposed by Nickerson et al. (2013). The taxonomy consists of two dimensions: type of challenges and locus of challenges. Our proposed taxonomy has implications for providing a springboard for further theory development in the Cloud ERP domai

    Model Kualitas E-Service dengan Pendekatan Meta-Etnografi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan model e-service quality berdasarkan model (best practice) yang ada saat ini. Model e-service quality telah dikembangkan oleh sejumlah peneliti namun masih tersebar dan belum ada kesepakatan atau konsesus terhadap model khususnya dimensi didalamnya. Bahkan mode e-service quality yang ada saat ini mempunyai beberapa dimensi namun cenderung mengabaikan dimensi dan item dari model (best practice) yang lain sehingga tidak diperoleh suatu model yang bersifat generik. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan studi dengan metode systematic review khususnya pendekatan kualitatif meta-etnografi dengan mereview berbagai studi terkait model e-service quality dari berbagai artikel jurnal dan conference untuk kemudian dilakukan proses sintesa. Meta-ethnography sebagai bagian dari metode systematic review merupakan teknik mengintegrasikan data lintas studi untuk mendapatkan teori maupun konsep baru dengan tingkat pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dan menyeluruh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model e-service quality yang terdiri dari 20 dimensi pengukuran yang terbagi atas perspektif organisasi (15 dimensi) dan perspektif pelanggan (5 dimensi). Dari segi praktis, model yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan untuk membantu organisasi dalam mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan kualtias layanan berbasis elektroni (e-service quality)

    Factors Influencing the Establishment of Clothing Retailers in the Metaverse: The Role of Metaverse Technology as a Mediator

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    The metaverse is a virtual environment where people may interact with one another via avatars. As the metaverse has gained in popularity over the last several years, the retail industry has indicated an interest in using it for product promotion and sales. However, opening a clothes store in the metaverse has unique challenges, and prospective investors should keep a few things in mind. This study aimed to uncover the factors that led Dubai investors to create a virtual apparel brand for sale online. Independent factors were creativity, safety, and confidentiality. The advent of Dubai's Metaverse clothes store was the dependent variable, while the technology enabling the metaverse was the mediator. The study used a quantitative methodology, including a survey questionnaire. For demographic and structural equation modeling objectives, we employed SPSS and AMOS software. The mediator variable was shown to be significantly affected by all independent factors, according to data from a survey of 398 participants. The successful debut of apparel in the metaverse in Dubai may be primarily attributed to the metaverse's cutting-edge technological innovations in security and privacy. Customers may be unwilling to provide personal information or engage in virtual transactions if they do not trust the safety of their data in the metaverse; thus, these issues must be addressed. Investors should prioritize developing private and secure metaverse technologies to win users' confidence. The findings call attention to the absence of study in this area and provide valuable insight into the factors contributing to the success of retail clothes launches in the metaverse. When taken as a whole, this study paves the way for more investigation into the metaverse and its possible implications on the retail industry in Dubai.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Select Criteria for Evaluating Commercial Web Presence

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    In this study, we set out to analyze the effectiveness of today’s commercial Web sites, using select criteria considered unique to effective Web design. A random sample of 43 Virginia bank Web sites represented the study. Each site was evaluated based on the same criteria. The results s how fragmentation in Web sites, ranging from those considered “mere presence” to sites that were loaded with multimedia, interactive audio and video, and truly effective customization, speed, and scalability. Few lessons can be learned for improving Web presence on the Internet

    Paradoxes and consumer decision-making

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    Consumers often find themselves faced with conflicting evaluations in which they identify both positive and negative aspects of a purchase or consumption experience. A paradox occurs when the individual is aware of the conflicting evaluations and experiences tension as a result. While there are strong potential implications of paradox, marketing research has been slow to study consumption paradoxes. As a result, many deficiencies exist in the literature, including no consensus as to the definition of consumer paradox, insufficient quantitative measurement, and limited knowledge of the antecedents and consequences of paradox. This dissertation was conducted to address these shortcomings. Essay one was conducted to develop a basic understanding of consumer paradox and examine the similarities and differences between paradox, ambivalence and mixed emotions. As such, it integrated divergent literature streams and developed a new definition of paradox, distinct from ambivalence and mixed emotions. Furthermore, a hermeneutical interpretive approach was used to interpret in-depth interviews that replicated existing paradox research and identified a new technology paradox. Essay two was conducted to develop a measurement technique for capturing the presence of paradox in consumption situations. Four pretests and two studies were conducted to develop and test this new measurement technique that captured the two conditions for paradox: the recognition of two opposing, irreconcilable evaluations and the feeling of tension brought about by the opposing evaluations. Additionally, factor analysis was employed to determine the overall structure of the various types of paradoxes. Essay three was conducted to delineate and test a theoretical framework of consumption paradox. It was the first to empirically test antecedents and outcomes of paradox, and found that antecedents and outcomes exhibited different relationships under different technology paradoxes. The research failed to find any evidence that coping mediates the proposed model. This research offers contributions by defining paradox as distinct from ambivalence and mixed emotions, developing a comprehensive measurement protocol for assessing paradoxes, and delineating and empirically testing a conceptual framework of paradox. It offers managers insight into the underlying causes of paradox, the associations between paradoxes, and possible strategies to reduce the occurrence of paradox