898 research outputs found

    Systematic Comparative Illustration of Primary School Building Regulations in Serbia and Slovenia

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    PISA tests provide international comparison of achieved educational standards through testing capabilities of 15-year old pupils. Serbia participates in PISA tests since 2003 and test reports show that the results of Serbian pupils are statistically significantly below the average of pupils in OECD countries. An additional concern, however, is the fact that the results of Serbian pupils are also statistically significantly below the results of Slovenian pupils. Slovenia participates in PISA tests since 2006 and the results of its pupils do not differ significantly from the OECD average. In order to discover directions for future reforms of educational system in Serbia in order to reach the OECD average, and therefore Slovenia, it is necessary to compare individual factors of educational systems in Serbia and Slovenia. Since pedagogical vision is of fundamental importance in design of schools, differences in primary school design regulations may serve to illustrate the most important differences in educational systems as well. A systematic comparative illustration of primary school design regulations in Serbia and Slovenia in this paper reveal that schools in Slovenia dedicate much more space, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to youngest pupils in preschool and the first two grades, school library and gym than their counterparts in Serbia

    Energy restoration of Primary school building 'Dobrila Stambolic' in Svrljig

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    An analytical approach towards sustainability-centered guidelines for Dutch primary school building design

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    Societal one-way directed approaches of sustainable primary school building design cause persistent physical building problems. It affects the performances of the societal challenge of designing real sustainable school buildings, as well as the educational and social processes, and its end-user performances. Conventional building construction approaches build traditionally their designs on a syntheses of dialogues and consensus during decision-making processes, due to a variety of different interests. Principals define their ambitions and requirements into a team of mainly technical domain related disciplines. There are no design methods available that connect human systems and ecosystems integrated and balance the dynamic multi-level scaled mechanisms of human needs and sustainability development factors. The presented analytic framework recognizes similarity patterns between these multi-level scaled social systems, ecosystems and sustainable development entities, qualitatively as well as quantitatively. It delivers a new polarity based dynamic system that contributes to the client briefs and physical building morphological factors from a more sustainable development base. This theoretical approach establishes Sustainability-Centered Guidelines for primary schools (SCGs) design and building

    Blackfriars: A Dark Name for an Enlightening Learning Space.

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    The historical site of Blackfriars Public School in Chippendale would appear unremarkable to most passers-by. It is, after all, just an old primary school building, now used as a teaching and learning space by the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Yet to the historically trained eye, this site holds much greater meaning. Within the classroom walls of Blackfriars Public School, human reason emerged as a threat to the Church’s dominance in society, a quest for human improvement and progress was embarked upon through a range of educational initiatives, and a community-based organisation was initiated by UTS to actively combat social problems. To understand how and why these developments occurred at Blackfriars, one must call into consideration the historical forces of ‘the modern’ and ‘the postmodern’. It is only in light of these ideas that we can arrive at a true understanding of the site, and more generally an appreciation of why we learn the way we do today.

    Application of a new dynamic heating system model using a range of common control strategies

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    This research investigates the overall heating energy consumptions using various control strategies, secondary heat emitters, and primary plant for a building. Previous research has successfully demonstrated that a dynamic distributed heat emitter model embedded within a simplified third-order lumped parameter building model is capable of achieving improved results when compared to other commercially available modelling tools. With the enhanced ability to capture transient effects of emitter thermal capacity, this research studies the influence of control strategies and primary plant configurations on the rate of energy consumption of a heating system. Four alternative control strategies are investigated: zone feedback; weather-compensated; a combination of both of these methods; and thermostatic control. The plant alternative configurations consist of conventional boilers, biomass boilers, and heat pumps supporting radiator heating and underfloor heating. The performance of the model is tested on a primary school building and can be applied to any residential or commercial building with a heating system. Results show that the new methods reported offer greater detail and rigor in the conduct of building energy modelling

    Analysis of the technical security of the physical protection of the primary school building

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    TÍŽEK, Lukáš. Analýza technického zabezpečení fyzické ochrany objektu základní školy. Ostrava, 2023. Bakalářská práce. VŠB – TUO Ostrava, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství, Katedra bezpečnostních služeb. Vedoucí bakalářské práce Ing. Stanislav Lichorobiec, Ph.D. Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou současného stavu zabezpečení základní školy a návrhem opatření k zvýšení této úrovně. Daná problematika je v úvodu vymezena vhodnými právními předpisy. Následuje teoretická část fyzické ochrany k pochopení problematiky. Navazuje hlavní část práce, kterou je popis chráněného objektu a jeho stavu fyzické ochrany. Další částí je analýza a hodnocení rizik, kde jsou zjištěna a ohodnocena rizika hrozící chráněnému objektu. Na tuto část navazuje návrh nových opatření, které minimalizují zjištěná rizika. Na konci této části je uvedena finanční náročnost těchto opatření.TÍŽEK, Lukáš. Analysis of technical security of physical protection of elementary school building. Ostrava, 2023. Bachelor thesis. VŠB – TUO Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering, Department of Security Services. Thesis supervisor Ing. Stanislav Lichorobiec, Ph.D. The bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of the current state of primary school security and the proposal of measures to increase this level. The given issue is defined in the introduction by appropriate legal regulations. This is followed by a theoretical part of physical protection to understand the issue. This is followed by the main part of the thesis, which is a description of the protected object and its state of physical protection. The next part is the risk analysis and assessment, where the risks to the protected object are identified and evaluated. This part is followed by the proposal of new measures to minimize the identified risks. At the end of this part, the financial cost of these measures is presented.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebdobř

    Transformation Models Based on Energy Efficiency Requirements for the Primary School Building Saburina in Sarajevo

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    Rad prikazuje cjelokupan proces analiziranja postojećeg stanja zgrade Osnovne škole Saburina u Sarajevu, dobivene rezultate stvarnih energetskih potreba zgrade i emisije CO2, modele transformacije postojeće zgrade u energetski učinkovite i različitosti modaliteta energetske sanacije. Zgrada na kojoj se provodilo istraživanje građena je u razdoblju između dva svjetska rata.This article presents the entire analysis of the Primary School building Saburina in Sarajevo, the obtained results regarding the actual energy needs of the building and CO2 emission, models of transforming the existing building into an energy-­efficient one and diverse energy rehabilitation models. The building selected for the analysis was built between the two World Wars

    Design of communication network infrastructure in outbuildings of primary school

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je vypracování kompletního návrhu datové komunikační infrastruktury pro novou budovu základní školy v Židlochovicích. Práce vychází z projektové dokumentace stavby a požadavků investora. Nedílnou součástí je technická dokumentace i s celkovým rozpočtem návrhu.The goal of this bachelor thesis is to elaborate complete project of data cabling infrastructure for new primary school building in Židlochovice town. This thesis is based on the building plan and requirements of the owner. This project includes technical documentation and budged.