2,244 research outputs found


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    The aim of the paper was evaluation of selected agro-tourist farms in Poland. Research covered 10 tourist farms situated in Kujawy-Pomorze region, 5 were located in Żnin administrative unit and 5 in Golub-Dobrzyń administrative unit. The evaluation of accommodation standard, food and offered services in tested agro-tourist farms was done on the basis of the questionnaire-polls addressed to owners of these farms and guests who were there staying (done in July and August 2005). Among tourist 70% had full-board (3 meals) in 40% prepared from products coming from the farm. Own vegetables (in 70%) and poultry were used. Among respondents 84% thought that meals are varied and 68% that they are rich in all nutritional components. Most asked tourist making up 60% stated that accommodation and food standard is good. This case should be improved because the development of agro-tourism is done in regions, where favourable environmentally virtues with high accommodation and food standard are connected

    The effect of human capital on labour productivity of farms in Poland

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between total, average and marginal human factor productivity and the level of education of a farm manager in Poland. The study was carried out based on unit empirical data from the monitoring of the Polish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) and covered the four Polish FADN macro-regions: Pomorze & Mazury, Wielkopolska & Śląsk, Mazowsze & Podlasie and Małopolska & Pogórze. The study involved the Cobb-Douglas production function method. Using the relationship between total production (in PLN) of a farm and the aggregated production factors such as total labour input in AWU (Annual Work Unit), area of arable land (ha) and fixed assets (PLN), labour productivity was determined based on the level of education of the farm manager. The results indicate that the flexibility of production in relation to the labour factor was significantly higher in the group of farms managed by farmers with higher-level education in two out of four analysed macro-regions and on a national scale. In addition, human capital approximated by the level of education had a positive effect on the average and marginal productivity of the analysed farms

    Początki działalności Katedry Archeologii UAM na Pomorzu Środkowym. Akcja weryfikacji grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych

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    The article refers to one of the major episodes in history of field works undertaken by archaeologists from Poznań, from the 1960s to the 1970s. It presents the applied methodology of stronghold verification and summarises the importance of the research for the recognition of settlement in Pomorze (also referred to as Pomerania)


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    In the paper following the case of Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania and Poland development tendencies of SME agri-food networking organizations in the light of coopetition were presented. Supporting development of those organizations using the EU funds is to ensure sustainable development of rural areas and it is attempted to defy domination of huge food processing and distributing corporations through integration and strengthening market power of agricultural producers. It results from the analysis that important role in new the EU member countries are played by endogenous factors as institutional undergrowth and low social capital level, what deteriorates the development of SME networks in those countries. Experience of Andalusia region in Spain benchmarked to organizations in new the EU member countries can give desired effects in the scope of improvement of co-operation with public sector, product marketing and promotion and also in facing expectations of consumers for safe and healthy food in international markets

    Challenges and Opportunities for Agriculture of Central Europe According to Farm Structure and Abounding with Capital

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    Hungary and Poland are two applicant countries, which know the date of the admission into European Union, but the problems of the agriculture are great in both of them. The ways to the recent conditions were different, but the economic situation is similar. In Poland, mainly on the Eastern part of the country, there is a huge number of traditionally small farms operating under the economic size limit, and which are usually have not got adequate farming implements to up-to-date technologies, and their effectiveness is low. At the same time on the Western part of Poland there are Prussian type, better-mechanized, more effective large scale farms. In Hungary as a result of the economic transition the earlier large scale farms were privatised and great number of small farms came into being, which had not got any technical assets to the competitive agricultural production, and there are considerable number of private large farms mainly with "inherited" technical equipment from the earlier large scale farms. Based on these conditions the questions are: how many farms could be competitive with Western ones and how many farms have to be operated because of employment of rural people; how the efficiency of farm assets could be increased and how many investments are necessary to develop the farms to a competitive level.Farm Management,

    Chromosome numbers in 11 species of Taraxacum section Erythrosperma dt. from Poland

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    Karyology of eleven species of Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma from Poland has been studied. Somatic chromosome numbers are given for the following species: T. bellicum, T. brachyglossum, T. cristatum, T. disseminatum, T. dissimile, T. lacistophyllum, T. parnassicum, T. plumbeum, T. proximum, T. scanicum, and T. tenuilobum. Although the hypertriploid chromosome number was previously reported in Poland for T. lacistophyllum, T. parnassicum, T. scanicum, and T. tenuilobum, we proved the triploid chromosome number 2n = 24 in all the species investigated, which is consistent with the data reported from other regions of Europe. The chromosome numbers of T. bellicum, T. cristatum, T. disseminatum, T. dissimile, T. plumbeum, and T. proximum growing in Poland are published for the first time

    History and Contemporary Politics of Poland 1939–2003

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    The present book “Poland – History, Culture and Society. Selected Readings” is the third edition of a collection of academic texts written with the intention to accompany the module by providing incoming students with teaching materials that will assist them in their studies of the course module and encourage further search for relevant information and data. The papers collected in the book have been authored by academic teachers from the University of Łódź, specialists in such fields as history, geography, literature, sociology, ethnology, cultural studies, and political science. Each author presents one chapter related to a topic included in the module or extending its contents. The book contains the extensive bibliography