781 research outputs found

    Synergistic Effects of Probiotics and Phytobiotics on the Intestinal Microbiota in Young Broiler Chicken

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    Probiotics and phytobiotics have been studied as in-feed antibiotic alternatives for decades, yet there are no studies on their possible symbiotic effects. In the present study, newly hatched chickens were fed with feeds supplemented either with host-specific Lactobacillus strains (L. agilis and L. salivarius), commercial phytobiotics, or combinations of both. After 13 days of life, crops and caecums were analyzed for bacterial composition (16S rDNA sequencing, qPCR) and activity (bacterial metabolites). Crop and caecum samples were also used to study the ex vivo survival of a broiler-derived extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli strain. In the crop, combinations of probiotics and phytobiotics, but not their single application, increased the dominance of lactobacilli. The single application of phytobiotics reduced the metabolite concentrations in the crop, but certain combinations synergistically upregulated the metabolites. Changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the caecal microbiota were less pronounced than in the crop. Acetate concentrations were significantly lower for phytobiotics or the L. agilis probiotic strain compared to the control group, but the L. salivarius probiotic showed significantly higher acetate concentrations alone or in combination with one phytobiotic. The synergistic effects on the reduction of the ex vivo survival of an ESBL producing E. coli strain in crop or caecum contents were also observed for most combinations. This study shows the beneficial synergistic effects of probiotics and phytobiotics on the intestinal bacterial composition and their metabolic activity in young broilers. The reduced survival of potentially problematic bacteria, such as ESBL-producing E. coli further indicates that combinations of probiotics and phytobiotics may lead to a more enhanced functionality than their individual supplementation

    Effects of phytobiotics on Cobb broiler production results, meatiness and chemical composition

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    In order to achieve better results for fattening broilers, various additives can be added to feed, including phytobiotics (phytogenic additives). Phytobiotics protect young broilers' health based on the principles of competitive exclusion and improved usability of nutrients, growth and feed efficiency. Due to the importance and actuality of this topic, it is scientifically justified and interesting to examine the effects of using natural growth stimulators on the performance of intensively bred broilers, as well as the suitability of these compounds for nutritional, health and economic aspects of broiler production. In this study, 120 Cobb 500 broilers were divided into two groups, one control without and one experimental with a mixture of phytobiotics in their feed. At the beginning of the study, all broilers were of equal body mass. In some phases of fattening and at the end (after 42 days), body mass and total gain of the broilers receiving phytobiotics were significantly higher in than control broilers (p lt 0.05 and p lt 0.01, respectively). Total consumption of feed for the whole fattening period was higher in the control than in the phytobiotic-recieving broilers. A better feed conversion rate was determined in the broilers receiving phytobiotics than in the control broilers (P lt 0.05). The carcass meatiness was also improved in the broilers receiving phytobiotics (p lt 0.01). There was no significant difference between control and phytobiotic-receiving broilers with regard to meat chemical composition

    Effect of natural growth promoters on immunity, and biochemical and haematological parameters of broiler chickens

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    Purpose: To investigate the efficacy of promising alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters (organic acids, phytobiotics, and their combinations) as feed additives in poultry feed.Methods: Different feed treatments were formulated with organic acids, phytobiotics and their combinations, and their effects on blood profile, serum enzymes and immunity parameters were evaluated in broilers at 21 and 42 days of age.Results: Cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL levels of the 21- and 42-day old broilers were significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the feed additives. The effect of albumin and albumin/globulin ratios varied significantly (p < 0.05) from that of the control group at 42 days of age. Haematological analysis did not show significant changes (p > 0.05) in parameters except hematocrit, RBC, MCH, MCHC, WBC at age 21 days. However, among the serum enzymes assayed, only gamma-glutamyl transferase activity was altered for the modified feed group.Conclusion: These results suggest that supplementation with organic acids and phytobiotics can be used as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters without interfering with the overall health and performance of broilers.Keywords: Broilers, Antibiotic growth promoters, Phytobiotics, Organic acids, Biochemical parameter

    Peningkatan Performans Produksi Dan Kualitas Daging Pada Ayam Broiler Periode Finisher Yang Diberi Fitobiotik

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    The use of phytobiotics which can improve production performance and quality of broiler chicken meat continues to be done. The use of herbs that contain metabolic components is a very important strategy. This study aims to evaluate the production performance and quality of broiler chicken meat given phytobiotic drinks in the finisher period. The study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments of phytobiotic drinks 0, 30, 60, and 90% in broiler chickens aged 25-40 days and repeated 5 times. The liquid phytobiotics used in the form of a mixture of Curcuma domestica powder are known as antioxidants, antimicrobials and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcuma domestica: Zingiber officinale: Kaempferia galanga: Curcuma zanthorrhiza: Syzygium polyanthum with a ratio of 1:1:1:1:2. The results showed that giving phytobiotics significantly (P <0.05) increased body weight, carcass weight and broiler feed consumption. The provision of 30% phytobiotics resulted in body weight, carcass weight and feed consumption significantly (P <0.05) compared to giving 0, 60 and 90% phytobiotics. The results of the analysis of the fat and cholesterol content of broiler meat that were given phytobiotics were significantly (P <0.05) lower than the fat content of broiler meat that was not given phytobiotics. The provision of 60% phytobiotics was significantly (P <0.05) lower than the provision of 0, 30 and 90% phytobiotics. While the results of the analysis of protein content of broiler meat given 60% phytobiotics were significantly (P <0.05) higher than those given 0, 30 and 90% phytobiotics. The results of this study can be concluded that the provision of phytobiotics can affect the production performance and quality of broiler chicken meat in the finisher period. Giving 30% phytobiotics can increase as much as 20% body weight, carcass weight and feed consumption. Meanwhile, giving 60% phytobiotics increased 78.58% of meat protein content and decreased 70.54% of meat fat and 75% of meat cholesterol.   Keywords: Broiler chicken; finisher;  production; meat quality.Pemakaian fitobiotik yang dapat meningkatkan performans produksi dan kualitas daging ayam broiler terus dilakukan. Penggunaan herbal yang mengandung komponen metabolik merupakan salah satu strategi yang sangat penting. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi performans produksi dan kualitas daging ayam broiler yang diberi minuman fitobiotik pada periode finisher. Penelitian telah dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan minuman fitobiotik 0, 30, 60, dan 90% pada ayam broiler umur 25-40 hari dan diulang 5 kali. Fitobiotik cair yang digunakan berupa campuran dari serbuk kunyit:kencur:jahe:  temulawak:daun salam dengan perbandingan 1:1:1:1:2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian fitobiotik signifikan (P<0.05) meningkatkan berat badan, berat karkas dan konsumsi pakan broiler. Pemberian 30% fitobiotik menghasilkan berat badan, berat karkas dan konsumsi pakan signifikan (P<0.05) lebih besar dibandingkan  pemberian 0, 60 dan 90% fitobiotik. Hasil analisis kadar lemak an kolesterol daging broiler yang diberi fitobiotik signifikan (P<0.05) lebih rendah daripada kadar lemak daging broiler yang tidak diberi fitobiotik. Pemberian 60% fitobiotik signifikan (P<0.05) lebih rendah dibandingkan pemberian 0, 30 dan 90% fitobiotik. Sedangkan hasil analisis kadar protein daging broiler yang diberi 60% fitobiotik signifikan (P<0.05) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pemberian 0, 30 dan 90% fitobiotik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian fitobiotik dapat mempengaruhi performans produksi dan kualitas daging ayam ayam broiler periode finisher. Pemberian 30% fitobiotik dapat meningkatkan sebanyak 20% berat badan, berat karkas dan konsumsi pakan. Sedangkan pemberian 60% fitobiotik meningkatkan 78.58% kadar protein daging dan menurunkan sebanyak 70,54% kadar lemak daging serta 75% kadar kolesterol daging

    Antimicrobial growth promoters in feed - possibilities and necessity

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    The attention of the scientific and professional communities, as well as of food consumers, has always been directed towards finding adequate nutritional strategies that could improve food production and safety. By using antibiotics as feed additives, farmers gained increased profits based on higher growth rates with better feed conversion and lower costs of therapeutic treatment. The quantities of antibiotics used as growth promoters for farm animals have been increasing constantly, but at the same time, the frequency of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the presence of antibiotic residues in food have become a global problem. To eliminate or minimize these risks, on 1 January 2006, antibiotics were banned from use as additives in animal nutrition in the European Union. Accordingly, there is interest in developing new nutritional strategies that would support the function of the autochthonous microbiota in the animal gastrointestinal tract to control pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics, prebiotics, phytobiotics and feed enzymes are a new generation of growth promoters and largely achieve their effects by using the physiological mechanisms of animals and/or their intestinal microbiomes, enabling animals to completely fulfil their genetic potential with respect to production properties

    Phytobiotic Properties of Garlic, Red Ginger, Turmeric and Kencur in Growing Ducks

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    Abstract. Phytobiotic properties of garlic (Allium sativum), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), red ginger (Zingiber officinale) and kencur (Kaempferia galangal) were studied using standard in vitro antibacterial test and in vivo feeding trial with ducklings. In the in vitro experiment, potency of aqueous extract of these phytobiotic agents were tested against Salmonella pullorum and Escherichia coli. Feeding trial was carried out for 6 week starting at day 28 using ducklings fed diets supplemented with 1% of each of four phytobiotic agents. The highest antibacterial activity against S. pullorum and E. coli was observed with garlic and no additive effect when mixture of phytobiotics was used. Weight gain, fed intake and feed conversion ratio of ducklings were not affected by inclusion of garlic, red ginger and kencur. However, 1% turmeric supplementation significantly reduced growth performance to ducklings. Key words: phytobiotic, antibiotic, duck, medicinal plants Abstrak.  Penelitian karakteristik fitobiotik dari bawang putih (Allium sativum), kunyit (Curcuma domestica), jahe merah (Zingiber officinale) dan kencur (Kaempferia galangal) telah dilakukan secara in vitro melalui uji aktivitas antibakteri dan secara in vivo dengan perlakuan suplemetasi fitobiotik didalam pakan anak itik. Pada percobaan  in vitro, potensi  aktivitas antibakteri dari ektrak  fitobiotik diuji menggunakan Salmonella pullorum and Escherichia coli.  Percobaan suplementasi fitobiotik diberikan masing-masing sebesar 1% didalam pakan anak itik.  Pemberian pakan perlakuan dilakukan selama 6 minggu,  dimulai pada saat anak itik berumur 28 hari.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. pullorum dan E. coli paling tinggi adalah ektrak bawang putih dan tidak ada pengaruh yang lebih baik apabila dicampur dengan ektrak fitobiotik lainnya.  Pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi pakan dan konversi pakan anak itik tidak dipengaruhi oleh penambahan bawang putih, kunyit, jahe merah dan kencur.  Akan tetapi, suplementasi kunyit nyata menurunkan performan pertumbuhan anak itik. Kata kunci: fitobiotik, antibiotik, itik, tanaman obat-obatan

    Revisão sistemática do uso de fitobióticos na nutrição de frangos de corte

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    The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the use of phytogenics in broiler nutrition. A bibliographic survey was conducted for the years between 2009 and 2019, using the keywords “eubiotics,” “phytobiotics,” “essential oils,” “phytogenic extracts,” and corresponding words associated with the terms “broiler” and “poultry.” The selected articles were grouped into the categories: animal performance, histomorphology of the intestinal wall, biochemical profile, carcass characteristics, and the effect on bacteria found in the intestine. After comparisons of several parameters on the use or non-use of phytogenics, it was found that replacing antibiotics with phytogenics contributes positively to performance, the histomorphology of the intestinal wall, the biochemical profile, carcass characteristics, and the number of bacteria found in the gut. In conclusion, based on several studies found in the literature, replacing antibiotics with phytogenic additives in broiler nutrition may be viable due to their lower residual impact on the final product, in addition to their positive effect on the parameters of animal production.Objetivou-se realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o uso de fitogênicos na nutrição de frangos de corte. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico do período de 2009 a 2019. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chave utilizadas foram “eubióticos”, “fitobióticos”, “óleos essenciais” e “extratos fitogênicos” e suas correspondentes em inglês, “eubiotics” e “phytobiotics”, “essential oils” e “phytogenic extracts” associada a palavra “frango de corte”, e “poultry” em inglês. Os artigos selecionados foram agrupados nas categorias: desempenho zootécnico, histomorfologia da parede intestinal, perfil bioquímico do sangue, característica de carcaça e o efeito nas bactérias encontradas no intestino. Após comparações de diversos parâmetros sobre o uso ou não uso de fitogênicos, percebeu- se que a substituição dos antibióticos pelos fitogênicos pode ser considerado positiva para o desempenho, histomorfologia da parede intestinal, perfil bioquímico do sangue, característica de carcaça e número de bactérias encontradas no intestino. Sendo assim, foi concluído com base nos diversos trabalhos encontrados na literatura que a substituição dos antibióticos pelos aditivos fitogênicos na nutrição de frangos de corte pode ser viável, devido ao seu menor impacto residual no produto final, além de influenciar positivamente nos parâmetros de produção animal

    The impact of the humic acid and phytobiotics on performance and carcass parameters of broiler chickens

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    Received: 2018-05-29 | Accepted: 2018-05-29 | Available online: 2018-11-26https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.173-178The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of humic substances, and combination humic substances and selected phytobiotics on production and carcass parameters of broiler chickens. In experiment from total 200 one-day-old ROSS 308 chickens were randomized into four groups (n = 50). The control group was fed with basal diet (BD) without any additives. Group of chickens marked as treatment 1 (T1) was fed a BD containing 2% of humic acid, the group marked as treatment 2 (T2) was fed a BD containing 78% of humic acids, 18% of garlic powder (Allium sativum L.), 1% of milled dried leaves of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), 1% of milled dried leaves of thyme (Thymus vulgaris), 1% of milled dried leaves of oregano (Origanum vulgare) and 1% of milled dried leaves of bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), together 2 kg /100kg complete feed mixture (BD). In the group marked as treatment T3 were chicken fed with BD containing industrially produced coccidiostats. Experiment lasted 42 days. At the end of the experiment was average body weight (values in the order of the groups: 1808.03 ±212.39; 1981.75 ±203.32; 1895.59 ±178.75 and 1955.31 ±237.16 g ±SD) significantly higher (P0.05).Keywords: Allium sativum L., Artemisa absinthium, broiler chicken, carcass parameters, humic acid, Menyanthes trifoliata, Origanum vulgare, performance parameters, Thymus vulgarisReferencesAlipour, F., Hassanabadi, A., Golian, A., Nassiri-Moghaddam, H. (2015) Effect of plant extracts derived from thyme on male broiler performance. Poutry Science, 94 (11), 2630-2634. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pev220Bacler-Żbikowska, B. (2012) Zasoby gatunkowe cennych roślin leczniczych powiatu włoszczowskiego. Część 3 – bobrek trójlistkowy Menyanthes trifoliata L. 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