7,782 research outputs found

    Ostracods from a Marmara Sea lagoon (Turkey) as tsunami indicators

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright @ Elsevier Ltd.A 352 cm long sediment core from Hersek Lagoon (Gulf of İzmit) was investigated for its ostracod species composition in order to evaluate the potential of ostracods to detect tsunami deposits in coastal environments. The Gulf of İzmit is the eastern bay of the Marmara Sea which is tectonically controlled by the North Anatolian Fault. Ostracod shells are rare in the lower third of the core, which probably represents a coastal wetland environment. According to radiocarbon dating of terrestrial plant remains, this unit was deposited between AD 500 and AD 800. Above, ostracod shells are abundant and dominantly monospecific, composed almost exclusively of the widespread brackish water ostracod Cyprideis torosa. This almost monospecific occurrence indicates the establishment and maintenance of the Hersek Lagoon after AD 800. Three distinct layers of mollusc shells and fragments contain ostracod shells of marine and to a lesser extent non-marine origin in addition to those of C. torosa. The shell layers are further characterized by significant maxima in total ostracod shell numbers. The high concentration of ostracod shells, the higher species numbers and the mixture of marine, lagoonal and non-marine ostracod shells shows that shell layers were formed as high-energy deposits resulting from tsunamis or large storms in the Marmara Sea. The partial occurrence of non-marine ostracod shells in the shell layers possibly indicates that tsunamis with extensive run-ups and significant backwash flows caused the high-energy deposits rather than large storms. The investigated sediments show that lagoonal ostracods can serve as good proxies for tsunamis or large storms through significant variations in total shell numbers, species numbers and the mixing of shells of different origin.Funding was provided by the European Union in the framework of the REL.I.E.F. (RELiable Information on Earthquake Faulting) project (EVG1-CT-2002-00069)

    Early-Middle Pleistocene benthic turnover and oxygen isotope stratigraphy from the Central Mediterranean (Valle di Manche, Crotone Basin, Italy): data and trends

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    Ostracod faunal turnover and oxygen isotope data (foraminifera) along the Valle di Manche (VdM) section are herein compiled. Specifically, the material reported in this work includes quantitative palaeoecological data and patterns of ostracod fauna framed within a high-resolution oxygen isotope stratigraphy (δ18O) from Uvigerina peregrina. In addition, the multivariate ostracod faunal stratigraphic trend (nMDS axis-1 sample score) is calibrated using bathymetric distributions of extant molluscs sampled from the same stratigraphic intervals along the VdM section. Data and analyses support the research article “Dynamics of benthic marine communities across the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary in the Mediterranean region (Valle di Manche, Southern Italy): biotic and stratigraphic implications” Rossi et al. [1]

    History and sensitivity comparison of two standard whole-sediment toxicity tests with crustaceans : the amphipod Hyalella azteca and the ostracod Heterocypris incongruens microbiotest

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    The review first details the development of the test procedures with Hyalella azteca which historically emerged as one of the recommended test species for whole-sediment assays and its gradual standardization and endorsement by national and international organizations. The sensitivity and precision of the H. azteca test for application on chemicals and on real world sediments is discussed. The review subsequently addresses the development of the whole sediment microbiotest with the ostracod crustacean Heterocypris incongruens with larvae of this test species hatched from dormant eggs (cysts), rendering this assay stock culture/maintenance free. The application of the 6-day ostracod microbiotest on sediments in Canada and in Belgium is discussed, as well as its endorsement by the ISO subsequent to an extensive international inter-laboratory ring test. The sensitivity of the amphipod and ostracod tests is compared by data from studies in which both assays were applied in parallel. A comparison of more than 1000 ostracod/amphipod data pairs of a 12-year river sediment monitoring study in Flanders/Belgium confirmed that both whole-sediment assays have a similar sensitivity and that the 6-day ostracod microbiotest is a valuable and cost-effective alternative to the 10-14 day amphipod test for evaluation of the toxic hazard of polluted sediments

    Palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic reconstruction of a closed-lacustrine carbonate system - the challenging marginal setting of the Miocene Ries Crater Lake (Germany)

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    Chemostratigraphic studies on lacustrine sedimentary sequences provide essential insights on past cyclic climatic events, on their repetition and prediction through time. Diagenetic overprint of primary features often hinders the use of such studies for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Here the potential of integrated geochemical and petrographic methods is evaluated to record freshwater to saline oscillations within the ancient marginal lacustrine carbonates of the Miocene Ries Crater Lake (Germany). This area is critical because it represents the transition from shoreline to proximal domains of a hydrologically closed system, affected by recurrent emergent events, representing the boundaries of successive sedimentary cycles. Chemostratigraphy targets shifts related to subaerial exposure and/or climatic fluctuations. Methods combine facies changes with δ13C–δ18O chemostratigraphy from matrix carbonates across five closely spaced, temporally equivalent stratigraphic sections. Isotope composition of ostracod shells, gastropods and cements is provided for comparison. Cathodoluminescence and back‐scatter electron microscopy were performed to discriminate primary (syn‐)depositional, from secondary diagenetic features. Meteoric diagenesis is expressed by substantial early dissolution and dark blue luminescent sparry cements carrying negative δ13C and δ18O. Sedimentary cycles are not correlated by isotope chemostratigraphy. Both matrix δ13C and δ18O range from ca −7·5 to +4·0‰ and show clear positive covariance (R = 0·97) whose nature differs from that of previous basin‐oriented studies on the lake: negative values are here unconnected to original freshwater lacustrine conditions but reflect extensive meteoric diagenesis, while positive values probably represent primary saline lake water chemistry. Noisy geochemical curves relate to heterogeneities in (primary) porosity, resulting in selective carbonate diagenesis. This study exemplifies that ancient lacustrine carbonates, despite extensive meteoric weathering, are able to retain key information for both palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and the understanding of diagenetic processes in relation to those primary conditions. Also, it emphasizes the limitation of chemostratigraphy in fossil carbonates, and specifically in settings that are sensitive for the preservation of primary environmental signals, such as lake margins prone to meteoric diagenesis

    Ostracods from freshwater and brackish environments of the Carboniferous of the Midland Valley of Scotland : the early colonization of terrestrial water bodies

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    The Mississippian Strathclyde Group of the Midland Valley of Scotland yields some of the earliest non-marine ostracods. The succession records shallow marine, deltaic, estuarine, lagoonal, lacustrine, fluvial and swamp environments representing a series of staging-posts between fully marine and limnetic settings. Macrofossils and ostracods are assigned to marine, marginal marine, brackish and freshwater environments based on their faunal assemblage patterns. Key brackish to freshwater ostracods are Geisina arcuata, Paraparchites circularis n. sp., Shemonaella ornata n. sp. and Silenites sp. A, associated with the bivalves Anthraconaia, Carbonicola, Cardiopteridium, Curvirimula, Naiadites, the microconchid ‘Spirorbis’, Spinicaudata and fish. Many Platycopina and Paraparchiticopina ostracods are interpreted as euryhaline, which corresponds with their occurrence in marine to coastal plain water bodies, and supports the ‘estuary effect’ hypothesis of non-marine colonization. The success of non-marine colonization by ostracods was dependent on the intrinsic adaptations of ostracod species to lower salinities, such as new reproductive strategies and the timing of extrinsic mechanisms to drive non-marine colonization, such as sea-level change. The genus Carbonita is the oldest and most common freshwater ostracod, and went on to dominate freshwater environments in the Late Palaeozoic

    Extraordinary morphological changes in valve morphology during the ontogeny of several species of the Australian ostracod genus Bennelongia (Crustacea, Ostracoda)

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    Ostracods belonging to the genus Bennelongia differ much in valve morphology between adults and juveniles. Adult valves are asymmetrical, characterised by a beak-like feature in the anteroventral region of the left valve, and, with some notable exceptions, mostly have smooth or weaklyornamented valves. Juvenile specimens, on the other hand, have valves that are almost symmetrical, with no beak-like feature and are often heavily ornamented. We have examined the last 3 - 4 juvenile stages of 6 Bennelongia species from 5 different lineages, in order to decipher the types of external valve ornamentation and their recurrences during ontogeny and across lineages. It is clear that ornamentation is more prevalent at the early instar stages compared to the last 2 pre-adult stages, and especially when compared to the adult stage itself. We also examined the surprising presence of a calcified inner lamella with a prominent inner list in the pre-adult stages of Bennelongia species, that is usually absent in juveniles of other ostracods, thus questioning if heterochronic processes have provided an intermediate valve morphology between the simple (normal) cypridinid juvenile state and the heavily derived and modifi ed state of adult Bennelongia. We discuss the possible (speculative) functionality of the ornamentation in juveniles

    Ostracoda during the early Aptian (early Cretaceous) greenhouse period on the Isle of Wight, England

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    The earliest Aptian marine transgression of the Lower Cretaceous across southern England resulted in the collapse of the generally freshwater Barremian environment and the initiation of marine mileux. Salinities passed from fresh-oligohaline to meso- and pliohaline, reaching fully marine conditions during the obsoletum Subzone (P. fissicostus Zone). Newly formed environmental niches were rapidly occupied by ostracod associations. In the Isle of Wight, freshwater Cypridea-rich assemblages in the lower Shepherd's Chine Member (Vectis Formation) were gradually replaced by faunas dominated by Sternbergella cornigera, Mantelliana mantelli and Theriosynoecum fittoni. Marine taxa recorded from the Atherfield Clay Formation migrated predominantly from the Paris Basin and include Asciocythere albae, Schuleridea derooi, Neocythere gottisi, N. bordeti, Cythereis geometrica, Cytheropteron stchepinskyi and Protocythere croutesensis

    Are zooplankton invasions in constructed waters facilitated by simple communities?

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    The invasion of non-indigenous species is considered to be one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss globally. My research aimed to determine if constructed water bodies (e.g., water supply reservoirs, dams and ponds) were invaded by zooplankton with greater ease than natural water bodies, and whether this was due to a lower biodiversity, and therefore lower 'biotic resistance', in constructed water bodies. Sediment cores were collected from a cross-section of 46 lakes, ponds and reservoirs (23 natural and 23 constructed) throughout the North Island, New Zealand. Diapausing zooplankton eggs were separated from the sediments and hatched to assess species composition and richness. In addition, the distributions of non-indigenous zooplankton were examined to determine if they occurred more frequently in constructed water bodies than in natural ones. Species composition results showed that natural water body zooplankton communities appeared to consist mainly of a core group of truly planktonic species. However, the species assemblages of constructed water bodies were more varied, comprising of a number of littoral and benthic species, and a large number of species that were recorded from only a single water body. A canonical correspondence analysis indicated that Trophic Level Index explained a significant amount of variation in zooplankton community composition of natural waters (p = 0.002). Distance to nearest water body and number of water bodies within a 20 km radius explained significant amounts of variation in community composition of constructed water bodies (p = 0.040 and 0.038 respectively). Average species richness was slightly higher for natural water bodies than constructed water bodies (18.47 and 15.05 respectively), although overall there was a lot of variation for both natural and constructed water body datasets. A stepwise linear regression indicated that latitude and approximate maximum depth of water body were significant predictors of natural water body species richness (p = 0.002 and 0.016 respectively). However, no significant predictors of species richness were elucidated for constructed water bodies. The non-indigenous calanoid copepods Sinodiaptomus valkanovi and Boeckella minuta were only found in constructed water bodies. However, the non-indigenous cladoceran Daphnia galeata was recorded in both natural and constructed water bodies. The non-indigenous calanoid copepods are more likely to establish populations in constructed water bodies due to the absence of key species (i.e. native calanoid copepods), whose presence in natural waters seemingly provides 'biotic resistance'. The invasion success of D. galeata in constructed and natural waters may be attributed to the absence of a superior competitor, as native Daphnia populations, for example, are rare in the North Island. My results suggest that species richness may not be as important as species composition in influencing the ease with which non-indigenous species invade constructed water bodies. The core group of species found in natural water bodies are likely to be better adapted to pelagic conditions, and therefore better at resisting invaders, than the more varied constructed water body assemblages