1,478 research outputs found

    The model of methodical system and learning objectives of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities

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    У статті наведені етапи розробки моделі методичної системи навчання спецкурсу «Основи математичної інформатики» студентів технічних університетів. Конкретизовано цільовий компонент методичної системи.Abstract. Introduction. Development of methodical system for training course “Foundations of mathematical informatics” plays a key role in forming the students’ of technical universities competencies in mathematical informatics. So it is very important to analyze of the components of methodical system, identify the weaknesses and problems that can significantly impair its quality and which can not be overcome without its further development. Purpose. Develop a model of methodical system of training course “Foundations of mathematical informatics” for students of technical universities and specify its target component. Methods. Using cloud technologies at learning the foundations of mathematical informatics requires the construction technology training, which results in the selection of appropriate cloud-oriented forms of organization and teaching methods. On the other hand, the theory, methods and tools for cloud significantly affect the primary content of learning and its goals. Thus, the cloud technology theory, methods and tools are the basis for constructing methodical system of training course “Foundations of mathematical science”. Results. Development of methodical system of training course “Foundations of mathematical informatics” plays a leading role in forming the students’ of technical universities competencies in mathematical informatics due to its fundamental impact and technology improvement. Originality. Theoretically grounded and constructed the model of methodical system of training course “Foundations of mathematical informatics” and learning goals. Conclusion. The model of methodical system of training course “Foundations of mathematical informatics” includes content, objectives and learning technology. The last one contains forms of organization, methods and teaching tools, including leading cloud technologies. The main purpose of training course “Foundations of mathematical informatics” is developing of students competencies of technical universities in mathematical informatics

    Using MOODLE for blended learning of industrial enterprises workers

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    В дослідженні проводиться аналіз змін, що відбуваються в окремих компонентах методичної системи під впливом сучасних вимог до професійного навчання. Визначається вплив навчальних засобів ІКТ на технологічну складову методичної системи. Пропонується організаційна модель комбінованого професійного навчання з використанням системи управління навчанням Moodle.The study analyzes the changes occurring in individual components of methodical system under modern requirements for training. Determine the impact of training on ICT technological component methodical system. Proposed organizational model of blended professional training using learning management system Moodle

    Mobile learning in methodical system of basic education informatychnoyi

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    Велика Хартія Університетів, підписанням якої розпочався Болонський процес, визначає два головні принципи вищої освіти: фундаментальність (єдність навчання та науки, академічна свобода) та мобільність.Great Charter of Universities, which began signing of the Bologna process, defines two main principles of higher education: fundamental (the unity of teaching and research, academic freedom) and mobility

    Роль педагогічного системного підходу в оформленні поняття «методична система навчання мови"

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    У статті подано аналіз наукових досліджень із проблеми педагогічного системного підходу як основи розвитку системних явищ. Педагогічний системний підхід осмислено з позицій сучасних наукових тенденцій. Методична система навчання мови розглядається як різновид педагогічних систем. Констатована роль загальнонаукового системного принципу ізоморфізму в можливості виявлення інваріантного компоненту методичної системи навчання мови.The article presents the analysis of scientific researches on the problem of pedagogical system approach as the basis for the development of systemic phenomena. Pedagogical system approach is considered from the standpoint of modern scientific tendencies. Methodical system of language teaching is considered as a kind of pedagogical systems. The role of the general scientific systemic principle of isomorphism in the possibility of identifying the invariant component of the methodical system of language learning is established

    The Use of Computer Technologies in the Process of Physical Education of Student Young People.

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    В статье представлена разработанная авторами информационно -методическая система “Гармония тела”, раскрываются назначение и возможности модулей компьютерной программы. In the article the developed by authors informative- methodical system is presented “Harmo ny of body”, setting and p ossibilities of computer program units open up

    О необходимости развивающего обучения в географическом образовании

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    This article is written for students and teachers of geographical faculties of pedagogical universities. The main idea of the article is to show the methodical system, the main aim of which is the formation of the pupils awareness of the importance of knowledge and active life positio

    On the use of information technologies in the process of physical education of student youth

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    Topicality. The determining of the level of effectiveness of using information technology in shaping the informational educational environment of students’ physical education in the system of education and beyond, the identification of the general theoretical basis of study, necessary for didactic development of approaches of the use of information technology in the physical education of students, requires the organization of a special research. Objectives of the study: to analyze and systematize modern scientific and methodological knowledge and the results of practical experience of domestic and foreign researchers in the sphere of the use of information technologies in the practice of physical education of students; to develop informational and methodical multimedia system “Рerfectum corpus”, as a means of raising the level of theoretical knowledge of students in the process of physical education. Research results. The results of the qualifying experiment led us to develop the multimedia information and methodical system “Рerfectum corpus” as an auxiliary means of training for the use in class and in the extracurricular format, which is intended for self-study and raising the level of theoretical knowledge, motivation of students for physical exercises. Each module of the multimedia information and methodical system “Рerfectum corpus” consists of sections that may contain background images, buttons and other options of visual representation.Conclusions. The analysis of scientific sources testifies that the use of information technologies in the practice of physical education of student youth opens new opportunities for increasing the efficiency of the process of physical education.The developed information-methodical system includes three modules: “Useful to know”, “Practice”, “Bonus"

    Psychological and pedagogical fundamentals of professional preparation of future grid automation engineers on basis of causal studies

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    В статті розглядається характер прояву законів, закономірностей, принципів та підходів навчання в методичній системі професійної підготовки майбутніх інженерів з автоматизації енергосистем на основі каузального навчання.The article considers the character of manifestations of laws, regularity, principles, and approaches of teaching in a methodical system of professional preparation of future grid automation engineers based on causal learning