66,101 research outputs found

    Religious rights in Croatia: legal regulation of culturalism

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    Tekst został opublikowany w: The principle of equality as a fundamental norm in law and political philosophy, Jurysprudencja 8., Wojciechowski B., Bekrycht T., Cern K.M. (eds.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2017.The project was financed by National Science Centre Poland (decision no. DEC-2012/05/B/HS5/01111)

    Campaign finance and the 2012 Presidential election

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    An examination of recent changes to the legal regulation of the financing of U.S. presidential campaigns (general and primary

    Vietnam\u27s Legal Regulation of Foreign Trade and Investment

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    Biomedical Research Involving Prisoners: Ethical Values and Legal Regulation

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    Until the early 1970\u27s, approximately 90% of all pharmaceutical research was conducted on prisoners, who were also subjected to biochemical research, including studies involving dioxin and chemical warfare agents. By the mid-1970\u27s, biomedical research in prisons sharply declined as knowledge of the exploitation of prisoners began to emerge and the National Commission for the protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical Research was formed. Federal regulations to protect human subjects of research were established in 1974. Special protections for prisoners were added in 1978, severely limiting research involving prisoners. However, the US correctional system has undergone major changes since the adoption of the federal regulations, making it appropriate to reexamine the ethical framework for research involving prisoners. While the history of prisoner exploitation cautions against allowing research, modern science might be able to improve understanding of the intractable problems faced by prisoners. Finding a balance between encouraging beneficial research and safeguarding prisoners is challenging and politically controversial. This commentary presents a series of proposals, based on the recommendations of Institute of Medicine Committee on Ethical Considerations for Research Involving Prisoners. If adopted, the following proposals would provide such a system of safeguards while allowing responsible research. 1) Expand the Definition of Prisoner to include non-custodial prisoners, comprehensively covering all individuals whose autonomy and liberty are restricted by the justice system. 2) Ensure Universal, Consistent Ethical Protection of prisoners by regulating all research on prisoners uniformly, irrespective of the source of funding, supporting agency, or type of correctional facility. 3) Create a National Database of Prisoner Research to permit greater accountability, provide a scientific methodology for assessing the success of research projects, and facilitate the implementation of beneficial research findings to prisoner populations. 4) Shift from a Category-Based to a Risk-Benefit Approach to Research Review to ensure that research with prisoners should be conducted only if it offers a distinctly favorable benefit-to-risk ratio, not because prisoners are a convenient source of research participants or have no access to therapeutic treatment. 5) Update the Ethical Framework to Include Collaborative Responsibility meaning that, to the extent possible, stakeholders (e.g., prisoners, correctional officers, medical staff) should participate in the design, planning, and implementation of research. 6) Enhance Systematic Oversight of Research by strengthening safeguards, making them consistent, and applying them in relation to the levels of risk and restriction of liberty experienced by prisoner-subjects

    The Case for Legal Regulation of Physicians’ Off-Label Prescribing

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    Deafness has been associated with poor abilities to deal with digits in the context of arithmetic and memory, and language modality-specific differences in the phonological similarity of digits have been shown to influence short-term memory (STM). Therefore, the overall aim of the present thesis was to find out whether language modality-specific differences in phonological processing between sign and speech can explain why deaf signers perform at lower levels than hearing peers when dealing with digits. To explore this aim, the role of phonological processing in digit-based arithmetic and memory tasks was investigated, using both behavioural and neuroimaging methods, in adult deaf signers and hearing non-signers, carefully matched on age, sex, education and non-verbal intelligence. To make task demands as equal as possible for both groups, and to control for material effects, arithmetic, phonological processing, STM and working memory (WM) were all assessed using the same presentation and response mode for both groups. The results suggested that in digit-based STM, phonological similarity of manual numerals causes deaf signers to perform more poorly than hearing non-signers. However, for  digit-based WM there was no difference between the groups, possibly due to differences in allocation of resources during WM. This indicates that similar WM for the two groups can be generalized from lexical items to digits. Further, we found that in the present work deaf signers performed better than expected and on a par with hearing peers on all arithmetic tasks, except for multiplication, possibly because the groups studied here were very carefully matched. However, the neural networks recruited for arithmetic and phonology differed between groups. During multiplication tasks, deaf signers showed an increased  reliance on cortex of the right parietal lobe complemented by the left inferior frontal gyrus. In contrast, hearing non-signers relied on cortex of the left frontal and parietal lobes during multiplication. This suggests that while hearing non-signers recruit phonology-dependent arithmetic fact retrieval processes for multiplication, deaf signers recruit non-verbal magnitude manipulation processes. For phonology, the hearing non-signers engaged left lateralized frontal and parietal areas within the classical perisylvian language network. In deaf signers, however, phonological processing was limited to cortex of the left occipital lobe, suggesting that sign-based phonological processing does not necessarily activate the classical language network. In conclusion, the findings of the present thesis suggest that language modality-specific differences between sign and speech in different ways can explain why deaf signers perform at lower levels than hearing non-signers on tasks that include dealing with digits.Dövhet har kopplats till bristande förmåga att hantera siffror inom områdena aritmetik och minne. Särskilt har språkmodalitetsspecifika skillnader i fonologisk likhet för siffror visat sig påverka korttidsminnet. Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen var därför att undersöka om språkmodalitetsspecifika skillnader i fonologisk bearbetning mellan teckenoch talspråk kan förklara varför döva presterar sämre än hörande på sifferuppgifter. För att utforska det området undersöktes fonologisk bearbetning i sifferbaserade minnesuppgifter och aritmetik med hjälp av både beteendevetenskapliga metoder och hjärnavbildning hos grupper av teckenspråkiga döva och talspråkiga hörande som matchats noggrant på ålder, kön, utbildning och icke-verbal intelligens. För att testförhållandena skulle bli så likartade som möjligt för de båda grupperna, och för att förebygga materialeffekter, användes samma presentations- och svarssätt för båda grupperna. Resultaten visade att vid sifferbaserat korttidsminne påverkas de dövas prestation av de tecknade siffrornas fonologiska likhet. Däremot fanns det ingen skillnad mellan grupperna gällande sifferbaserat arbetsminne, vilket kan bero på att de båda grupperna fördelar sina kognitiva resurser på olika sätt. Dessutom fann vi att den grupp teckenspråkiga döva som deltog i studien presterade bättre på aritmetik än vad tidigare forskning visat och de skiljde sig bara från hörande på multiplikationsuppgifter, vilket kan bero på att grupperna var så noggrant matchade. Däremot fanns det skillnader mellan grupperna i vilka neurobiologiska nätverk som aktiverades vid aritmetik och fonologi. Vid multiplikationsuppgifter aktiverades cortex i höger parietallob och vänster frontallob för de teckenspråkiga döva, medan cortex i vänster frontal- och parietallob aktiverades för de talspråkiga hörande. Detta indikerar att de talspråkiga hörande förlitar sig på fonologiberoende minnesstrategier medan de teckenspråkiga döva förlitar sig på ickeverbal magnitudmanipulering och artikulatoriska processer. Under den fonologiska uppgiften aktiverade de talspråkiga hörande vänsterlateraliserade frontala och parietala områden inom det klassiska språknätverket. För de teckenspråkiga döva var fonologibearbetningen begränsad till cortex i vänster occipitallob, vilket tyder på att teckenspråksbaserad fonologi inte behöver aktivera det klassiska språknätverket. Sammanfattningsvis visar fynden i den här avhandlingen att språkmodalitetsspecifika skillnader mellan tecken- och talspråk på olika sätt kan förklara varför döva presterar sämre än hörande på vissa sifferbaserade uppgifter

    Legal Regulation of Accounting

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    Ефективність правового регулювання (питання теорії)

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    У статті аналізуються критерії виміру правового регулювання. Звернено увагу на загально-соціальні та юридичні (спеціально-соціальні) передумови досягнення ефективності правової норми. Ключові слова: правове регулювання, цінність правового регулювання, економність правового регулювання, ефективність правового регулювання.В статье анализируются критерии определения эффективности правового регулирования. Обращено внимание на обще-социальные и юридические (специально-социальные) предпосылки эффективности правовой нормы. Ключевые слова: правовое регулирование, ценность правового регулирования, экономность правового регулирования, эффективность правового регулирования.In the article have been analyzed the criteria for evaluation of effective legal regulation. The attention’s been stipulated on the issue of general social and legal (special-and-social) pre-conditions for gradual usage (effectiveness) of the legal norm. Key words: legal regulation, importance of legal regulation, effective (minor) usage of legal regulation, effective legal regulation


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    Article is devoted to one of the hottest topics today. Development of the Internet network represents a standard channel of social communication via which a large number of trade transactions, money transfer is carried out, besides, all connection functions are performed, and Mass Media broadcasting is realized. In article some changes in the legislation which are connected with legal regulation of the Internet relations are analyzed. Nowadays no country in the world has codified legislation which would regulate internet issues. With rapidly developing Internet more and more countries in the world realize the necessity of the Internet’s legal regulation. It is caused by the fact that the Internet became one of the major factors of social, educational and cultural development, which provides new opportunities for humankind. The following article emphasizes the importance of not solely additional legal norms, but also a new effective approach to problem solution.Article is devoted to one of the hottest topics today. Development of the Internet network represents a standard channel of social communication via which a large number of trade transactions, money transfer is carried out, besides, all connection functions are performed, and Mass Media broadcasting is realized. In article some changes in the legislation which are connected with legal regulation of the Internet relations are analyzed. Nowadays no country in the world has codified legislation which would regulate internet issues. With rapidly developing Internet more and more countries in the world realize the necessity of the Internet’s legal regulation. It is caused by the fact that the Internet became one of the major factors of social, educational and cultural development, which provides new opportunities for humankind. The following article emphasizes the importance of not solely additional legal norms, but also a new effective approach to problem solution