35 research outputs found

    The relationship between friendship quality and the dark triad

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    Kvaliteta prijateljskog odnosa se može izražavati kroz određena podržavajuća ponašanja odnosno kroz funkcije prijateljstva. Za osobe mlađeg odraslog uzrasta ispunjenje socioemocionalnih potreba, između ostalog, omogućuju istorodni prijatelji. U svrhu boljeg razumijevanja kvalitete prijateljskog odnosa u istorodnim dijadama, cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati doprinos osobina mračne trijade (narcizam, psihopatija i makijavelizam) i faceta emocionalne manipulacije (sklonost emocionalnoj manipulaciji, slabe emocionalne vještine i prikrivanje emocija) u objašnjenju kvalitete prijateljstva. Korišteni su sljedeći instrumneti: McGillov upitnik prijateljstva – Kvaliteta prijateljstva, Kratka skala Mračne trijade, Modificirana skala emocionalne manipulacije te Skala prisnosti u prijateljstvu. Dodatni cilj bio je validirati McGillov upitnik prijateljstva na našem uzorku. Sudjelovalo je 276 žena i 106 muškaraca mlađe odrasle dobi. Provedenim faktorskim analizama na McGillovom upitniku prijateljstva – Kvaliteta prijateljstva nije potvrđena pretpostavljena struktura od šest faktora, već je dobiven jedan faktor koji označava kvalitetu prijateljskog odnosa. Također, McGillov upitnik prijateljstva – Kvaliteta prijateljstva ima visoku pouzdanost te je značajno pozitivno povezan sa Skalom prisnosti u prijateljstvu, što ide u prilog konvergentnoj valjanosti upitnika. Nalazi istraživanja, između ostalog, pokazuju da žene imaju kvalitetnija prijateljstva, dok muškarci imaju više rezultate na osobinama mračne trijade. Na facetama emocionalne manipulacije nisu utvrđene rodne razlike. Na poduzorku žena rezultati korelacijskih analiza pokazuju da su s kvalitetom prijateljstva značajno i negativno povezani makijavelizam i psihopatija, te da je psihopatija značajan negativan prediktor kvalitete prijateljstva. Žene s izraženijim osobinama makijavelizma i psihopatije imaju prijateljstva lošije kvalitete. Sklonost emocionalnoj manipulaciji je značajno i pozitivno povezana s narcizmom i psihopatijom, što znači da su žene s izraženijim osobinama narcizma i psihopatije sklonije emocionalnoj manipulaciji. Na poduzorku muškaraca rezultati korelacijskih analiza pokazuju da je s kvalitetom prijateljstva značajno i pozitivno povezan narcizam, te da je narcizam značajan pozitivan prediktor kvalitete prijateljstva. Muškarci s izraženijom osobinom narcizma imaju kvalitetnija prijateljstva.Friendship quality can be expressed through certian supportive behaviors i.e. through friendship functions. For young adults, same-sex friends, among others, can fullfill socioemotional needs. In order to better understand the quality of friendship in the samesex dyads, the aim was to investigate contribution of the Dark triad traits (narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellism) and the facets of emotional manipulation (emotional manipulation tendency, poor emotional skills and emotional concealment) in prediction of friendship quality. McGill Friendship Questionnaire – Friendship Quality, Short Dark Triad Scale, Emotional Manipulation Scale and Intimacy in Friendship Scale were used. Additional aim was to validate McGill Friendship Questionnaire on our sample. 276 young adult women and 106 young adult men participated. By using factor analysis presumed structure of six factors of the McGill Friendship Questionnaire – Friendship Quality wasn't confirmed, but one factor that signifies quality of friendship was. Also, McGill Friendship Questionnaire – Friendship Quality is highly reliable and it is significantly correlated to the Intimacy in Friendship Scale, which supports convergent validity of the scale. Research findings show that women have better quality friendships, while men score higher on the Dark triad measure. There were no gender differences in emotional manipulations facets. In the female subgroup, correlation analysis' results show that friendship quality is significantly and negatively correlated to Machiavellism and psychopathy, and that psychopathy is a significant negative predictor of friendship quality. Women higher on Machiavellism and psychopathy have friendships of lower quality. Emotional manipulation tendency is significantly and positively correlated to narcissism and psychopathy, which means that women higher on narcissism and psychopathy are more inclined to use emotional manipulation. In the male subgroup, correlation analysis' results show that friendship quality is significantly and positively correlated to narcissism, and that narcissism is a significant positive predictor of friendship quality. Men higher on narcissism have better quality friendships

    Social-emotional characteristics of pupils in inclusive classes and application of the circle of friends model

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    U radu su prikazana suvremena istraživanja u području edukacijske inkluzije učenika s teškoćama i njezin zakonodavni okvir te je objašnjen suvremeni model podrške edukacijskom uključivanju – osobno usmjereno planiranje s naglaskom na metodu Krugova prijatelja. Cilj rada bio je istražiti učinke sudjelovanja u Krugovima prijatelja na socijalna i emocionalna obilježja tipičnih učenika i učenika s teškoćama unutar redovitog razrednog odjela. Praćeni su kvaliteta prijateljstva, brojnost socijalne mreže, razina empatije i samopoštovanje te učestalost i vrsta interakcija tijekom školskog odmora između djece s teškoćama i njihovih tipičnih vršnjaka. Sa svrhom ostvarivanja postavljenog cilja korištena je kombinacija kvantitativne i kvalitativne metodologije, a čime je ostvaren cjelovitiji pristup istraživanoj temi kroz uvažavanje mišljenja, doživljaja i očekivanja učenika u inkluzivnoj školi, njihovih vršnjaka, roditelja i učitelja. Podaci su prikupljani prije i nakon provedbe Krugova prijatelja te su se podaci učenika s teškoćama uspoređivali s podacima prikupljenim na tipičnim vršnjacima Utvrđeno je da se nakon provedbe Krugova prijatelja statistički značajno povećala kvaliteta prijateljstva, a povećao se i broj prijatelja kod učenika koji su sudjelovali u Krugovima prijatelja u odnosu na njihove rezultate u inicijalnom mjerenju. Kvalitativni podaci također ukazuju na povećanje kvalitete prijateljstva i povećano druženje u slobodno vrijeme uz nedostatak inicijative za druženjem i određenu izoliranost učenika u središtu Krugova prijatelja. Prepoznato je da pripadnost manjinama ili prezaštitnički postupci roditelja mogu umanjiti pozitivne učinke Krugova prijatelja, što je poticaj za uvođenje dodatnih sadržaja u samu tehniku. Tipični vršnjaci su također ostvarili benefite kroz sudjelovanje u Krugovima prijatelja, prvenstveno radi razvoja empatičnih i prijateljskih odnosa s učenicima s teškoćama, a što su prepoznali i roditelji. Pokazalo se da su djevojčice više pomagački i prijateljski usmjerene prema učenicima u središtu Krugova prijatelja. Kvalitativni podaci nadalje ukazuju na potrebu za treningom socijalnih vještina te ukazuju da se učenik u središtu doživljavao ravnopravnijim i više su se percipirale njegova individualna obilježja neovisna o teškoćama nakon provedbe Krugova prijatelja. Očekivano, sudionici i učenici koji nisu sudjelovali u Krugovima prijatelja se nisu razlikovali u inicijalnom mjerenju, ali, iznenađujuće, niti u završnom, što se eventualno može pripisati proširenju učinaka Krugova prijatelja na cijelu zajednicu. Od praćenih prediktora, varijancu kvalitete prijateljstva izmjerene prije provedbe Krugova prijatelja značajno su objašnjavali empatija i samopoštovanje, čime je objašnjeno 43% varijance kriterija, dok su empatija i kvaliteta prijateljstva iz prvog mjerenja objasnili 61% varijance kvalitete prijateljstva u drugom mjerenju.The paper presents contemporary researches in the field of educational inclusion of students with disabilities and its legislative framework and view of modern support model of educational inclusion – person centered planning with an emphasis on the method of circle of friends. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of participation in the circle of friends on social and emotional characteristics of typical students and students with disabilities within the regular class. In this study were monitored variables quality of friendship, the size of social network, the level of empathy, self – esteem and the frequency and type of interaction during the recess between children with disabilities and their typical peers. It was used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology achieving a more comprehensive approach through the appreciation of the opinions, experiences and expectations of students in inclusive school, their peers, parents and teachers. Data were collected before and after the implementation of the circle of friends. Data of students with disabilities were compared with data of typical peers. After the implementation of the circle of friends method there were significantly greater quality of friendship and greater number of friends (t=4,76, ss=29, p<0.01) of the students who participated in the circles of friends in relation to their results in the initial measurement. Qualitative data also indicated an increase in the quality of friendship and in socializing in free time with the lack of initiative for socializing and a certain isolation of students in the center of the circle of friends. It has been shown that belonging to minorities or overprotective parents may reduce the positive effects of the circle of friends and therefore is necessary to introduce additional facilities in technique itself. Typical peers are also achieved benefits through participation in the circles of friends and developed empathic and friendly relations with students with disabilities, and this was recognized by parents. Girls are more facilitative and friendly oriented towards students in the center of a circle of friends. Qualitative data indicate the need for social skills training. Data also shows that the student in the center of the circle of friends perceived himself more equitable and others were perceived more his individual characteristics independent of the difficulties after the implementation of the circle of friends. Participants and students who did not participate in the circles of friends did not differ in the initial measurement, but surprisingly, not even in the final. Such a finding may be possibly attributed to the effects of the expansion of the circle of friends to the entire community. Empathy and self – esteem are significant predictors of quality of friendship measured before the implementation of the circle of friends and together explain 43% of the variance of criterion, while empathy and the quality of friendship from the first measurement together explain 61% of the variance of quality of friendship in the second measurement

    Social-emotional characteristics of pupils in inclusive classes and application of the circle of friends model

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    U radu su prikazana suvremena istraživanja u području edukacijske inkluzije učenika s teškoćama i njezin zakonodavni okvir te je objašnjen suvremeni model podrške edukacijskom uključivanju – osobno usmjereno planiranje s naglaskom na metodu Krugova prijatelja. Cilj rada bio je istražiti učinke sudjelovanja u Krugovima prijatelja na socijalna i emocionalna obilježja tipičnih učenika i učenika s teškoćama unutar redovitog razrednog odjela. Praćeni su kvaliteta prijateljstva, brojnost socijalne mreže, razina empatije i samopoštovanje te učestalost i vrsta interakcija tijekom školskog odmora između djece s teškoćama i njihovih tipičnih vršnjaka. Sa svrhom ostvarivanja postavljenog cilja korištena je kombinacija kvantitativne i kvalitativne metodologije, a čime je ostvaren cjelovitiji pristup istraživanoj temi kroz uvažavanje mišljenja, doživljaja i očekivanja učenika u inkluzivnoj školi, njihovih vršnjaka, roditelja i učitelja. Podaci su prikupljani prije i nakon provedbe Krugova prijatelja te su se podaci učenika s teškoćama uspoređivali s podacima prikupljenim na tipičnim vršnjacima Utvrđeno je da se nakon provedbe Krugova prijatelja statistički značajno povećala kvaliteta prijateljstva, a povećao se i broj prijatelja kod učenika koji su sudjelovali u Krugovima prijatelja u odnosu na njihove rezultate u inicijalnom mjerenju. Kvalitativni podaci također ukazuju na povećanje kvalitete prijateljstva i povećano druženje u slobodno vrijeme uz nedostatak inicijative za druženjem i određenu izoliranost učenika u središtu Krugova prijatelja. Prepoznato je da pripadnost manjinama ili prezaštitnički postupci roditelja mogu umanjiti pozitivne učinke Krugova prijatelja, što je poticaj za uvođenje dodatnih sadržaja u samu tehniku. Tipični vršnjaci su također ostvarili benefite kroz sudjelovanje u Krugovima prijatelja, prvenstveno radi razvoja empatičnih i prijateljskih odnosa s učenicima s teškoćama, a što su prepoznali i roditelji. Pokazalo se da su djevojčice više pomagački i prijateljski usmjerene prema učenicima u središtu Krugova prijatelja. Kvalitativni podaci nadalje ukazuju na potrebu za treningom socijalnih vještina te ukazuju da se učenik u središtu doživljavao ravnopravnijim i više su se percipirale njegova individualna obilježja neovisna o teškoćama nakon provedbe Krugova prijatelja. Očekivano, sudionici i učenici koji nisu sudjelovali u Krugovima prijatelja se nisu razlikovali u inicijalnom mjerenju, ali, iznenađujuće, niti u završnom, što se eventualno može pripisati proširenju učinaka Krugova prijatelja na cijelu zajednicu. Od praćenih prediktora, varijancu kvalitete prijateljstva izmjerene prije provedbe Krugova prijatelja značajno su objašnjavali empatija i samopoštovanje, čime je objašnjeno 43% varijance kriterija, dok su empatija i kvaliteta prijateljstva iz prvog mjerenja objasnili 61% varijance kvalitete prijateljstva u drugom mjerenju.The paper presents contemporary researches in the field of educational inclusion of students with disabilities and its legislative framework and view of modern support model of educational inclusion – person centered planning with an emphasis on the method of circle of friends. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of participation in the circle of friends on social and emotional characteristics of typical students and students with disabilities within the regular class. In this study were monitored variables quality of friendship, the size of social network, the level of empathy, self – esteem and the frequency and type of interaction during the recess between children with disabilities and their typical peers. It was used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology achieving a more comprehensive approach through the appreciation of the opinions, experiences and expectations of students in inclusive school, their peers, parents and teachers. Data were collected before and after the implementation of the circle of friends. Data of students with disabilities were compared with data of typical peers. After the implementation of the circle of friends method there were significantly greater quality of friendship and greater number of friends (t=4,76, ss=29, p<0.01) of the students who participated in the circles of friends in relation to their results in the initial measurement. Qualitative data also indicated an increase in the quality of friendship and in socializing in free time with the lack of initiative for socializing and a certain isolation of students in the center of the circle of friends. It has been shown that belonging to minorities or overprotective parents may reduce the positive effects of the circle of friends and therefore is necessary to introduce additional facilities in technique itself. Typical peers are also achieved benefits through participation in the circles of friends and developed empathic and friendly relations with students with disabilities, and this was recognized by parents. Girls are more facilitative and friendly oriented towards students in the center of a circle of friends. Qualitative data indicate the need for social skills training. Data also shows that the student in the center of the circle of friends perceived himself more equitable and others were perceived more his individual characteristics independent of the difficulties after the implementation of the circle of friends. Participants and students who did not participate in the circles of friends did not differ in the initial measurement, but surprisingly, not even in the final. Such a finding may be possibly attributed to the effects of the expansion of the circle of friends to the entire community. Empathy and self – esteem are significant predictors of quality of friendship measured before the implementation of the circle of friends and together explain 43% of the variance of criterion, while empathy and the quality of friendship from the first measurement together explain 61% of the variance of quality of friendship in the second measurement


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    Abstract: This paper is concerned with the characteristics of friendships. The main focus is on these characteristics: quality, length, stability and reciprocity. The study took place repeatedly within a period of four months. The sample consisted of 425 adolescent participants in first and 358 in the second part of the study. The adolescents were of both sexes, aged between 14 and 15. The quality of their friendships was assessed by a new self-report scale Friendship Quality Questionnaire, constructed in this research. This questionnaire is used to measure thoughts, feelings and specific behaviors about and towards a friend. Besides, two general questionnaires were used for collecting information about the participants and their friendships. The results show certain characteristics of friendships in adolescence. The dimensions of relationship quality (affection, intimacy, conflict and interaction) are evenly distributed. The connection between quality of friendship and duration was determined. In shorter friendships, the level of intimacy and conflict is higher. Also, friendships are very stable and the participants that keep their friendships have a higher level of intimacy and interaction. Those with shorter friendship change friends more. Girls have a higher level of all qualitative characteristic of friendships – affection, interaction, intimacy and conflict.Key words: adolescence, friendship, Friendship Quality Questionnair


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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi da li kvaliteta interakcije s vršnjacima može objasniti osjećaj usamljenosti i ponašanje predadolescenata i adolescenata. Teorijsku osnovu čini Sullivanova interpersonalna teorija u kontekstu koje su rezultati i interpretirani. Rezultati ukazuju na zaključak o značajnoj povezanosti između kvalitete interakcije u dijadi, osjećaja usamljenosti, agresivnog i prosocijalnog ponašanja. Kvaliteta interakcije s najboljim prijateljem značajan je prediktor usamljenosti, te prosocijalnog i agresivnog ponašanja. Adolescenti koji kvalitetu dijadne interakcije procjenjuju višom osjećaju se manje usamljeno i u repertoaru ponašanja koriste prosocijalne obrasce ponašanja, za razliku od adolescenata koji nisu zadovoljni interakcijom s najboljim prijateljem i koji pokazuju višu razinu usamljenosti, a u repertoaru ponašanja koriste agresivno ponašanje. Utvrđene su i spolne razlike. Mladići se osjećaju usamljenije od djevojaka i češće koriste agresiju u svom ponašanju. Djevojke se osjećaju manje usamljeno i prosocijalno ponašanje je češće u repertoaru njihovog ponašanja.The aim of the research is to determine whether the quality of interaction with peers can explain the feeling of loneliness and the behaviour of preadolescents and adolescents. Sullivan’s interpersonal theory, in the context of which the results have been interpreted, provides the theoretical basis. The results point to the conclusion that there is a considerable connection between quality of interaction in dyad, feeling of loneliness, aggressive and pro-social behaviour. Quality of interaction with the best friend is an important indicator of loneliness and pro-social and aggressive behaviour. Adolescents who assess the quality of dyad interaction as higher feel less lonely and use pro-social patterns of behaviour in the behaviour repertoire, unlike the adolescents who are not satisfied with the interaction with their best friends and who show a higher level of loneliness and use aggressive behaviour. Gender differences have also been determined. Boys feel lonelier than girls and more frequently use aggression in their behaviour. Girls feel less lonely and pro-social behaviour is more frequent in their behaviour repertoire

    Friend relationships among peers in the classroom

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    Ovaj rad usmjeren je na proučavanje prijateljskih odnosa unutar razrednog odjela. Odnosi među vršnjacima izuzetno su važni u školskom razdoblju, a nedostatak ili trajne teškoće u prijateljskim odnosima mogu se reflektirati na uspjeh učenika, usvajanje nastavnih sadržaja, sliku učenika o sebi, socijalni status i socijalni uspjeh itd. Cilj empirijskog dijela rada je ispitati kvalitetu prijateljskih odnosa unutar razrednog odjela u kategoriji ‘najbolji prijatelj’. Iz cilja istraživanja proizašla su tri istraživačka pitanja: Kakav je profil prijateljskih odnosa u kategoriji ‘najbolji prijatelj’? Kako izgleda hijerarhijska struktura dimenzija kvalitete prijateljstva u ponuđenim kategorijama? Koje karakteristike opisuju najboljeg prijatelja i idealnog prijatelja? Rezultati istraživanja utvrđuju dva profila: opći te profil blizine i roditeljske uključenosti. Utvrđivanje hijerarhijske strukture ukazalo je na važnost brige i priznanja (dječaci) te pouzdanosti i rješavanja problema (djevojčice). Vrh hijerarhijske ljestvice zauzimaju dimenzije priznanja i pouzdanosti. Kao najznačajnije karakteristike koje opisuju najboljeg prijatelja ističu se razgovor i zajedničko provođenje vremena, povjeravanje i pomoć, a u idealnom prijateljstvu izdvajaju se moralne vrijednosti prijatelja.This paper focuses on studying friend relationships in the classroom. Relationships between peers are exceptionally important in school age, and a lack of such relationships or continued difficulties with them can reflect on student successes, learning outcomes, and student perceptions of self, social status, social success, etc. The goal of the empirical part of the research was to examine the quality of friend relationships within the classroom in the category of ‘best friend’. Three research questions arose from the research goal: What is the profile of friend relationships in the category of ‘best friend’? What is the hierarchical structure of the quality dimensions of friendship in the categories offered? Which characteristics describe one’s best friend and the ideal friend? The results of research affirm two profiles – a general one, and the profile of closeness and parental involvement. The affirmation of hierarchical structure pointed to the importance of care and recognition (among boys) and reliability and problem solving (among girls). The highest point in the hierarchy is held by the dimensions of recognition and reliability. The most significant characteristics that describe one’s best friend include conversation and spending time together, trust and aid; the moral values of the friend are exemplified in an ideal friendship

    Dimensionen des Familienlebens als Prädiktoren des Verhältnisses von Schulkindern zu ihren Altersgenossen

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    Cilj ovoga ispitivanja je istražiti povezanost između odnosa roditelj-dijete i djetetovih vršnjačkih odnosa. Predloženi model pretpostavlja da je kvaliteta odnosa s roditeljima povezana sa slikom o sebi koja dalje utječe na uspješnu integraciju djeteta u svijet vršnjaka. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 263 djece (10-14 godina). Kvaliteta interakcije roditelj-dijete promatrana je uz pomoć prihvaćanja i odbijanja od oba roditelja. Vršnjački odnosi promatrani su u kvaliteti odnosa u dijadi, prihvaćanju i odbijanju od vršnjaka. Slika o sebi uključuje opće i socijalno samopoštovanje. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da je prihvaćanje od oca prediktivno za kvalitetu odnosa u dijadi i za odbijanje od vršnjaka. Djetetova slika o sebi ima medijatorsku ulogu u objašnjavanju povezanosti između obiteljske interakcije, osobito prihvaćanja od oca i interakcije s vršnjacima. Pozitivna slika o sebi i toplo roditeljstvo u kojem vlada potpora povezani su s kvalitetom vršnjačkih odnosa.In this study we examined the link between the parent-child relationship and the child\u27s relationship with peers. The proposed model assumes that the quality of the parent-child relationship affects the child\u27s self-concept, which in turn affects the child\u27s integration into the world of peers. The sample consisted of 263 children (10–14 years of age). The quality of the parent-child relationship was assessed by mother\u27s and father\u27s acceptance and rejection. Peer relationships were assessed by the quality of friendship and peer acceptance and rejection. The measure of the child\u27s self-concept included general and social self-esteem. The results suggest that the father\u27s acceptance predicts friendship quality and peer rejection. The child\u27s self-concept serves as a mediating role in the relationship between the parent-child interaction, especially the father\u27s acceptance, and involvement with peers. The results suggest that a positive self-concept and warm supportive parenting are related with peer relationship quality.Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war, den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Eltern-Kind-Verhältnis und dem Verhältnis des Kindes zu seinen Altersgenossen zu ermitteln. Das suggerierte Modell geht davon aus, dass das Verhältnis zu den Eltern mit der Vorstellung, die das Kind von sich selbst hat, in Zusammenhang steht; dieses Persönlichkeitsbild wiederum bedingt die erfolgreiche Integrierung des Kindes in das Umfeld der Altersgenossen. An der Untersuchung nahmen 263 Kinder (10–14 Jahre) teil. Die Qualität der Interaktion zwischen Eltern und Kind wurde anhand der Mechanismen Akzeptanz bzw. Ablehnung vonseiten der Eltern untersucht. Das Verhältnis zu Altersgenossen wurde aufgrund von Zweierbeziehungen (Dyaden) betrachtet, wiederum ausgehend von den Faktoren Akzeptanz und Ablehnung. Die Vorstellung, die das Kind von sich selbst gewinnt/hat, schließt ein allgemeines und gesellschaftsbezogenes Selbstwertgefühl mit ein. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen darauf schließen, dass das Akzeptiert- Werden vonseiten des Vaters prädiktiv ist für die Qualität des Verhältnisses, das das Kind in einer Dyade aufbauen wird, ebenso für die Ablehnung, die das Kind vonseiten seiner Altersgenossen erfährt. Die Vorstellung von sich selbst hat eine Vermittlerrolle bei Erklärungsversuchen, die den Zusammenhang zwischen der familiären Interaktion, zumal dem Akzeptiert-Werden durch den Vater, und der Interaktion mit Gleichaltrigen beleuchten sollen. Ein solides Selbstwertgefühl, ein warmes Zuhause, in dem Liebe und Unterstützung vermittelt werden, stehen mit der Qualität der Beziehungen zu den Altersgenossen in engem Zusammenhang


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    Ovaj se rad bavi vršnjačkim kontekstom razvoja učenika dviju osječkih osnovnih škola s posebnim naglaskom na popularnost i prijateljstvo kao dvije najznačajnije dimenzije vršnjačkih odnosa. Cilj je bio ispitati što učenici očekuju od najboljeg prijatelja/prijateljice i koliko se navedena očekivanja ostvaruju u školskom kontekstu, među vršnjacima, te koliko se odrastanjem ta očekivanja mijenjaju, uvažavajući dob i spol djeteta. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 278 učenika od trećeg do osmog razreda. Dobiveni su rezultati prikazani kvantitativno i kvalitativno, rangirani prema pet najznačajnijih odrednica prijateljstva te njihovim implikacijama na prijateljstva u razrednom/školskom okružju, a značajnost razlika u odgovorima između djevojčica i dječaka ispitana je hi kvadrat testom. Rezultati su pokazali da su popularnost i prijateljstvo dvije različite forme socijalnog iskustva koje su konceptualno i empirijski povezane. Iskrenost se i povjerenje pokazuju kao poveznice prijateljstava i popularnosti (prihvaćenosti) kod starijih učenika, a kod mlađih dobrota, pomoć i iskrenost. Odrastanjem djeteta simetrični reciprocitet tih odnosa se mijenja, obzirom na dob i spol, u kojima se sve više prepoznaju potrebe i želje kao ravnoteža između bliskosti i individualnosti.This paper discusses peer relationships in two primary schools in Osijek, with particular emphasis on popularity and friendship as the two most important dimensions of peer relations. The aim of the article is to examine what pupils expect from their best friends, how fulfilled their expectations in school environment are and how much these expectations change with respect to the age and sex of a child. The survey comprised 278 pupils from the 3rd to 8th grade. The collected data were analysed in terms of quantity and quality and were ranged according to the five most important features of friendship and their implications upon friendship in class/school. The significance of differences in the answers between girls and boys was tested by a chi square test. The results indicate that popularity and friendship are two different forms of social experience which are conceptually and empirically related to each other. Sincerity and trust are recognized as links between friendship and popularity (acceptance) among older pupils whereas younger pupils believe that kindness, helpfulness and sincerity link friendship and popularity. While growing up, the symmetrical reciprocity of these relationships is changing so that a child’s needs and wishes are gradually recognized as the balance between closeness and individuality, which is further influenced by the age and sex

    Sozialer Rückhalt bei Altersgenossen und seine Rolle im gemeinsamen Umgang von Präadoleszenten und Adoleszenten, die sich einsam fühlen

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    Cilj je ovog istra`ivanja ispitati odnos izme|u usamljenosti kao emocionalnoga korelata prilagodbe i kvalitete vr{nja~kih odnosa. Ispitivanje je provedeno na djeci od 10 i 12 godina i ponovljeno je na istoj djeci nakon dvije godine (12 i 14 godina). Polaze}i od pretpostavke da je osje}aj usamljenosti rezultat deficita u socijalnim odnosima i Sullivanove teorije o interpersonalnim odnosima, u radu polazimo od hipoteze da je predadolescencija i adolescencija razvojno razdoblje u kojem va`no mjesto zauzima potreba za intimnosti, koju dijete zadovoljava u interakciji s najboljim prijateljem. Stoga sigurnost, ljubav, podr{ka koju dijete zadovoljava u odnosu s prijateljem onemogu}uje pojavu usamljenosti. U ispitivanju su rabljene skale koje mjere odnos s prijateljem i skala koja mjeri emocionalnu usamljenost. Rezultati istra`ivanja upu}uju na zaklju~ak da postoji zna~ajna korelacija izme|u usamljenosti i kvalitete prijateljstva te socijalne podr{ke u prvom i u drugom ispitivanju, dok kod mla|eg uzrasta (prvo mjerenje) zna~ajno mjesto zauzimaju i drugi aspekti odnosa s vr{njacima. Percepcija socijalne podr{ke zna~ajan je prediktor osje}aja usamljenosti kod oba uzrasta, dok je reciprocitet zna~ajan prediktor samo kod skupine mla|e djece. Mo`emo zaklju~iti da je zadovoljstvo vr{nja~kim odnosima va`no u do`ivljaju osje}aja usamljenosti, a najzna~ajnije mjesto zauzima do`ivljaj socijalne podr{ke. Dobiveni rezultati interpretiraju se u okviru Sullivanove teorije interpersonalnih odnosa (Sullivan, 1953.).The aim of this research was to examine the relation between loneliness as an emotional correlate of adjustment and peer relationships. The samples consisted of 151 school children, 10 and 12 years old. The research was repeated after two years on the same samples. The initial hypothesis of the investigation was that loneliness is the result of deficient social relations, especially relations with peers in preadolescence and adolescence when the need for intimacy is stressed. According to Sullivan\u27s interpersonal theory, the child satisfies the need for intimacy in interaction with a friend. Therefore the security, love and support which the child gets in its relationship with friends prevents loneliness. Several aspects of the quality of friendship were assessed: friendship quality, perception of social support, reciprocity of friendship and mutuality. The indicator for the quality of loneliness was the feeling of emotional loneliness. The findings suggest significant correlations between emotional loneliness and friendship quality and perception of social support in both measurings. In young children (first measuring) a significant position is taken by other aspects of peer relationships. Perception of social support was a significant predictor of feeling of loneliness in both measurings, and reciprocity of friendship was a significant predictor only in the first measuring. A significant gender difference in friendship relationships and feeling of loneliness was found. It can be concluded that satisfaction with peer relationships has a significant place in the feeling of loneliness, and especially the perception of social support. The findings of this research are discussed within the context of the Interpersonal theory (Sullivan, 1953).Mit dieser Arbeit sollte der Bezug zwischen Abkapselung als eines emotionellen Korrelats der Anpassung einerseits und der Qualität des gemeinsamen Umgangs von Altersgenossen andererseits untersucht werden. Die Untersuchung wurde an Kindern im Alter von 10 und 12 Jahren durchgeführt und nach zwei Jahren in derselben Gruppe von Kindern (nun im Alter von 12 und 14 Jahren) wiederholt. Die Autorin geht aus von der Einstellung, dass das Gefühl der Einsamkeit aus mangelndem sozialem Umgang mit anderen resultiert, sowie von Sullivans Theorie interpersonaler Verhältnisse. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass Präadoleszenz und Adoleszenz ein Entwicklungsabschnitt sind, in dem das Bedürfnis nach Intimität einen wichtigen Stellenwert hat, und das Kind befriedigt dieses Bedürfnis im Umgang mit seinem besten Freund / seiner besten Freundin. Sicherheit, Liebe und sozialer Rückhalt beim besten Freund / bei der besten Freundin sind daher die besten Mittel, um eine Abkapselung zu verhindern. Bei dieser Untersuchung wurden Skalen eingesetzt, deren eine das Verhältnis zum Freund ermitteln (Freundschaftsskala, Skala zur Wahrnehmung des sozialen Rückhalts, Skala zur Einschätzung der Reziprozität des Freundschaftsverhältnisses), während anhand einer weiteren Skala die emotionale Einsamkeit gemessen werden sollte. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass bei der ersten wie auch der zweiten Untersuchung (zwei Jahre später) eine bedeutsame Korrelation besteht zwischen der Einsamkeit einerseits und der Qualität von Freundschaftsverhältnissen und dem sozialen Umgang andererseits, während bei der jüngeren Generation (erste Untersuchung) auch andere Aspekte im Verhältnis zu den Altersgenossen einen wichtigen Stellenwert einnehmen. Die Wahrnehmung des sozialen Rückhalts war in beiden Untersuchungen ein wichtiger Prädiktor für das Gefühl der Einsamkeit, während die Reziprozität nur bei den jüngeren Kindern (erste Messung) ein bedeutender Prädiktor war. Man kann schließen, dass die Einschätzung des Verhältnisses zu den Altersgenossen wesentlich dazu beitragen kann, ob sich ein Kind einsam fühlt oder nicht. Die wichtigste Rolle spielt jedoch das Gefühl, Rückhalt im sozialen Umfeld gefunden zu haben. Die gewonnenen Untersuchungsergebnisse werden im Rahmen von Sullivans Theorie der interpersonalen Verhältnisse (Sullivan, 1953) interpretiert

    Sozialer Rückhalt bei Altersgenossen und seine Rolle im gemeinsamen Umgang von Präadoleszenten und Adoleszenten, die sich einsam fühlen

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    Cilj je ovog istra`ivanja ispitati odnos izme|u usamljenosti kao emocionalnoga korelata prilagodbe i kvalitete vr{nja~kih odnosa. Ispitivanje je provedeno na djeci od 10 i 12 godina i ponovljeno je na istoj djeci nakon dvije godine (12 i 14 godina). Polaze}i od pretpostavke da je osje}aj usamljenosti rezultat deficita u socijalnim odnosima i Sullivanove teorije o interpersonalnim odnosima, u radu polazimo od hipoteze da je predadolescencija i adolescencija razvojno razdoblje u kojem va`no mjesto zauzima potreba za intimnosti, koju dijete zadovoljava u interakciji s najboljim prijateljem. Stoga sigurnost, ljubav, podr{ka koju dijete zadovoljava u odnosu s prijateljem onemogu}uje pojavu usamljenosti. U ispitivanju su rabljene skale koje mjere odnos s prijateljem i skala koja mjeri emocionalnu usamljenost. Rezultati istra`ivanja upu}uju na zaklju~ak da postoji zna~ajna korelacija izme|u usamljenosti i kvalitete prijateljstva te socijalne podr{ke u prvom i u drugom ispitivanju, dok kod mla|eg uzrasta (prvo mjerenje) zna~ajno mjesto zauzimaju i drugi aspekti odnosa s vr{njacima. Percepcija socijalne podr{ke zna~ajan je prediktor osje}aja usamljenosti kod oba uzrasta, dok je reciprocitet zna~ajan prediktor samo kod skupine mla|e djece. Mo`emo zaklju~iti da je zadovoljstvo vr{nja~kim odnosima va`no u do`ivljaju osje}aja usamljenosti, a najzna~ajnije mjesto zauzima do`ivljaj socijalne podr{ke. Dobiveni rezultati interpretiraju se u okviru Sullivanove teorije interpersonalnih odnosa (Sullivan, 1953.).The aim of this research was to examine the relation between loneliness as an emotional correlate of adjustment and peer relationships. The samples consisted of 151 school children, 10 and 12 years old. The research was repeated after two years on the same samples. The initial hypothesis of the investigation was that loneliness is the result of deficient social relations, especially relations with peers in preadolescence and adolescence when the need for intimacy is stressed. According to Sullivan\u27s interpersonal theory, the child satisfies the need for intimacy in interaction with a friend. Therefore the security, love and support which the child gets in its relationship with friends prevents loneliness. Several aspects of the quality of friendship were assessed: friendship quality, perception of social support, reciprocity of friendship and mutuality. The indicator for the quality of loneliness was the feeling of emotional loneliness. The findings suggest significant correlations between emotional loneliness and friendship quality and perception of social support in both measurings. In young children (first measuring) a significant position is taken by other aspects of peer relationships. Perception of social support was a significant predictor of feeling of loneliness in both measurings, and reciprocity of friendship was a significant predictor only in the first measuring. A significant gender difference in friendship relationships and feeling of loneliness was found. It can be concluded that satisfaction with peer relationships has a significant place in the feeling of loneliness, and especially the perception of social support. The findings of this research are discussed within the context of the Interpersonal theory (Sullivan, 1953).Mit dieser Arbeit sollte der Bezug zwischen Abkapselung als eines emotionellen Korrelats der Anpassung einerseits und der Qualität des gemeinsamen Umgangs von Altersgenossen andererseits untersucht werden. Die Untersuchung wurde an Kindern im Alter von 10 und 12 Jahren durchgeführt und nach zwei Jahren in derselben Gruppe von Kindern (nun im Alter von 12 und 14 Jahren) wiederholt. Die Autorin geht aus von der Einstellung, dass das Gefühl der Einsamkeit aus mangelndem sozialem Umgang mit anderen resultiert, sowie von Sullivans Theorie interpersonaler Verhältnisse. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass Präadoleszenz und Adoleszenz ein Entwicklungsabschnitt sind, in dem das Bedürfnis nach Intimität einen wichtigen Stellenwert hat, und das Kind befriedigt dieses Bedürfnis im Umgang mit seinem besten Freund / seiner besten Freundin. Sicherheit, Liebe und sozialer Rückhalt beim besten Freund / bei der besten Freundin sind daher die besten Mittel, um eine Abkapselung zu verhindern. Bei dieser Untersuchung wurden Skalen eingesetzt, deren eine das Verhältnis zum Freund ermitteln (Freundschaftsskala, Skala zur Wahrnehmung des sozialen Rückhalts, Skala zur Einschätzung der Reziprozität des Freundschaftsverhältnisses), während anhand einer weiteren Skala die emotionale Einsamkeit gemessen werden sollte. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass bei der ersten wie auch der zweiten Untersuchung (zwei Jahre später) eine bedeutsame Korrelation besteht zwischen der Einsamkeit einerseits und der Qualität von Freundschaftsverhältnissen und dem sozialen Umgang andererseits, während bei der jüngeren Generation (erste Untersuchung) auch andere Aspekte im Verhältnis zu den Altersgenossen einen wichtigen Stellenwert einnehmen. Die Wahrnehmung des sozialen Rückhalts war in beiden Untersuchungen ein wichtiger Prädiktor für das Gefühl der Einsamkeit, während die Reziprozität nur bei den jüngeren Kindern (erste Messung) ein bedeutender Prädiktor war. Man kann schließen, dass die Einschätzung des Verhältnisses zu den Altersgenossen wesentlich dazu beitragen kann, ob sich ein Kind einsam fühlt oder nicht. Die wichtigste Rolle spielt jedoch das Gefühl, Rückhalt im sozialen Umfeld gefunden zu haben. Die gewonnenen Untersuchungsergebnisse werden im Rahmen von Sullivans Theorie der interpersonalen Verhältnisse (Sullivan, 1953) interpretiert