1,465 research outputs found

    English witches and SS academics: evaluating sources for the English witch trials in Himmler’s Hexenkartothek

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    Prior to WWII, Himmler organised a team of SS researchers to collate records of historical witchcraft trials that had taken place in lands of the expanding Reich. The ideological pretext for this undertaking was the collection of evidence demonstrating an anti-German crusade by the Church. While this was a figment of historical imagination, the SS pursued it doggedly against the backdrop of the Holocaust. Whereas trials that had taken place on historically German lands were often sourced from primary documents to which the researchers had access within Reich libraries, trials further afield were less rigorously sourced. Little was done to differentiate between primary and secondary or even tertiary sources. One SS source for English witch trials was a text by a German-Jewish literary scholar about witchcraft in Renaissance drama. Such critical indifference on the part of the SS is thought by some to render the archive of little interest, but examining the ideological underpinnings of Nazi reception of these materials can help situate these researchers among the turbulent social and political structures of the Third Reich and its uneven privileging of the intellectual fringe. This also constitutes the first critical/biographical analysis in any language of the sources for the English trial cards in the catalogue

    The Subject Preparation in the Library of Łódź University – the Way from the Classified Arrangement to the Subject Classification – CAAL (Catalogues of Automatic Academic Libraries)

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    Dynamika systematycznego wzrostu, nowoczesna przestrzeń intelektu, labirynt znaków, magia zaangażowanych w swoją pracę ludzi z pasją – to tylko kilka haseł, które przychodzą na myśl, kiedy chcemy przywołać nazwę Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego i 70 lat jej historii. Łódź przed dwoma wiekami powstawała z tradycji niejednorodnych, i podobnie powstawał – jako mozaika różnych treści intelektualnych – Uniwersytet Łódzki.The article presents the transformation of the subject preparation which has been appreciated since the beginnings of The Library of Łódź University. At first, the alphabetical-classed catalogue was formed. After introducing the automatization, the subject preparation of the library holdings has been continued in the modern information language which enabled the origin of CAAL

    Analytic Modality in Macedonian

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    In der Reihe Slavistische Beiträge werden vor allem slavistische Dissertationen des deutschsprachigen Raums sowie vereinzelt auch amerikanische, englische und russische publiziert. Darüber hinaus stellt die Reihe ein Forum für Sammelbände und Monographien etablierter Wissenschafter/innen dar

    Dwie rękopiśmienne wersje Kartoteki Tadeusza Różewicza

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    This article discusses two handwritten versions of Tadeusz Różewicz’s Kartoteka (The Card Index) from the manuscript of the play which since the 70s is to be found in Professor Józef Kelery’s archive. The range of differences between the manuscript and the printed version of the drama is comparable as between Kartoteka (The Card Index) and Kartoteka rozrzucona (The Scattered Card Index). In the manuscript the author distinguished Kartoteka (The Card Index) and Odmiana tekstu (The Kind of Text). A similar division into Kartoteka (The Card Index) and Odmiana tekstu (The Kind of Text) was used by the poet when the works were printed in 1971. Loose pages from Odmiana tekstu (The Kind of Text) contain unordered fragments of the play of written in 1957. These are mainly variants of conversations of the Hero with the Choir in which the author referred to the then vivid debate on the poetic drama. Mieczysław Kotlarczyk was made a hidden partner of discussion and disguised the Choir as actors of Teatr Rapsodyczny (The Rhapsodic Theatre). On the other hand, Kartoteka (The Card Index) of 1958 is a well-ordered and coherent paginated text by the author himself. In this version the author divided the play into three acts, putting most emphasis on the scene of the Wielki Egzamin (A Big Exam). He also removes unrealistic motifs, among other things, the scene when the Choir participates. The poet writes about the peerelowska (Polish People’s Republic’s the reality with the passion of a political commentator, referring to political harassment)

    Komisioni kao mjesta nabave osnovnih kućanskih potrepština. Studije slučaja iz Slovenije i Čehoslovačke

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    Mostly through the case studies of the Slovenian Komisija and Czechoslovak Chronor, Klenoty and Bazar stores, this article presents socialist commission shops as providers of basic household goods. It therefore contributes insights into the complexity of commission shops as a specific type of second-hand retail as well as insights into the complexity of types of retail and socialist consumerism in general. It briefly compares commission shops with some other socio-historically known forms of second-hand retail, while pointing to the differences and similarities among them.Na temelju studija slučaja slovenskih trgovina Komisija i čehoslovačkih trgovina Chronor, Klenoty i Bazar u radu se predstavljaju socijalistički komisioni kao mjesta nabave osnovnih kućanskih potrepština. Na taj se način doprinosi boljem razumijevanju kompleksnosti takvih trgovina kao specifične vrste maloprodaje rabljene robe te kompleksnosti oblika maloprodaje i konzumerizma u socijalizmu općenito. Rad ukratko uspoređuje komisione s drugim poznatim društveno-povijesnim oblicima maloprodaje rabljene robe, ukazujući na njihove međusobne razlike i sličnosti

    Automatizirana kontrola serijskih publikacija u Knjižnici Sveučilišta u Zadru

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    The Library of the Zadar University hosts a rich collection of serials, the most representative of which are the journals from the fields of the social sciences and humanities. The article deals with the traditional acquisition methods for serials used in the Zadar University Library, i.e.: purchase, exchange and donation. Special attention is given to the traditional way of serials' control – namely kardex, which turned out to be very complicated with regard to an extensive number of titles and three methods of acquisition. There existed different forms for exchange, purchase and donation. The article presents the experience of automatisation in the Library following the introduction of the integrated library system CROLIST, and describes the resulting changes in processing serials, that is in the serials' control. The advantages of the automatised control of serials for both librarians and catalogue users are pointed out in relation to the traditional use of kardex

    Tobulumo kelyje: XVII–XVIII amžiaus Lietuvos jėzuitų provincijos naujokų charakteristika

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    This article presents the first stage of a long-lasting Jesuit formation – the Novitiate. The activities, rules, calendar, and instructions of the Jesuit Novitiates were defined by the official documents of Jesuit Order. The Novitiate in Vilnius was the only institution of its kind in the Lithuanian Jesuit Province. After the establishment of the Jesuit Novitiate in 1604, 23 people joined it, and this number gradually increased. The average number of novices in Vilnius in 1604–1771 was 56. Young people of all ages expressed their desire to join the Jesuit Order. They were admitted to the Order at the age averaging between 17–18 years, but there were also novices who did not match this average (the age of novices ranges from 15 to 30 years). Meanwhile, lower requirements for brothers made it possible for them to join the Order at an older age, with the average age of 25. Sometimes, those who had been admitted to the Novitiate had already received an education (often in Jesuit schools) or were already priests. After the establishment of the Novitiate, besides Lithuanians, another large part of the novices was from Polish lands and Ruthenians. By separating the Jesuit Provinces of Lithuania and Mazovia, the Lithuanian Province became even more “Lithuanian.” In 1604–1771, only 48 people left the Novitiate, which is only about 10 percent of the total number of the retired members in the Province (the vast majority, almost 80 percent, of the members who were retired from the Order were scholastics). This initial analysis assumes that the typical Jesuit novice is about 18-years-old and of Ruthenian or Lithuanian/Samogitian origin.Straipsnyje aptariamas pirmasis ilgai trukusios jėzuitų vienuolinės formacijos etapas – noviciatas – būsimųjų Jėzaus draugijos narių rengimas. Straipsnyje pristatomi formalūs priėmimo, ugdymo reikalavimai ir teisinis noviciato veiklos reglamentavimas, užfiksuotas oficialiuose Draugijos dokumentuose. Taip pat, remiantis personalinio pobūdžio šaltiniais, apžvelgiama, kokio amžiaus, išsilavinimo, kilmės jaunuoliai įprastai būdavo priimami į noviciatą, kada iš jo pasitraukdavo ir kaip tęsdavosi jų formacija sėkmingai baigus noviciatą

    Riječ uredništva

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    Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević zapravo je prikaz rada "Akcije Diane Budisavljević". Diana Budisavljević, rođena Obexer, porijeklom je Austrijanka, ali je svoj život vezala uz dr. Julija Budisavljevića, profesora kirurgije na zagrebačkom Medicinskom fakultetu. Rođena 1891. u Innsbrucku (Austrija) od 1919. godine živi u Zagrebu