25 research outputs found

    Fostering Learning with Incremental Scaffolds During Chemical Experimentation: A Study on Junior High School Students Working in Peer-Groups

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    Scaffolds are considered to be a promising method of supporting learning. In this study, we investigated the learning efficacy of scaffolds in an inquiry-based learning scenario. Three tasks posed a question/problem to facilitate inquiry-based learning, and scaffolds offered the answer/solution in multiple steps (so-called incremental scaffolds). The use of the scaffolds was voluntary and students’ learning efficacy was compared with a traditional teaching approach. A total of N = 105 seventh graders participated in the quasi-experimental study. Incremental scaffolds were available to the students in the treatment group. Students in the control group received the same question/problem but could only ask the teacher about the answer/solution. Concept maps were used at pre- and posttest to assess conceptual knowledge acquisition. In-line with our hypothesis, results show that students in the treatment group outperformed controls concerning conceptual knowledge acquisition. Regarding the number of misconceptions students used, there were no differences between the groups. Our study indicates that incremental scaffolds are an appropriate method to provide students with the exact help they really need. Based on our findings, we offer practical implications and recommendations for future research

    A Global Inclusive Insight

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    The publication of this work was supported by the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.14 different countries, various research methods, 1 topic: Differentiated Instruction. With increasingly diverse student populations in schools, the establishment of inclusive classrooms has become a top international priority. Teachers around the world are urged to differentiate their instruction in order to support all students’ learning needs. Although there is research on the topic, there are still important gaps to explore, especially the underrepresented international research output. This book tackles such limitations and provides a first ever publication concerning global insights into differentiated instruction. A total of 14 countries from 5 continents provide empirical evidence, theoretical and practical approaches to the topic. The book wraps up with a contribution from Prof. Dr. John Hattie, University of Melbourne, who shares eight theses to help the continuing debate and research on differentiated instruction.Peer Reviewe

    Differentiated instruction around the world. A global inclusive insight

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    With increasingly diverse student populations in schools, the establishment of inclusive classrooms has become a top international priority. Teachers around the world are urged to differentiate their instruction in order to support all students’ learning needs. Although there is research on the topic, there are still important gaps to explore, especially the underrepresented international research output. This book tackles such limitations and provides a first ever publication concerning global insights into differentiated instruction. A total of 14 countries from 5 continents provide empirical evidence, theoretical and practical approaches to the topic. The book wraps up with a contribution from Prof. Dr. John Hattie, University of Melbourne, who shares eight theses to help the continuing debate and research on differentiated instruction. (DIPF/Orig.


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    Revolusi industri 4.0 sangat erat kaitannya dengan teknology, yang dimana internet dan komputasi awan menciptakan peluang dan tantangan yang berbeda untuk sistem pendidikan formal. Kemajuan teknologi saat ini selalu berkembang, dan inipun terjadi di dalam sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Pendidikan harus dapat mudah di akses oleh siapapun, kapanpun, dan dimanapun. Proses belajar dan pembelajaran si beberapa sekolah masih berpusat kepada guru. Guru harus membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi berpusat pada siswa. Salah satu alternatif pendekatan mengajar adalah dengan menggunakan Blended Learning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari Blended Learning terhadap penguasaan konsep dan motivasi dalam pembelajaran sistem tata surya untuk kelas 7. Metode yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian weak eksperimental. The one group Pre-test and Post-test design digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai desain penelitian. Sample diambil dengan teknik convenience sampling technique. Peserta didalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 16 siswa laki-laki di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Pertama Swasta di Bandung, Indonesia. Kelompok siswa yang belajar menggunakan Blended Learning (N=16). Hasil penguasaan konsep siswa yang belajar menggunakan Blended Learning meningkat dari hasil pre-test dan post-test dengan hasil hasil N-Gain memperoleh 0,48 yang dikategorikan sebagai peningkatan sedang. Peningkatan terendah adalah C2 (pemahaman) yaitu sebanyak 0.42 dan dikategorikan sebagai peningkatan sedang dan peningkatan yang tertinggi adalah C5 (Evaluasi) yaitu sebanyak 0.89 dan dikategorikan sebagai peninggkatan tinggi. Sebanyak 68.75% dari total siswa melampaui nilai kriteria minimum dan peningkatan tertinggi adalah di dalam subtopik matahari sebagai bintang. Kemudian hasil dari motivasi siswa yang belajar menggunakan Blended Learning adalah sebanyak 93,75 persen siswa dikategorikan sebagai cukup termotivasi dan sebanyak 6,25 persen siswa dikategorikan sebagai tinggi termotivasi. Berdasarkan hasil ini menunjukan bahwa Blended Learning dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa dan motivasi siswa. Blended Learning dapat digunakan sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama.;--Revolution industry 4.0 is really related to technology, in which the Internet and cloud computing create different opportunities and challenges for formal education systems. The advance of technonolgy now days is always improving, and its also happen in educational system in Indonesia. Education should be easy to access by everyone, everytime and everywhere. Teaching learning process in some school are still teacher centered. Teachers have to make the learning process to become students centered. One of the alternative learning approach is by using Blended Learning. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of Blended Learning on students’ concept mastery and motivation in learning solar system for 7th grade students. The method used in this research was weak experiment research. The one group Pre-test and Post-test design is used in this research as research design. The sample was taken by convenience sampling technique. Participants in this research were 16 male students at one Privat Junior High School in Bandung, Indonesia. Students of experiment group learnt with Blended Learning (N=16). The result of students’ concept mastery that learnt by using Blended Learning were increase from pre-test to post-test with N-Gain 0,48 catagorized as medium improvement. The lowet of cognitive domain improvement was C2 (Understanding) that obtained 0.42 catagorized as medium improvement and the highest is C5 (Evaluating) that obtained 0.89 catagorized as high improvement. As much as 68.75%from total number of students who learn using Blended learning can pass the minimum criteria. The highest improvement is in the subtopic of Sun as the stars. Then the result of students motivation that learning using Blended Learning are 93,75 percent of students are catagorized as adequately motivated and 6,25 percent of students catagorized as high motivated. Based on this results showed that Blended Learning can be an alternative tool to improve students’ concept mastery and students’ motivation. Blended Learning can be use as teaching approach in Junior High School

    Pengembangan Physics SSP Model Discovery Learning Berbantuan Edmodo untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa: Uji Kelayakan

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan pengembangan Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) berupa konten dalam Edmodo berbasis discovery learning yang dirancang dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa pada materi interferensi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan pendekatan 4D yang dimodifikasi menjadi 3D terdiri dari tahap define, tahap design, dan tahap develop terbatas yaitu pengujian kelayakan produk. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam tahap develop terbatas berupa instrumen angket kelayakan produk. Hasil pengisian angket tersebut dianalisis menggunakan metode suksesif interval lalu dikategorikan dalam rentang skor kumulatif kelayakan produk. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh melalui uji kelayakan isi, penyajian, dan kebahasaan dalam tahap develop terbatas menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan SSP berupa konten dalam Edmodo berbasis discovery learning sangat layak digunakan sebagai alternatif pembelajaran pasca covid-19 dengan penyajian yang dapat membangkitkan minat belajar siswa

    Pengaruh Model Guided Discovery Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Materi Sistem Imun

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    Berpikir kritis merupakan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan pada era 4.0 dalam pendidikan maka untuk meningkatkan berpikir kritis dibutuhkan metode yang tepat agar dalam pembelajaran dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh model guided discovery learning terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi sistem imun. Jenis penelitian ini quasi-experimental dan post-test only control group design. Sampel diambil dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Sebanyak 69 siswa dijadikan responden dibagi menjadi 2 kelas yaitu kelas XI IPA 2 (n=35) dan XI IPA 3 (n=34). Instrumen penelitian berupa soal pilihan ganda kemampuan berpikir kritis digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji t. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol yaitu dengan thitung (2.031)> ttabel (1.668). Dapat disimpulkan penggunaan model guided discovery learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi sistem imu

    Subject Specific Pedagogy Based on Discovery Learning and Volcanic Eruption Disasters: Does It Affect Students’ Concept Mastery?

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of science Subject Specific Pedagogy Based on Discovery Learning and Volcanic Eruption Disasters on students' concept mastery. This research was a quasi-experiment study with two sample groups, the experimental and the control classes of SMP N 2 Cangkringan. The instrument for collecting the concept mastery data were 35 items. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The descriptive analysis employed the gain score's categorization, while the inferential analysis employed the independent sample t-test and effect size test using Partial Etta Square. The results showed an effect of the science subject-specific pedagogy based on discovery learning and volcanic eruption disaster on student’s concept mastery with a gain score of 0.79 (high) in the experimental class. In contrast, the control class obtained 0.07 (low). The independent sample t-test showed that the significance value obtained was 0,000. The effect size value seen from the Partial Etta Square statistics was 0.924, which showed that the science Subject Specific Pedagogy Based on Discovery Learning and Volcanic Eruption Disasters on the concept mastery is very strong. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of science Subject Specific Pedagogy Based on Discovery Learning and Volcanic Eruption Disasters can increase the student's science concept mastery. Further integration and development can be done for other types of disasters because it is one of the nature symptoms that also an object of natural science. Thus, natural science learning will be more meaningful because it is attached to the phenomena in the students' daily lives

    An Investigation of Junior High School Students' Science Self-Efficacy and its Correlation with Their Science Achievement in Different School Systems

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    Based on PISA 2018 result, the science achievement of Indonesian students was below average. Some factors influence students' achievement in learning science, such as motivation, emotion regulation, self-efficacy, and school system. This study investigates students' self-efficacy in learning science in different school systems. The present investigation aims to discover students' self-efficacy levels in public and private schools. By looking at students' self-efficacy levels, this study determines its correlation with science achievement. There were 170 public school students and 107 private school students in Bandung City involved in the study. This study employed a correlational research design to determine the correlation between two variables. The correlation analysis was done in each school. Thus, Spearman-rank correlational analysis was used to investigate the correlation between the two variables in three public schools and two private schools. Also, Person-correlational analysis was used for the other private school. The results show that students' self-efficacy in public and private schools was in the medium levels. Seventy-eight point eight public-school students and 76.6% of private school students were classified at the medium level. However, there was no correlation between students' self-efficacy and their achievement in learning science both in public and private schools

    Discovery Learning with the Solar System Scope Application to Enhance Learning in Middle School Students

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    In education, “Industrial Revolution 4.0” refers to utilizing technology to present students with complex situations that will develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The use of technology in the science curriculum should be designed according to established learning models. This study aimed to investigate the effect of implementing a discovery learning model, supported by the Solar System Scope computer application, on the ability of students to master essential concepts. This research used a One-Group Pre-test-Post-test design. Participants were 31 7th-grade students at one school in Bandung, Indonesia. The results showed a medium enhancement of concept mastery in students from pre-test to post-test (N-Gain=0.48). No gender difference in outcomes after the implementation of discovery learning with the Solar System Scope application was found. Based on these results, discovery learning supported by the Solar System Scope application could be an alternative teaching approach to enhance students' skills in mastering concepts

    Schüler*innen wiederholen selbstständig lineare Funktionen: Binnendifferenzierung im Mathematikunterricht durch gestufte Lernhilfen

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    In dem Forschungsprojekt „Bielefelder Binnendifferenzierung in den MINT-Fächern“ (BiBi-MINT) am Oberstufen-Kolleg Bielefeld zur Verzahnung von Mathematikunterricht und Naturwissenschaftsunterricht mit gleichzeitiger Binnendifferenzierung sind unter anderem zwei gestufte Lernhilfen zur Wiederholung linearer Funktionen entstanden und evaluiert worden. Sie sind dazu geeignet, dass Schüler*innen eigenverantwortlich lineare Funktionen wiederholen und vertiefen und können ebenfalls als exemplarisches Beispiel in der Lehrer*innenbildung dienen