Journal of Science Learning
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    196 research outputs found

    Investigating the Impact of STEM Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Hand-Made Projector Activity

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    This research presents an investigation on the utilization of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) with Project-Based Learning as experiment class treatment and project-based learning as control class treatment to investigate students' critical thinking in optical instruments lessons, with a particular focus on the development of handmade projectors. In Indonesian schools, where there is a lack of integration of the STEM and learning activity itself, it is still in the form of a direct transfer of knowledge from teachers to students. This research used quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design. The method for data collection is purposive random sampling. The research participant consists of 60 eighth-grade middle high school students in Bandung chosen based on a purposive random sampling technique. The data is obtained through five open-ended essay questions about critical thinking skills. The result shows that the independent t-test for students’ critical thinking is 0.081, which means there are no significant differences between the control and experiment classes. However, in the STEM Project-based learning model, The N-gain of students’ critical thinking skills is 0.718, which is a high improvement. Moreover, on Project-Based Learning, the N-gain of students’ critical thinking skills is 0.660, which is a medium improvement

    High School Students’ Multiple Representation Translation Skills on One-Dimensional Motion: A Cross-Grade Study

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    Multiple representations are widely recognized for their significant role in concept learning. This study aimed to investigate the multiple representation translation skills of high school students at different grade levels about the concept of one-dimensional motion. 239 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade students participated in the study using a developmental research model. The data collection tool consisted of questions that required translating figures, tables, graphs, verbal explanations, and algebraic representations into other representation types in a multiple-representation translation test focusing on one-dimensional motion. Data analysis involved evaluating the translation among representations for each category and analyzing the multiple representation translation skills across different grade levels using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results revealed that students successfully translated from figure, table, and graphical representations to other forms while encountering challenges in translation from verbal and algebraic representations. Furthermore, the ANOVA results indicated a significant difference between the 9th and 11th grades, favoring the 11th grade.

    The use of Egeria densa in understanding the cellular movement at the micro level of prospective science teachers

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    This study aims to help students learn cytoplasmic flow movement by using Egeria densa as a model. The study was conducted with six prospective science teachers studying at Bayburt University's Faculty of Education Science Teaching Undergraduate Program. As a data collection tool, a form containing questions to obtain prospective science teachers' knowledge of the concept of living things and the common characteristics of living things was used. The content analysis method was used to analyze the data. As a result of the findings, it was determined that although the prospective science teachers had sufficient knowledge about the vitality feature, they could not explain the movement, which has the vitality feature in detail. In addition, it was determined that the prospective science teachers could explain the cellular movement, which they had difficulty understanding at the micro level, by using Egeria densa as a model. Therefore, it can be said that using Egeria densa as a model for prospective science teachers to make sense of movement at a micro level is helpful

    The ARVi Learning App Makes Viruses Visible

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    In biology learning, the object of a virus cannot be seen directly. Augmented reality (AR) technology can help visualize the object of a virus in 3D, making it easier for students to learn about viruses. Therefore, this research aims to develop an AR-based learning media product called ARVi. ARVi was created using the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the analysis revealed that students need learning media with engaging visualizations. Therefore, ARVi was designed as a mobile application with various colors, images, videos, AR, and quizzes. ARVi underwent validation tests by experts, including biology education lecturers and biology teachers. The user responses were evaluated through a small group test involving 20 students, where questionnaires were distributed. Based on the questionnaire results, the average score for the media expert was 3.84, and for the material expert was 3.80. These scores indicate that ARVi is very valid for use as a learning medium. The results of the small group test were 2.85, indicating that ARVi is valid for use after minor revisions are made. The implementation results for 60 students, as determined through a paired t-test, showed a significant difference between the pretest and posttest results, with the posttest score being higher than the pretest score. The research results concluded that ARVi is suitable as a biology learning media

    Reflections of Local Learning Environments on Secondary School Students: The Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    The purpose of the current study is to reveal the reflections of the Köyceğiz Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP) field trip planned within the context of the unit "Domestic Waste and Recycling" and the activities carried out concerning this trip on middle school students in Turkey. This research was conducted based on the semi-mixed method using a single-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. The quantified data were collected using open-ended questions about domestic waste and recycling, while the qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Twenty-seven middle school students (17 females, 10 males) participated in the study selected by convenience sampling method. According to the study's quantitative findings, the field trip to the wastewater treatment plant made the students realize the wastes produced at home, recyclable materials, the importance of recycling, and the contributions of wastewater treatment plants to the country's economy and nature. On the other hand, the quantitative findings indicate that this trip helped the students develop more eco-centric behaviors (Protection of biodiversity,  Protection of nature, and  Protection of resources, etc.). Moreover, the contributions made by the field trip structured within environmental education to the students could be gathered under the following headings: sustainability, personal, and cognitive

    Enhancing Junior High School Students’ System Thinking Competency through Water Treatment with Plant Modification: A Focus on Environmental Pollution

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    The research on the ability to think in systems in education is also minimal, which is why the ability to think in systems in Indonesia has not been optimally trained. Dealing with a system's complexity can be challenging at any age, particularly for students who must apply the system's cognitive capabilities during the learning process. Systems thinking is a key to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) competency since it can help learners understand the complexity and dynamics of the world. This research investigates the impact of system thinking on Junior High School students through simple science projects addressing environmental pollution. The study involved 7th-grade students in a private school in Bandung, utilizing a quantitative approach with a one-group pre-test and post-test design; the research aimed to measure the improvement in students' system thinking competency using test items and analyzed the data with SPSS software and Rasch Stacking and Racking. Results from the Wilcoxon test indicated a significant difference after completing learning activities, with a 50% improvement based on Rasch analysis. This underscored the critical role of project-based learning in enhancing system thinking competency. Applying appropriate learning models is expected to enhance students' system thinking competency. The recommendation for future reference to other studies, such as directing the scientific investigation in detail. Design more precisely from the initial stage to the final stage so that the expected learning can be achieved, and students can go through all stages of STEM learning correctly to create a better prototype

    Extent of Implementation of Special Science Curriculum in Public Secondary Schools in the Division of Rizal

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    The study determined the extent of the special science curriculum implementation in public secondary schools in the Division of Rizal for the school year 2022-2023. This research employed a descriptive survey design to determine the assessment of the teachers and school heads on the program's implementation. The findings revealed a commendable adherence to guidelines in admission and retention processes, garnering high ratings from respondents. However, the lower rating for student transfers from regular to SSC classes signals a need for enhancement. Regarding Curriculum and Instruction, there is a solid commitment to critical thinking and 21st-century skills; however, a lower rating for scientific research suggests a targeted need for improvement. For Learning Resources and Facilities, concerns arise regarding the science laboratory's functionality and the library's overall state.Regarding Faculty Development, the mean is lower for providing opportunities for training and seminars on research and advanced subjects, suggesting a need for improvement. There is no significant difference between the perceptions of the two groups of respondents regarding the extent of implementation of the Special Science Curriculum in terms of the different aspects. In general, teachers and school heads perceive the overall implementation of the Special Science Curriculum as a High Extent

    Improving Contextualized Problem-Solving Skills among Grade 8 Students Through "Digestive System" Problem-Oriented Learning: A Study Intervention Findings in the Complex Domain

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    Indonesia needs more appropriate learning methods and educational policies to improve literacy and numeracy skills, including problem-solving competence. These two capabilities are fundamental in this era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research investigates whether Digestive System learning designed to be oriented toward contextual problems with direct SESD-based teaching encourages students' ability to solve contextual problems better than conventional learning in the classroom. Data collection included paper and pencil assessments of students' problem-solving skills through a quasi-experimental study using a pretest-posttest experiment control group design. The experimental group received learning about the digestive system based on the principles of education for sustainable development. The study sample comprised class VIII students at SMPN 4 Ponorogo. The result of this research shows that the ANCOVA analysis with pre-test scores as a covariate: F (6.860) indicates that the experimental group displayed more autonomy, independence, and openness in their approach to problem-solving due to the treatment they received. With a Cohen's d of 0.60, 72.4% of the "treatment" group will be above the mean of the "control" group (Cohen's U3), 76.6% of the two groups will overlap, and there is a 66.3% chance that a person picked at random from the experimental group will have a higher score than a person picked at random from the control group

    Design-Based Research as Professional Development: Results of Prospective Teachers' Participation in the Development of Electrical Circuit Augmented Reality Sites for Students to Increase Scientific Thinking Skills

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    This research aims to develop ECARsites, an online site designed to support data-related activities in science learning and to facilitate the implementation of data, computational thinking (CT), and self-directed learning (SRL) practices in a more contextualized and relevant way for students. The approach used design-based research (DBR) methods, focusing on developing high-quality learning products or systems that meet user needs. The study was conducted at MA X in Magetan, Indonesia, involving four middle school science teachers and eighteen middle school students. The research findings showed that DBR can be an effective method of professional development for science teachers, focusing on developing relevant and contextual innovations for students. Integrating data practices, CT, and SRL frameworks into the DBR process facilitated the development of students' scientific thinking skills, leading to a more immersive and appropriate science education for today's digital age. The study highlights the importance of using real data in teaching, involving students in data processing, and supporting teachers in designing and implementing data-driven learning. The study also emphasizes the importance of effective professional development in computational thinking and self-directed learning and the need for investment in long-term professional development programs to prepare teachers for an increasingly technology-dependent world of education

    Exploring the Influence of Science Lessons Through Text-Based Explanations and Game-Based Explanations Mixed With A Socio-Scientific Approach on Issues on Students Rational Thinking Ability and Mistaken Understanding

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    In both private and public education, several institutions may use game-based explanations. However, it does not rule out the possibility that most educational institutions use text-based explanations, which makes students tend to get bored because they only have to read and listen, so another alternative is needed: game-based explanations that can stimulate students' enthusiasm. Students improve their rational thinking abilities by adding a socio-scientific approach to reduce student misunderstandings. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design type of research. Hence, the research uses control and experimental classes for evaluation. The sample used was 29 students for the control class and 27 students for the experimental class. Based on the results obtained on rational thinking, the effect of conventions on rational thinking is 0.19, so there is no significant difference, and the post-test is 0.38, so there is a significant difference.In contrast, the effect obtained on the misunderstanding effect of conventions is 0.03. There is also no significant difference, but based on the average results of the experimental class, it is relatively superior to the control because the average of the experimental class is 83 and of the control class is 66, so game-based explanations are quite more influential than text-based explanations. This study offers insights into integrating multiple teaching methods to improve students' rational thinking skills, reduce misunderstandings, and make science learning more engaging


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