20,326 research outputs found

    Izgradnja Centralne gradske mljekare u Zagrebu

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    U Zagrebu na Žitnjaku dovršuje se izgradnja Centralne gradske mljekare, jedne od najvećih mljekara u našoj zemlji, s dnevnim kapacitetom od 120.000 litara. Gradnja je započeta kasno u jesen god. 1949. Do danas su izvršeni građevinski radovi za one objekte, koji su prijeko potrebni, da mljekara može početi rad: glavna pogonska zgrada s kotlovnicom, vanjska kanalizacija, glavna prometna cesta i bunar. Pumpna stanica još se gradi. Za godinu 1952. predviđena je izgradnja garaža, raznih radionica, prometnih površina, želj. industrijskog kolosijeka i upravne zgrade

    Mljekarstvo u Engleskoj

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    Savjet za narodno zdravlje i socijalnu politiku Vlade FNRJ, odjel za -izgradnju mljekara u akciji UNICEF-a, omogućio je Dr. K. Vrečku iz gradske mljekare u Ljubljani, i potpisanom, jednomjesečno putovanje u Francusku i Englesku..

    Informatizacija kataloga gradske knjižnice: na primjeru Gradske knjižnice Senj

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    Rad prikazuje etape informatizacije kataloga Gradske knjižnice Senj, od prve konverzije kataloga na listićima na programsku podršku Medved do implementacije programske podrške novije generacije ZaKi. Budući da se opisuje informatizacija kataloga na primjeru Gradske knjižnice Senj, rad daje pregled recentnijih podataka poslovanja same Knjižnice. U radu se definira katalog, njegova svrha i razvoj do pojave OPAC-a, s naglaskom na abecedni katalog. Tumače se osnovne značajke narodnih knjižnica 21. stoljeća te se ističe važnost Strategije razvoja narodnih knjižnica Republike Hrvatske 2013. – 2015.In the thesis the conversion of the City Library Senj catalogue is described in detail, from the first retrospective conversion of the card catalogue into the Medved software application till the implementation of the new generation software application ZaKi. Recent data on the management and daily activities of the City Library Senj are also provided and discussed. The alphabetical author-title catalogue, its purpose and development until the introduction of OPAC, is also explained and discussed. The basic properties of public libraries in the 21st century are commented and the importance of the Strategy of development of public libraries in the Republic of Croatia 2013-2015 is emphasized

    Rekonstrukcija raskrižja ulice Braće Radića i Ratimira Hercega sistemom kružnog toka u gradu Varaždinu

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je rekonstrukcija raskrižja ulice Braće Radića i Ratimira Hercega sistemom kružnog toka u gradu Varaždinu. Rad se sastoji od pet osnovnih poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju govori se općenito o prometnim raskrižjima s naglaskom na raskrižje s kružnim tokom prometa. Osim toga, navode se najbitnija polazišta, zahtjevi i načela u sklopu koncipiranja raskrižja, a spomenutaje i oprema koja također ima važnu ulogu. U drugom poglavlju obrađena je podjela raskrižja prema više mjerila/kriterija te su navedena opća i funkcionalna svojstva. Treće poglavlje govori općenito o kružnim tokovima: navedeni su najvažniji nazivi, pojmovi i oznake,zatim posebnosti, prednosti i nedostatci te podjela i osnovne značajke kružnih raskrižja. Nadalje, tu se još spominju primjerenost i mjerila za izvedbu, sigurnost prometa te osiguranje preglednosti u kružnom raskrižju. Četvrto poglavlje bavi se ujedno i glavnim dijelom rada u kojem je detaljno opisana rekonstrukcija raskrižja ulice Braće Radića i Ratimira Hercega sistemom kružnog toka u gradu Varaždinu, a također su opisane i pojedine faze gradnje. U posljednjem, tj. petom poglavlju su rezimirane prednosti izvedene rekonstrukcije. KljučneThe topic of this final work is a reconstruction of the intersection of Braće Radića i Ratimira Hercega street in the town of Varaždin with a roundabout system. The final work consists of five main chapters. The first chapter is about traffic intersections in general with a focus on an intersection with roundabout. Furthermore, there are listed the most important starting points, requirements and principles as a part of intersection designing, and also is mentioned how equipment play an important role. In the second chapter is analyzed classification of interesections according to multiple standards/criteria, and also are listed general and functional properties. The third chapter is in general about roundabouts: inside this chapter are listed the most important terms, concepts,and labels, then uniqueness, strenghts and weaknesses and also divisions and basic features of roundabouts. Furthemore, there is mention about adequacy and parameters for performance, traffic security and ensuring of transparency in the roundabout. The fourth chapter deals with the main part of the final work in which is described in details the reconstruction of the intersection of Braće Radića i Ratimira Hercega street in the town ofVaraždin with a roundabout system. The construction phases are described in details. In the last, fifth chapter are summarized benefits of derived reconstruction

    Informatizacija kataloga gradske knjižnice: na primjeru Gradske knjižnice Senj

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    Rad prikazuje etape informatizacije kataloga Gradske knjižnice Senj, od prve konverzije kataloga na listićima na programsku podršku Medved do implementacije programske podrške novije generacije ZaKi. Budući da se opisuje informatizacija kataloga na primjeru Gradske knjižnice Senj, rad daje pregled recentnijih podataka poslovanja same Knjižnice. U radu se definira katalog, njegova svrha i razvoj do pojave OPAC-a, s naglaskom na abecedni katalog. Tumače se osnovne značajke narodnih knjižnica 21. stoljeća te se ističe važnost Strategije razvoja narodnih knjižnica Republike Hrvatske 2013. – 2015.In the thesis the conversion of the City Library Senj catalogue is described in detail, from the first retrospective conversion of the card catalogue into the Medved software application till the implementation of the new generation software application ZaKi. Recent data on the management and daily activities of the City Library Senj are also provided and discussed. The alphabetical author-title catalogue, its purpose and development until the introduction of OPAC, is also explained and discussed. The basic properties of public libraries in the 21st century are commented and the importance of the Strategy of development of public libraries in the Republic of Croatia 2013-2015 is emphasized

    Dance activities functioning as an educational process enrichment

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    Ples je prirodno usađena aktivnost čiji se korijen manifestira još u majčinoj utrobi. Plesni odgoj djeluje na cjelokupni razvoj i osobnost djeteta, razvija koncentraciju, pamćenje, samodisciplinu, potiče djecu na međusobno uvažavanje i suradnju. U nastavnom planu i programu za osnovnu školu (2006) vidljiva je uključenost plesnih aktivnosti, no praksa pokazuje da ih se izrazito malo uključuje u nastavne jedinice. Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum (2011) u svome umjetničkom području „Umjetnost pokreta i plesa“ detaljnije opisuje učenička postignuća u prvome obrazovnome ciklusu. Kako bi se dobila informacija o učestalosti plesnih aktivnosti, provedena je analiza kurikuluma osnovnih škola Brodsko- posavske županije za školsku godinu 2015./2016. Istraživanje je pokazalo da u svim školama Brodsko-posavske županije postoji barem jedna plesna izvannastavna aktivnost. Kada govorimo o izvanškolskim aktivnostima, važno je istaknuti da su iste navedene u samo sedam od ukupno trideset i četiri osnovne škole Brodsko-posavske županije. Nakon detaljnog istraživanja i analize plesnih aktivnosti u osnovnim školama osmišljen je prijedlog dva nastavna sata glazbene kulture koji uključuje plesne aktivnosti i jednoga plesnoga nastavnoga projekta. Cilj ovih prijedloga poticaj je sadašnjim i budućim učiteljima razredne nastave da plesne aktivnosti više uključe u nastavu jer će takve aktivnosti zasigurno stvoriti pozitivno okruženje, potaknuti učenike na kreativnost, usredotočenost, međusobno uvažavanje i suradnju te pozitivno djelovati na razvoj ritma i koordinacije.Dance is a naturally implemented activity which is basically manifested in mothers womb. Dance education is affecting complete child's development and personality, it developes concentration, memory, self discipline, encourages children on mutual appreciation and cooperation. Curriculum and program for elementary school (2006) presents the involvement of dance activities, but practice shows that very few of them is really involved into training units. National basic curriculum (2011) in its art area „Artistry of motion and dance“ describes in more detail the achievements of pupils in their first educational cycle. To gain the information of dancing activities frequency, the curriculum analysis of elementary school in Brodsko-posavska county for school year 2015/2016. has been conducted. Research has shown that in all schools of Brodsko-posavska county there is present at least one dancing out- of school activity. When we speak of out-of school activities, it is important to point out that those activities are stated in only seven out of total thirty four elementary schools in Brodsko-posavska county. After a detailed research and analysis of dance activities in elementary schools the proposal of two class hours of musical culture which includes dance activities and one dance class project has been thought out. The goal of these proposals is the encouragement for present and future teachers of elementary class to include more of dancing activities into the class because these acitivities for sure will create more positive enviroment, encourage the pupils on creativity, focusing, mutual appreciation and cooperation and positively affect their rhytm and coordination development

    Ecological growing of potatoes with using of grass mulch and black textile mulch

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    The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of different mulch materials on the occurrence of Colorado Potato Beetle, weed biomass and especially on the yield of ware potatoes. The experiment with different types of mulching (grass mulch, black textile mulch, non-mulched control) and 2 varieties (Finka and Katka) was carried out under organic system in 2009. The results showed that the grass mulch was the best mulching material for reaching the highest yield, where an increase of the yield of ware tubers by 6.6 - 7.8 t/ha in comparison with non-mulched control variant was observed. In the experiment the mulching of organic potatoes had a positive effect on a lower activity of an oviposition of Colorado Potato Beetle and a consecutive occurrence larvae by the variant with the grass mulch, a lower weed infestation by the variant with the black mulch textile in comparison with non-mulched control

    Modern processes in the metropolitan area of Bratislava

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    Metropolitanizacija je proces formiranja gradske regije. Osim promjena u matičnim gradovima obuhvaća i sve promjene koje se pod utjecajem grada zbivaju u okolnim naseljima koja se na taj način transformiraju. Bratislava je zanimljiv primjer iz razloga što se nalazi na zapadnoj granici Slovačke te je razvoj grada i okolice djelomice uvjetovan upravo tom granicom s Austrijom, s obzirom na to da se grad morao orijentirati na razvoj prema istoku. Cilj rada je definirati određene karakteristike, procese i odnose unutar metropolitanskog područja Bratislave te analizirati pozitivne i negativne promjene u samom gradu i okolnim naseljima. U radu će se, uz relevantnu i stručnu literaturu, koristiti osnovne statističke metode, kartografski prikazi, metode deskripcije, indukcije, dedukcije te jednostavne ankete provedene na licu mjesta među slovačkim studentima u sklopu studentske razmjene (CEEPUS).Metropolitanization is the process of forming a city region. In addition to changes in the home cities, it covers all changes that are under the influence of the city in the surrounding settlements that are transformed. Bratislava is an interesting example because it is located on the western border of Slovakia, and the development of the city with its surroundings is partly conditioned by that border with Austria and because of that the city had to orient itself towards development towards the east. The purpose of the thesis is to define certain characteristics, processes, and relationships within the metropolitan area of Bratislava and to analyze the positive and negative changes in the city itself and the surrounding settlements. In addition to relevant and professional literature, the paper will use basic statistical methods, cartographic representations, descriptive methods, inductions, deductions, and simple on-site surveys among Slovak students as part of student exchange (CEEPUS)

    Preparatoirs for potatoes in organic farming

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    The aim of this experiment was to try alternative methods of regulation of Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) and late blight (Phytophthora infestans) (the biggest harmfull organisms of potatoes) and production of the good-class of the biopotatoes. Preparation Neem-Azal showed trend of the lower larvae occurence. Combination of the cupric fungicide with preparation PRP-EBV and vermicompost decreased tops-attack by late blight. The statistically lowest production was under the scaffold net. There were not found significant differences in production by using vitality- strengthening preparation