37 research outputs found

    MHC class I allelic variability and pro-inflammatory responsiveness in domestic fowl breeds

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    Kur domácí (Gallus Gallus f. domestica) je ekonomicky důležitý modelový druh. Znalost imunitního systému tohoto druhu je tedy klíčová. Inbrední modelové linie Kura domácího, běžně používané ve výzkumu jsou dobrým modelem pro výzkum imunity. Mají však nepřirozenou variabilitu, v důsledku vzniku těchto linií příbuzenským křížením. Jejich genetická i fenotypová variabilita proto redukovaná. Pro mapování variability imunitní odpovědi mohly být dobrým modelem plemena slepic, vyšlechtěná v dobách dávno minulých a nyní udržovaná v zájmových chovech. V této diplomové práci jsem mapovala genetickou variabilitu vazebného místa MHC glykoproteinů I. třídy. U kura domácího je kódováno genem BF, který je v genomu kopírovaný (BF1 a BF2). Tyto geny jsou poměrně dobře známé a byla popsaná značná variabilita i u zmíněných inbredních laboratorních linií. MHC výsledky práce naznačují vysokou genetickou variabilitu MHC I u plemen slepic. Identifikovali jsme 41 haplotypů u 25 jedinů 14 plemen, z toho 7 již známých z literatury. Dále jsem se zaměřila na prozánětlivou aktivitu u plemen kura domácího na příkladu subkutánní stimulace bakteriálním lipopolysacharidem. Sledovala jsem velikost otoku a expresi prozánětlivých cytokinů IL-6 a IL-1 po subkutánní aplikaci lipopolysacharidu. Výsledky naznačují, že velikost otoku po...Domestic fowl (Gallus gallus f. domestica) is an economically important model species in science. Knowledge of the immune system of this species is therefore crucial. In research the commercial stocks are usually used together with laboratory inbred lines. They have an unnatural variability, as a result of inbreeding, their genetic and phenotypic variability is reduced. This laboratory lines are therefore not the best model for research of variability. Presently, genetically diversified poultry populations can be found in rural stocks and fancy breeds. These breeds could be good model for research in variability of immunoresponse. In this thesis, I try to map the genetic variability of the binding site of MHC class I glycoproteins in fowl breeds. In chickens are these molecules encoded in duplicated gene called BF (BF1 and BF2). These genes are relatively well known and considerable variability has been described in domestic fowl. Our results suggest a high genetic variability of MHC I in domestic fowl breeds. We had identified 41 haplotypes in 25 individuals of 14 breeds, including 7 haplotypes already known from the literature. I also focused on proinflammatory activity in fowl breeds. I watched swelling of tissue and expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-1 after subcutaneous...Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Red Jungle Fowl Offspring Maintenance System And Production In The Community In Bengkulu

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    The red junglefowl is a wild fowl and has been tamed and produces offspring, and is kept by the people of Bengkulu. The aim of the research is to identify and evaluate  rearing management and production  of red jungle fowl offspring in communities in Bengkulu. Research respondents were determined using the snowball sampling method, and fifty respondents were obtained. Data was obtained through observation, discussion and interviews, and filling in prepared forms; namely food management, housing, disease prevention, utilization and production. The results showed that the RJF offspring kept by the community were used for crossbreeding with local chickens (47%), production of chicks (28%), as hunting chickens (62%), and ornamental chickens (82%). Chickens are kept in 4 ways: (1) housed during the day and night, (2) chickens are kept free during the day and housed at night, (3) chickens are kept free at any time, and (4) chicken is placed on a perch. Feed given is commercial feed (BR1), corn, rice, brown rice, bran, crickets and ant eggs. Average egg production is 34 eggs/ hen/year, and chick production is estimated at 27 chicks/hen/year, and population growth is 2.68%/year. In conclusion, the community raising chicken is traditional, the quantity and quality of feed is not sufficient, the cages are very simple, disease prevention and safety protection are inadequate. As a local chicken, the average egg production is high, hatchability and chick production are high, but population development is slow. Poor chick rearing management and the aim of raising RJF offspring cause population development to be slow.   Keywords: Community, management and production, rearing, RJF Offspring   ABSTRAK Ayam hutan merah  merupakan unggas liar yang telah dijinakkan dan menghasilkan keturunan, serta dipelihara oleh masyarakat Bengkulu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi manajemen pemeliharaan dan produksi peranakan ayam hutan merah yang dipelihara oleh masyarakat Bengkulu. Responden penelitian ditentukan dengan metode snowball sampling, dan diperoleh lima puluh responden. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, diskusi dan wawancara, serta pengisian formulir yang telah disiapkan; meliputi pengelolaan pakan, kandang, pencegahan penyakit, pemanfaatan dan produksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keturunan RJF yang dipelihara masyarakat digunakan untuk kawin silang dengan ayam lokal (47%), produksi anakan (28%), sebagai ayam berburu (62%), dan ayam hias (82%). Ayam dipelihara dengan 4 cara: (1) dikandangkan pada siang dan malam hari, (2) ayam dibebaskan  pada siang hari dan dikandangkan malam hari, (3) ayam dibebaskan pada siang dan malamnya, dan (4) ayam ditempatkan pada tenggeran. Pakan yang diberikan adalah pakan komersial (BR1), jagung, beras, beras merah, dedak, jangkrik dan telur semut. Produksi telur rata-rata 34 butir/ekor/tahun, produksi anak ayam diperkirakan 27 ekor/ekor/tahun, dan pertumbuhan populasi 2,68%/tahun. Kesimpulannya, peternakan ayam masyarakat masih bersifat tradisional, kuantitas dan kualitas pakan belum mencukupi, kandang sangat sederhana, pencegahan penyakit dan perlindungan keamanan belum memadai. Sebagai ayam lokal rata-rata produksi telurnya tinggi, daya tetas dan produksi anakannya tinggi, namun perkembangan populasinya lambat. Manajemen pemeliharaan anak ayam yang buruk dan tujuan membesarkan keturunan RJF menyebabkan perkembangan populasi menjadi lambat.   Kata kunci: Komunitas, Manajemen dan Produksi, Pemeliharaan, Keturunan ayam hutan mera


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    Using adapted methods for balanced experiments with waterfowl, the content and the true digestibility of the amonoacids of hull-less barley have been established. The following contents of the essential amonoacids of a stocking lot of the forage have been established (g/kg DM): lysine-4.8, methionine-1.1, cystine-1.1, histidine-2.2, threonine-4.4, leucine- 6.8 and phenylalanine- 5.9. The coeffi cients of their true digestibility were 81.89, 84.06, 85.08, 90.62, 87.30, 76.38 and 75.96, respectively

    Principles of Feeding Small Flocks of Chickens at Home

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    Owning a small flock of chickens is increasing in popularity, particularly in areas prohibiting the raising of larger domestic animals. Chickens not only furnish a ready source of home-grown meat and eggs, but also provide great pleasure as exhibition stock and even as pets


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    Using adapted methods for balanced experiments with waterfowl, the content and the true digestibility of the amonoacids of hull-less barley have been established. The following contents of the essential amonoacids of a stocking lot of the forage have been established (g/kg DM): lysine-4.8, methionine-1.1, cystine-1.1, histidine-2.2, threonine-4.4, leucine- 6.8 and phenylalanine- 5.9. The coeffi cients of their true digestibility were 81.89, 84.06, 85.08, 90.62, 87.30, 76.38 and 75.96, respectively.Ползвайки адаптирана за гъски методика за балансови опити, са установени съдържанията и истинската смилаемост на голоозърнест ечемик. Установени са следните съдържания на незаменими аминокиселини в стокова партида от фуража (g/kg СВ): лизин-4.8, метионин-1.1, цистин-1.1, хистидин-2.2, треонин-4.4, лейцин- 6.8 и фенилаланин- 5.9. Коефициентите на тяхната истинска смилаемост са съответно: 81.89, 84.06, 85.08, 90.62, 87.30, 76.38 и 75.96

    Polymorphisms in the myostatin gene and their association with growth and carcass traits in duck

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    The objective of this study was to assess the association of polymorphisms in myostatin (MSTN) genes with growth and carcass traits in lines of Peking ducks. The polymorphism of the ducks MSTN gene promoter region was researched by polymerase chain reaction-single-stranded conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing methods. Three mutations: G-753A, G-658T and G-235C were detected in the duck MSTN gene. Altogether, 300 Peking ducks of three lines (Z2 line, Z4 line and Z2×Z4 cross line) were genotyped and allele frequencies were determined. The effects of MSTN polymorphisms on growth and carcass traits were analyzed. The G-753A was significantly associated with breast meat percentages (BMP) (P = 0.0225). The G-235C indicated significant association with abdominal fat percentages (AFP) (P = 0.0297). No significant association, however, was detected between any of the marker genotype and other traits measured in this study. Results from this study suggest that MSTN gene-specific single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) may be a useful marker for growth and carcass traits in future marker assisted selection programs in ducks.Key words: Duck, myostatin gene, SNPs, PCR-SSCP, growth and carcass traits, association analysis

    Meat characteristics of red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus Spadiceus), Malaysian domestic chickens (Gallus gallus Domesticus) and commercial broiler

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    The meat characteristics of Red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus Spadiceus) and Malaysian Domestic chicken (Gallus gallus Domesticus), which are known as slow growing birds, were studied. Results were compared with those of the commercial broilers (ROSS) which are fast growing birds. The objective of the study is to determine the meat characteristics (pH, muscle fibre diameter and collagen content) of the breeds and the correlation to their meat quality. For this purpose, a total of 90 chickens (30 chickens for each breed) were used in this study. The chickens in each group were sacrificed at 20, 56 and 120 days posthatching. Findings indicated that collagen content, pH, cooking loss and shear force values in Red jungle fowl and Malaysian Domestic chicken were significantly higher P<0.05) than the commercial broilers. The smaller muscle fibre diameters and lower glycogen reserved contributed to higher pH. Meanwhile, the collagen content showed significantly (P<0.05) positive correlation to shear force and more prominent factors than the size of muscle fibre that determines tenderness of the meat. The commercial broilers’ meat is much tender than that of the Malaysia Domestic chicken and Red jungle fowl

    Carcass, Organ Weights and Egg Quality Characteristics of Guinea Fowl Layers Fed Varying Levels of Butter Fly Pea Leaf (Centrosema Pubescent) Meal.

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different protein levels on growth of guinea fowl keets (Numidia meagris) of the same age under intensive system in a typical poultry house from 6th week to 12th week of age. They were fed commercial broiler starter for two weeks and maintained on same diet of 18% crude protein for 5 weeks of age and given water ad libitum. The birds were separated into three pens. One hundred and twenty old guinea fowls were assigned at grower period on 3 dietary protein levels of 14, 16 and 18% crude protein (CP) on same metabolizable energy level of 2800 kcal/ kg. The study conducted at the Poultry Unit of Teaching and Research Farm, Imo State Polytechnic was used to test the performance of the guinea fowl layer birds. The birds were killed at the owner’s farm by cutting the neck through the jugular vein. There was significant difference (P&lt;0.05) in feed intake between the three treatments. The internal organs for the treatments were not significantly different. Keywords: Carcass, Organ Weights, Egg Quality Characteristics, Guinea Fowl Layers, Butter Fly Pea Leaf (Centrosema Pubescent) Meal

    Anatomical and biomechanical traits of broiler chickens across ontogeny. Part I. Anatomy of the musculoskeletal respiratory apparatus and changes in organ size

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    Genetic selection for improved meat yields, digestive efficiency and growth rates have transformed the biology of broiler chickens. Modern birds undergo a 50-fold multiplication in body mass in just six weeks, from hatching to slaughter weight. However, this selection for rapid growth and improvements in broiler productivity is also widely thought to be associated with increased welfare problems as many birds suffer from leg, circulatory and respiratory diseases. To understand growth-related changes in musculoskeletal and organ morphology and respiratory skeletal development over the standard six-week rearing period, we present data from post-hatch cadaveric commercial broiler chickens aged 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks. The heart, lungs and intestines decreased in size for hatch to slaughter weight when considered as a proportion of body mass. Proportional liver size increased in the two weeks after hatch but decreased between 2 and 6 weeks. Breast muscle mass on the other hand displayed strong positive allometry, increasing in mass faster than the increase in body mass. Contrastingly, less rapid isometric growth was found in the external oblique muscle, a major respiratory muscle that moves the sternum dorsally during expiration. Considered together with the relatively slow ossification of elements of the respiratory skeleton, it seems that rapid growth of the breast muscles might compromise the efficacy of the respiratory apparatus. Furthermore, the relative reduction in size of the major organs indicates that selective breeding in meat-producing birds has unintended consequences that may bias these birds toward compromised welfare and could limit further improvements in meat-production and feed efficiency