48 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022

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    This open access book presents the proceedings of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)’s 29th Annual International eTourism Conference, which assembles the latest research presented at the ENTER2022 conference, which will be held on January 11–14, 2022. The book provides an extensive overview of how information and communication technologies can be used to develop tourism and hospitality. It covers the latest research on various topics within the field, including augmented and virtual reality, website development, social media use, e-learning, big data, analytics, and recommendation systems. The readers will gain insights and ideas on how information and communication technologies can be used in tourism and hospitality. Academics working in the eTourism field, as well as students and practitioners, will find up-to-date information on the status of research

    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022

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    This open access book presents the proceedings of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)’s 29th Annual International eTourism Conference, which assembles the latest research presented at the ENTER2022 conference, which will be held on January 11–14, 2022. The book provides an extensive overview of how information and communication technologies can be used to develop tourism and hospitality. It covers the latest research on various topics within the field, including augmented and virtual reality, website development, social media use, e-learning, big data, analytics, and recommendation systems. The readers will gain insights and ideas on how information and communication technologies can be used in tourism and hospitality. Academics working in the eTourism field, as well as students and practitioners, will find up-to-date information on the status of research


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    This contribution aims to provide an analysis of the current state of web accessibility in the tourism industry with the focus on the Austrian hotel sector. The results of the conducted study verify previous research, showing that tourism organizations considerably lack awareness of web accessibility. A three dimensional hotel categorization model on accessibility is introduced to encompass the complexity of accessibility in the hotel sector. This model can be used to evaluate the current state of hotel accessibility and may therefore provide a valuable tool for further benchmarking activities

    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021

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    This open access book is the proceedings of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)’s 28th Annual International eTourism Conference, which assembles the latest research presented at the ENTER21@yourplace virtual conference January 19–22, 2021. This book advances the current knowledge base of information and communication technologies and tourism in the areas of social media and sharing economy, technology including AI-driven technologies, research related to destination management and innovations, COVID-19 repercussions, and others. Readers will find a wealth of state-of-the-art insights, ideas, and case studies on how information and communication technologies can be applied in travel and tourism as we encounter new opportunities and challenges in an unpredictable world

    O papel da quarta revolução industrial no turismo acessível: estudo e conceptualização de uma aplicação web

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    The world is experiencing the beginning of the fourth Industrial Revolution, responsible for implementing a new digitalization era. This revolution originated in manufacturing, with industry 4.0 bringing a new reality to organizations. However, the scope of this new technological revolution is vast, and other sectors can benefit from the new digital era. In the Services Industry, tourism is an example of that, as Tourism 4.0 is the result of the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in this sector. Tourism 4.0 is the result of the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in tourism. An interesting challenge that this technological era brings to tourism is the social inclusion of people with disabilities. The accessible tourism market reveals huge potential, but despite this, this market is still largely ignored. Several technologies that promoted the fourth industrial revolution present capabilities to promote accessible tourism by improving tourism’s access conditions to people with disabilities. The present work developed a study in accessible tourism, understanding the main requirements for this market, and conceptualizing a Web application, for promoting accessibility in tourism. This Web application work as a mediator between the principal stakeholders. To gather requirements for the system, a triangulation matrix was elaborated using three methodological approaches: i) Literature Review; ii) website accessibility analysis of hotels located in the central region of Portugal; and iii) content analysis of some concurrent platforms. The requirements triangulation matrix allowed the identification of what requirements are crucial for the system success, which were used to conceptualize the solution with UML notation. This work intends to demonstrate the technological impacts of the fourth industrial revolution on society, especially on the promotion of a more accessible tourismO mundo encontra-se hoje no início da quarta revolução industrial, responsável pela promoção de uma nova era caracterizada pela digitalização. Apesar desta revolução ter surgido no setor industrial, com o conceito de Indústria 4.0, a sua aplicação é muito mais vasta, existindo outros sectores que podem igualmente beneficiar desta nova era tecnológica. O setor dos serviços, nomeadamente o Turismo, é um exemplo disso, e o conceito de Turismo 4.0 é o resultado do impacto da quarta revolução industrial nesse setor. Um desafio interessante que esta nova era tecnológica traz para o turismo é o da inclusão social, promovendo o turismo para todos. De facto, o mercado do turismo acessível, apesar de ter imenso potencial, tem sido relegado no contexto dos negócios. Por outro lado, o potencial tecnológico associado a esta nova revolução industrial sugere uma grande capacidade na promoção do turismo acessível, na medida em que podem facilitar as condições de acesso ao turismo, por parte de pessoas com algum tipo de incapacidade e ou necessidade especial. O presente trabalho visa conduzir um estudo na área do turismo acessível, por forma compreender os principais requisitos deste tipo de mercado e, consequentemente, conceptualizar uma aplicação Web, com o propósito de promover a acessibilidade no turismo, funcionando como um mediador de informação entre os principais stakeholders. Para a obtenção dos requisitos do sistema foi feita: i) uma revisão da literatura; ii) um estudo que avalia a acessibilidade dos websites dos hotéis da zona centro de Portugal, e, ainda iii) um estudo com base em análise de conteúdo de algumas plataformas potencialmente concorrentes. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de uma matriz de triangulação, onde é possível identificar a fonte dos requisitos identificados, sendo posteriormente utilizados para conceptualizar a solução proposta com recurso à notação UML. Pretende-se com este trabalho demonstrar o potencial e o efeito que as tecnologias existentes na era designada por quarta revolução industrial podem ter na sociedade, nomeadamente na promoção de um turismo para todosMestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    La co-creaciĂłn de valor en hoteles desde la lĂłgica dominante del servicio: Una aplicaciĂłn a clientes con discapacidad

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    Con esta tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado la aplicación de un marco teórico de co creación de valor entre los clientes con discapacidad y el personal de los establecimientos hoteleros desde la lógica dominante del servicio (LDS), el enfoque de marketing cuyo desarrollo conceptual se inició en 2004 (Vargo & Lusch, 2004) y, en la actualidad, se constata su creciente interés en la investigación de marketing (Bettencourt, Lusch & Vargo, 2014; Chandler & Lusch, 2015). A partir de los estudios e investigaciones sobre la LDS (,Vargo & Lusch, 2004,2008;Hunt, 2004; Lusch et al, 2007; Payne et al 2008; Grönroos, 2008,Ballantyne &Varey, 2008; García et al, 2010; Shaw et al 2011; Park & Vargo 2012,Fitz, 2013; Blanquez ¿Resino et al, 2013, Bettencourt, 2014), en la presente tesis doctoral, se han identificado los principales factores para la co- creación de valor en los servicios hoteleros en el ámbito de las personas con discapacidad. La implementación de la LDS en una organización implica por una parte un cambio de perspectiva sobre cuando y como el valor es creado, segundo, en tener la capacidad de permitir a los empleados, a que sistemáticamente entiendan dónde y cuándo se esfuerza el cliente en hacer su trabajo para recibir el servicio y por último, como la LDS está integrada en los sistemas y/o procesos internos de la organización. El impacto académico de la LDS tiene una gran transcendencia. En la última década, los artículos sobre LDS han sido citados más de 10.000 veces en publicaciones, conferencias, libros y congresos (Bettencourt, et al 2014). En el ámbito de los servicios turísticos, está surgiendo un gran interés en la investigación sobre la co-creación de valor desde la LDS, y específicamente en la integración de la co-creación en los servicios hoteleros A pesar del creciente interés en la aplicación de la LDS en hoteles, otras investigaciones (Buhalis, 2011, Richards et al, 2010, Burnet 2011) manifiestan la importancia de investigar el segmento de clientes con discapacidad así como las interacciones con otros agentes del sector turístico permitiendo su inclusión en el turismo, otro tema de gran interés es la co creación entre los clientes en el momento de la prestación del servicio. Ante la falta de estudios sobre la co-creación de valor en clientes con discapacidad, la presente tesis doctoral pretende contribuir en esta línea de investigación. A partir de la literatura revisada se detecta que la gestión de la co-creación de valor no solo interesa a la empresa sino también al cliente y tras identificar la falta de estudios que aborden la co-creación de valor en clientes con discapacidad se identifican los siguientes objetivos para la tesis doctoral: 1. Cerrar la brecha de investigación en torno al desarrollo de los modelos conceptuales planteados desde la lógica dominante del servicio y de manera específica para el segmento de clientes con discapacidad. 2. Aplicar un marco de co-creación de valor que integre los ¿procesos¿ desde el punto de vista de los clientes, los hoteleros, y cada una de sus interacciones. Así como el punto de vista de cada uno de los ¿participantes¿ (el facilitador de valor y el co creador de valor) y el rol que los clientes tienen en la industria hotelera. 3. Identificar los factores que influyen en la co-creación de valor entre los clientes con discapacidad y los hoteleros. 4. Detectar los aspectos cruciales para una mejor gestión de la co-creación sus procesos y la participación de sus integrantes

    Business impacts of web accessibility in the Austrian hotel sector

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    Diese Magisterarbeit behandelt die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von barrierefreiem Web im Tourismus Bereich und fokussiert dabei insbesondere auf die österreichische Hotelbranche. Ein Literatur Review gibt vorerst einen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Situation von barrierefreiem Web und barrierefreiem Tourismus. Ferner werden mit Hilfe von statistikbasierten Schätzungen wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von barrierefreiem Tourismus in der österreichischen Hotelbranche ermittelt. Um die Komplexität der Barrierefreiheit in der Tourismusbranche adäquat darstellen zu können, wird ein drei-dimensionales Hotelkategorisierungsmodell entwickelt, mit Hilfe dessen die Evaluierung des Status quo eines Hotels im Hinblick auf Barrierefreiheit vorgenommen werden kann. Darüber hinaus ist dieses Kategorisierungsmodell für weiterführende Benchmarking Aktivitäten einsetzbar. Eine Fallstudien-Analyse vereint quantitative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden und untersucht die betriebswirtschaftlichen Effekte von barrierefreiem Web in der Hotel Branche. Ergebnisse zeigen, dass derzeit nur ein Bruchteil der österreichischen Hotels über eine barrierefreie Webseite verfügt, obwohl durch die Implementierung von Barrierefreiheit zusätzliche Investitionen entfallen würden sowie Vorteile für alle Kunden generiert werden könnten. Die im Zuge dieser Magisterarbeit durchgeführten Studien bekräftigen bisherige Forschungsergebnisse, welche das fehlende Bewusstsein von Tourismus Akteuren in Bezug auf barrierefreies Web als Hauptgrund für die mangelnde Implementierung identifizierten. Ferner kann festgestellt werden, dass Reisende mit Beeinträchtigungen eine wirtschaftlich signifikante Touristengruppe darstellen und in ihren Eigenschaften sehr loyal und zunehmend mobil sind.This contribution aims to investigate the business impacts of web accessibility in the tourism industry with the focus on the Austrian hotel sector. Case study research methods are used for the research. The results of the conducted studies verify previous research, showing that tourism stakeholders considerably lack awareness of web accessibility. The literature review on web accessibility and accessible tourism gives an overview on the current status. Estimations based on statistical data are used to assess the economical impact of accessible tourism in the Austrian hotel sector. A three dimensional hotel categorization model on accessibility is introduced to encompass the complexity of accessibility in the hotel sector. It can be used to evaluate the status quo of hotel accessibility and may therefore provide a valuable tool for further benchmarking activities. Quantitative and qualitative studies are used to assess the implications of web accessibility in the hotel sector in praxis. The study on the accessibility of the Austrian hotel web pages shows that currently only a fraction has implemented web accessibility. The conducted in-depth interviews reveal that implementing web accessibility doesn’t require additional investment and has advantages for all costumers. The interviews also confirm the results of previous studies: travelers with disabilities can represent a significant guest group, are very loyal to the place their like and they are increasingly mobile, this groups of travelers is ever more important. Additionally, this study confirmed that accessibility has to be promoted, so people with disabilities can find these hotels

    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and tourist’s views on the need to rethink tourism

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    Parceria com a Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território.Tourism has been a target of substantial technology investments to keep pace with the acceleration of globalisation and the increasingly demanding needs of consumers. Since tourism is an activity constantly adapting to social and economic adversities, the atypical situation of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic has highlighted the need to question tourism habits. The moment of global lockdown resulted in the partial or total cancellation of travel and leisure experiences and even cast doubt on consumers' habits as tourists in the sense of environmental and social sustainability. Therefore, it is feasible to agree that this pandemic has forced businesses and all entities to rethink tourism to respond to new demands and maintain related business activities. New alternatives have been implemented in restricted periods of constraint, such as the provision of virtualmuseums or visits to a virtual street. Given that this technological reality is increasingly pervasive in consumers’ day-to-day life and that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been accelerating some processesregarding the reformulation of the tourism activity, this dissertation aims to study what personal characteristics and attitudes influence tourists’ intention to experience VT in a post pandemic period. Based on a sample of 229 individuals, the survey’s results suggest that younger tourists, who perceive VT as an alternative for conventional tourism in atypical situations and value authenticity in VT, are the ones with higher interest to experience virtual tourism. A cluster analysis revealed two clusters, named “the digital youngsters” and “the conservative adults”. Theoretical and practical implications are derivedO Turismo tem vindo a ser alvo de inúmeros investimentos a nível tecnológico, de forma a acompanhar a aceleração da globalização e das necessidades, cada vez mais exigentes, dos consumidores. Uma vez que o turismo é um setor em constante adaptação às adversidades sociais e económicas, a situação atípica da pandemia SARS-COV-2 sublinhou a necessidade de questionar o turismo. O momento de confinamento mundial traduziu-se na anulação parcial ou total de viagens e experiências de lazer, e chegou a colocar em dúvida os próprios hábitos dos consumidores enquanto turistas, no âmbito da sustentabilidade ambiental e social. É viável concordar, portanto, que esta pandemia obrigou as empresas e todas as entidades a repensar o turismo, para conseguirem responder às novas procuras e à sobrevivência de negócios relacionados. Novas alternativas têm vindo a ser implementadas em períodos de confinamento restritos, como a disponibilização de museus virtuais ou visitas a uma virtual street. Uma vez que esta realidade tecnológica é cada vez mais transversal ao dia-a-dia do consumidor, e já que a pandemia SARS-COV-2 tem vindo a acelerar alguns processos no que toca à reformulação do setor turístico, o estudo pretende analisar se os turistas reconhecem a urgência em repensar o turismo e adotar a Realidade Virtual como alternativa, ao perspetivar situações atípicas. Com o recurso a uma amostra de 229 pessoas, os resultados do questionário sugerem que turistas mais novos, que veem o TV como uma alternativa ao turismo convencional em situações atípicas e que valorizam a autenticidade no TV, tendem a ser os que têm maior interesse em experienciar virtualmente o turismo. Uma análise de clusters revelou dois grupos independentes, chamados de “os jovens digitais” e “os adultos conservadores”. As implicações teóricas e práticas são derivadas

    Virtuaalreaalsus toetamas jätkusuutlikku turismi: Ida-Euroopa kogemused

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental SciencesThis study is concerned with the questions: how tourism players perceive sustainable tourism and whether sustainable tourism planning practices include virtual travel as a means to improve visitor experiences. Furthermore, how efficient and satisfactory a substitute, virtual experience may be, as an alternative to a real visit to a nature destination. The goal was set to research the drivers that may favour tourists’ acceptance of virtual substitutions over real experiences. Travel often means transportation and need for place change, but travelling to a destination gives this sense of place change, and a VR facility in that place could provide tourist’s experiences that local nature could give. It is postulated that when compared to individuals with weaker pro-ecological attitudes, those with stronger pro-ecological attitudes are more likely to accept the virtual tourism (VT) opportunities, research suggests that there are some VT features which are not accepted and others which are accepted by tourists The study focussed on the issue of virtual travel advantages and disadvantages and the role of pro-ecological motivations behind the choices between real travel and virtual travel. Research questions: • How tourism managers’ perceptions of sustainable tourism affect sustainable tourism and sustainable tourism planning? (I, II) • How three-dimensional visualisation can facilitate sustainable tourism development and sustainable tourism planning? (I, II, III) • How tourist perceptions of virtual travel vary according to their individual need for emotional arousal from mediated experience, socio-demographic background, travel preferences, and pro-ecological motivations? (III) Documentary analysis (I) and interviews (I,II) were employed. Content analysis technique (I,II) was used. All answers were audio recorded, typed, divided into categories and sorted according to the main topic. 299 questionnaires were collected from tourists visiting Piusa Cave, GLM was employed to analyse results. This study indicated that comprehensive sustainable tourism practices are lacking in Russia. Russian tourism managers’ attitudes towards sustainable tourism are mostly influenced by their personal background in the industry and less by internationally adopted concepts. Even though Russian tourism managers personal attitudes varied significantly and our findings demonstrated contradictory understandings of sustainable tourism phenomena among them, the consensus search rounds showed that the managers do recognise the possible negative impact of tourism on nature, and see sustainable tourism as part of their future business development strategies. The observed lack of understanding about sustainable tourism principles and the perceived low demand for such initiatives in state regulations and among potential clients, are the key reasons for Russian tourism managers’ low motivation towards creating their own sustainable tourism initiatives. They also proposed that virtual travel may be a feasible strategy for destination management where carrying capacities are exceeded or where nature conservation measures are required (I). An individual’s motivation to take part in sustainable tourism planning using three-dimensional visualization may be derived from such social structures as interest, desire, challenge or curiosity. While inclusion of interest groups in three-dimensional visualisation planning may significantly influence the flow and the value of the results of sustainable tourism planning, the same also happens when actually using the three dimensional visualisation tool. Integration of three-dimensional visualisation into sustainable tourism planning from the initialisation of the participatory development process provides more opportunities for comprehensive planning outcomes (II). Provision of several alternative landscape three-dimensional visualisation scenarios provides better sustainable tourism planning results. Virtual travel plays a positive role as a sustainable tourism planning facilitator in participatory development. Factors to consider in maintaining a quality sustainable tourism planning experience include: precise selection of objects for three dimensional visualisation, idealization level and an intuitive user interface. A neutral moderator in three dimensional visualisation planning is thus a prerequisite and is especially important when dealing with the problem of conflicting interests in sustainable tourism planning. This study revealed that tourists accepting of a low level of arousal from virtual travel have lower socio-economic security, they are also less motivated by social interaction and adventure. Tourists most accepting of virtual travel are less striving, and less interested in the societal impact of their lives. It was proposed that virtual travel may serve as a substitute for nature-based travel. The study shows that at the current state of three dimensional visualization technologies, virtual travel is capable of satisfying sophisticated hedonic needs of tourists. Those who like active outdoors, are unsurprisingly, less satisfied with virtual travel. Virtual travel also could be instrumental in nature experiences to tourists with lower travel budgets. Sustainable tourism development within nature-based tourism may reduce damage to the natural environment and local culture by minimising the impact of physical tourism infrastructure (roads, path, buildings) construction in cases where tourists can be offered alternative experiences of virtual travel as complementarities to conventional tourism. Virtual travel may show landscapes and enable tourists to get an impression of natural sightseeing without physical visits to real destinations. This in turn may increase opportunities for virtual tourism activity and benefit local communities. An encountered weakness of virtual travel is that tourists may perceive such travel experiences as less satisfactory in comparison to real trips. This study revealed potential key strategies for overcoming the obstacles for sustainable tourism development in Eastern Europe. Firstly, significant cooperation is required among stakeholders (local authorities, tourism managers, tourists, local population) to tailor more effective international and local legislation in the field of sustainable tourism, and for ensuring proper enforcement of this legislation. Secondly, the promotion of environmental education, including sustainability training among Russian tourism players, is highly recommended. Thirdly, virtual travel even though not an equal substitute for real visits, is a potential solution for implementing sustainable tourism strategies. Thus, further research could aim to establish whether virtual travel derived from real destinations where carrying capacities are exceeded may benefit nature conservation, and could be a means to raising tourists’ awareness of tourism’s environmental and social impacts.Käesolev uurimus otsib vastust küsimusele: kuidas turismi huvirühmad tajuvad säästvat turismi ja säästva turismi planeerimispraktikate parendamist virtuaalse reisimise abiga. Lisaks uuritakse kui tõhusalt ja rahuldavalt asendab virtuaalne kogemus loodusliku sihtkoha tegelikku külastamist. Uurimuse eesmärgiks seati uurida ajendeid, mis soodustavad seda, et turistid eelistavad reaalsetele kogemustele nende virtuaalset asendust. Reisimine tähendab sageli transporti ja asukoha muutust, ning reisimine sihtkohta annab muutuse toimumise tunde ja virtuaalne külastus annab turistile võimaluse kogeda, mida kohalik loodus suudaks pakkuda. Töös postuleeritakse, et tugevama ökoloogilise hoiakuga isikud on suurema tõenäosusega avatud virtuaalse reisimise võimaluste kasutamisele võrreldes isikutega, kel ökoloogiline suhtumine on nõrgem. Uuringud on näidanud, et turistid aktsepteerivad mõningaid virtuaalse reisimise viise, kuid eitavad teisi. Uurimus keskendub virtuaalse reisimise eeliste ja puuduste uurimisele ja ökoloogiliste motiivide rollile, mis mõjutavad reaalse ja virtuaalse reisimise valikuid. Töö väljendab kolmes artiklis kajastatud uurimusi ja nende tulemusi, need on tähistatud vastavalt I, II ja III. Uurimisküsimused: • Kuidas turismi korraldajate säästva turismi tajumine mõjutab säästva turismi pakkumist ja säästva turismi planeerimist? (I, II) • Kuidas kolmemõõtmeline visualiseerimine (3D) soodustab säästva turismi arendamist ja säästva turismi planeerimist? (I, II, III) • Kuidas turistid tajuvad virtuaalset reisimist olenevalt nende elamusvajadusest , sotsiaal-demograafilisest taustast, reisimiseelistustest ja ökoloogilistest hoiakutest? (III) Metoodika Uurimisandmed koguti dokumendianalüüsist (I), süvaintervjuudes ja küsitlusest. Töö jaoks uuriti Venemaal praktiseeritavat säästva turismi korraldamist dokumentide (ametlikud turismitegevust suunavad dokumendid, arengustrateegiad, õigusaktid jt) analüüsi abil. Kasutati ka kontentanalüüsi (II). Intervjuud (I, II) turismiga seonduvate huvirühmade ja kohaliku kogukonna esindajatega lindistati, transkribeeriti, kodeeriti ja kategoriseeriti. Intervjueeriti Moskva (Venemaa) turismiettevõtjaid ja Eesti ettevõtjaid ja kogukonnaliikmeid. Lõuna-Eestis Piusa koobaste külastuskeskuses külastajate seas läbiviidud 299 küsitluse tulemusi analüüsiti üldistatud lineaarse mudeli abil (III). Virtuaalse reisimise vastuvõetavust kontrolliti rakendades väärtuste-uskumuste-normi teooria (Stern et al., 1995) edasiarendust, tuvastamaks, kuidas vastuvõetavust mõjutavad elamusvajadus, ökoloogilised väärtused, uskumused, normid ja kavatsused. Tulemused Uuring tõi välja, et Venemaal puuduvad komplekssed säästva turismi praktikad. Venemaa turismikorraldajate hoiakuid säästva turismi suhtes mõjutab peamiselt nende enda taust selles sektoris ja mitte nii palju rahvusvaheliselt omaksvõetud kontseptsioonid. Kuigi Venemaa turismikorraldajate isiklikud hoiakud varieerusid märgatavalt ja saadud tulemused demonstreerisid vastuolulisi arusaamu säästva turismi fenomeni olemusest, näitas Delphi meetodi rakendamine, et korraldajad tunnevad ära turismi võimaliku negatiivse mõju loodusele ja näevad säästvat turismi ühe osana oma tulevastest äri arendamise strateegiatest. Üksmeele puudumine säästva turismi põhimõtete suhtes ja tunnetatud vähene nõudlus selliste algatuste suhtes riiklikes õigusaktides ja võimalike klientide seas on peamised põhjused, miks vene turismikorraldajatel on madal motivatsioon ise säästva turismi algatustega välja tulla. Nad esitasid seisukoha, et virtuaalne reisimine on sihtkoha juhtimise puhul otstarbekas strateegia, kui piirkonna taluvusvõime on ületatud või vajaks looduskaitse alla võtmist (I). Üksikisiku motivatsioon säästva turismi planeerimises osalemiseks kui kasutatakse kolmemõõtmelist visualiseerimist tuleneb sellistest sotsiaalsetest motivatsiooni allikatest nagu osalussoov, väljakutse või uudishimu. Ehkki kolmemõõtmelise visualiseerimise planeerimise juures osalevad huvigrupid võivad märkimisväärselt mõjutada säästva turismi planeerimise kulgu ja väärtust, toimub sama ka siis, kui kasutatakse kolmemõõtmelise visualiseerimise tööriista. Kolmemõõtmelise visualiseerimise integreerimine säästva turismi planeerimisse kaasava arendamise protsessi algusest peale annab rohkem võimalusi igakülgsete planeerimistulemuste saamiseks (II). Mitme alternatiivse maastiku muutmise 3D-stsenaariumi kasutamine annab paremad säästva turismi planeerimise tulemused. Virtuaalne reisimine mängib kaasava arendamise protsessis soodustab säästva turismi planeerimist. Objektide täpne valimine kolmemõõtmelise visualiseerimise jaoks, detailsuse aste ja intuitiivne kasutaja liides on tegurid, mis teenivad kvaliteetse säästva turismi planeerimise eesmärki. Neutraalne moderaator on kolmemõõtmelise visualiseerimise planeerimise protsessi juures hädavajalik, eriti tähtis on ta siis, kui on tegu huvide konfliktiga säästva turismi planeerimises. Uurimus tõi välja, et virtuaalne reisimine on enam aktsepteeritav inimestele, kel on madal elamusvajadus, ja kes ei hooli sellest, et virtuaalne reisimine pakub vähem elavaid muljeid, koha vahetuse tunnet, ja kokkupuudet loodusega. Virtuaalne reisimine on aktsepteeritavam turistidele, kelle reisivalikute ajendite seas on sotsiaalne suhtlemine ja seikluslikkus vähem olulised. Virtuaalsest reisimisest enam huvitatud turistidväärtustavad vähem edasipüüdlikkust ja sotsiaalset mõjukust. Pakuti välja, et virtuaalne reisimine võiks olla looduspõhise reisimise asenduseks. Uurimus näitas, et kolmemõõtmeliste visualiseerimistehnoloogiate praeguses seisus on virtuaalne reisimine võimeline rahuldama hedonistlikumate, suurema mugavusvajadusega turistide vajadusi. Need, kellele meeldib aktiivne tegevus looduses, on vähem rahul virtuaalse reisimisega. Säästva turismi areng loodusturismi raames võib vähendada looduskeskkonnale ja kohalikule kultuurile tehtavat kahju, minimeerides kahju, mis tekib turismi füüsilise infrastruktuuri rajamisest (teed, rajad, hooned) neil juhtudel, kui turistidele saab pakkuda alternatiivseid kogemusi virtuaalsest reisimisest tavaturismi täiendusena. Virtuaalne reisimine saab näidata maastikke ja võimaldab turistidel koguda muljeid ilma reaalset sihtkohta füüsiliselt külastamata. See omakorda suurendab võimalusi virtuaalse turismi tegevusteks ja on soodne kohalikule kogukonnale. Virtuaalne reisimine on aktsepteeritav alternatiiv suurema mugavusvajadusega inimestele ja vanemaealistele inimestele. Uurimus tõi välja võimalikud peamised strateegiad, kuidas tulla toime takistustega säästva turismi arengus Ida-Euroopas. Esiteks on vaja märkimisväärset koostööd huvigruppide (kohalikud omavalitsused, turismikorraldajad, turistid, kohalikud elanikud) vahel, et luua tõhusamaid rahvusvahelisi ja kohalikke õigusakte säästva turismi valdkonnas ning tagada nende õigusaktide asjakohane ellurakendamine. Teiseks on äärmiselt vajalik edendada keskkonnaharidust, sh säästlikkuse koolituse pakkumist Venemaa turismitegijate seas. Kolmandaks, ehkki virtuaalne reisimine ei ole ehtsa reisimise samaväärne asendaja, on see ikkagi võimalik lahendus, et ellu viia säästva turismi strateegiaid. Seega võiks edaspidine uurimistöö püüda välja selgitada, kas virtuaalne reisimine, mis põhineb reaalsetel sihtkohtadel, kus taluvusvõime on ületatud, võiks tuua kasu loodushoiule ja olla vahend, millega tõsta turistide teadlikkust turismi keskkonna- ja sotsiaalsetest mõjudest.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Science and by the Doctoral School of Earth Science and Ecology created under the auspices of European Social Fund. This study was supported by the Estonian Ministry of Science and Education (institutional grant IUT-8-3), the European Commission through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence EcolChange, TK 131), and the European Research Council (advanced grant 322603, SIP-VOL+)