47,360 research outputs found

    Tradisi Luru Duit di Indramayu

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    Child prostitution in Indramayu has been done for generations and has been formed into a tradition. Prostitution in Indramayu known as the luru duit meaning work for money or livelihood. Referring to the meaning of luru duit, shows that prostitution has been accepted as a form of work, similar to another forms of work. This study aims to identify the factors that influence luru duit phenomenon. Research uses the Etno-phenomenological method. Collecting data through interviews, observation and documents. The result shows luru duit is a planned behavior, it can be seen from three factors interacting. Internal factors include a positive attitude on materialism, the motivation to follow the views of others, the perception of ease on doing luru duit. External factors include micro and macro level. At the micro level includes the ability to access opportunities, namely the lack of jobs and poor education. At the macro level includes social situations, for example, early marriage and divorce as well as the situation of a long history of forming Bong village as the sender area of women for prostitution. The phenomenon of luru duit facilitates by the presence of the figure of the channel. Chanel as a liaison has amode in two ways, namely using violence method, coercion and fraud. The second way is to utilize the victim and the victim's parents desire for a better life in a way to seduce with money.Aktivitas melacurkan anak di desa Bong, Kabupaten Indramayu sudah menjadi tradisi yang dilakukan turun temurun hingga saat ini. Tradisi ini dikenal dengan istilah luru duit yang bermakna bekerja untuk mencari uang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor–faktor yang mempengaruhi tumbuh suburnya fenomena luru duit tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode etnofenomenologi. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat faktor-faktor yang saling berinteraksi dalam mempengaruhi keputusan seseorang untuk luru duit. Faktor internal mencakup di dalamnya sikap positif terhadap luru duit, kepatuhan anak kepada orang tua, pengalaman, peran pelaku duit yang telah sukses sehingga memperkuat niat seseorang untuk melakukan luru duit. Selanjutnya, terdapat peran perantara atau channel yang aktif bergerak untuk mencari perempuan di desa untuk luru duit. Faktor eksternal mencakup budaya kawin cerai, pandangan mengenai nilai anak, sikap positif masyarakat, serta kontrol sosial yang rendah

    Peran Content Manager dalam PT. Media Teknologi Literasi Nusantara

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    Penulis memilih untuk melakukan kerja magang di salah satu proyek PT. Media Teknologi Literasi Nusantara. Penulis memilih untuk kerja magang di proyek Amplop Duit karena penulis tertarik dengan bisnis yang masih baru atau startup dan tertarik untuk mengeksekusi konten Amplop Duit. Penulis diberikan kesempatan perusahaan untuk mencoba hal-hal baru yang berkaitan dengan konten di Amplop Duit. Penulis menjadi content manager ketika melakukan magang di Amplop Duit. Ketika melakukan magang penulis mendapatkan banyak ilmu dari belajar membangun bisnis dari ide, kerjasama bersama dengan tim dengan orang yang berlatar belakang berbeda, dan belajar membuat konten video course animasi Amplop Duit. Pada pembuatan konten Amplop Duit penulis belajar untuk membuat naskah, melihat dan mengecek pembuatan produksi video dari aset sampai tahapan editing. Ketika melakukan kerja magang penulis menemukan masalah yang timbul karena internal maupun eksternal penulis sendiri. Penulis belajar untuk mencari solusi dan menyelesaikan masalah yang timbul ketika melakukan kerja magang di Amplop Duit

    UPM anjur program adik bijak cerdik duit inisiatif lahirkan komuniti bijak wang

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    SERDANG, 7 Dis – Buat julung kalinya, Fakulti Ekologi Manusia (FEM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) dengan kerjasama Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) Taman Sri Serdang di sini menganjurkan “Program Adik Bijak Cerdik Duit’ sebagai inisiatif melahirkan komuniti bijak wang

    The constructivist view in science education - what it has to offer and what should not be expected

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    There is certainly something fashionable about constructivism in science education nowadays. It is further true that constructivism is by no means a consistent movement, there are many variants of this view in use. Furthermore, it appears that constructivism, for some science educators, in any case, has become the new ideology of science education that provides a cure for every problem of teaching and learning science. But without any doubt constructivism has become also a most valuable guideline for science education -- for science teaching and learning as well as for research in these fields. This paper attempts to review the myths, the misunderstandings, the polemics and the serious critiques concerning constructivism. It will be argued in favor of a consistent and "moderate" constructivist view in science education that in fact may provide substantial progress in our field and which major features will be among the valuable views of science education even after the term constructivism will have gone out of fashion

    Duit Turus: A Solution to Conflicts in Dayak Traditional Marriages

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    is study explored the position of Duit Turus in the Dayak tribe marriage and the philosophy contained in the symbol of the Duit Turus. Participants included the families of the groom, the bride, and people who have received Duit Turus. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation studies and analyzed from sociology and anthropology studies of Islamic law. results showed that giving Duit Turus to the guests or witnesses in the Dayak wedding procession must be carried after anagreement between the two families of the bride and groom

    Sihir kedai tak nampak

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    Kuala Lumpur: "Sebelum memulakan perniagaan setiap pagi, saya kerap menemui duit syiling bertaburan di sekeliling gerai dan ada ketika sehingga 15 keping duit syiling ditemui," kata peniaga makanan Sham Bodin, 53, yang menjadi mangsa perbuatan sihir

    MPP salahkan sikap pelajar IPT

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    Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar(MPP) beberapa universiti tempatan menyalahkan sikap pelajar sebagai punca duit Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional(PTPTN)digunakan untuk tujuan yang tidak sepatutnya seperti membeli motosikal dan telefon bimbit mahal

    Novel insights into hair structure and the effects of chemical stressors on hair and skin using label-free advanced light microscopy

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    There is a need for a better method to image hair as the current methods involve embedding the hair in resin, which may produce artefacts, or using dyes which are limited in their depth of penetration into the hair. The research performed in this thesis endeavours to characterise the cellular structure of human hair with label-free imaging using autofluorescence and fluorescence lifetime imaging. Wavelengths were shown to selectively excite the hair cuticle, cortex and medulla, and subcellular compartments. Development of an optical transverse imaging method enabled discoveries including different fluorescence lifetimes across the cuticle cell layers and suggests the cuticle layers possess differing chemical environments. A new method was developed to distinguish between eumelanin and pheomelanin using 405nm and 633nm wavelengths. The newly developed methods were additionally used in the characterisation of an unidentified hair and skin disorder, which found poorly differentiated cuticle cells and showed differences in the fluorescence lifetimes of the hair compared to control hairs. The hair care industry needs more efficacious chemical depilatories and information into their action. This was elucidated using the developed methods and a new dynamic imaging method. Potassium thioglycolate was shown to cause drastic expansion of the hair which was amplified by the addition of guanidine carbonate, creating fissures through the cuticle and into the cortex. Other experimental depilatory formulations were tested and were found to have varying effects upon the structure of the hair. New chemical depilatories require development because existing depilatories can cause irritation in the skin. Potassium thioglycolate and guanidine carbonate were tested on HaCaT cells, isolated cornified envelopes, and HEKn cells in a 3D epidermal model. An investigation into the differentiation, proliferation and acute stress response of the cells showed that the treatments had no significant effect on these markers. However, the chemicals negatively affected HaCaT cell viability and damaged the cornified envelopes. Despite this, the viability and structural integrity of the living cells of the epidermal model were maintained through the protection provided by the stratum corneum

    Confidence set for group membership

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    We develop new procedures to quantify the statistical uncertainty of data-driven clustering algorithms. In our panel setting, each unit belongs to one of a finite number of latent groups with group-specific regression curves. We propose methods for computing unit-wise and joint confidence sets for group membership. The unit-wise sets give possible group memberships for a given unit and the joint sets give possible vectors of group memberships for all units. We also propose an algorithm that can improve the power of our procedures by detecting units that are easy to classify. The confidence sets invert a test for group membership that is based on a characterization of the true group memberships by a system of moment inequalities. To construct the joint confidence, we solve a high-dimensional testing problem that tests group membership simultaneously for all units. We justify this procedure under N,TN, T \to \infty asymptotics where we allow TT to be much smaller than NN. As part of our theoretical arguments, we develop new simultaneous anti-concentration inequalities for the MAX and the QLR statistics. Monte Carlo results indicate that our confidence sets have adequate coverage and are informative. We illustrate the practical relevance of our confidence sets in two applications.Comment: 44 pages, supplementary materials (66 pages

    Water Towers, Pump Houses, and Mountain Streams: Students' Ideas about Watersheds

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    Provides pedagogical insight concerning learners' pre-conceptions and misconceptions about watersheds The resource being annotated is: http://www.dlese.org/dds/catalog_DLESE-000-000-008-111.htm