97,598 research outputs found

    Prototipe Reaktor Biogas Berbahan Baku Limbah Ternak (Kotoran Sapi) Dan Limbah Pasar (Sampah Sayur) Sebagai Energi Alternatif

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    Using for energy makes reserves running low, for it to need alternative renewable energy, saving energy and enviromentally friendly, is using of biogas. Biogas is a gaseous fuel produced from fermentation of organic materials with the help of anaerobic bacteria that can be used as an alternative energy. Manufacture of biogas reactors is done to support biogas fermentation with raw material mixture of cow dung and vegetable waste in ratio 7 : 3. Biogas production is done by varying volume of EM4 as activator 43 ml, 48 ml and 53 ml. Fermentation biogas done until 20 days. Result of biogas is analyzed to know volume of biogas from variation of EM4. From calculation, the highest volume biogas that add EM4 53 ml is 16,68 L. After getting volume the highest calorific value is 13.895 kJ/kg. Calorific value is not suitable for combustion, because compotition of CH4 content 22,97 % and still under standart of biogas

    Factors for success in Swedish biogas

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    The energy sector of modern time is currently faced with several challenges. These are both production oriented and environmental oriented in nature. The energy of the future is intended to support an increasing demand while at the same time reduce its environmental affection. This stresses a development towards production methods of renewable energy. Among the existing methods, biogas is presented as an attractive alternative. Further, biogas is also perceived as an attractive business concept within the agricultural sector, since this sector contains a good supply of substrate that can be used in the biogas process. As an effect, biogas would enable renewable energy production in combination with biological waste treatment and thus there are several environmental benefits with using this method. The potential for producing biogas in Sweden today, is relatively unexploited. Studies shows that there still is a large potential for producing biogas in Sweden, where a large share is represented by agricultural products. This study aims at identifying factors that are important for a further development in agricultural based biogas production. The study have been based on interviews with 31 agricultural biogas producers, where the findings has been analyzed using resource based view and Diffusion theory. The study has shown that agricultural biogas production in Sweden needs to develop in order to become competitive. To enable such a development, factors such as support from external parties and investments in technological development is viewed as important.Energisektorn Àr i dagslÀget en sektor som innehÄller flera problem. Dels finns det miljömÀssiga som produktionsmÀssiga problem. Framtidens energi ska dels kunna bistÄ en ökande population med energi samtidigt som den ska minska sin miljöpÄverkan. Detta kommer att krÀva nya metoder för att producera energi. Biogas presenteras som ett attraktivt alternativ för att producera förnyelsebar energi. Vidare Àr biogas ett intressant affÀrskoncept inom jordbrukssektorn, dÄ det finns god tillgÄng till substrat som kan anvÀndas i biogas processen. Effekten av biogas skulle innebÀra produktion av förnyelsebar energi kombinerat med biologisk avfallshantering. SÄledes finns det flera miljömÀssiga effekter med biogas produktion. Potentialen för att producera biogas Àr i dagslÀget i relativt liten i Sverige. Studier visar att det finns stor potential att utöka produktionen av biogas, dÀr en stor andel berÀknas komma frÄn jordbruks produkter. Denna studie syftar till att identifiera framgÄngs faktorer för den Svenska jordbruksbaserade biogas produktionen, för att utforska möjligheterna till en fortsatt utveckling. Studien baseras pÄ intervjuer frÄn 31 jordbruksbaserade biogas producenter dÀr insamlad data har analyserats med resursbaserad teori och spridnings teori. Studien visar att jordbruksbaserad biogas produktion Àr i behov av utveckling för att bli konkurrenskraftigt. För att möjligöra en sÄdan utveckling, pekas faktorer sÄsom inverkan frÄn externa parter samt vidare satsningar i teknik ut som viktiga


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    ABSTRAK Eceng gondok merupakan jenis gulma air dengan tingkat pertumbuhan yang sangat cepat di berbagai badan air seperti Danau Rawapening sehingga menjadi suatu permasalahan yang perlu diatasi. Eceng gondok dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produksi biogas karena mengandung hemiselulosa yang cukup tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengetahui nilai dari rasio C/N, TS, dan konsentrasi microbial consortium yang optimum untuk produksi biogas dari eceng gondok dengan metode SS-AD, (2) mengkaji laju produksi biogas yang dihasilkan. Variasi yang digunakan untuk variabel rasio C/N sebesar 20, 35, dan 50, untuk TS sebesar 15%, 27,5%, dan 40% sedangkan untuk konsentrasi microbial consortium sebesar 3%, 6%, 9%. Digunakan 16 reaktor dengan variasi yang ditentukan dengan Central Composite Design pada software Statistica. Hasil produksi biogas kemudian diolah dengan Response Surface Methodology untuk optimasi. Dari pengolahan RSM didapatkan nilai optimum dari rasio C/N yaitu 32,09; TS rentang 5% - 10%, serta konsentrasi microbial consortium sebesar 7,26%. Reaktor dengan nilai mendekati nilai optimum tersebut kemudian dianalisa produksi biogas yang dihasilkannya menggunakan Polymath 6.0. Sehingga didapatkan hasil konstanta kinetika laju produksi biogas (U) sebesar 1,88mL/gr TS hari; konstanta produksi biogas maksimum sebesar 108,41 mL/gr TS; serta waktu minimum terbentuknya biogas yaitu 8,87 hari. Kata kunci : eceng gondok, biogas, RSM, SS-AD ABSTRACT Water hyacinth is a type of water weed with a very rapid growth rate in various water bodies like Lake Rawapening which makes it a problem that needs to be overcome. Water hyacinth can be utilized for biogas production because it contains high hemicellulose. The purpose of this research is (1) to know the optimum value of the ratio of C/N, the concentration of TS, and microbial consortium for the optimum biogas production from water hyacinth with SS-AD method, (2) to study the production rate produced. The variations used for the C/N ratio are 20, 35, and 50, for TS are 15%, 27.5%, and 40% respectively, while for the concentration of microbial consortium are 3%, 6%, 9%. There are 16 reactors used with variations in each reactor determined by Central Composite Design in Statistica software. Biogas production results are then processed with Response Surface Methodology for optimization. Based on the RSM analysis, the optimum value of C/N ratio is 32,09; TS range of 5% - 10%, and the concentration for microbial consortium is 7.26%. Reactor which the value of the variable inside has the closest value with the optimum then analyzed its biogas production rate using Polymath 6.0. The constant kinetics rate of biogas (U) production rate is 1.88mL/g TS day; maximum biogas production constant of 108.41 mL/g TS; as well as the minimum time of the formation of biogas is 8.87 days. Keywords : water hyacinth, biogas, RSM, SS-A

    Improvement of Biogas Production by Bioaugmentation

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    Biogas production technologies commonly involve the use of natural anaerobic consortia of microbes. The objective of this study was to elucidate the importance of hydrogen in this complex microbial food chain. Novel laboratory biogas reactor prototypes were designed and constructed. The fates of pure hydrogen-producing cultures of Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus and Enterobacter cloacae were followed in time in thermophilic and mesophilic natural biogas-producing communities, respectively. Molecular biological techniques were applied to study the altered ecosystems. A systematic study in 5-litre CSTR digesters revealed that a key fermentation parameter in the maintenance of an altered population balance is the loading rate of total organic solids. Intensification of the biogas production was observed and the results corroborate that the enhanced biogas productivity is associated with the increased abundance of the hydrogen producers. Fermentation parameters did not indicate signs of failure in the biogas production process. Rational construction of more efficient and sustainable biogas-producing microbial consortia is proposed


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    The objective of the Work Package 1 on the frame of the BioH2Power project is to define biogas specifications, in terms of quantity and quality, to be used as a reference for desulphurizing/reforming processes, on the basis of the real on-field experience of a major Italian biogas-to-energy enterprise. Asja will carry on its involvement in the research project building upon its 10-years experience in the field of renewable energy generation from biogas. The technological know-how acquired since the beginning of its operation allows Asja to define the major critical factors in the treatment and use of biogas generated from anaerobic digestion of organic matter. Therefore, its role in the research program will be to provide effective knowing of the reality of biogas, on the basis of the plants Asja manages every day all over Italy and abroad. Then an identification of the potential sources of biogas will be provided in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino. DISMIC complements the work covering other biogas sources different from landfill


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    Tujuan dari perancangan dalam Proyek Akhir ini adalah menghasilkan mesin pengaduk reaktor biogas yang mampu memaksimalkan proses pembentukan biogas sehingga gas metana yang dikeluarkan dari reaktor maksimal, selain itu juga mesin ini berfungsi untuk membantu mengeluarkan limbah dari sisa biogas. Proses pengadukan ini dilakukan menggunakan tenaga motor sebagai penggerak. Alur sistem kerja mesin yaitu motor menggerakkan pully kemudian dihubungkan dengan belt yang memutar ulir cacing selanjutnya sirip pengaduk yang telah dihubungkan dengan roda gigi cacing berputar mengaduk material biogas. Untuk menghasilkan desain konstruksi mesin yang baik dengan gambar kerja yang mudah dipahami dan dikerjakan, serta untuk menentukan harga produk mesin ini. Perancangan mesin pengaduk reaktor biogas ini membutuhkan referensi atau acuan sebagai tolok ukur. Konsep perancangan mesin ini mengacu pada konsep perancangan Darmawan yaitu dengan beberapa tahapan, antara lain perencanaan dan penjelasan tugas, perencanaan konsep produk, pemberian bentuk pada produk, hingga menghasilkan detail desain berupa dokumen pembuatan produk (gambar kerja). Tenaga penggerak yang akan digunakan pada mesin ini direncanakan motor sebagai penggerak utamanya. Hasil perancangan adalah desain dan gambar kerja produk mesin pengaduk reaktor biogas. Mesin pengaduk reaktor biogas ini berdimensi 750 x 750 x 800 mm. Proses pengadukan memerlukan waktu ±20 menit untuk 1x pengadukan dan diperlukan waktu 20 menit untuk proses pengeluaran sisa dari limbah biogas. Sumber penggerak mesin pengaduk ini adalah motor 0,5 Hp. Taksiran harga jual yang ditawarkan adalah senilai Rp 2.800.000,00 Kata kunci: Perancangan, Mesin, Pengaduk, Reaktor, Bioga

    Studi Pengaruh Metode L-AD dan SS-AD terhadap Produksi Biogas dari Limbah Sekam Padi

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    Abstrak – Proses biogas anaerobic digestion berdasarkan total padatannya terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu Liquid Anaerobic Digestion (L-AD) umumnya terjadi pada kondisi dengan konsentrasi solid antara 0,5% dan 15%. Sebaliknya, Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (SS-AD) terjadi pada konsentrasi padat lebih tinggi dari 15%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh produksi yield biogas dari limbah sekam padi dalam kondisi L-AD dan SS-AD. Variabel yang diamati dalam pengamatan yaitu yield biogas kumulatif. Skala laboratorium dari pencernaan anaerobik digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan dioperasikan dalam sistem batch pada suhu kamar. Rasio C/N yang ditetapkan sebesar 25oC. Jumlah total padatan (TS) bervariasi dari 5, 7, 9% untuk kondisi L-AD dan 19, 21, 23% untuk kondisi SS-AD. Karena kandungan lignin yang tinggi pada sekam padi maka dilakukan perlakuan pendahuluan kimia menggunakan natrium hidroksida (NaOH) untuk memecah struktur lignoselulosanya. Kemudian biogas yang dihasilkan diukur dengan menggunakan metode perpindahan air setiap dua hari selama 60 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pretreatment natrium hidroksida dapat meningkatkan produksi biogas baik pada kondisi L-AD maupun SS-AD. Didapatkan volume produktivitas tertinggi untuk sekam padi pada kondisi L-AD dengan rasio TS 7% dan pada kondisi SS-AD dengan rasio TS 19% masing-masing sebesar 793 dan 935,5 ml. Produksi biogas spesifik pada TS dari 5, 7, 9, 19, 21 dan 23% adalah 57; 56.64; 45.36; 24.62; 15.15; dan 12.45 ml/gr TS. Untuk hasil yield biogas kumulatif tertinggi didapatkan pada SS-AD dengan rasio TS 19% sedangkan kandungan TS lebih tinggi pada L-AD dengan rasio TS 7%. Hal tersebut karena kandungan TS yang lebih tinggi memilki efek minimal pada efisiensi TS dan penurunan dalam produksi biogas, sehingga kondisi L-AD lebih menguntungkan. Kata Kunci: Biogas, Sekam Padi, Konsentrasi Total Padatan (TS), Liquid Anaerobic Digestion (L-AD), Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (SS-AD) Abstract – The process of biogas anaerobic digestion based on its total solid is divided into 2 ie Liquid Anaerobic Digestion (L-AD) generally occurs in conditions with solid concentration between 0.5% and 15%. In contrast, Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (SS-AD) occurs at a solid concentration higher than 15%. This study aims to determine the effect of production of biogas yield from rice husk waste in the conditions of L-AD and SS-AD. The variables observed in the observation were cumulative biogas yield. The laboratory scale of anaerobic digestion was used in this study and operated in a batch system at room temperature. Estimated C / N ratio of 25oC. The total amount of solids (TS) varies from 5, 7, 9% for L-AD conditions and 19, 21, 23% for SS-AD conditions. Because of the high lignin content in rice husks, a chemical preliminary treatment using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used to break the lignocellulosic structure. Then the resulting biogas was measured using the method of water movement every two days for 60 days. The results showed that sodium hydroxide pretreatment can increase biogas production in both L-AD and SS-AD conditions. The highest productivity volume for rice husk was found in L-AD condition with TS ratio of 7% and SS-AD condition with TS 19% ratio of 793 and 935.5 ml, respectively. Specific biogas production on TS of 5, 7, 9, 19, 21 and 23% was 57; 56.64; 45.36; 24.62; 15.15; and 12.45 ml / g TS. The highest cumulative biogas yield was obtained in SS-AD with TS ratio of 19% while TS content was higher in L-AD with TS ratio of 7%. This is because the higher TS content has a minimal effect on TS efficiency and a decrease in biogas production, so the L-AD condition is more favorable. Keywords: Biogas, Rice husk, Concentration of Total Solids (TS), Liquid Anaerobic Digestion (L-AD), Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (SS-AD

    EU Agro Biogas Project

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    EU-AGRO-BIOGAS is a European Biogas initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants in Europe, to optimise biogas technology and processes and to improve the efficiency in all parts of the production chain from feedstock to biogas utilisation. Leading European research institutions and universities are cooperating with key industry partners in order to work towards a sustainable Europe. Fourteen partners from eight European countries are involved. EU-AGRO-BIOGAS aims at the development and optimisation of the entire value chain – to range from the production of raw materials, the production and refining of biogas to the utilisation of heat and electricity

    Dry anaerobic digestion of organic residues on-farm - a feasibility study

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    Objectives The feasibility study shall answer the following questions: Are there economical and ecological advantages of on-farm dry digestion biogas plants? How the construction and operation parameters of a dry digestion biogas plant influence environment, profit, and sustainability of on-farm biogas production? The aim of the feasibility study is to provide facts and figures for decision makers in Finland to support the development of the economically and environmentally most promising biogas technology on-farm. The results may encourage on-farm biogas plant manufacturers to develop and market dry anaerobic digestion technology as a complementary technology. This technology may be a competitive alternative for farms using a dry manure chain or even for stockless farms. Results Up to now farm scale dry digestion technology does not offer competitive advantages in biogas production compared to slurry based technology as far as only energy production is concerned. However, the results give an over-view of existing technical solutions of farm-scale dry digestion plants. The results also show that the ideal technical solution is not invented yet. This may be a challenge for farmers and entrepreneurs interested in planning and developing future dry digestion biogas plants on-farm. Development of new dry digestion prototype plants requires appropriate compensation for environmental benefits like closed energy and nutrient circles to improve the economy of biogas production. The prototype in JĂ€rna meets the objectives of the project since beside energy a new compost product from the solid fraction was generated. On the other hand the two-phase process consumes much energy and the investment costs are high (>2000 € m-3 reactor volume). Dry digestion on-farm offers the following advantages: Good process stability and reliability, no problems like foam or sedimentation, cheap modules for batch reactors, less reactor capacity, reduced transport costs due to reduced mass transfer in respect of the produced biogas quantity per mass unit, compost of solid digestion residues suitable as fertiliser also outside the farm gate, use of on-farm available technology for filling and discharging the reactor, less process energy for heating because of reduced reactor size, no process energy for stirring, reduced odour emissions, reduced nutrient run off during storage and distribution of residues because there is no liquid mass transfer, suitable for farms using deep litter systems. These advantages are compensated by following constraints: Up to 50% of digestion residues are needed as inoculation material (cattle manure does not need inoculation) requiring more reactor capacity and mixing facilities. Retention time of dry digestion is up to three times longer compared to wet digestion requiring more reactor capacity and more process energy, filling and discharging batch reactors is time and energy consuming. We conclude that only farm specific conditions may be in favour for dry digestion technology. Generally, four factors decide about the economy of biogas production on-farm: Income from waste disposal services, compensation for reduction of greenhouse gas emission, compensation for energy production and - most important for sustainable agriculture - nutrient recycling benefits. Evaluation of the results We did not find any refereed scientific paper that includes a documentation of an on-farm dry digestion biogas plant. It seems that we tried first. We also could not find any results about the biogas potential of oat husks, so we may have found these results first. Farm scale production of anaerobically treated solid manure for composting is new. Dry fermentation biogas plants offer the possibility to design solid manure compost by variation of fermentation process parameters. From different scientific publication databases we found about 10 000 references concerning biogas research during the past 10 years. Less than ten are dealing with biogas reactors for non-liquid substrates on-farm. Recent research mainly concentrates on basic research, biogas process research for communal waste, large-scale biogas plants, and research on laboratory level. This mirrors the fact, that production of research papers is rather financed than product development on site. Our conclusion is that it seems worldwide to be very difficult or even impossible to find financial support for on site research, especially for on-farm prototype biogas reactors. We suppose the following reasons for this fact: biogas plant research requires proficiency in many different scientific disciplines, lack of co-operation between engineering and life sciences, high development costs to transfer basic research results into practical technical solutions, low interest of researchers because on site and on-farm research enjoys low appreciation in terms of scientific credits, portability of farm specific design and process solutions is difficult. Our conclusion is that on site and on-farm research has to be supported by funding agencies if integration of biogas and bio energy into the farm organism is considered as an important target within the agricultural policy framework. Future research on both dry fermentation technique and biogas yield of solid organic residues may close present knowledge gaps. Prototype research may offer competitive alternatives to wet fermentation for farms using a solid manure chain and/or energy crops for biogas production. To encourage farmers and entrepreneurs to foster the development of dry fermentation technology support in terms of education and advisory services is also necessary

    Cooperation in manure-based biogas production networks: An agent-based modeling approach

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    Biogas production from manure has been proposed as a partial solution to energy and environmental concerns. However, manure markets face distortions caused by considerable unbalance between supply and demand and environmental regulations imposed for soil and water protection. Such market distortions influence the cooperation between animal farmers, biogas producers and arable land owners causing fluctuations in manure prices paid (or incurred) by animal farmers. This paper adopts an agent-based modeling approach to investigate the interactions between manure suppliers, i.e., animal farmers, and biogas producers in an industrial symbiosis case example consisting of 19 municipalities in the Overijssel region (eastern Netherlands). To find the manure price for successful cooperation schemes, we measure the impact of manure discharge cost, dimension and dispersion of animal farms, incentives provided by the government for bioenergy production, and the investment costs of biogas plants for different scales on the economic returns for both actor types and favorable market conditions. Findings show that manure exchange prices may vary between −3.33 €/t manure (i.e., animal farmer pays to biogas producer) and 7.03 €/t manure (i.e., biogas producer pays to animal farmer) and thanks to cooperation, actors can create a total economic value added between 3.73 €/t manure and 39.37 €/t manure. Hence, there are cases in which animal farmers can profitably be paid, but the presence of a supply surplus not met by demand provides an advantage to arable land owners and biogas producers in the price contracting phase in the current situation in the Netherlands
