1,165 research outputs found

    Who Could Best Complement a Team of Family Business Researchers—Scholars Down the Hall or in Another Building?

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    This study explores which fields might potentially collaborate in family business research. It compares 14 research fields for their structure of topical attention. The most convenient collaborations, such as those between entrepreneurship, family business, and strategy researchers, prove to be the most appropriate for some research purposes. However, less common collaborations, particularly with scholars from law, history, and anthropology, appear to be the most appropriate for other projects. Family and marital therapy prove to be a less promising collaborator than one might expect because of their strong skewing to familial rather than commercial topics. Correspondingly, entrepreneurship also proves to be an outlier field, skewed to the commercial rather than the familial, with surprisingly little in common with the topical interests of family business researchers

    Loopedia, a Database for Loop Integrals

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    Loopedia is a new database at loopedia.org for information on Feynman integrals, intended to provide both bibliographic information as well as results made available by the community. Its bibliometry is complementary to that of SPIRES or arXiv in the sense that it admits searching for integrals by graph-theoretical objects, e.g. its topology.Comment: 16 pages, lots of screenshot

    The Impacts of Bibliometrics Measurement in the Scientific Community A Statistical Analysis of Multiple Case Studies

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    In recent years, statistical methods such as bibliometrics have increasingly intensified to analyse books, articles, and other publications. Bibliometric methods, as techniques to measure the information distribution models, are frequently used in the field of information science and social research. The main purpose of this article is to offer scholars a general framework for the comparison between positive and negative aspects of bibliometrics, on the methods and tools used. Therefore, both the strengths and the critical points will be highlighted, to obtain a complete and detailed overview of the entire argument. In the methodological part, a bibliometric analysis will be applied to various case studies, such as with the Generalized Error Distribution, analysing and commenting on the data, and using the Bibliometrix software. The results suggest that in the future there will be greater consolidation of bibliometrics, as the introduction of increasingly advanced technologies will create new tools and methods characterized by a high degree of automation and speed

    A bibliometric study of scientific output in Tabriz University of Medical Science 1988-1996

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    A bibliometrics analysis was recruited to visualize the scientific output of faculty members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences for a period of eight years (1988-1996) .The subject fields surveyed are: Hygiene and Nutrition, Nursing and Midwifery, Medicine, Para medicine and Dentistry. The general purpose of study is :1- to determine whether academic status and prestige have any impact on the level of productivity, 2- to study the productivity within different fields of medical science.3- to determine the most productive area amongst the fields.4- to determine the least productive one. 5. To illustrate the trend of scientific output through out 1988-1996 in the university. The study illustrated that the number of publications during the period under study witnessed a sharp continuous growth, the study further showed that the population under study produced about 2166 scientific publications in the form of books(7%), periodical article (56%) and research reports (37%). 69.3% of researches were carried out by individual researcher; and the frequency of group research was only 30.7%. The majority of papers and research reports (93.3%) appeared in local journals and only 6.7% of them were published in international journals. The result showed that, those with a higher degree like PhD and postdoctoral qualification published and presented a lot more papers, compared to those who had lesser degree of qualifications. Observation from the analysis highlighted the following points: Medicine is the most productive area amongst the six subject fields (66.5) and Dentistry is the least productive one (1.5%). The number of publications showed a sharp increase during the period of study

    The Sustainable Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Global Analysis and Future Trends

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    Due to the process of globalization, companies are obligated to observe corporate social responsibility and best practices from a sustainability approach towards their stakeholders and society. The explicit aim is to determine the relevance of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its relationship with sustainability, in order to establish trends and future lines of research. The evolution of global research on this subject has been studied from 2001 to 2018. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis of 1832 articles has been applied, obtaining results of the scientific productivity of the journals, authors, institutions, and countries that contribute to this research. Evidence shows a growing interest in studying the relationship between socially responsible practices and the dimension of sustainability. The main category is Business, Management, and Accounting. The most productive journals are the Journal of Business Ethics and Sustainability. The authors with the most articles are GarcĂ­a-SĂĄnchez, Moneva, and Moratis, while Kolk is the most cited. The most prolific institution is the University of Salamanca. The United States is the country with the most publications and quotes. France and China are the countries with the largest number of international collaborations in their work. Global research has been on an upward trend with optimal publication rates in recent years

    Papernomics. Sciences as Games and Means of Censorship / Papernomics. Ciencias y juegos como medios de censura

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    Las revistas son bĂĄsicamente el Ășnico canal a travĂ©s del cual los cientĂ­ficos pueden dar a conocer el resultado de su investigaciĂłn a sus colegas. Las revistas cientĂ­ficas seleccionan la informaciĂłn que publican y garantizan su calidad por medio de un procedimiento de censura por pares de doble ciego. Si, por un lado, este procedimiento parece lĂłgico como mĂ©todo para incluir un estudio en un campo cientĂ­fico consolidado, tambiĂ©n es verdad que puede funcionar como mecanismo de censura. La idea de que los trabajos no incluidos en una publicaciĂłn estĂĄndar carecen a priori de prĂĄcticamente ningĂșn valor es la base de la carrera acadĂ©mica. Partiendo de este principio se ha construido entre los investigadores un sistema jerĂĄrquico de clasificaciĂłn. La base de este currĂ­culum cientĂ­fico es la mĂ©trica de la vanidad.Palabras claveRevistas cientĂ­ficas, currĂ­culum, censura. AbstractThe journals are basically the only channel through the scientists can make the result of their research known to their colleagues. Scientific journals select the information they publish and guarantee its quality by means of a double blind procedure of censorship by peers. If on the one hand this procedure seems logical as a method for including a study within a consolidated scientific field, it is also true that it can function as a mechanism for censorship. The idea that the works not included in a standard publication lack a priori of practically any value is the basis of the career of academic scholars. Starting with this principle, a hierarchical system of scientific ranking has been built among researchers. The basis of his scientific curriculum is the metric of vanity.Key WordsScientific journals, curriculum, censorship

    Research / Science / Development

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    As in other societal realms also in research, science, and development governments and parliaments increasingly have to legitimize their actions and want to base their future activities on informed decisions. Consequently, performance measures, benchmarking, comparative analysis, “foresight studies” are increasingly asked for. Ranking, ratings and evaluations are introduced throughout the system supposedly providing on the one hand the requested transparency and at the same time acting as stimuli to improve the performance. However, to date central questions relating to the underlying methodologies and indicators used are unanswered. These questions concern the availability and appropriateness of the data, indicator construction and methodologies on the one hand, tackle issues as how to deal with effects due to disciplinary, sectoral, regional or national differences, and concern the intended and unintended effects of the instruments used. In the contribution these issues are described and discussed in more detail. In Germany so far infrastructural deficiencies e.g. the fragmentation of research groups addressing those issues prevent adequately addressing the open research questions. Behind this background the two most important tasks identified are them the development of a decentralized data collection system enabling standard definitions and the development of a competitive research infrastructure.Science Indicators, R&D, Research Funding, Governance

    Bibliometric analysis of researches on street food

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    With this research, it is aimed to make a bibliometric analysis of the works published in the international literature between 1975-2021 on street food, which is thought to have an important role in the attractiveness and marketing of tourism destinations. Publications on street food were accessed via Web of Science (WOS) database on February 01, 2021, with two different keywords: "Street Food" and "Street Flavor". “VOSviewer” software was used to perform and visualize the bibliometric analysis of 189 academic publications. Researches made; publication years, publication types, institutions, authors, sources, countries, languages, citations and keywords. “Co-authorship and Co-occurence” techniques, which is a citation analysis technique of prominent documents, sources, authors, institutions and countries, were used in the analysis. According to the results of the analysis, the studies were mainly published in 2019, in the article type, in the United States, in English, in the journal Food Control, by Lisa Campbell, by the researchers at Universidade Do Porto, in the year of citations in 2019, and the keyword "Street Food". was found to be. When evaluated according to years, it is seen that the research on street food has increased in recent years
