14 research outputs found

    Toward an Ideal Model of Academic Buildup

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    在我国 ,以学科建设为根本和核心的高校内部改革正日渐深入。构建理想的学科建设模型 ,有助于提高在我国高校内部管理中扮演核心角色的学科建设的效益 ,提高我国高校内部管理的效益。本文试图从有关内涵入手 ,界定理想模型的理论假设前提 ,最后构建并分析理想的学科建设模型With the deepening of reform in the university, academic buildup, as its center of focus, is playing an increasingly important role in bringing about beneficial results in the university's internal management. Starting with some relevant connotation and a definition of hypothetical premises, an ideal model of academic buildup is attempted

    The New Role of Academic Disciplines in the Perspective of Discipline Construction in Chinese and American Universities: A Comparative Study

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    在世界各国 ,以学科建设为根本和核心的高等教育教学改革正日渐深入。诠释学科的内涵和功能 ,明确其在我国高校改革和发展中的地位和作用 ,对于我国高等学校稳步而高效地推进学科建设而言实属必要。试图从中美高校学科建设比较的视角重新界定学科的新角色 ,并提出我国学科建设的对策 ,从而能对我国高校学科建设有所裨益Reforms in higher education with academic discipline construction as its core are well under way the world over. Clarifying the connotation and the function of the various disciplines and defining their status and roles in the reforms and development of the universities in China are highly necessary in promoting discipline construction. A comparative perspective is adopted in redefining the new role of academic disciplines and a series of measures are proposed regarding discipline construction in institutions of higher learning in China

    Discussion on China’s Universities Implementing the Clerk System

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    随着大学内部管理科学化要求的提高,研究和建立符合大学管理人员自身特点和成长规律的管理制度已显得十分必要和迫切。正是在这一背景下,近年来,我国教育部与几所大学都努力探索与试行大学职员职级制。实践证明,职员职级制是一个能够较好地解决我国大学职员管理问题的职员管理制度。然而,由于职员职级制必须结合我国大学的实际情况,而且由于其仍处于试行和探索阶段,因此仍存在一些突出的问题。这些问题在一定程度上影响了我国大学管理效率和效益的提高,影响了我国大学综合实力和在世界大学中竞争能力的提高。因此,研究我国大学职员职级制试行过程中出现的各种问题,探索如何建立与完善我国大学的职员职级制,就显得尤为必要和迫切。本文通...Along with universities needing scientific inner management more and more,it is quite necessary and exigent to research and found a kind of management system which fits the characteristic and growing orderliness of universities managers. Under this background, ministry of education and several universities in China endeavor to search after and try the clerk system. Proved by practice,the clerk sys...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:高等教育科学研究所_高等教育学学号:20021700

    Effect of the trans - theoretical model of behavior based WeChat health education on self - management among patients with maintenance hemodialysis

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    目的 探讨基于行为转变的微信干预模式对维持性血液透析患者自我管理的研究效果.方法 选取60例维持性血液透析患者实施微信健康教育,健康教育方案是基于行为转变理论制订,包括血液透析专业知识、自我管理、科学饮食等方面内容.实施干预12周后,对患者的生化指标、自我管理水平及自我效能感得分进行干预前后比较.结果 干预后患者自我管理得分较干预前有显著提升,表现在情绪处理和自我护理方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).干预后患者的生化指标白蛋白、血钾、肌酐、尿素氮的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).患者的自我效能感提升.结论 基于行为转变理论的微信健康教育可以改善维持性血液透析患者的生化指标,提高自我管理水平,帮助患者了解血液透析知识以及提升自信心,为今后改善血液透析患者自我管理提供一种新的干预模式.Objective To explore the effect of WeChat intervention model based on the trans-theoretical model of behavior(TTMB) on self-management of maintenance hemodialysis patients.Methods Sixty cases of maintenance hemodialysis patients were given WeChat health education,and the health education program was based on TTMB,ineluding hemodialysis expertise,self-management,scientific diet and so on.After 12 weeks'intervention,the biochemical index,the self-management level and the self-efficacy score of patients were compared before and after intervention.Results The scores of self-management of patients after intervention were significantly higher than those before intervention,which were expressed in terms of emotional management and self-care,and the difference was statistically significant (P 〈 0.01).After the intervention,the biochemical indexes diffences of albumin,serum potassium,creatinine and urea nitrogen of patients were statistically significant (P 〈 0.01).The self-efficacy of patients were elevated.Conclusion The TTMB WeChat health education can improve the biochemical indexes and the level of self-management of maintenance hemodialysis patients,and it helps patients to understand hemodialysis knowledge as well as improve self-confident,to provide a new intervention model for improving self-management of hemodialysis patients in the future.国家自然科学基金(71403232


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    主成分分析(Principle component analysis, PCA)是处理高维数据的重要方法.近年来,基于各种范数的PCA模型得到广泛研究,用以提高PCA对噪声的鲁棒性.但是这些算法一方面没有考虑重建误差和投影数据描..


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    目的 测定三叶因子 1(TFF1)在正常及病理条件下胃黏膜中的表达情况 ,探讨TFF1在胃黏膜损伤修复及胃癌抑制中的作用及意义。方法 应用免疫组化方法测定正常及不同病理条件下胃黏膜中TFF1的表达情况 ,通过图像分析软件分析阳性信号平均吸光度值以了解其表达情况。结果 胃炎、胃溃疡及十二指肠球部溃疡患者TFF1表达明显高于正常胃黏膜 (0 .5 1± 0 .0 5 ,0 .5 1± 0 .0 6 ,0 .5 0± 0 .0 6比 0 .4 4± 0 .0 6 ;P值均 0 .0 5 )。结论 TFF1表达随黏膜损伤程度的加重而表达增强 ,提示其在胃黏膜保护及促进上皮重建机制中具有一定的作用。TFF1在癌旁组织中表达增强提示其可能与肿瘤抑制及分化机制有关 ,而在癌组织中表达减弱可能与其分泌减少有关


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    高校人力资源管理的核心是要解决职位与人之间的动态匹配关系 ,因此职位分析是人力资源管理的一基础职能 ,直接影响高校的竞争力。然而 ,在高校人力资源管理的实际操作中职位分析往往成为最容易被忽略的一个环节。究其原因 ,笔者认为 ,是在高校职位分析的实际操作中存在的一些问题导致了职位分析的价值难以实现。笔者试图对职位分析的重要性、问题及其对策作出分析 ,希望有所裨益


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    通过荧光染色对鸭瘟病毒(DPV)CY07株诱导的细胞凋亡进行了测定,并通过real-time PCR测定了其在鸭胚成纤维细胞上的增殖规律,探讨了DPV CY07诱导鸭瘟发生的机制。结果显示,DPV CY07株诱导鸭胚成纤维细胞凋亡的凋亡率于接毒后第12 h时达到峰值12.85%,对照毒株鸭瘟标准毒诱导的细胞凋亡在接毒后第8 h达到峰值10.57%。DPV CY07株的数量在接毒后第20 h开始急剧增加,至第24 h增幅为102.02;鸭瘟标准毒的数量在接毒后第16 h开始急剧增加,至第24 h增幅为10


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    Study of Electrochemistry of Aloe-emodin and Determination of It with 1.5th Order Derivative Anodic Stripping Voltammetry

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    研究了芦荟大黄素在以 0 .1mol/LHAc (pH 2 .89)为支持电解质 ,玻碳电极为工作电极的吸附伏安行为 .结果表明芦荟大黄素存在一个准可逆的双电子转移过程 ,其峰电流Ip 和峰电位Ep 与溶液 pH值有关 .同时还建立了用 1.5阶微分阳极溶出伏安法测定含量的新方法 .在 - 0 .80V(vs.SCE)电位下富集 ,可得一灵敏的微分阳极溶出峰 ,峰电位Ep 为 - 0 .38V ,峰电流Ip 与芦荟大黄素的浓度在 2 .0× 10 - 7~ 8.0× 10 - 6 mol/L范围内成线性关系 ,最低检出限为 1.0× 10 - 7mol/L .该法用于含有芦荟大黄素体系的测定 ,具有简便、快速、准确等优点In 0.1 mol/L HAc solution(pH=2.89),the voltammetric behaviours of aloe emodin at a glassy carbon electode has been studied. One pair of current peak of the voltammogram may be attributed to a quasireversible two electron transfer of aloe emodin molecules at the glassy carbon electrode. A new method, the derivative anodic stripping voltammetry, for aloe emodin determination is described. The adsorptive potential of aloe emodin is -0.80V(vs. SCE),while its stripping potential is -0.38V(vs.SCE). The peak current is propotional to the concentration of aloe emodin over the range of 2.0×10 -7 ~8.0×10 -6 mol/L. The method is simple, rapid and reliable for aloe emodin analysis.作者联系地址:福建医科大学药学系,福建医科大学药学系,福建医科大学药学系,福建医科大学药学系,福建医科大学药学系,福建医科大学药学系 福建福州350004 ,福建福州350004 ,福建福州350004 ,福建福州350004 ,福建福州350004 ,福建福州350004Author's Address: Dept. of Pharmaceutical, Fujian Medical Univ., Fuzhou 350004,Chin